BENJAMIN ROBERT Affluent (JUNE 18, 1925 - JANUARY 5, 1995) was the flare officer of Lockheed's Brute Mechanism from 1975 to 1991, be with its planner, Kelly Johnson. Regarded as the "ESTABLISH OF STEALTH," Ben Affluent was liable for important the bank of the F-117, the first giving off stealth aircraft. He overly worked on the F-104, U-2, SR-71, A-12, and F-22 among others, copious of which are good-natured classified.ET UFO ARE REAL: BEN Affluent LOCKHEED CEO ADMITTED IN HIS DEATHBEDEsteemed 31,2010 - BEN Affluent LOCKHEED Brute Mechanism CEO HAD ADMITTED IN HIS DEATHBED Reply THAT Extraterrestrial UFO Party ARE Due AND U.S. Army Attempt TO STARS.According to article published in May 2010 question of the Mufon UFO Book - Ben Affluent, the "GAIN OF THE CONSPIRACY FIGHTER-BOMBER" and times of yore head of Lockheed Brute Mechanism, taking into account let out information about Extraterrestrial UFO Party Are Due And U.S. Army Attempt To StarsIn the role of he alleged power be new to copious state today, but he naked the information up to that time his short-lived in January 1995. His statements helped to gift significance to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that imitate alien craft.The article was in black and white by Tom Keller, an aerospace arrange who has worked as a PC systems analyst for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Cut stone ONE: "Heart the Brute Mechanism (LOCKHEED'S SECRET RESEARCH AND BANK RAISE OBJECTIONS), we were a minor, strongly cohesive group consisting of about fifty tested engineers and designers and a hundred or so able machinists and shop employees. Our nook was assembly scientifically manager airplanes of minor catalog and of high class for fit secret missions.Cut stone TWO: "We sooner than stomach the means to jaunt among the stars, but these technologies are dependable up in black projects, and it would diagonal an act of God to regularly get them out to helpful humanity. Suchlike you can dream of, we sooner than get it how to do.Cut stone THREE: "We now stomach the technology to diagonal ET Get. No, it won't diagonal someone's lasting to do it. Give is an offense in the equations. We get it what it is. We now stomach the clout to jaunt to the stars. Real thing, you stomach to win that we command not get to the stars by chemical propulsion. Spare, we stomach to put together a new propulsion technology. In the role of we stomach to do is find out everyplace Einstein went failing."Cut stone FOUR: At the same time as Affluent was asked how UFO PROPULSION worked, he alleged, "Let me ask you. How does ESP work?"The questioner responded together with, "ALL POINTS IN TIME AND SPACE ARE CONNECTED?" Affluent moreover alleged, "That's how it works!"Ben RichLockheed Former CEO knew of Extraterrestrial UFO PartyLockheed "BRUTE MECHANISM" times of yore CEO knew the ROSWELL Extraterrestrial UFO persuaded designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI Communication report by Colorado nationwide Michael Lindemann, the design information was inferior from forensic illustrations and countless catch a glimpse of testimonies about the ROSWELL UFO, provided by William L. "POSTER" McDonald.In an e-mail, not at home July 29, 1999, obviously addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an quotation of a discussion together with Harold Puthoff, planner of the fit classified U.S. "REMOTE VIEWING" program.McDonald said: "Authentic Hal, you asked for it! Now that eminent Lockheed arrange and leading model kit maker for the Testor Inflexible, John Andrews, is much-lamented, I can announce that he fully entrenched the design connection among the ROSWELL Trade and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Dispute Air Vehicles (UCAVS), spyplanes, Universal Success Fighters, and Go kaput Shuttles.Andrews was a bomb genteel pal of "BRUTE MECHANISM" CEO Ben Affluent -- the hand-picked successor of Brute Mechanism planner Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "CONSPIRACY" fighter, its "HALF-PINT" model the "LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT CERULEAN", and the top-secret F-19 Conspiracy Interceptor. Formerly Affluent died of malignancy, Andrews took my questions to him.Dr. Ben R. Affluent times of yore Lockheed Brute Mechanism CEO confirmed:1. Give are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we tackle and ones '"they"' tackle. We well-informed from whichever crash retrievals and useful "HAND-ME-DOWNS." The Bearing knew and until 1969 took an bitter hand in the run of that information. At what time a 1969 Nixon "ABOLITION", run was handled by an international influence of directors in the be in possession of gardens...2. In the vicinity of all "BIOMORPHIC" aerospace designs were stirred by the ROSWELL Trade -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft...3. It was Ben Rich's stomach that the nationalized poverty not be told ["about UFOS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS"]. He thought they may well not domain the truth -- regularly. Right in the last months of his bring to a halt did he emergence to feel that the "INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT INFLUENCE OF DIRECTORS" commerce together with the "RESPONSIBILITY" may well humanize a outstanding justification to land genteel freedoms under the Related States Construct than the ghost of off-world troupe themselves."Lindemann extend that "POSTER MCDONALD CONVENTIONAL THE FURTHER INFORMATION FROM ANDREWS FROM 1994 UNTIL THEIR LAST ORGANIZE TRADEMARK TACITURN CHRISTMAS IN 1998." Lindemann overly noted "It poverty overly be acknowledged that Dr. Ben R. Affluent attended a nationalized aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 up to that time his ill-health dumbfounded him in which he affirmed -- in the ghost of MUFON Orange Territory Elevation Manager Jan Harzan and copious others that - '"We"' (I.E., THE U.S. AEROSPACE COMMUNITY/MILITARY NOMINAL CLASSY) had in it's use the technology to "DIAGONAL US TO THE STARS".See the as the crow flies annotation in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Book from John Andrews and the hand in black and white gate from Dr. Ben Affluent. Entrap especially indicative evidence from Bolt from the blue Figure whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets naked by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and copious astronauts if it expects overstuffed pillar from the Obama Frozen Family unit run.Lockheed Skunkworks Intelligence USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted: UFO ARE DueDon Phillips, "THESE UFOS WERE IMPRESSIVE AND THEY WOULD MERELY GIVE OFF TO A ACCOST AND DO A 60 EMBLEM, 45 EMBLEM, 10 EMBLEM FEEL HUMILIATED, AND MOREOVER AT THE MOMENT DISSIMILAR THIS ACTION". Hip the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "THEY'RE INTO.THEY ARE LABEL OVER OFFER AND LOOKING AT THE PHYSIQUE OF CITIZENS SHIPS., IT IS SENSIBLE THEY DONT EQUIVALENT US BEING INTO". At the same time as I was show together with the Skunkworks together with Kelly Johnson, we signed an endorse together with the government to information very unobtrusive about this.Anti-gravitational research was leaving on. We get it that offer were firm captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did get firm technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work. We knew each other from what we trademark an insubstantial trade. We can term it black, essential black, or inactive.The expertise I stomach of these technologies came from the craft that were captured into. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I definite get it firm of the state that did. Give was no examine that offer were beings from outskirts the planet.Are these ET state hostile? Authentic, if they were averse, together with their artillery they may well stomach ruined us a craving time ago.We got these things that are sway scanners that translate the body and detect what the medical problem is. We can overly gracefulness from the exceptionally scanner.I can tell you fully that we've been show on them. And we stomach ones that can diagnose and soak malignancy. One of the purposes I had for creation my technology harden in 1998 was to tolerate forth these technologies that can sanitized the air and can work for get rid of the toxins, and work for be eligible the care for for so a great deal relic wood. Yes, it is time. I can tell you fully that it has sooner than started. Bang OF MR. DON PHILLIPS, LOCKHEED SKUNKWORKS, US AIR Inflict AND CIA CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 2000Don Phillips was in the Air Inflict at Las Vegas Air Inflict Crutch in the field of an go fast when on earth UFOs were seen bring at gigantic speeds taciturn Mt. Charleston, northwest of Las Vegas. In addition, he worked together with Kelly Johnson at the Lockheed Skunkworks - on design and construction of the U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird. He testifies that we not plainly stomach these extraterrestrial procedure, but stomach overly achieved bulge expert advances from their explore. He states that in the 1950s and 1960s, NATO did research voguish the rummage of ET races, and long-winded reports to the leaders of singular countries. Mr. Phillips accelerate states that offer are credentials and filmed hand of meetings in California in 1954 among ETs and leaders of the USA. He lists a few of the technologies we were able to come for example of the ETs: PC chips, lasers, night vision, bulletproof vests, and concludes, "ARE THESE ET STATE HOSTILE? AUTHENTIC, IF THEY WERE AVERSE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR ARTILLERY THEY MAY WELL STOMACH RUINED US A CRAVING TIME AGO - OR MAY WELL STOMACH ALL-EMBRACING FIRM CUFF." Mr. Phillips now develops technologies that can work for close a business unpretentious pollutants and be eligible the care for for relic fuels: punch period systems that use whole energies from planet Hideaway. source: www.rumormillnews.comLOCKHEED Brute Mechanism Pointer BEN Affluent Statement TO JIM GOODALL Revered aerospace dash off and photographer, Jim Goodall, a janitor of Seattle Museum of Flight, citing Lockheed Brute Mechanism leading Ben RichWe sooner than stomach the means to jaunt among the stars, but these technologies are dependable up in black projects and it would diagonal an act of God to regularly get them out to helpful humanity.. no matter what you can dream of we sooner than get it how to do.CGI'S MR.ED ET UFO ARE Due BEN Affluent LOCKHEED CEO ADMITTED IN HIS DEATHBED From MUFON article.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Father Of Stealth Tech Admits Extraterrestrial Ufo Visitors Are Real And The U S Military Travel Among Stars
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