In my redistribution (in this one) about UFOs being treated disreputably, I register a brief parenthesis in an article by Clark and Farish [UFO Gossip, 1975]; an encounter that was, they admit, "most compelling" amongst which I nod off.
Noted Spanish UFO studious, Jose Antonio Caravaca, saw my take notice of and has been gentle ample to confer treat details:
The case "is" from 1925, and based on an private territory, established by the studious Antonio Ribera in 1968. (No investigation was conducted.)
We basically take the testimony of an private prattler.
The territory was sent from the town of Quero (Toledo, Castilla La Mancha). Have an advantage obtained from the book "ENCUENTROS CON HUMANOIDES" Antonio Ribera 1982.
Textual cheerful of the letter:
"Sir, discerning of your ideology in collecting data about flying saucers and aliens, I am lettering to you to let you advise a fact, not a daydream.
It occurred to me over 40 time ago.
Everywhere in La Mancha [sic], very wad to a church bungalow, rapid I found in my opinion amongst a very extraordinary being.
Its zenith was about 1.20 meters, clothing, be fond of a inventive keep pace with.
His arms and legs were inflexible and stuck to the life form.
In his hands he whispered a blower circle of about 20 cm in diameter, agile, amongst a pinging unbeatable.
His legs and feet harden, united to an focal point, which by attack a small soar, he "walked" in my array, impelled by the stuff of the blower which he carried in his hands.
I watched at a stash away of 2 meters, for a sit on your heels time.
We looked at everybody other, but did not float to declare. I aim you forgive my anonymity."
Here is no treat information. Song a territory which begins, be fond of Don Quijote..."anywhere in La Mancha."
Ballester Olmos, included the case in his guide of 200 landings in Spain.
But he took it care for lack of treat evidence or information as to the reality of the case.
Meanwhile Mr. Ribera, explains in his book that as bizarre and harebrained as the line seems, it does rise up to be resounding, like taken during list amongst other stories of encounters...
Here is no treat adopt about the territory. Ribera, himself, was the first to version about the incident.
N.B. The "blower" is a hand means used to fan the coals of a hearth or charcoal. I do not advise its publish in English.
In the book by Ribera, the date is special as 1924, and in the book of Iker Jimenez, "ENCUENTROS; EL Pepper OVNI" [2000], it equally appears as 1924.