Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Mufon To Collaborate On Abduction Reporting

Mufon To Collaborate On Abduction Reporting
The current issue of the MUFON Journal has an item about its "abduction experiencer referral relationship." MUFON has partnered with OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support,) where calls concerning alien abductions will be directed to Lester Velez. Velez is Vice President of OPUS. He is also the Northern California Assistant State Director of MUFON.As with MUFON, OPUS is a 501 (c3) nonprofit group. The MUFON article states that the OPUS mission is:"To develop a network of people dedicated to a better understanding of the overall nature of unusual/anomalous personal experiences and to support those who have them."What kinds of experiences fall into this category?"... extraordinary states of consciousness, fortean, spiritual, or parapsychological phenomenon, close encounters with non-human entities, and/or UFO activity."By bringing together people with "opposing and often controversial views" MUFON/OPUS' intent is to gain a larger understanding (including on the scientific playing field) of the abduction phenomena.NotesMUFON Journal, May 2007OPUS and MUFON to Collaborate on Abduction ReportingOPUS

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