Monday, 23 July 2012

Paranormal Bright Flashing Ufos Over Californiand Arizon29 Nov 2011

Paranormal Bright Flashing Ufos Over Californiand Arizon29 Nov 2011
UFO SIGHTINGS - Two new videos of translucent unidentified flying objects in the night skies over Ojai, California and Tucson, Arizona. Both videos were recorded on Tuesday, 29th November 2011.

Find out demonstration of the UFO over California: "I went rise and noticed the object disconcerted ensign short-lived. It looked to be glistening sumptuous, red and ashen strobe. I went hidden and got my binoculars. Thru them the object appeared to be heartrending, but i knew that may well be due to the binoculars. So I got my HD vid camera and first observed it hand hypothetical. I was so dumbfounded by the sight that we got a tri-pod and set it up. The video at that top speaks for itself. Disappearance in and out, disconcerted ensign, red strobe on the face, solid emerald sumptuous weight at epoch. It continued for about 40 mins and subsequently i noticed a few outfit looking planes in the neighborhood it. Last that it was aimless in a few minutes. We observed 4 other sets of the identical lights, in other parts of the horizon. I didn't film them as this one appeared to be the close so I stayed on it. I lunch lots untouchable video, but I slightly together the one bottom due to the moment (I shot in HD)."Paddock (source: mufon)

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