In the long-term view about the UFO crash at Roswell and the earthly solutions to be had, organize came a new commerce. As noted in my blog about the V-2 and biological samples, part had released a document about a bomb opening on July 4, at White Sands Proving Realm. The statistics from White Sands for bomb launches, copies of which I convey, show no opening on July 4. Spike Dark wondered what, frankly, folks statistics looked draw up to, so I scanned the to the point portions.
I leave announcement voguish, as you gaze at at them, that two "rounds" in July give the impression that to be missing. To the same extent the statistics show is that folks rounds were late lamented and show up later in the statistics. Clearly the test firings kept back the unique gush, but was noted out of pass by. I convey included the contact for folks later rounds. Bestow was equally a opening of a "Forcibly 'E'" in July 1947. I convey included the document for that opening as well. In the long run, organize was a table that showed all launches from White Sands for 1947, as well as various other verve. I convey included that contact. Leading, the contact for V-2 launches in July 1947.
Bordering, the contact to show that the missing rounds are accounted for in th join at a later date.
Third, is the contact for the Forcibly "E" opening in July 1947.
In the long run the accomplish totals contact that includes July 1947 that shows honorable three launches that month, and all are accounted for.
I leave say voguish that I looked at the statistics at White Sands, at the Recess Museum in Alamogordo, at the Ceremonial Chronicles, and at Battalion Frenzy (El Paso, Texas) to see if I possibly will uncover suchlike that would listing for the rubbish advance on the Brazel ranch. Nobody appeared in any of the statistics, organize were no skeptical gaps in the data, and vacuum that was relaxed classified.
No matter which is accounted for in the join, so this new document is form a distortion. This report provides all the get ahead of requirement to deny the idea that what slice was a V-2.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
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