Date: April 14 - 15, 2004 Time: Varies.
Hi Brian, My fianc'ee and I wrote earlier than about a sighting on April 9th, 2004 from Acton, Ontario. This was the sighting of various lights, drifting at a permanent sharpness between no irregular lights or rainproof. Right, such as that sighting we consume continued to see these odd lights in the sky, by yourself set at a unambiguous time between jaggedly 9:20 p.m. to 9:50 p.m.
On the close sighting it was myself and our neighbor and we spotted a fairly well-built amount of lights. At 9:39 p.m on April 14th, 2004, represent were jaggedly 25-30 of these lights in the shape of a 'V'. They were haulage North on a fastidious angle to the West. They were harder to spot at the same time as they seemed to be better up in the sky. Again, represent were no irregular lights and represent was no rainproof.
The third sighting took locate on April 15th, 2004. Give to were three witnesses: Face-to-face, (cry deleted) (my fianc'ee) and our neighbor. Give to were four detect sightings this night.
1. 9:29 p.m. - 7 lights (unharmed 'V' shape) seemed very afar, it would be put to spot if you were not looking for these separate lights. These lights traveled for about 15 seconds.
2. 9:30 p.m. - Not more than then a a small amount second then our first sighting of that night. 5 lights, very afar. In a peculiar pattern of five lights.
3. 9:44 p.m. - 3 lights were spotted, and was more exclusive and brighter than the first two sightings of the night. These lights seemed to be shave to the ground then the first two sightings. The lights lasted about 20 seconds. They were the fabricate of (cry deleted) pinky finger-nail.
4. 9:49 p.m. - 4 lights, shave to the ground than all three sightings from this night. These were the fabricate of Joe's thumb finger-nail. These lights lasted about 19 seconds.
- For all of these sightings on that night was no rainproof, and were haulage at a diminutive sharpness.
The fourth day of sightings took locate tonight, on April 16th, 2004. Give to were 3 detect sightings tonight.
1. 9:20 p.m. - 7 lights, lasted 16 seconds. Marked pay West of the Big Shovel organize North in an unorganized 'V' shape.
2. 9:25 p.m. - 2 lights, lasted 17 seconds. Marked further West of the Big Shovel, than the first sighting of the night, and organize towards the North. In the function of first spotted the Deceased light was formerly of the Acceptable light. As they stirred spanning the sky, they more than up side-by-side, and not here wearing the afar between the Acceptable light now surpass.
3. 9:27p.m - 7 lights, lasted 20 seconds. Marked in the especially align as the close sighting of the night. they were in an unorganized 'V' shape. This sighting was seeming in the distance and not slap patronizing us, extensively harder to spot.
We consume been seeing them on a hard explanation, and are very interfering on what we are observing. It would be ornately lovely to congregate from you, and represent your direction on what you touch we are seeing. On every sighting, represent was no rainproof, and represent were no aircrafts in it's background. We by yourself spotted aircrafts before and after one and all sighting. We did do drawings as in a while as we came in the house, and would really equally for you to elevation wearing this, and take care of retain us some plan. We consider to congregate from you in a while.
Than you.
Thank you to the witnesses for the report.
Brian Vike, First-class HBCC UFO Survey. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Survey International:
HBCC UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO