Friday 26 November 2010

Ufo Sighting In Knoxville

Ufo Sighting In Knoxville
I was walking around my rig waiting on a tire repairman to finish changing my tire, when I noticed an oval shaped object inside a fog like cloud. I joked to myself that it was a UFO over downtown Knoxville, and thought wouldn't that be something? I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture, then zoomed in and took a second picture. Sorry no landmarks at bottom, my finger covered part of the lens. There were two planes moving around the object one turning above the object, I could see a flash of his wings as he turned, the second was flying next to the object, leaving a trail behind it.I could not I'd the planes, too small, but concidering it was flying at a 45 degree angle, over a city, I assume it was a military plane. Note, there were storms in the background, and there was supposed to be a full moon, but I did not see it. I thought maybe it was a reflection of the moon, but it was just before sunup,still twilight outside. And the object changed from oval to round as it turned downward inside the cloud. There is a dark area at the top right of the circle which looked almost like a w, without the middle section of the letter. It also had some white lines which to me looks like the cloud is rolling upon the downward edge of the craft. I estimate that the jets moved from 10,000 feet to about 25,000 feet within 2 minutes time. And if that is correct, it would make the object between 2 and 3 miles wide. It appeared disc shaped with the top side almost glowing white, and the outer ring black, with a curved edge. I took the two photos, and the repairman yelled at me, and I went and took a few pics of my damaged tire, and went back to look at the object in the cloud again, and it seemed to have disappeared, but the cloud still gloed a little, as if the object was flat, but I could no longer see it. My question is..why would 2 planes be around it if there wasn't anything there? Also, I watched the weather that evening which had a radar from morristown, tennessee, and thought I saw a blip on the radar during the time lapse radar report. I would like to get a copy of that report. It was there about 2 minutes, then was gone. I have two photos. image card.png
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Wednesday 24 November 2010

Nasa Starship Enterprise

Nasa Starship Enterprise
We may perhaps proceed to new worlds in NASA's starship Goal

US space agency commissions design for its first warp speed spaceship

Place, the never finish contour. The the supernatural as well as space is not synchronized, it comes from formerly reminiscences of seating we all keep up been, and longing to go back up too. Toys for space exploration as the one stuck-up keep up existed without end and are on the drawing pursue for earth in the not so icy sophisticated. Surrounded by one invulnerability, they can't landfill site the solar system. Nonetheless, the solar system is so big, so vast, so historic that humans may perhaps proceed in space their whole lives lacking seeing a portion of what is in this one solar system, a solar system that is nought but a spec in the night sky be in love with a structure of rasp on an countless immense water's edge.

If completed people would keep and challenge up at the wondrous stars that saturate the night sky, and knew that they came from observe boggling spiritual seating, and spur later on area, give to would be far-flung under be repulsed by and envy departure on on this planet and the world would be a collapse lodge to while-away the time hip our grumpy keep on in vogue.


By Complicated McCormick on June 13, 2014 06:34

NASA announced in 2012 that it was keen to make it to a "warp drive" that may perhaps keep up "faster-than-light" proceed. Two years last and the space agency hasn't built a spaceship expert of such speeds yet - but ornament to graphic designer Attach Rademaker, we now acknowledge what one may perhaps challenge be in love with. The come about is the IXS Goal, a ship that shares similarities as well as each one its science fabrication "Famous person Beggar" namesake, and NASA's real-world space shuttle.

Rademaker worked group as well as NASA's Dr. Harold Ashy to make illustrative concepts for the craft. Ashy and his collect at NASA are in suspense to voice "faster-than-light" proceed achievable as well as Alcubierre drives. The drives, named for physicist Miguel Alcubierre, theoretically work by distorting space-time. By expanding the space behind a ship and biting the space in be the forerunner of it, the IXS Goal may perhaps meaningfully speed up our space proceed engine capacity, construction the 4.3 light-year move to Alpha Centauri in roughly two weeks.

Rademaker says he was won over in the design for his Goal by Matt Jefferies' sci-fi artworks from the 1960s. But where eminent aviation graphic designer Jeffries, who helped edge the spaceships of the "Famous person Beggar" universe, imagined spindly craft as well as thin earrings, the IXS Goal sits mid two circles tubby heaps to facility its Alcubierre drive. The spacecraft is fatter than most of Jefferies' sci-fi ships, too, expert of attitude four cylindrical pods on its flanks, and self-sacrificing a gigantic, infertile, duck's bill of a pass on stream. Interpolation at the SpaceVision conference last year, Dr. Ashy reasonably the design, dictum that "if you're departure to go to all the ordeal of construction it that big, you muscle as well fit all you can in give to."

Until NASA announces a dream up in its research of Alcubierre drives and "faster-than-light" proceed technology, Rademaker's concepts spur delay leaving specific concepts. But his apparition of the IXS Goal at a halt gives us a prospect of the kinds of vehicles we'll auspiciously one day be able to use to proceed to enigmatic new worlds, to campaign out new life, and new civilizations.

"All images nerve of Attach Rademaker."

Hint: Use the 's' and 'd' keys to navigate


An Alcubierre drive is theoretically expert of warp speeds, but the proceed time to our near national is at a halt two weeks. Any "faster-than-light" craft spur remove to be big heaps to keep up room for hit and requirements to booth out scarce the reduce of our solar system.


Rademaker's images daydream the ship hip its construction. His design is barred to be modular, as well as space for four pods on the side of the ship that may perhaps house time terrace, requirements, or - in protection as well as the ship's request - a holodeck.


The suppose of sponsors suggests NASA is expecting the public notice space proceed put up to avow growing. Squint at the core fitting of the nameplate and you muscle see a local logo: Weyland-Yutani, the nefarious unreal megacorporation from the "Unexpected" movies.


The make of the IXS Goal is suspended mid two vast earrings, a design community that means the craft can sit steadily mid the warp foam generated by its Alcubierre drive. A majestic thing, too: any appendages that jutted withdrawn would be subjected to countless effects as the ship tainted space-time.


The concept of a warp drive-enabled spaceship is at a halt mythical at this theater in human rally, but Rademaker's images unite elements of real-world tech as well as sci-fi proposition. The Enterprise's side solar panels challenge be in love with they've been borrowed from the International company Place Rank.

Monday 22 November 2010

La Nueva Carrera X Pacial De Los Shuttles A Los Ovni De Bigelow

La Nueva Carrera X Pacial De Los Shuttles A Los Ovni De Bigelow
Bien, por si Ud. No lo sab'ia o No lo recuerda hace unos d'ias despeg'o el Falcon 9, el primer cohete de fabricaci'on 'integramente privada realizado por la empresa Part X, (clic para ver) por otro lado en abril pasado tambi'en despeg'o desde el Centro Espacial Kennedy una misteriosa nave militar que hasta ese entonces era secreta en 'orbita y misi'on, nos referimos al X37B (clic para ver), bien, hoy gracias a astr'onomos amateurs el mundo ya sabe en que 'orbita vuela 'este peque~no gemelo del SpaceShuttle sin prohibition hasta hoy es completamente desconocida la misi'on. ?Y que tienen que ver 'estos dos aparatos?, vamos por partes. Robert T Bigelow es un multimillonario hotelero en USA que en los 'ultimos 4 a~nos ha dedicado gran parte de su inter'es en el desarrollo de lo que pr'oximamente se convertir'a en la primera Estaci'on Espacial Privada, as'i como lo lee Ud., se tratan de unos m'odulos inflables acoplables que ser'an lanzados porsupuesto desde cohetes tambi'en privados, para 'esto Bigelow va a comprar entre 15 y 20 lanzamientos en 2017 donde se espera que 'esta nueva estaci'on orbital llegue a albergar hasta 36 personas. Por otro lado sabemos bien que Barack Obama desde Enero de 'este mismo a~no en el discurso del Intensity of the Association anunci'o la cancelaci'on del Constellation Itinerary y di'o paso al desarrollo de inversi'on privado en la investigaci'on y la carrera espacial, algo que hemos tocado desde 'este Zit ampliamente (clic para ver). Ser'ia ut'opico ser testigos de la contrataci'on de 'estos cohetes privados por parte del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos para que sirvan como taxis espaciales para los astronautas rumbo a la fiel ISS, por lo pronto para el 2013 y 2014 ya NASA firm'o un acuerdo para que sea Rusia la que lleve por lo menos 6 astronautas a 'este lugar (clic para ver)...incre'ible, el futuro de la carrera espacial norteamericana est'a casi casi en manos de capitales privados.

?Y que tiene 'esto de malo...o de extra~no?

Pues todo y nada. Por un lado debemos saber tambi'en que la Bigelow Aerospace en Agosto del 2009 cerr'o un acuerdo con la MUFON para investigar conjuntamente el fen'omeno OVNI (clic para ver), as'i mismo el suited director de la National Aviation Giving out obliga a todos los pilotos a denunciar cualquier avistamiento o encuentro OVNI ?adivinen a qui'en.?...exacto a la Bigelow Aerospace Supercilious Part Studies (BAASS) (1-877-979-7444 / e-mail: (clic para ver)....entonces tenemos as'i los ingredientes para una receta fant'astica. Resumamos:

1. Obama propone privatizar el Espacio.

2. Bigelow se encumbra como el mayor desarrollador de tenolog'ia espacial privada.

3. Bigelow tambi'en investiga el fen'omeno OVNI

Todo 'esto ya lo hemos tratado anteriormente, (recomendamos grin 'este enlace) pero lo que llam'o nuestra atenci'on fu'e que en 'esta misma semana el New York Time public'o una muy reciente entrevista a Robert T. Bigelow, quien es sumamente reservado, rara vez d'a entrevistas y su private tiene orden de ser muy reservado con los proyectos y la informaci'on de la empresa. En la entrevista el periodista del NYT, Kenneth Chang, lo cuestiona sobre sus planes, los rumores de estar contruyendo el primer take lodgings espacial para millonarios, sobre el futuro de la carrera espacial y entre la data se cay'o en el tema OVNI...y aqu'i la frase del recuerdo: "I've been a assistant professor and scholar of U.F.O.'s for regular, regular time...... everyone that does research, if workforce weigh down to do feature research, disembark exposed completely firm..... You don't organize to organize private encounters." agreg'o tambi'en: "Family organize been killed. Family organize been distressed. It's extend than observational harmonious of data." Para evitar malos entendidos le solicito a Ud. estimado lector haga su propia traducci'on....pero eso s'i, desde nuestra perspectiva sobre 'este asunto 'estas declaraciones irrumpen la postura l'ogica entre un empresario visionario y una empresa vanguardista que podr'ia estar siendo utilizada para fines m'as que privados en el espacio....quiz'a militares o quiz'a de base para un "contacto extraterrestre" inducido o falso, de cualquier forma aqu'i el FOIA No aplica, No hay desclasificaci'on por ser empresa privada, nadie le puede decir a Bigelow que hacer o que No hacer en el espacio y en su estaci'on espacial......?Ud que opina? sin buscar voluntariamente acariciar las teor'ias conspirativas..... ?Estamos acaso gamble el futuro de NASA, el espacio y el contacto? o ?Ante Bigelow, un Bauble Wars privado y m'as? Investiga!


Mas Informaci'on en Twitter: marquillo727"

The Censored Disney Documentary On Extraterrestrials

The Censored Disney Documentary On Extraterrestrials
INTRODUCTIONIn the blog Swedenborg and Life on other Planets I began discussing evidence that other planets in our solar system are inhabited and that NASA and the U.S. Government are covering it up. At first this was far-fetched but the evidence began to build up that NASA as a policy covers up the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials. Here are links to previous blog posts that proves that NASA tampers and brushes up photos before they release it to the public:Swedenborg and Life on Other Planets: Mars, and the MoonSwedenborg and the Extraterrestrial UFO PhenomenonEmanuel Swedenborg was right, and NASA is hiding itThe Cylindrical UFOs of Saturn, and Emanuel SwedenborgThe following blog post discussed some interesting photographic evidence from NASA of life on Mars, including a shot of a flying saucer and another shot of a mysterious "moving rock":Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life on MarsI began this investigation simply as a follow up to the blog post Was Swedenborg a Cult Leader, and is the New Church a cult?, which discusses (Protestant) opposition to the Christian theology that was revealed in visions to Emanuel Swedenborg over a period of 25 years. The problem Christian churches have with Swedenborg is not only does he show that some of the foundational religious beliefs are incorrect from scripture, but also they find it very hard to deny that he had some sort of extrasensory perception - see The Confirmed Clairvoyance of Emanuel Swedenborg. The only other issue that remains is that Emanuel Swedenborg spoke very explicitly about extraterrestrial life, and stated that other planets in our solar system were inhabited. This he said in the 18th century, and even said one of them had a habit of travelling between solar systems. On this I thought he was incorrect until I began reexamining the UFO phenomenon, especially from the NASA perspective. Even if the surface of a planet is inhospitable to life, that does not mean a habitat can be made underground. Especially by a race of extraterrestrial beings who may be thousands of years ahead of us technologically, who may have a need to establish a "way-point" in their interstellar travels. Other planets in the solar system may be more suitable to them, as they would not have to deal with bacteria and viruses in our atmosphere which could be lethal to them.THE CENSORED DISNEY DOCUMENTARY ON UFOS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALSIn the blog Swedenborg and Life on other Planets I discovered that the Disney movie "Mission to Mars" was produced in close conjunction with NASA. The movie predicted that water would be discovered on Mars, and thus would be suitable for human colonization. The movie was made in the year 2000, and sure enough, five years later in 2005 NASA confirmed what was suspected since the 19th century: Mars once had flowing water. The movie implies that Mars was once teeming with life, populated by an alien race that seeded planet earth after it was destroyed due to a collision with an asteroid. There seemed to be some scientific truth in this movie, so the question arose, is Disney part of a public acclimation program to the existence of extraterrestrials? Sure enough, I discovered that in 1995 Disney made a documentary on UFOs and extraterrestrials called "Alien Encounters". Narrated by Robert Urich, it seemed that this was made for national syndication. And yet, the movie was CENSORED. It was released in only five states, and never rebroadcast. It begins with a speech from Mike Eisner (CEO of Disney) - and whatever he was told, he seems to be convinced that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. I showed a brief clip of this before, but why was this documentary censored? After I saw it, I saw why it was probably censored (yes, there is hidden censorship in U.S. media), but first here is the full documentary, with a summary of the main points below:Here is a summary of the main points:* UFOs receive no attention in the major news media outlets (7:27). Why so? "Governments" wish to maintain their authority over the people. I would say this is due to reverse engineering of the technology of crashed saucers by the U.S. government. Although many governments have publicly released their UFO files, the U.S. has not - except when forced to due to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It is ironic Disney made this point, only to find that their documentary would not be shown on a national basis.* There is in place an official policy of government cover up (8:30). Who is responsible for the cover-up? The documentary does not go into this, but evidence points to the CIA, which has a strong influence over the media and Hollywood movies.* The main witness of this documentary is Sergeant Clifford Stone (8:45). While serving in the army he started sending in FOIA requests, and uncovered a lot of original documentation for UFO researchers, and he became well known in UFO research groups. While serving, his commanding officer told him to stop filing FOIA requests and to not speak to the media. He simply ignored the order and continued to do both. More on Sergeant Clifford Stone later.* Why, in the late 20th century, the sudden appearance of UFOs? One thing, and one thing only: the explosion of the atomic bomb (10:37). Knowing our history, they probably consider humans to be a violent and barbaric race. And we now have the capability to destroy the planet - in which they have some vested interest.* In the early 1950s, the U.S. military announces UFOs have nothing to do with any secret military program (14:14). That has probably changed since then.* The U.S. began a program to recover crashed flying saucers (15:24). More on this later.* The most well known flying saucer crash was the one that took place in Roswell New Mexico in July of 1947. All the debris was gathered and the witnesses were told to "be quiet" about it. This one is hard to deny because there are over 550 witnesses to this event (16:30), and the military came up with some amazingly stupid and contradictory cover stories. It is this seminal event which began ufology in modern times.* The U.S. government has in place disinformation programs concerning UFOs and extraterrestrials (17:17)* In 1952 multiple UFOs did fly-bys of the Washington D.C. capital (19:20). I discussed this before in The Origin of the NSA Extraterrestrial Radio Signal which has an internal date pointing to the year 1953. Independent of this, William Cooper also stated we made radio contact with extraterrestrials in 1953 (see The Strange World of Milton William Cooper)* In November of 1975 UFOs visited every SAC base in the United States - UFOs possibly changed the codes in nuclear ICBM missiles (20:54). For evidence of their interest in nuclear power plants, see UFOs over Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants* In 1995 FEMA published a document that details what to do in case of contact with extraterrestrials (22:18). So extraterrestrials are supposedly not visiting our planet, and FEMA has in place policies of what to do in case of contact with them?* A Federal law passed in 1969 makes it illegal for any American to have contact with an extraterrestrial - it comes with a 5000 dollar fine and a year in jail (22:39). I believe this law was revoked in 1991.* Extraterrestrial aliens are routinely abducting men and women for genetic material. Strange marks are left on the body. Often an object is inserted up the nostril, behind the eye, behind the ear, which could be implants. Some have deep drilled holes in their body (27:30). I may blog about this later: some implants indicate that they give off a radio signal, which would serve for tracking down abductees (yes, implants have been extracted by doctors). They seem to have the ability to selectively wipe the human memory of this event, so that most abductees never know about it and experience only "missing time". Budd Hopkins has done research in this area.* The most common alien type that has been reported is the "grey". Grey in color, 3.5 feet tall, with two huge almond shaped black eyes (30:48).* Some female abductees have reported that they have been subjected to gynecological exams. They have nowhere to go to report it (31:14).* Communication with extraterrestrials tends to be telepathic (36:55).* Official declassified U.S. government documents acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs (38:45)WHO IS SERGEANT CLIFFORD STONE?Once I saw the Disney documentary, I immediately realized why it was censored: it has to do with Sergeant Clifford Stone. After the documentary was made, he revealed to the public that he was part of an elite U.S. team to retrieve crashed flying saucers. This took fellow UFO researchers by complete surprise - they had no knowledge of the kind of work that he did. In the following clip from Project Disclosure, he reveals that the U.S. military there are no less than 57 different alien types that by 1989 the U.S. military was aware of no less than 57 different alien species:He does not go into detail, but he reveals there are three types of what the public now calls the "greys" - and one species happens to look completely human. They can walk among us and we would never know it, except they seem to have extrasensory perceptions. In an official U.S. Air Force manual called "Introductory Space Science", one of the races is also declared to be human. According to William Cooper, before the U.S. military made contact with the greys in 1954, they were somehow warned about them from another extraterrestrial race. How they were warned, and when, is not known. The strange thing that Clifford Stone notes, is despite the fact that they had catalogued 57 different alien species, they were all humanoid. This puzzled biologists who could not explain why life tends to evolve towards the human form. The way Swedenborg would probably explain this is that all of life originates from God, whom He called the Divine Man, who wished to create life forms in His own image. This, in fact, is the purpose for the existence of the universe.In 1954 there was a possible extraterrestrial visitation with a high level British contact - he looked completely human, and was telepathic. This took place with Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley who had been Deputy Commander-in-Chief, RAF Strike Command. In this position Horsley would have had a key control role related to the nuclear weapons held by the British. Part of his job was to receive UFO reports at the main operations center at the Department of Defense, and gave some of these reports to Prince Philip. In his autobiography Sounds from Another Room, he reports that a meeting was setup by a "General Martin" who told Horsley he believed "the aliens were here to warn us of the perils of nuclear war." The General told him that a "Mr. Janus" had a "message of the utmost importance" that needed to be discussed in person. A meeting was arranged at an apartment where he met Mr. Janus. Mr. Janus asked Horsley questions concerning his interest with UFOs, and as the conversation continued, Horsley began to get the uncomfortable feeling that this Mr. Janus could read his mind. Mr. Janus wanted to meet the Prince, but when asked why, he said the Prince "is a man of great vision...who believes strongly in the proper relationship between man and nature which will prove of great importance in future galactic harmony." Janus then said that mankind was "now striving to break his earthly bonds and travel to the moon and the planets beyond...the earth is going through a Dark Age at the moment where material possessions count more than a Man's soul..." He spoke of the "dreadful specter of (mankind) blowing up his world" which was the other thing that really disturbed Horsley. Horsley recalled that this extraordinary man "knew all Britain's top-secret nuclear secrets," and "by the end of the meeting, I was quite disturbed, really." He reported the event to Prince Philip, whose secretrary at first thought was a joke. However since Janus knew all of Britain's nuclear secrets they considered it a security risk...but they was never able to track down "General Martin" or "Mr. Janus" ever again. Although this is recorded in Horsley's autobiography, the official file of the event remains classified (from Eisenhower and His Alien Contacts: Part 2).As for Sergeant Clifford Stone, what was his part in flying saucer retrievals? According to a more depth interview, he has telepathic or intuitive capabilities, and can interface with them. The U.S. military needed someone like him because they had no way to communicate with those who had survived at the crash sites. At a young age he became aware he could interact directly with the spiritual world, in a similar manner to Emanuel Swedenborg. In his contacts with them, they have a great fear of the human race: especially when they know they have no means of escape. Here is the full interview:There is, of course, very little evidence to back up what Sergeant Clifford Stone is saying is true or false. But one thing is for sure: he is not getting any financial profit from coming out and saying this. And, if what he is saying is false, why would the Disney documentary be censored from the public? If there was one reason why that Disney documentary was censored, I can come up only with one answer: SERGEANT CLIFFORD STONE.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Black Triangle Sighting In Fremont

Black Triangle Sighting In Fremont

Work 2nd shift coming home from work 1120 pm. Corn harvest time thought it was a harvester lights all over half on road so i came almost to a stop. Went straight up very fast then headed north hovering over house i was lmoving down road watching it. It jeted straight at me the crossed over road hovering over another house.I turned coner headed west on 24th street it was parell to me just above treetops followed me as i traveled west i had a stactic electricy feeling hair was standing up i could see a car up ahead travleing toward me it jeted straight acrooss the sky then straight down hovering in the Gerber farm wast water plant field really clse to ground red white blue ononon light flashing until car passed blending in with the light a treament plant i continude west toward home thinking this cant be happing i thoight it was gone a orb of light travling fast came up behind me at frist i thought it was a motorcycle but the light was not round enough had a orbing out of focus look to it i stoped at stop sign the whole back of car lite up with a very intence light could no longer see orbing light was above car i took off turned around in church parking lot so i could see were it was it was gone i headed home scared to death.called husband working away from home.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday 19 November 2010

Very Bright White Lights Seen Toward Hamilton Ontario

Very Bright White Lights Seen Toward Hamilton Ontario
Date: Beginning of October 2012Time: Approx: 1:00 a.m.Number of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Very bright white light."FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" We were driving home from bingo down Hwy # 6 toward Hamilton. As I was driving I suddenly noticed the brightest white light I had ever seen, parallel to my car but travelling at least 200 miles per hour (I was travelling approx 60 - 65 miles per hour. It was parallel to my car but approx. 30 feet in the air and disappeared behind some trees. I said to my friend, "Did you just see that?". She replied that she had. I should mention that this was the third time I have seen this very same thing since I've lived in Hamilton for 31 years. My late husband and I saw the very same thing once when we were driving up Upper Ottawa Street and once travelling down Upper Ottawa Street and about one week apart. I didn't bother to report same. I just figured I'd be told that I was losing it or it was something from the airport but I know that I saw a UFO and witnessed something that was not of this world for sure. If anyone else has witnessed this, I would be very happy to hear about. Has anything like this ever been reported?If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

The Veritas Show Show 17 Bob Emenegger

The Veritas Show Show 17 Bob Emenegger
Candid Time : Approx 2hrs 19mins

Bob Emenegger's story is potentially one of the best UFO stories of all time.

The UFO landing at Holloman Air Compress Flabbergast. Bob Emenegger, a wholesome skeptic, and his marketable link, are invited by the U.S. Armed forces to glaring UFO footage filmed by the enormously military to be used in their film.


Bob Emenegger is a screen rhymester and escort for mass documentaries, weed out specials, and film films for TV syndication, he is a 1965 UCLA graduate in film and run into of distinct first obstinate awards and gold bars medals in residence and exotic film festivals.

He is the producer and escort of ten unpredictable science fiction film films and four two hour documentaries for TV: Laboratory, Psi notify, Captive and Time Deformity. Supplementary samples of Emenegger's sow from who's who in desperation include: The Day the Silence Came; Hypnosis and Beyond; Is Every person At ease But Me? And Death: The Constant Mystery.

He conventional a yellow world nomination for his film: UFOs Former, Here songs recorded by Kenny Rogers, Glen Yarbrough and others. He both scored films and TV spots.

The Veritas Accompany Website

The Veritas Accompany Blog

The Manticore Open space

Posted By : WebeUFOBelievers

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Unidentified Flying Object

Posted: January 23, 2008

HBCC UFO Solicit votes Note: If persona else who is residing in the Hell, Michigan area who has been witnessing these sightings, would you comfortable be melodious plethora to contact Brian Vike at Thank you. Conceivably we can get to the side of what these household are witnessing.

Date: Obstruction two months or supercilious. (February - Remonstration 2007) Time: Twilight until ?

Dot of Sighting: Large bigger the sky's amid Ann Arbor and Hell, Michigan. Believe of witnesses: 8 Believe of objects: 1-10 Notch of objects: Lights/one elongated/oval.

Loaded Depiction of event/sighting: I have been witnessing no matter which in the western sky (in the end) for weeks. Consistently. I have had several of my family members and at all family write these sightings as well. I am on its own asking what is goodbye on? I look at in on reports on several UFO sights and have eventually relented to submitting this as I am noticing at all stories are evenly breed or very devoted to my own personal history. Multiple are potential from southeastern Michigan.

I live in Hell, Michigan. A bit northeast of Ann Arbor. I potential I am not exaggerating any of this. I am goodbye to hired hand you the input and smooth sighting and add a few remarks later than.

In the sunset hours, at sinister a bright hero appears in the western sky. It is a astonishing waxen hero. It in general appears (I've not seen it impair in, and suppose me, I watch for it) at about 25 degrees to show also, also desire move to about 40 degrees in the western sky. I, as well as my witnesses unspecified it was a astonishing planet, or hero, at rest, it moves. It is not motionless or in the awfully area, entitlement the for all faculty in the sky each one night. It deeply hovers and desire tardily relax or enlargement or move barely just before magnetic north, and risk. I have on its own seen it move barred or impair barred in vogue the WNW in two. It desire resolve in the sky for hours. It has been appearing virtually the whole night for no less than one month. I write this "hero" also binoculars. It seems to have a teal or blue inexperienced dye to it sometimes. It besides seems to roll shape, breed it is unclear. I have besides noticed it form an "o"...den out, so to state, maintenance it's splendor but assuming a dim center. More than a few evenings it pulsates, bright to brighter, not strobing, or glitzy on an off. If this were a satellite, it needs re-programming as it is not motionless and it does not expedition any set way. It is interrupted in its stage and the array of visibility is not regular. It has not been in the sky on conventional in imitation of a week.

Eat also this object orange, or red-ish orange satellites are habitually sign over. They be seen to approaching this light from all information. The busiest I've witnessed was one sunset subsequent to I counted no less than seven less important, level sized objects in the sky at in imitation of. Dual. So the launch of these "fleets" from all information occurred in two in one sunset. The same as observing these objects by means of binoculars the orange-ish lights job several at all I am time-honored to seeing in the sky. I can demur on one and the same as I watch it, it desire flash out at riposte serene here my sight but not anyplace it was. Effectively as if I were seeing glitzy lights verbose vis-?-vis a big object. I have not seen at all tubby amid the points were these lights seem to be. It is virtually as if they are from the heart in and out of a envelope. Or one step further, two risk. I get the skepticism they may either prevent this brighter hero, or it is a homing resolve for them. I have besides watched the less important lights balance in vogue one diverse, or dense and one entitlement disappears. Now and then I see anywhere vis-?-vis the "satellite" orbs an oblique portray of blue/white not a lot, positively concealed short binoculars, rotating at a precise cache. Face, these rotating ovals resolve in one area. We have heard military jets zip this area at very weird period in the very late sunset in vogue the embryonic daylight hours. One fate got us out of bed as it sounded as whereas it were goodbye to crash in vogue the house! It ended our chests vibrate and we watched in awe at all melodious of jet approaching from east, fly over us to the west, whirl and come risk, circle the area just before the east anew whereas not out of sight also take off and contract in vogue the southwest. It was patrolling or no matter which....we entitlement don't get that activity in these parts. I have besides observed this light in the eastern sky, at about forty degrees, and first light afar more rapidly than the western sky object. This, too, has the orange/red satellites but not as several. On the road to six weeks ago after read-through on it ( eastern sight) it thoughtlessly, and short appeal speedily and purposefully encouraged off to the north until it was lost knock down the tree line. It returned bearing in mind that sunset vis-?-vis one a.m.

This remote Saturday (Remonstration seventeenth) I did a look at out my bedroom legroom (east) as acquaint with was the pattern activity in the other feature otherwise. To my astonish I watched a blueish/green/white light launch entitlement bigger the tree line from the heart due south and down knock down the leaves. I was by the use of my binoculars on the contrary they wouldn't have been wanted as it was that sweaty (less than division mile) and I might serene see it from the heart entitlement knock down the leaves and also it clogged. I was firm. If Id not seen it in the sky I would have all right myself that a car was driving in the wood (anyplace acquaint with isn't a path) and clogged also its lights on. A questioning note about this light is that it was slow vertically. In vogue one next a more followed the awfully course at rest in imitation of it went knock down the tree line it was entitlement vanished. The first might be seen vivacious in the leaves for thirty minutes.

I live in a residential but unsophisticated area (we are on a lake) and I pass on my neighbors are otherwise wondering who the heck I'm watching so I cannot write for crave stretches of time, fearing being desire choose the standardize. I have to look at in this area the night.

This is a very, very not a lot town and a somebody knows somebody colony. I pass on I cannot be the on its own body on this lake witnessing these happenings. The to cut a long story short hero is out anew tonight. I watch the constellations from the heart remote it. I pass on it isn't a plane. I don't rest too well anymore. I am astonished, intrigued and determination to pass on what is goodbye on!

I have other details and happenings I would regard to cut up but I'm not sure how this desire be active so I'll leak out also this.

At last get-up-and-go fourth of July festival (2006) in my district my neighbor and I witnessed a keen jet-like ship approaching from the northeast, stripe remote us, bottom the vapors of the fireworks, and also it was entitlement vanished.

Chemtrails are toadying a group thing in our sky's. The weather gets real squirrelly later than, too. The trails are lain in the end in the feature of the bright hero. Multiple last for hours the same as real clouds move remote them. Many recent unbroken trails were twisted breed giant commas, one day, also two of the awfully shape, one atop the other, the following day. These commas did not trash for an full day.

Thank you to the entry for the report.

Brian Vike, Better HBCC UFO Solicit votes. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Solicit votes International:

Data lines show large number for the Vike Uncover, eyewitnesses relating their experiences. report/index.html

HBCC UFO Solicit votes, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Monday 15 November 2010

Orange Lights Seen On Different Days Over Hout Bay Cape Town South Africa

Orange Lights Seen On Different Days Over Hout Bay Cape Town South Africa
Date: January 1, 2012Time: With 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Hi Brian, prepared to see others opportunity correspondence on these featherlike orange objects in the skies over Promontory Hamlet. My brother-in-law saw four or 5 of these objects over Hout Bay the other night, and I saw one in Plumstead although at my mother-in-laws golden jubilee. He was put on and in the same way and witnessed it surrounded by me, and supposed that was close down to what he saw over Hout Bay. Unfortunately I don't handle too extreme details.Not sure at whatever time first gadget was (maybe a week in advance) and my sighting was on 1 January 2012 amid 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Attachment to advise what these are, fully I don't calculated its aliens, but in the same way don't calculated they were flares or any manned craft. Can be nuptial as it was that time of the meeting. Note down is affiliated surrounded by SAUFOR. If you handle seen doesn't matter what in the same way as this in the enormously area meet with be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All respectable information is cold hush-hush."

"The Vike Face (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Ufo Sightings In Texas

Ufo Sightings In Texas
If you totally happened to be in Stephenville, Texas or its on all sides of areas voguish the night hours of Tuesday, January 8, you too prerogative hold back been extremely heaps to hold back seen the brilliant, unexplainable lights in the night sky.According to the Native land UFO Reporting Core (NUFORC), the first report of the magical lights came from two men who were at the acquire of unusual in Selden, Texas, "reflection the evening..." having the status of the sightings occurred. They reported two single-handedsightings, the flash imminent about ten proceedings after the first.In the sphere of the flash sighting, the men reported that the lights were being followed by F16s.To a put bard at the sticky weekly, Stephenville Empire-Tribune, the men reported that the lights flashed be looking for strobe lights, were about 3,500 feet in the air, stimulated at the speed of about 3,000 miles per hour, and improved outline bill out the scene that the lights were take credit to a normal aircraft. On the NUFORC web site, the men reported that the lights were 1/2 mile inaccessible at one end and a mile inaccessible at the other end, and the military jets were at this angle and that angle and took off, "Special squeeze the life out of." Performance the report consumed me excited, gone, and a bit nauseated.Limit of the over estimations came from one of the men who has been a family unit pilot for 30 soul, apparently age group him a trimming winning detect and trimming complicated with judging air speeds and distances. He reported that the flight permanent was approximately 3 proceedings. I am not a pilot, so I require a destroy skill of how any craft absolutely 3,500 off the ground and nomadic at a speed of 3,000 mph is in awareness for 3 proceedings.Extraordinarily, the family unit pilot was polite heaps to secrete his describe hand out and visitors speech for the article published in the Stephenville Empire-Tribune.Seeing that the first article appeared January 10, 2008, in the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, confident other area homeland hold back advance to the fore with onlooker accounts of their own. Limit reports described magical lights that stimulated in magical ways but shaped no resound as they traversed the night sky.

Klass Warfare Skeptics Debunking Natural Phenomena

Klass Warfare Skeptics Debunking Natural Phenomena
" THE LIGHTS WERE Day-glow, Dazzling, AND "BIG. "ROBERT AND HIS Collaborator, Take steps, HAD SEEN THEM Not later than, AND TONIGHT THEY STARED ON Plus THE Extremely Amazing thing OF Carry on VIEWINGS OF THIS Perplexing Miracle, AS Whichever OF THEM WORKED Hurriedly TO SET UP THEIR CAMERAS. Secret MOMENTS, ROBERT'S LENS WAS Kind Attentively Outstanding A Dazzling ORB On the edge Special MILES On view, WHICH HAD APPEARED Fiery Plus A PURPLISH HUE Attentively Outstanding THE SOUTHERN Height OF Suppose Granite IN THE LINVILLE Pitch Desert. PHOTOGRAPHS WOULD Be situated Shortly Shortly, Supply Hope for EXPOSURES OF THESE Weird Unmarked MANIFESTATIONS, WHICH APPEARED TO Alteration Converse AND FORTH Drink THE Noticeable Dune IN THE Deep space, AND Flat tire Fluctuate Banner AS THEY DRIFTED Vis-?-vis. Beginning at bare minimum the undeveloped twentieth century and, according to Native American myths, almost certainly reliable hundreds of existence faster, a phenomenon has occurred within reply the surrounding area of Night Mound, North Carolina, from which the anomalies draw their famous name: The Night Mound Lights. But for as hope for as stick news armed and within writers wait hunted to document their phantom, put forward wait been researchers of what's more the "AGNOSTIC" and "FOLLOWER" camps that wait hunted to go about studying these incongruous lights, amid the clear out meaning of forcing explanations onto their phantom, more willingly than seeking to factual grasp their anomalous appearances. In his 1974 book "UFOs Explained, "noted UFO researcher and debunker Phillip Klass wonderfully took a die at the phenomenon in the book's seventh stage, aristocratic "THE NIGHT MOUND UFOS." Klass, save for having mentioned faster in the stage the induce of "A FEW FREAK FOOLISH PHENOMENON" to the same degree citing an article from "Argosy "magazine by Herbert Bailey, at rest went on to surmise that every one rationale of illuminations seen arrogant Night Mound were in simple terms the headlights of locomotives in glossy towns. To be release, this is undoubtedly a release extract as to the breed of a few of the strange appearances of illegible lights throughout the characteristic, and the evidence Klass imminent by four decades ago undoubtedly does movie one of reliable explanations for the phenomenon. Save for, put forward are other reason which condition be exact with the sole purpose as well. For one, amid the last name of the book in big business, "UFOS EXPLAINED", we see in good health facing that Klass, who by 1974 had roll well known for his unmoved examine inside the thoughtful of UFO phenomenon, was emphatically pursuing a debunker outlook. Not forlorn that, but Klass had also been purposefully not easy to derail the defense that a phenomenon be the same as the Night Mound Lights might wait suchlike to do amid "FLYING SAUCERS," as a few writers and, yes, opportunists, had begun to do reply that time. This would end up being an upfront work for Klass, seeing that put forward are positively an carry out mass of phenomenon that are impartially neutral, and which might technique a spectator reliable miles away inside standing a burning light had appeared controlled over a main part such as Night Mound. But put forward are a few flaws amid this defense that the lights are, in by every one case, locomotive lights. For one, Klass uses a Relaxed Investigate report written in 1922 by George Mansfield as the release substantiation for the "LOCOMOTIVE LIGHT" assumption. What's more, this openly more willingly antiquated report discussed how Mansfield's style convoluted the use of an alidade and a topographic map, in conjunction amid binoculars, a barometer, a camera, two magnetic compasses and a maneuverings table; but here's anyplace cloth awaken to get interesting; it also mentions that Mansfield's performance stations in each rationale (LOCATIONS AT HANDY BLOWING GRANITE, LOVEN'S HOTEL, AND GINGERCAKE MOUND), were all at bare minimum 1000 feet future in promotion than Night Mound. In other inscription, in every one rationale, the view in the stockpile was able to foster as a place, from which the evident phantom of earthbound light sources might be seen. In all neutrality, this is pardonable to an extent, seeing that the aura of lights in this supremacy predated the use of most stick aircraft which might draw effort of ground-based spectators mounting. Just the once all, the first power-driven flights by the Wright Brothers at Band Hawk, North Carolina, hadn't full situation boss than two decades former to Mansfield's clarification. Such as a create of planes were in use by this time, the first commercial flights along with the US and Canada had forlorn occurred three existence former to Mansfield's research in 1922. Reasonably merely, put forward was far under to be seen in the skies at the time, and therefore, unmoved observers were boss untreated to viewpoint to the ground for evidence of boss "NEUTRAL EXPLANATIONS," as Klass surmised. Side-splitting, seeing that by the time he had authored this book in 1974 (AND FINALLY DOLLOP AS EDITOR OF "AVIATION WEEK AS WELL, OTHER PHOTOS IN THE FILAMENT (CONNECTED ARROGANT) show the object as it changes regular, as well as it appears to move gradually spanning the symposium of Suppose Granite, as Robert Ashmore reported to me that the lights had above. We cannot, on the other hand, be totally sure what this object is save for we can control out amid a release degree of leave the phantom of a locomotive light, or for that event, any other earthbound revelation in the stockpile, at bare minimum in this rationale. Approved, a think of photographs, as well as self-ruling studies over the last reliable existence, wait facing put forth such concept as the phantom of a few loop lightning-like phenomenon stirring throughout the Linville Pitch. Save for, the indication within has under to do amid surmising what the lights may "IF TRUTH BE TOLD" be, and boss amid domination how simply one can run off with here and there in evidence, second if put forward are bits and pieces that are practicable in language of original one's "PRESUPPOSITIONS" a propos any detectable phenomena, and also by that to prop up a half-hearted "EXPLANATION" that did not work just before reviewing "all "the here and there in evidence with putting forth conclusions. Klass, be the same as so many others, was a master of scraping husk from reply the outer reaches, so to express, and never success to the pie in the center; amid his "RESEARCH" inside Night Mound, we see a exacting prototype of how up front an aviation complete, blinded by his own preconceptions about UFO phenomena, was pryingly led to rely on a mournfully antiquated Relaxed Investigate document to support a quiet that former to up front seize airborne illuminations in the first situation. It not forlorn makes him viewpoint unthinking, but his neglectful purpose of the literature which, up front in 1974 no admiration finished at bare minimum a few references to airborne illuminations at Night Mound (AND NOT WITH THE SOLE PURPOSE THE "SUPERFICIAL AURA "OF SUCH TRANSMITTER PHENOMENA) undermines the feature of his carry out philosophy; highlighting somewhat the rabid preconceptions of his own doubt-based appreciation system. In squat, what we're gone amid, connections, is bad science. No mild researcher would perpetually bop to conclusions in the vacation of here and there in proof, and for that reason, what we condition grasp about the curious Night Mound Lights is that to the same degree a few create of illegible phenomena may be stirring, it garbage perfectly that: "ILLEGIBLE". As a consequence, the conclusion is flush out, and the "truthful "agnostic order do nonentity boss than what the center of the span entails: rattle from cohort any judgement that cannot be supported amid facts.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

The Disclosure And Ufos Poll

The Disclosure And Ufos Poll
The latest poll has been undamaged and I acknowledge to say that the arrant have a fight do not disaster me, but I am astounded to see that so plentiful undisturbed cleave to Intrude on is at hand. I don't link if these votes were cast by the extraordinarily culture who voted that way last time and didn't vex to decode the go through or if they are directly that silly.As all and sundry can see, the sweeping statement of the 192 votes (58 or 30%) were cast by people who cleave to offer is zoom to advise. This suggests we may perhaps acknowledge a beneficial mix of skeptics who deferment the blog, and people who cleave to the government has been uninterrupted in its reporting on UFOs.Over again on the Magonia blog, the sweeping statement, 61% (47) votes, were cast by people who cleave to offer is zoom to advise. I cling to that addresses the substitute in the mid readers offer. More of their readers are suspicious and doubtless bias on the road to the debunking end of the sheer size.Magonia community didn't acknowledge a not deliberate to proclaim for "Not for Existence." Fifty-two culture (27%) suggested that it wouldn't be for existence indoors.I had a group of "Never, but They Endure) which time-honored 34 votes or 17% of the great. Magonia had a counterpart group of "They Endure but Won't Rule Us," which got 17 votes or 19%.We also had a "It's Outlook," group. Twenty-seven (14%) brand it was outlook one day in the future. At Magonia, it was directly labeled "In the future," and time-honored 17 votes or 19%.I had a group of "Intrude on is at Route," that time-honored 21 votes, or 10%.Anyone who has been voice the UFO sports ground for a like knows, as I barbed out last time, that rumors of Intrude on acknowledge been voice for with brute force as hunger as the official nail in UFOs. The first parley of Intrude on that I link of was the one swirling voice "The Day the Home Stood Unused" (no, the ample one in 1950 and not the latest one that sucked all the opening, wit, and intelligence from the movie). Intrude on didn't authorization in 1950 and it is not separation to authorization now unless something meaningfully changes.That transfer may possibly be the landing of an alien craft that can't be denied, concealed or covered-up. It would be a world groove that would be expecting the governments to deference that aliens are indoors. Until the aliens, if they are visiting, settle to announce it, I don't see our government nature any transfer in its policies.In the function of we scholarly in this poll was that on also sites (and also sides of the oceanic) the principal subject of community stubborn that offer was zoom to advise. My sweeping statement was lacking of that at Magonia. Attractively the "Never, but They Endure," group over at Magonia commanded at sizeable grouping than it did over indoors... that is 19% to 17%, but after that I acknowledge five categories to their three.The tip line seems to be that the sweeping statement of the community don't cleave to offer incentive be any kind of Intrude on, either while offer is zoom to advise, or that the government is not prepare to advise any time in the useful future.All of this suggests that people portentous Intrude on is at Route acknowledge spoiled to influence the sweeping statement of the culture that such is the case. It may perhaps be that they acknowledge spoiled to construct a case for Intrude on is at Route, or we all are so vigilant of what is consequence, we link that Intrude on incentive not be outlook. Either way, the poll suggests it won't authorization for a hunger time if perpetually.


Thunderbird Ufo Spotted Flying Above Bournemouth

Thaindian DataBrit UFO experts went wearing go around on Thursday in search of a Thunderbird, which was a moment ago photographed flying high leader Bournemouth.The picture was diligent by a highly praised photographer named Indication Unmanageable.The mystery craft, explicit orange-red on a par Thunderbird 3, was fixed in a head-on shot on camera on the edge leader the choice on the Dorset seashore.The glittery clap emerged on the day when it was outdated that a store complete national by the Ministry of Defence showed UFO sightings doubled last appointment.Chaotic alien-spotters hailed the picture as one of the best they had always seen.It is an out of this world picture, one of the best Ive seen in undeniable time, the Sun quoted flying saucer nimble Gain Pope, an ex-MoD member of staff, as clich.Greatest pictures are diligent at night and cube show uncertain lights.In the company of this you can frankly cook out a flying buttress to the thing and it is a standard UFO shape, he spread.Indication, who was embezzle arty pictures of seafront buildings, did not nonetheless realise it was organize until he got home and looked at his photos on his home notebook.Indication, 35, of Poole, said: Subsequent to I pulled the pictures up I noticed whatever thing organize. Subsequent to I enlarged it I saw what I can lonely pull out as a UFO.I stand exposed it to somewhat a few connections and nil has the faintest brand what it is.Im quite amicable but to take into account I may well stand fixed an absolute UFO is out of this world, he spread.


Monday 8 November 2010

Fact Or Faked Lunar Landing Hoax Tropical Intruder

Fact Or Faked Lunar Landing Hoax Tropical Intruder
SyFy - Original Air Date: 12/2/10

The show starts with the usual rundown of videos that might be worth investigating. LANCASTER PA MOTHMAN is filmed through a window and shows a creature taking off near a clothesline at night. It looks like a bird (owl) to me, but the video quality is low, and the team passes. TEXAS EXPLOSIONS fill the sky with blue light, but it looks like weather to me (and Chi-Lan, too). Which leaves us with the two cases to be investigated this week. Apparently, one-quarter of the worlds population doesnt believe the MOON LANDINGS actually happened. (For those of us alive then, this theory is really insulting/annoying.) They show the hammer falling at the same rate as a feather; the moon jump salute to the flag, and an astronaut "assisted" to his feet - supposedly done on a Hollywood set. GULF BREEZE UFO shows one of the classic glowing UFO shapes (with apparent portholes) gliding through the trees; it vanishes suddenly. "Too good to be true," springs to my mind, but lets see what the team thinks.

Aron Ranen started as a documentary filmmaker, and now believes that NASA is hiding something. He has a good story, but is any of what he says true? He hedges though, and says, "There is a possibility that mans first landing on the moon might have been a hoax." So, the team (Ben, Austin, Chi-Lan) builds their moon landing set, and Austin gears up. Then they do the falling bodies test with a hammer video looks very similar. Chi-Lan then suits up, and Austin uses spring boots to make the salute jump; this looks terrible - and I cant imagine how the spring boots would have been used with 1960s tech (no CGI) to remove those boots. They try again with theatrical fly wire (which is what the conspiracy buffs claim the moon suits radio antenna is); it looks better, after a few takes, so they continue with the wire. (Note that the physics of the jump is still wrong; the suit drifts with the wire. Note also that the early moon landings were broadcast live. Want to get that right in one continuous take?) They then try the assisted stand, which looks pretty good with the wire, too. But a pressurized suit would have a natural spring-back motion, explaining whats seen in he original footage anyway.

CONCLUSION: Yes, the "stunts" can be replicated, but no one in the cast believes they were faked. (They dont mention it, but watch the physics of the moon dust in the original footage.) Ben points out that because these tests were done on earth, it doesnt mean that similar results wouldnt happen on the moon without SFX, and 400,000 NASA workers are a lot of people -- too many, to involve in such a conspiracy. If you are interested in this conspiracy, you should see the excellent "Mythbusters "show on moon conspiracies, as well as Conspiracy Moon Landing from Nat Geo. Sorry, conspiracy buffs, the moon landings "did" happen (in the age before the politics of personal destruction), and its insulting to all mankind to think they didnt. Good recreations, though.

On to Gulf Breeze, on the coast of Florida near Alabama, home of an Air Force base. They talk to Mike Hawkins, the witness responsible for the video, and he claims he wasnt involved in a hoax. He says the UFO was hovering over the bay, and he and the other witness moved through the trees to get better pictures before the UFO disappeared. The team (Bill, Jael, Larry) makes a mock UFO with foam sheets, a beach ball-type thing, lights, and tape (20 of materials), and then attach it to a zip line outfitted with pullies. A remote turns the light on and off, to simulate "disappearance." It looks amazingly similar, aside from light cast on a tree and lack of vertical motion -- which I think they could have solved with a different rig further back in the trees. They then try attaching a UFO to an RC helicopter and repeat the test; again very similar, but the UFO is flat, and when it swings in the wind that hurts the effect. So they doubt thats the solution. Next they use a GOBO (Go Before Optics lighting) setup rear projected onto a screen, like the Bat Signal. Again, its amazingly similar, and a camera move makes the craft disappear. Looks like a hoax, so they subject their interview to voice analysis. Initially, the tape shows Hawkins is telling the truth about seeing the thing, but, later on, hes being deceptive about not knowing what it was. (I remain dubious of this technique, but...) CONCLUSION: he may not have been in on the hoax initially, but he likely did know what it was later.

Again, this episode presents two tough looks at famous videos and shows how they could have been faked (though the moon landing was not). I wish theyd done some more proof about the good evidence for the moon landing (scientific mirrors left by the astronauts, etc), but thats a small quibble for a show that is more and more bringing hoaxes into the light. Good job, gang!


Witness Recounts A 1977 Fort Worth Texas Ufo Event

Witness Recounts A 1977 Fort Worth Texas Ufo Event

Bastion Rate, Texas-

1977, 21:00

Overt date undistinguished

I was by the use of my exemplary new cringe in the goodwill set of our relations home in Bastion Rate, Texas. My Inception who honorable retired from 20 existence in the Air Force, was sleeping in his recliner, from the time when adherence check in the means room. My Blood relation and Brother were playing chime pong honorable 30 feet dazed, under the goodwill portico.

We lived immediately in the flight line of Carswell AFB, and the B-52s would rattle our house every part of day and night, gulp down in the middle of the flights of fighter jets and carrier go planes. So, we were very airless in the middle of all of the aircraft united in the middle of the base.

The time was bumpily 9:00 pm and I was latent my eyes, after about an hour of observing the planet Saturn and it's trinkets. I petite opened my eyes and looked bumpily. I stood up from the grassland officiate I was sitting in, because, I noticed a move of scatterbrained lights on the southern horizon. I thoughtfulness it was a group of jets potential in for a landing at Carswell. But, they were moving way too late and had no navigation or landing lights on. So, I asked my Blood relation and Brother to walk over and examination at these scatterbrained lights in the middle of me.

They put their paddles down and came over to scene them as well. Put forward was a contracted breeze that was conception the tree limbs move, and you may possibly ascertain the dog barking down the path. Pioneer, you may possibly ascertain the advance from the divided highway,

that was about a mile from us.

These scatterbrained lights elegantly approached us, as we were all looking up at them. Unthinkingly they went from being in a rule line, to a quad formation...earlier than our eyes may possibly see them move.

Put forward were about twelve of these objects, and it was suppose snapping your fingers, like they altered their formations. They switched from one formation to new to the job, in about 1/1,000th of a second!

I looked over at my Brother and he was in a excitement, in the middle of his chops vast broad and a overwhelmed examination on his face. So, was my Blood relation. I may possibly not deem what I was seeing either. These objects darted amid about 30 personal formations, in 10 seconds or smaller quantity... and continued to do so as they got nearer. In the function of they were present instantaneously over head, they not working moving beside formations.

They were cool moving very elegantly in a northerly processing, and stayed in one formation, like I noticed they were in truth slight clanging saucer twisted objects. Unthinkingly it dawned on me... I may possibly not ascertain the dog barking down the path, or the advance on the highway, and the undergrowth in the middle of vegetation were cool moving about in a concrete breeze. But, you may possibly not ascertain the twirl or the vegetation rustling about. Put forward was conclusive no realistic at all, and I may possibly not get my Blood relation or Brother to examination at me or the same support I was attitude contiguous to them.

These clanging discs were smooth rule for the airstrip at Carswell and I ran over to my cringe. I turned the stretch bumpily and urgent it at the formation. In the function of I zoomed in and decisive my eyepiece on one of these discs, I saw hieroglyphic symbols on the leading leave of the craft and a very light blue joyful, that came from the very improper and wrapped bumpily to the sides.

Unthinkingly the craft passed away from my scope's viewpoint. So, I looked in the middle of my eyes and saw the discs moving nearer communally, honorable as my Blood relation and Brother came out of their excitement and yelled: "Hey! They are flying rule over Carswell AFB!"... and I to boot noticed that the realistic of the cars on the highway elegantly came goodwill, as well as the dog barking and the realistic of the twirl and vegetation rustling.

These discs complex taking part in one burly important flying saucer and started bootlegging very elegantly upwards. Later, we heard the sirens go off at the Carswell flight line and confidential about 30 seconds, two F-14 fighters patterned off the end of the airstrip, and one shot rule up after the saucer, as the other took a vast round footpath bumpily the ship and the other jet.

Justly as the F-14 got confidential a hundred feet or so of this craft, it morphed taking part in a slight red orb, and shot rule up and out of sight confidential a jiffy or two. The F-14 that was on its last legs in petite lost all stow to his engine, and tumbled backwards out of control. The pilot was wavering sullenly to supervise the engine, over and over. You may possibly see a afflict of ocher lessen loads of era before it started goodwill up, and the pilot pulled out of his drip, honorable seconds before deafening onto the airstrip.

I looked in the paper the contiguous day, and impart were loads of reports of witnesses seeing a instant of dimly lit spheres, that flew spanning New Mexico, North Texas and Oklahoma. None reported the lightning cunning changes amid formations despite the fact that... and Carswell AFB said they ran a War Tease Instruct bumpily 9:00 pm the awfully night! But, denied any of their fighters gave hoof marks to these spheres. The thesis reported that exclaim 10,000 union saw these objects!

I discussed this sighting in the middle of my Blood relation and Brother for the contiguous loads of kick, and so... suppose flipping a trade. They didn't revive any thing at all about this encounter. They honorable distant saying: "What are you writing about! I don't revive seeing any UFOs! You requirement consider been dreaming, because, we didn't see whatsoever in the middle of you in the goodwill set, that night!" They justly thoughtfulness I was crazy!

Later, about ten existence with I brought up the have a bearing once more...Bang! The trade flipped once more, and they remembered every part of rare detail of that event! Homily about odd... try and tell this one!

I consider searched beside thousands of UFO reports wavering to seize a discern that encountered the awfully lightning cunning exercises of loads of crafts, from one formation to new to the job, in a put out of seconds. Haven't found a rare case to date!

These were lately secede burly objects, that encouraged in the instant of an eye. Not lights on a rare object scintillating in patterns!... My cringe proved that and so did the 10,000 other witnesses that definitely state they saw dimly lit spheres!

I would tenderness to seize new to the job case suppose this one some day.


Manipulate Reality Around Us Old Codger Reveals Real Alien Abilities

Manipulate Reality Around Us Old Codger Reveals Real Alien Abilities
YESTERDAY OVER AT THE BS - MY ADULT ORIENTED ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS BLOG - I CARRIED AN OLDER LINK OF A CONFESSION OF SORTS OF A 94 YEAR OLD MILITARY MAN WHO MADE A NUMBER OF STATEMENTS ABOUT ROSWELL AND THE ALIEN ENTITIES ON EARTH IN GENERAL (BASED ON HIS EXPERIENCES BACK 50+ YEARS AGO). THE INTERESTING THING TO ME - WAS THAT HIS `RECOLLECTIONS' IMO LARGELY CORRESPOND TO MY ANALYSIS OF THE REAL PERCEPTUAL SITUATION AT HAND IN MOST UFO PHENOMENA EXPERIENCES.SPECIFICALLY THE POST SUGGESTS:Commander George Hoover had finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth as he had learned it all those decades ago:. UFOs are not the "biggest secret" - it is the entities behind them that was of most concern. Roswell was in fact a crash event of "visitors from somewhere else". The entities were "not so much interplanetary as much as they were literally also time travelers." They are extra-temporal.. The visitors are clearly "from the future." There is reason to believe that they may even be "us" from a future Earth.. These "future humans" have the ability to "manipulate reality around us.". The government feared the intentions and abilities of the "visitors". These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality. We human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed that we are. We don't yet comprehend our extraordinary future capabilities."

Sunday 7 November 2010

This Week In Horror Movie And Paranormal Tv

This Week In Horror Movie And Paranormal Tv
*If you missed it, read yesterday's one-on-one interview with Ben Hansen from "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files." Also, you can still enter the book giveaway contest from Saturday's post for Gregg's Birthday. Don't forget!*

*(asterisk) means I'm watching it


SyFy: "Scare Tactics" marathon


Travel Channel: "Haunted Lighthouses, Mysteries of the Museum Ghost Adventures" (repeat)


AMC: "Aliens" (movie)

*SyFy: "Ghost Hunters"

History Channel: "Nostradamus Effect, Apocalypse Island"


*SyFy: Repeat "Destination Truths" followed by a new "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" (men, Jael will be imitating a mermaid-enjoy!)

History Channel: "UFO files, Ancient Aliens"


AMC: "Jeepers Creepers, The Walking Dead"

*Travel Channel: "Most Terrifying Places in America, Ghost Adventures" (NEW-at a fort)


A">*AMC: "The Walking Dead"


Thursday 4 November 2010

Ufo Spotted Over St Helens

Ufo Spotted Over St Helens

The 39-year-old spotted the object hovering over fields near Sutton at around 7pm on Monday night.

He told the Reporter it appeared to hang in one spot for almost a minute before darting suddenly to the right, then disappearing out of view.

Before the object vanished, the father of two managed to capture this image on his mobile phone.

And he insists it was not a Chinese lantern - or an ordinary aircraft.

"To be honest, before Monday I didn't have any firm opinions either way but this has changed my mind," he said. "It has really fascinated me. It just hung there in a way normal aircraft don't.

"I was giving the dog a walk and no-one else was about but that's not to say other people didn't see something that night in a different part of town.

"I'm convinced that the normal explanations of Chinese lanterns don't apply to this.

"I'm sure there will be cynics but since it has happened a lot of other people have told they have had similar experiences around St Helens.

"Who knows, may be this town is a bit of a hotspot for UFO activity!"


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Something To Think About

Something To Think About
UFO Enthusiast Chases Truth, Seat In Congress

Libertarian plans to seek 1st District seat; claims that outer space phenomenon ignored

By Thomas Burr The Salt Lake Tribune

WASHINGTON - A typical campaign kickoff doesn't resemble an X-Files convention. Nor is there usually discussion of UFOs crisscrossing the night sky or of government programs to conceal extraterrestrial technology. And most politicians yearning for office avoid banners proclaiming, "It's not about the lights in the sky, but about the lies on the ground." Joseph Buchman, however, announced his candidacy for the 1st Congressional District of Utah under that banner, and his official announcement was book-ended by talk of the news media ignoring signs of extraterrestrial visits and the military's blockade of information about outer space visitors. "I don't mind being seen as a wacko because to me, the world looks completely wacked," said Buchman, the Libertarian nominee for the seat of Republican Rep. Rob Bishop. Buchman wore a black tie covered in planets and stars and galaxies to the news conference at the National Press Club in Washington. It may not be the most politically expedient place to launch a congressional bid for a Utahn, but the Park City resident pressed on. He called on Congress to revoke any secrecy oaths the government has forced on military personnel or private contractors so they can talk openly about what they have seen regarding extraterrestrial activity. And he wants Congress to hold open hearings on the subject.

More on this article @ 9010957

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