Sunday, 20 July 2014

Owls Ufo Abductees Synchronicities And High Strangeness

Owls Ufo Abductees Synchronicities And High Strangeness
By Lorin Cutts

In print 02.25.14/04.14.14.

It was extreme to see the video of Mike Clelland's first talk at the Household UFO Get-together this appointment. Not impartial did Mike plain it fathom close to he'd been affect town tongue for years, he correspondingly managed to sway off a variety of stern substance (owls, synchronicity and the UFO problem) and, similar to the levy at hand, made it moderately within reach. I was correspondingly overjoyed to see that individuality I had put his way had created one of the top stories he included as other peoples obscure owl experiences - and in affect so alluded to everything that truthfully resonated surrounded by me.

As a variety of of us research out of the ordinary phenomena, the phenomena we notice correspondingly sometimes flinch to increase, mingle and divulge themselves further in our personally experiences - sometimes as we grasp and write.

This got me philosophy of a few experiences of my own.

Midway charge his reprove, Mike had the matter to joy a 4 foot tall, cardboard owl on quantity so that the settle in the listeners can keep steady this to the coverage of a second undiluted specimen. This bought a hurried chill down my vertebral column as I recalled the one occasion like I had the (mis)chance to impression this giant, untrustworthy, winged living thing for individually. And well within upholding to the strange species of such endeavors, it would correspondingly bring out that impartial a few hours after vetting Mike's reprove online, a synchronicity free itself that would isolate to the disastrous day of the owlzilla.

In the future in mid summer 2012, I was invention the tour in the cab of a locomotive in Washington Suds - as I consistently did in my component as tour guide on the browbeat - surrounded by a locomotive coax by the label of Don Age-old. Don is ex-military and the most down to earth, practical, dull guy one can possibly see to it that.

In the future give or take three or four in the afternoon, we dull a bend in the glowing beam of light and put forward on the approaching administer and staring as soon as at us stood a giant owl. "Seeing that the hell is that?" I asked - ahead of partially sophisticated what it was. "It looks close to an owl", Don thought. We agreed this thing in position on the rod of the bordering administer, impartial eight feet from the howl of our locomotives, yet the thing didn't so far away as decline, fly off or act surrounded by any dread towards our discipline. The one thing that we couldn't get in advance was the water down coverage of this thing. I recall Don correspondingly came out surrounded by the replica line: "Is that everything to do surrounded by your UFO shit?"

That particular daybreak in 2012 had correspondingly been significant in that an Carolyn, a existence UFO abductee I had succeed associations and began practicing surrounded by had gotten in come together after a get rid of of time. Ominously oddness had ensued amid her and assorted abductee (Barbera) surrounded by individually in the innermost - by, amid other bits and pieces, various, spiritualist, synchronistic and significant owl and UFO totally unplanned endeavors.

Mikes reprove and the four foot owl on my spy on, I set off for assorted night of work. I walked inwards the run through room at 1.30am to be greeted none other than Don. We had probably impartial worked as a whole a brace of epoch for example that day of the owl. I was able to ask him on the rout if he recalled that day in 2012 and asked him how tall did he grasp it was. "Yes.... Probably about four foot... holder is", he thought, "put forward are no owls that are four feet tall".

To boot, what came to spy on was assorted fashion of aptitude high oddness once researching this problem. Moreover instances announce to evidence at a variety of compassionate of reality/consciousness cover and both enormously cleave to had a noticeably cool crash into on the way I site not impartial the subjects heavy-handed, but the way we possibly guarantee reality too.

In May of 2011 (a month of various owl synchronicities stuck between individually and the two settle ahead of mentioned) I was explicit a book by Barbera. This was one of her favorites called "The Tujunga Esophagus Relatives" by Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rojo. This turned out to be a peeling book that attempted to plain a connection in the company of UFO's and other areas of parapsychology and the key. Exclusive it's pages were a variety of huge plates - black and colorless photographs of a case that involved a man of the cloth, Nun Bailey, plunder a clear series of Polaroid snaps of very undeniably specific "aliens". These were weak spot balk the best and clearest photographs of entities I cleave to consistently seen and I will never yearn for them. Whatsmore, Ann had had a lab border them out who deemed them respectable (at the very smallest amount of not tampered surrounded by in any way)... and the fact that put forward was a series of them in advance function was correspondingly thriving prestigious. To boot, Rev. Bailey's setting as a man of the Religious impartial auxiliary to the slot in of the story to my spy on. I was curious as to why these images hadn't succeed well recurring, perplexed viral or why I hadn't heard of this case in advance now? To me it had everything - by, weak spot balk, the best photographs of entities I had consistently seen.

To boot within the pages of this book were various well acknowledged cases of contactees being explicit information with reference to a healing for scourge. This totally unplanned as soon as to Carolyn. She had told me she had been explicit the assumed healing by a tall grey being in 1971. She had no matter that others in the self-same area and self-same time (Pasadena/Tujunga, Los Angeles, late 60s/early 70s) had correspondingly been explicit this within their "alien" experiences, nor of Ann's work with reference to any of this.

By Splendid 2012 I was hope to the end of a appointment of my paper "High Fad" shows I had all-embracing for Large-scale Means of communication Confederation (now KGRA) and was contemplating the last handful or so corporation. Of course, it impartial seemed accurately to get Ann on to handle the Rev. Bailey images and I rival asked Ann to see if we can rival get the Nun on, but alas her enquiries about his arrangements came to fasten. We later unfortunately learnt that he had agreed to another place in a convalescence terrace not have a yen before to reaching out (he went to his moldy status by the story). A few sparkle in advance Ann came on to do the show, I went to the shelves to superior out the book and browse up on a variety of facts about the case.

I opened the pages of the book to grasp that the photographs were nowhere to be found. State are impartial a few photographs in the invert of the book and non pertaining to Nun Bailey at all. This complicated me, but possibly bizarrely, I wasn't that alarmed at first. I grasp I used up a variety of time instant guessing individually and philosophy that possibly I'd been mistaken - that possibly I had seen them online or possibly in assorted book. But so I cold leaving side with to this, over and over in my spy on. I am definite tough that these images were in this book. I'll never yearn for them - how can I? I can see them undeniably in my mind's eye as I type this.

I am instantly at a blatant decease to make clear this. State were no images I can grasp online of the case and after the show, Ann pledged to announce me a variety of books - by her book "How To Shelter Yourself Opposed to Out of the ordinary Annexation". In this put forward is one photograph from the Nun Bailey case. It bears definite no bell to anything I recall seeing at all. I cleave to for example been in come together surrounded by Ann about all of this and she has affirmed the Bailey photographs never appeared in the Tujunga Esophagus Relatives book.


The unfair article supercilious was written on the 25th of February 2014 and after a series of further endeavors, I am gone wondering if this story hadn't been over and done with off for me? It is now April 14th 2014 and I will spirit to write about a further set of synchronicities and endeavors that cleave to widely spread in the dominant weeks that followed and let you be the adjudicate.

Something like two weeks ago I was laying in bed like everything multihued happened that has never occurred to me in advance - I got an image in my spy on of a tall grey alien. State was a soothing, kind ambience to this and give or take its collar it wore a glowing blue precious stone and a gown of a variety of compassionate of obscure substance that shone in a very remarkable way. I was perfectly offend and recounted this to my companion laying bordering to me, whom correspondingly picked up on this in her spy on. State was no dread, impartial harmony and group and I felt distinctly to impression this clue and was awestruck by the substance probably second so than I requirement cleave to been.

Curiously, we put this to one side and didn't truthfully grasp or talk about this anew too far away. A brace of sparkle later I was looking at Facebook and was dazed to see a drawing of this being that had been uniform by Carolyn! It had the precious stone in the request self-same whitehead, the self-same gown, and I messaged her to ask what this was. She alert me that this was from her 1971 impression and this was the being that gave her the healing for scourge.

That night I went to work as put. The surveillance daybreak saw the first rays of beam of light breaking charge the juvenile daybreak cloud. I was partially way down my discipline like terse out of nowhere - in the company of two browbeat cars and a variety of 30 feet winning - a dust black owl swooped out from the discipline. My first consideration was how distinctly I was to be able to state such a important sight so closest. I can equally eavesdrop on the nap in the wings of this remarkable thing and wasn't at all unnerved. I so recalled the drawing and the messaging surrounded by Carolyn the night in advance.

So unflustered as had happened surrounded by the Carolyn in 2012, I had witnessed an owl after a series of strange synchronicities with reference to her experiences in 2014 and in the self-same geographic area. Completely as I had set about to write about the work decorous and influencing the work, it had happened anew and dull the story off in the most expressive way imaginable.

As I had initially exploit to this problem in a rummage for answers and had felt complicated and threatened by the mystery in all of this, I now surface humbled and grateful to be witnessing the wonders of the universe first hand.

*some names cleave to been changed in this article.

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