Sunday, 30 November 2014

This Mars Rover Play Set Is Your Explore Mars Yourself Deal Of The Day Dealzmodo

This Mars Rover Play Set Is Your Explore Mars Yourself Deal Of The Day Dealzmodo
When NASA goes to Mars, they really. Go. To. Mars. NASA has pulled out all the stops for the Curiosity Rover's recent decent to the surface. They aired the landing at Times Square and had William Shatner voice a promo video. They got Gizmodo reporters covering the landing live, and the coverage hasn't stopped yet. Unfortunately, the lesser mortals among us don't get invited to the Jet Propulsion Laboratories, and we probably won't live to see the day humans are casually exploring the surface. For our demographic, we need another way to explore Mars in our minds. That's where this Space Exploration Mars Rover Play Set comes in. Use the coupon code to get 50% off to control your own Mars Rover and plant the American flag with pride, and in your imagination the flag will never lose its color. More amonic chemicals pesticides chem service msds


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