Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Nottinghamshire 27Th August 2013

Nottinghamshire 27Th August 2013
Location of Sighting: Nottinghamshire ukDate of Sighting: 27th August 2013Time: 11-25 pmWitness Name: Anon Witness Statement: My wife and I went outside the rear of our property to have a cigarette and I spent, as usual, most of the time looking at the stars. I spotted a dim shooting star crossing the sky. pointed it out to my wife. At which point it turned in an arc and went off in another direction. I have observed aircraft, satellites and shooting stars. This was non of them. I can describe the object as a dim large star. Its apparent speed was phenomenal. Much faster than an aircraft. More like a shooting star. The turn and longevity of the object across the sky made it impossible to classify as anything I have ever seen before. It transversed the entire visible sky in just a few seconds. I have never had any real interest in UFOs but would be very interested to know if anyone else saw this object. Source: Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form

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