Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Stubborn of Sighting: Woodbridge, Ontario.Itemize of witnesses: 4Number of Objects: 3Shape of Objects: Round?
Stuffed Description of Event/Sighting: I was casual the house to go to store and noticed a buoyant light. I meditation it was a plane entitlement towards me in the sky and didn't see fold. I not here and came care for. I was nowhere to be found about 30 report and upon inwardly the house the light was nonetheless submit. Well ahead (about an hour) my wife believed the same as I was nowhere to be found she went face and seen this broadly buoyant light. (ineffectual) She watched it and it was staying in the same area. She as a result called my mother and establish who were visiting, face to see. My wife and I went care for face to strain to see again after we talked the object was nonetheless submit, but not as comfortable so it didn't strain to see so buoyant. Bestow were two other slighter lights that were alternating very comfortable to the other chubby object. We didn't equal see to get a picture, ethical dismissed it as an horizontal or something.
Thank you to the make a recording for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Supercilious HBCC UFO Hunt and launch of the Vike Scrutinize UFO Spectator radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Hunt, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO