"One route is that the light is the twinkle from a rock rise brilliant the sun," held Justin Maki from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Maki explained that the top quality spots appearance in entity images occupied by the Navigation Camera on NASA's Eccentric Mars rover's right-eye but not its departed.In the right-eye images, the spot is in different locations and is seen at the ground rise straight in front of a void rim on the horizon."What these images were occupied each day, the sun was in the enormously be in command of as the top quality spot, west-northwest from the itinerant, and practically low in the sky," held Maki."The itinerant science company is likewise looking at the route that the top quality spots might be sunlight reaching the camera's CCD outspokenly open a vent hole in the camera accommodation, which has happened early on other cameras on Eccentric and other Mars rovers in the past the geometry of the inflowing sunlight relative to the camera is now amalgamated."The picture was captured on April 3 by the right-hand navigation camera on NASA's Mars Eccentric itinerant."We affect it's either a vent-hole light leak or a glinty rock."Sympathy THE RAW Details Expound
Friday, 23 August 2013
Mysterious Bright Light Or Luminous Being Caught On Mars
"One route is that the light is the twinkle from a rock rise brilliant the sun," held Justin Maki from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Maki explained that the top quality spots appearance in entity images occupied by the Navigation Camera on NASA's Eccentric Mars rover's right-eye but not its departed.In the right-eye images, the spot is in different locations and is seen at the ground rise straight in front of a void rim on the horizon."What these images were occupied each day, the sun was in the enormously be in command of as the top quality spot, west-northwest from the itinerant, and practically low in the sky," held Maki."The itinerant science company is likewise looking at the route that the top quality spots might be sunlight reaching the camera's CCD outspokenly open a vent hole in the camera accommodation, which has happened early on other cameras on Eccentric and other Mars rovers in the past the geometry of the inflowing sunlight relative to the camera is now amalgamated."The picture was captured on April 3 by the right-hand navigation camera on NASA's Mars Eccentric itinerant."We affect it's either a vent-hole light leak or a glinty rock."Sympathy THE RAW Details Expound
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