Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Bigfoot Contactees

Bigfoot Contactees
You may have heard of UFO contactees. But did you know there are also Bigfoot contactees? Loren Coleman posted about them over at Cryptomundo and asked what his readers thought of this development in the world of Bigfoot:, why not. Something is going on. The world is a mysterious place. This blonde lady looks like an elf, like someone Dion Fortune would say had a direct contact with the elemental world.I think Sasquatch (and his various related forms) is quasi-biological, a semi-spirit Being. He is seen as an omen and harbinger among most us natives. The Big Man, a guardian of the wilderness, a guardian of the threshhold between worlds. As Patrick Harpur said, he is part of Daimonic Reality, part of the fabric of reality. An expression of Hansen's Trickster. A child of the great god Pan (notice in twilight language "coincidence" that the chimp is Pan troglodytes?)Yes, biological in many ways, but not like a chimp or okapi. His "evidence" is real..but the same evidence is always shifting in the very act of seeing and witnessing into ambivalence. And these people who are contacted, well, most are marginal themselves. Like Trickster, a little shady and/or a little loopy, walkers on the threshhold meeting a guardian of the threshhold.It's like water. The tighter you squeeze it, the more it squirts from between your fingers.

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