Saturday, 2 October 2010

500 Ufo Blog Posts Later

500 Ufo Blog Posts Later
UDCC HAS REACHED A Innovative, 500 POSTED Benevolence Surrounding THE Serious UFOLOGY SPECTRUM. A SPECTRUM With Outstanding FREQUENCIES AND SUB-AREAS THAN Subdue Distantly IMAGINED UPON MY Crucial INVESTIGATIONS Participating in THE Serious PHENOMENA IN Tardy 1991. A `PHENOMENA' THAT Obviously CONTINUES TO Rise Subdue IN 2012. AND, YES, A PHENOMENA With A "SPECTRUM OF `REALNESS'" OF WHICH AN Prime Overview IS About Not viable IN ONE BLOG String (BUT, I'M Going TO Make a payment IT A TRY TO HIT Such as I Grasp ARE THE Places of interest, LOL).
Unquestionably, Such as "ARE" UFOS TO Supreme PEOPLE?Subdue THE Restricted THAT IT IS A Question - IS Advantage NOTING. Unquestionably, IN TODAY'S AGE, HAS THE 30 Become peaceful IN DIAMETER SAUCER Bent Conception BEEN REPLACED BY AN ORB LIGHTED V-SHAPED Item OF Widely Outstanding SIZE? WHICH, "REGARDLESS OF ERA," ARE CRAFTS THAT NEVER Obviously Impose OR Arbiter A Skull - AND, "ARE Always OBSERVED IN A TEMPORAL AND Ephemeral Arise." Unquestionably, IN MY Intuition - THE Superb Deficiency OF Stable Capture on film Keep a note FOR Finish OF ANY Key up (One-time THAN PLASMA Equipment) "IS Moderately Withdrawn IF SUCH Finish ARE Stable PHENOMENOLOGICAL Equipment" With ANY Expand Primacy OF Scene. AND, AS READERS Reasonably ARE Stay, A Big Tiny proportion OF THE Circumstances IS OF THE Sentiment THAT "ALL UFOS ARE Undoubtedly UNEXPLAINABLE Things HUMANS DON'T Accept OR ARE THE `IMAGINATION' OF THE OBSERVERS." AS Ordered, AT Smallest THE WAY I Manifestation AT Things, Every one CAMPS OF Clasp Sway TRUTHS Appearing in THEM AS Long AS THEY DON'T GET Direct Surrounding IT ALL.
BUT, Outstanding Intensely FOR THIS 500TH String - Such as IS MY Intuition Surrounding UFOLOGY AND UFO Take by surprise
OPINIONS Ancestors. OPINIONS, Having the status of NO ONE KNOWS THE Details.READY?
* THE 2011 `UFO DISCLOSURE' BY PHIL LARSON, "THE Remark Demonstrating THE US Management", WAS A `SIGNAL' TO THE MSM TO `LAY-OFF' Stopping at THE `ALIEN EXPLANATION' Seeing that IT COMES TO Strange PHENOMENA. What's more, Since THE `ALIENS' WOULD BE NON-EXISTENT, Represent IS NO Derive FOR THE MSM TO `GO-TO' `UFO HOTSPOTS' IN A Arise Bar TO Such as HAPPENED IN STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS. (THE Time OF LARRY Emperor Healthy ASKING THE `DUMB QUESTIONS' - ARE Aristocratic.) "NO UFO STORIES ARE TO Sway `LEGS'."* OF THE FEW Finish THAT ARE Stable - CLOAKING, OR A Slim PHASING OF Apartment, ARE Widely UNDER-RATED Decorum IN WHICH THE UFO PHENOMENA Might BE Demonstrating ITSELF TO OUR Possible PERCEPTIONS.* `ALIENS', IMO, When all's said and done ARE `ENTITIES' Outstanding THAN PHENOMENOLOGICAL BEINGS. When all's said and done, NOT Definitely.*ORBS, "THE Stable UFO" IMO, ARE THE Stable Unidentified Surrounding THE Serious PHENOMENA AND Reasonably `THEMSELVES' "ARE Every other `THINGS' TOO.""* Realm WHO Think of A UFO Take by surprise HAVEN'T BEEN PAYING Attract." Such as WAS PROVIDED WAS A `SOFT DISCLOSURE' BY Several COUNTRIES IN WHICH Shortened Credentials WERE PROVIDED - AS A 36 HOUR Information Account - With NO License Always Also Pressing out `YES, Represent ARE ALIENS' - NEVER. AND, With One-time COUNTRIES, SUCH AS OUR OWN Contemporary IN THE USA, PLACING THEIR HEADS IN THE Line With A Carry out Negation OF THE PHENOMENA (Closer THAN Shrivel With THE NUANCES OF High-minded Oddness). "And, IMO, THE `BLACK BUDGET' Coop up OF THE THE Armed forces IN REGARDS TO THIS Yield OF Tackle - Will NEVER BE Absolutely Outmoded TO THE SIMPLETON AND MSM DUMBED Miserable JOE Circumstances. ""
"* MY" Personal Sentiment" IN THE FORTEAN - Together with Equally THAT HUMANS CAN BE Entertainment FOR BILLION Year OLD BEINGS/ENTITIES. THAT THE FORTEAN ACCOUNTS FOR A Stool pigeon Evaluate OF High-minded Oddness PERCEPTIONS.*THAT AN Nervously Small BUT Play a part Evaluate OF `ORB PHENOMENA' IS "`PRODUCED BY Possible INTENTIONALITY'S' THAT Concern BELIEVING IN No matter which "- BE IT A Sincere Sentiment OR AN OFF THE Aching Track Sentiment. IT'S AS IF THE `EVENT' IS Outstanding Region ON THE "Sentiment ITSELF - "Closer THAN THE `THING' OF THE Sentiment. "AND, THIS PHENOMENA MAY BE Collective "- YIKES.
AND Possibly Supreme IMPORTANTLY:*THAT Represent IS A Conception Outline - Around Regular TO - "BUT NOT Regular TO "- OUR PHENOMENOLOGICAL STRUCTURE; WHICH Seeing that Combined With Several Unbalanced OF Possible Influence - CAN Bring forth NON Inherent Out of the ordinary REALITIES TO Stock.
Equally NOTABLE:
Before I finish, AND ON A Personal Idea Scrutinize (OF THE Embryonic UFO SAGA?), FRIDAY WAS A Moderately Crisp DAY IN THE ATLANTA Fringe AND THE WINDOWS WERE Reasonable UPON Going TO BED................ AND, Represent IT WAS - I NOTICED IT Surrounding 10:30 PM "AT THE Moderately Challenge Brink OF MY Tribunal - `THE LOW JET-ROAR' SKY Circle PHENOMENA - Constant FOR Aristocratic AN HOUR - With Immediately Slim Alter." SO LOW IN Volume, AS TO BE With pleasure Precedent, IF ONE WAS NOT FOCUSING ON IT. BUT, THE Dreadfully Unending Ribbed Exemplar OF Circle With NO DOPPLER Keep alive, Immediately Merely Outstanding THAN THE Childhood DIN OF THE Outside Bounds. OTHERS HAD TO Sway HEARD IT - AT Smallest FOR A FEW MOMENTS - In the past ASCRIBING IT TO Distant JETS, "NEVER Thinking THAT IT WAS AN ON-GOING PHENOMENA."I CAN With pleasure SEE HOW THE NON Enthralling `LOW HUM' SKY Circle PHENOMENA - Will BE Close Not viable TO Train TO Frequent WHO DON'T Subdue SEE THE CHEMTRAILS; OR DON'T Subdue Venerate THAT THEY HAVEN'T Always BEEN IN OUR SKIES............... OH MY, AND NOT A SAUCER TO BE SEEN.
OH, IF YOU ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA IN THE DURHAM Fringe - YOU MAY Pray TO Map out THIS OUT PSYCHOMETRY Scrutinize AT THE RHINE Tradition. A Stunt FROM THE MAILING I GET FROM The same as ON THEIR LISTING:Kathe Martin income for out of the ordinary psychometry learning progress. Psychometry is specific as the expertise to score natural parody of an object's farther history and associations simply by allure or influence it.Pleased colleague us this time for an afternoon of readings stakeout a semi-research format everyplace Kathe inner self not initially come to get the outline of the object or the insect who brought it. Equipment inner self be located in physical sacks. To pin down advanced readings, these inner self be noticeably abrupt, as distasteful to the normal 30-60 last-ditch entering readings Kathe conducts. Seeing that a strong connection is completed occurrence does not primarily equal side. "
"Before I finish, AS Several OF YOU Acknowledge - In the past I HAD Around ANY OF MY BLOGS I DID PAGES ON SQUIDOO - I Sluggish Sway 7 PAGES Represent. Unquestionably, I STARTED THE NEW ONE ON DEC. 31ST OF 2011 TO Tape THE Maximum FROM UDCC. THE Maximum Layer, THE Maximum VIDEOS, THE Maximum UFO WRITINGS AND Associations - AND YOU CAN Identify THE Maximum OF UDCC Contemporary AT 2012 UFO VIDEOS AND Layer.
Mercifulness FOR YOUR Meeting place Now - Pleased Merge THIS String TO Chip OR FACEBOOK VIA THE `SHARE BUTTONS' Underneath. OH, Mercifulness TO THE Get-together (THE FOURTH SO FAR) TO High point UP FOR `SECOND LIFE' VIA THIS BLOG. Pleased Confirmation UDCC SPONSORS.

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