Thursday, 31 July 2014

United Kingdom Discloses Ufo Files

United Kingdom Discloses Ufo Files
THE UK GOVERNMENT RELEASED ON MONDAY DOCUMENTS WHERE PEOPLE CAN CHECK ANY UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, COMMONLY CALLED, UFOS. In the 90s a large number of UFOs were observed, they were described in different ways, but all descriptions mentioned "strange lights moving in different directions in the sky," such occurrences were scientifically impossible to explain. In Belgium, in the same decade, were warplanes sent to the north of the country to investigate lights that detected by radars, there was no explanation for this, but British experts said they "had a logical reason " David Clark, from Sheffield Hallam University, was able to access files from the Defense Ministry and declared declare to the media that "the sighting of a UFO at Cosford, in southern England in 1993 was attributed to a Russian ship." "What people saw was a fragment of Cosmos 2238 rocket that placed a satellite in orbit and was re-entering the atmosphere. NASA recreated the event." However documentation of the most famous UFO sighting in the United Kingdom occurred in 1980 in Rendlesham Forest, south-east of England, and was compared to the Roswell case in United States. Members of the United States Air Force observed very powerful lights and radioactivity on their instruments. In 1995, the British Defense Ministry, in its report stated that "the incident did not represent any threat to the country's security." David Clark said: "They came to this conclusion simply because the sighting was reported two weeks after the event. They did not inquired about what actually happened." Clark continued by saying that "the increase in the number of sightings was due to the success of a television program," The X-Files, " X Files "generated a growing interest in the aliens conquest of the Earth". And that "The series played a significant role, because the public was made more aware of the UFO phenomenon and the fact that the government was secretly researching the subject. Undoubtedly it helped the authorities receive UFO reports."

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