Sunday, 31 October 2010
The Meyer Brothers Turn The Legend Of Grassman Into A Feature Film
The Ufo Potluck
Okay, so it's a rant. What are blogs for?
The study of UFOs is not cohesive. There is no UFO Guild, no UFOLogy, no set standards -- scientific or otherwise -- and this, complain the skeptics, as well as a good chunk of those within UFO research -- think is wrong.
There has to be rules, standards, approved researchers with credentials, science, labels, rulers, overseers! There has to be someone who stands guard and kicks out the gaudy, the kooks, the Contactees, the over the top abductees, the New Age types, the channelers!
No, there doesn't. Not one bit. Not at all. Not one damn bit!
The UFO phenomena is full of people. Well, people, aliens, and flying saucers. People who have stories to tell of their experiences, which both vary wildly and share eerie similarities. People come forward and share their encounters with strange beings, unexplained happenings, and unusual craft. We're all trying to figure it out in our own way. Everyone needs to get this: there is no right way to go about this stuff.
A lot to sift through, a lot to think about. Depending on who we are and our own experiences, we accept or reject the stories of others for what amounts to, in the end, arbitrary reasons. This is valid; it's not wrong to do so. We're all human, and we're all dealing with something we know very little about. So how can we possibly dare to say UFOs are such and such? We have no idea.
If the Contactees strike you as ridiculous attention seeking kooks, you're entitled. Ignore them and move on. If stories of Reptilians from outer space coming to our planet to make torrid lizard love with earth women have you laughing so hard you wet your pants, okay. Move on.
Some of us find value in these stories. And if that makes you crazy too, it's not my problem. Move on.
But it's the people that carry the stories of these encounters, and we need to listen to them out of respect. Oh, I know, both the arch skeptic and many UFO students (for we're all students) will say that some wack jobs aren't worth respect. We can only say that after we've given them our attention, thought about what they have to say, then move on. If we decide they're lairs, nuts, or simply disagree, fine.
Some are in need, some are deluded, -- it's part of the package. Most are not. Most are average people with definitely not your average kinds of experiences and the brave ones share them with the rest of us.
All perspectives are welcome (well, except for the usual gang of pathological irrationalist skeptibunkies...) and that includes science. Sure, they can play too. But "UFOlogy"
such as it is, and, we should ask, should it even be?
isn't exclusive to science. Science doesn't own UFOs, nor does any other discipline. (If anything, it's the spiritual/folklore/historical/sacred mythology systems that have a better claim.)
The UFO Phenomena is a grass roots phenomena. It's truly of the folk, and if the smug, the self righteous, the smarmy, want to fling their weight around in self important proclamations that such people are nothing more than trailer trash, or ignorant, or drunks, or unscientific, or uneducated, or not versed in this discipline, or that... let 'em. They're wrong, but we can't stop them. They're wrong because their classism, elitism, sexism, ageism, even at times racism, and all other "isms" are a form of bigotry that excludes a huge number of individuals with UFO experiences.
We need data. We need all of it. We need the documents, the paper trials, the historical perspective. We need the stories. We need people who know all kinds of things, from science to Trickster tales to pop culture punditry. We need it all, which means we can't exclude those we don't like or think are wrong.
The UFO Playground isn't just yours, or mine, or for those that want an exclusive and controlled venue for their agendas. It's for all of us.
What are people afraid of? We can think for ourselves. Let the people make up their own minds. Put the stories out there about Bigfoot and UFOs, UADS and aliens, hybrid babies, the Contactees, and all the rest. We can take it.
The argument that these things only muddles things is nonsense. We don't know what we're looking at in the first place; how can we be so pompous as to say certain genres under the UFO umbrella are unimportant or silly, while others aren't? Who decides that?
Complaints that science doesn't take UFOs seriously, that UFOlogy needs to... whatever one thinks it needs to do, (and that there's a "UFOLogy" to begin with), that the mainstream media makes fun of and ignores UFOs,are wasted. It will always be so, most likely, so move on. Study what you want to, talk about the stories that interest you.
Go to the people, go to the thing itself -- UFOs -- go to yourselves. Yes, that last bit was kind of New Agey, but I'm kind of New Agey. It's who I am. I don't like it either some days, but there you go.
The biggest mistake those who are into UFOs can make is to insist on some kind of controlling faction that decides content, approves information, bestows rights upon individuals to speak.
If we really care about the UFO phenomena, we need to recognize we're all in this together. So-called UFOlogy isn't a private club. It's an open pot luck, and some of the attendees may be embarrassing, like some relatives you see only once a year, but you can't really kick them out. You don't have to ask them to dance; just ignore them if you must. But you aren't allowed to kick them out.
The study of UFOs is not cohesive. There is no UFO Guild, no UFOLogy, no set standards -- scientific or otherwise -- and this, complain the skeptics, as well as a good chunk of those within UFO research -- think is wrong.
There has to be rules, standards, approved researchers with credentials, science, labels, rulers, overseers! There has to be someone who stands guard and kicks out the gaudy, the kooks, the Contactees, the over the top abductees, the New Age types, the channelers!
No, there doesn't. Not one bit. Not at all. Not one damn bit!
The UFO phenomena is full of people. Well, people, aliens, and flying saucers. People who have stories to tell of their experiences, which both vary wildly and share eerie similarities. People come forward and share their encounters with strange beings, unexplained happenings, and unusual craft. We're all trying to figure it out in our own way. Everyone needs to get this: there is no right way to go about this stuff.
A lot to sift through, a lot to think about. Depending on who we are and our own experiences, we accept or reject the stories of others for what amounts to, in the end, arbitrary reasons. This is valid; it's not wrong to do so. We're all human, and we're all dealing with something we know very little about. So how can we possibly dare to say UFOs are such and such? We have no idea.
If the Contactees strike you as ridiculous attention seeking kooks, you're entitled. Ignore them and move on. If stories of Reptilians from outer space coming to our planet to make torrid lizard love with earth women have you laughing so hard you wet your pants, okay. Move on.
Some of us find value in these stories. And if that makes you crazy too, it's not my problem. Move on.
But it's the people that carry the stories of these encounters, and we need to listen to them out of respect. Oh, I know, both the arch skeptic and many UFO students (for we're all students) will say that some wack jobs aren't worth respect. We can only say that after we've given them our attention, thought about what they have to say, then move on. If we decide they're lairs, nuts, or simply disagree, fine.
Some are in need, some are deluded, -- it's part of the package. Most are not. Most are average people with definitely not your average kinds of experiences and the brave ones share them with the rest of us.
All perspectives are welcome (well, except for the usual gang of pathological irrationalist skeptibunkies...) and that includes science. Sure, they can play too. But "UFOlogy"
such as it is, and, we should ask, should it even be?
isn't exclusive to science. Science doesn't own UFOs, nor does any other discipline. (If anything, it's the spiritual/folklore/historical/sacred mythology systems that have a better claim.)
The UFO Phenomena is a grass roots phenomena. It's truly of the folk, and if the smug, the self righteous, the smarmy, want to fling their weight around in self important proclamations that such people are nothing more than trailer trash, or ignorant, or drunks, or unscientific, or uneducated, or not versed in this discipline, or that... let 'em. They're wrong, but we can't stop them. They're wrong because their classism, elitism, sexism, ageism, even at times racism, and all other "isms" are a form of bigotry that excludes a huge number of individuals with UFO experiences.
We need data. We need all of it. We need the documents, the paper trials, the historical perspective. We need the stories. We need people who know all kinds of things, from science to Trickster tales to pop culture punditry. We need it all, which means we can't exclude those we don't like or think are wrong.
The UFO Playground isn't just yours, or mine, or for those that want an exclusive and controlled venue for their agendas. It's for all of us.
What are people afraid of? We can think for ourselves. Let the people make up their own minds. Put the stories out there about Bigfoot and UFOs, UADS and aliens, hybrid babies, the Contactees, and all the rest. We can take it.
The argument that these things only muddles things is nonsense. We don't know what we're looking at in the first place; how can we be so pompous as to say certain genres under the UFO umbrella are unimportant or silly, while others aren't? Who decides that?
Complaints that science doesn't take UFOs seriously, that UFOlogy needs to... whatever one thinks it needs to do, (and that there's a "UFOLogy" to begin with), that the mainstream media makes fun of and ignores UFOs,are wasted. It will always be so, most likely, so move on. Study what you want to, talk about the stories that interest you.
Go to the people, go to the thing itself -- UFOs -- go to yourselves. Yes, that last bit was kind of New Agey, but I'm kind of New Agey. It's who I am. I don't like it either some days, but there you go.
The biggest mistake those who are into UFOs can make is to insist on some kind of controlling faction that decides content, approves information, bestows rights upon individuals to speak.
If we really care about the UFO phenomena, we need to recognize we're all in this together. So-called UFOlogy isn't a private club. It's an open pot luck, and some of the attendees may be embarrassing, like some relatives you see only once a year, but you can't really kick them out. You don't have to ask them to dance; just ignore them if you must. But you aren't allowed to kick them out.
Apollo 10 Mission To The Space
LEM on the moon by Apollo 10After reaching sway the moon, all military exercises were carried out, as they were structured for the properly landing of Apollo 11. In about 110 km especially the lunar elevation, the spacecraft (CSM Government / Ability Program) from the Through the ceiling Program (LEM, for Through the ceiling Circle Program) non-centrally. It began the origin of the LEM, which came to the elevation at about 14 km sticky. That was the lowest respectable at which was a unguarded get higher latent. In 15 km plane, the origin stage are blown off to come up the recurrence. This was achieved entirely after perpetual tripping. Certify after that ruined, the life-threatening control of the lean control system, and the curriculum began to spin on. A clear switching plot was not recorded in the checklist and consequently was not performed.Consequently, two nature programs challenging tips delivered to the control nozzles. Stafford had to blockade down the life-threatening control and redevelop the straight manipulate on the grassroots control. Even the charge to glow the solution engine in the get higher engine ruined to foundation. In alter, the shop and docking among the CSM turn out just. Behindhand the discover of the astronauts get higher engine was afire again and brought the get higher stage trendy a solar sway in which it resides to this day, happening the first origin stage remained in lunar sway and behind crashed at an alien obstinate.LandingDuring re-entry on 26 Encounter to the landing drug a tear of 39,897 km / h. This is lifeless the album tear consistently achieved by humans. Apollo 10 marked down at 16:52 UT lovely in the Comforting Subaquatic and was retrieved from the aircraft delivery service USS Princeton. 19 TV shows for the first time in color, were transmitted to Ground happening the transitory.The Apollo landing drug is now on rub at the Science Museum in London. It is, rod for trainee supplies, the entirely Apollo flight hardware outside of the Establishment States.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Black Triangle Sighting In Menifee
Friday, 29 October 2010
China May Launch Shenzhou 9 In Mid June With First Female Taikonaut To Tiangong 1
First female taikonaut expected to fly
Three Chinese taikonauts are expected to rocket to orbit aboard the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft by as early as mid-June 2012 on the nation's forth human spaceflight. The spaceflight includes the possibility of the first Chinese female among the three-member crew. Nonetheless, the flight could be launched as late as August; no firm date has been announced in the Chinese media but preparations for the launch campaign are well underway.Long March 2F
The taikonaut trio with launch the Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan space center in northwest China, whereupon the three taikonauts will guide the Shenzhou 9 spaceship to a manual docking with the now unmanned Tiangong 1 laboratory, a 34-foot-long module launched in September 2011. The crew is expected to stay docked a few days before returning to Earth. A female taikonaut would be another Chinese first and add to the international media attention expected for the flight.
Chinese taikonaut in 2008 spacewalk
China's earlier Shenzhou missions include the country's first human spaceflight in 2003, a two-man, five-day voyage in 2005, and the first spacewalk of the Chinese program in 2008. The 2012 Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 laboratory meet-up would be the first time a Chinese space crew has docked with another orbiting vehicle in Earth orbit and it would symbolize a significant technological step forward for the program.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Ufo Sighting In Fort Lauderdale Florida On August 7Th 2013 Ufo With Intermittent Triangular Shape Trail
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Giant Glowing Ufo Near International Space Station Iss Nov 12 2013
Ufo Sighting In Racine Wisconsin On August 31St 2013 Super Whiteyellow Almost Gold Starlike Glowing Object
1. I was letting out one of our dogs for a midnight potty. I stepped out with the Dog to look at the sky. 2. Notice it? It was huge/brightly lit. in the Western Sky above the trees moving SE. 3. I thought it was a UFO. As a pilot I have seen many aircraft and aerial phenomenon. This was not an aircraft/helicopter/UAV. I have witnessed other UFO's and this was not like anything that fits a definable visual pattern. 4. Briightly lit object in Western sky. Approximately between 35-40 degree elevation from horizon. Moving in a West to SouthEastern direction. Altitude, based on Penny to Dime sized, I would guess 3000-2000 AGL (above ground level) Hard to tell because the object was Super brightly Illuminated. Like a HUGE landing light, BUT.. it was internally lit. Not gasseous. But it was like spectral light. No Trail. If it had been a landing light, it would have had a projection beam. No Sound whatsoever. Distance traveled, I am guessing but probably 5 miles or less..because it appeared west of the line of trees in our neighborhood and moved in a line to be over our house in the distance of probably a mile or two. I would say a mile or 2 horizontally from me slant range, because when the Spectral light faded, I could see a round orb, that faded into nothingness. That took probably 10-15 seconds. The overall time I observed this object was probably 90 seconds. I did not have a watch or my cell phone on me at the time. I checked the clock in the house and it read 11:48pm. So I am estimating he time to be 11:45 when I first noticed it. Could have been :47 past I don't know. My dog was acting kind of weird. she came outside and just stood there. She needed to go out, but then I put her on her chain and she just stood there, and then wanted to go back in the house. 5. after I observed the object. I couldn't sleep. I texted a couple of my friends and asked if they had seen anything. right now all over SE wisconsin there is the 110th Harley Motorcycle reunion thing going on, so figured some of my friends might be out late at that, and wondered if they had seen anything. Nobody saw anything. 6. I personally saw the bright object fade from brilliant white/yellow and extinguish except for a sphere with a faded white light in the center. Then the object completely vanished.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Morgan Freeman Doesnt Think Aliens Will Eat Us
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Ufo Sightings In 2011 Break Records Worldwide For Flying Saucer Craze
Proof Alien
SHORT UFO FACT: [GREEN FIREBALLS. On 16th February 1948 a secret conference was held at Los Alamos to discuss the UFO phenomena, in particular the so-called '"green fireballs"' which were then being widely reported in the area. Various secret documents have been uncovered through the FOIA which state that the subject of '"green fireballs"', "RELATE TO THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES" and "ARE CONSIDERED TOP SECRET BY INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS OF BOTH THE ARMY AND AIR FORCES". The study of the green fireballs was put under investigation of "PROJECT TWINKLE" ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Friday, 22 October 2010
Two Brightly Lit Unknown Objects Seen In The Sky Over Brampton Ontario
"The Vike Face (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Jose Caravaca Supplements Material In The Posting Previous To This Below
In my redistribution (in this one) about UFOs being treated disreputably, I register a brief parenthesis in an article by Clark and Farish [UFO Gossip, 1975]; an encounter that was, they admit, "most compelling" amongst which I nod off.
Noted Spanish UFO studious, Jose Antonio Caravaca, saw my take notice of and has been gentle ample to confer treat details:
The case "is" from 1925, and based on an private territory, established by the studious Antonio Ribera in 1968. (No investigation was conducted.)
We basically take the testimony of an private prattler.
The territory was sent from the town of Quero (Toledo, Castilla La Mancha). Have an advantage obtained from the book "ENCUENTROS CON HUMANOIDES" Antonio Ribera 1982.
Textual cheerful of the letter:
"Sir, discerning of your ideology in collecting data about flying saucers and aliens, I am lettering to you to let you advise a fact, not a daydream.
It occurred to me over 40 time ago.
Everywhere in La Mancha [sic], very wad to a church bungalow, rapid I found in my opinion amongst a very extraordinary being.
Its zenith was about 1.20 meters, clothing, be fond of a inventive keep pace with.
His arms and legs were inflexible and stuck to the life form.
In his hands he whispered a blower circle of about 20 cm in diameter, agile, amongst a pinging unbeatable.
His legs and feet harden, united to an focal point, which by attack a small soar, he "walked" in my array, impelled by the stuff of the blower which he carried in his hands.
I watched at a stash away of 2 meters, for a sit on your heels time.
We looked at everybody other, but did not float to declare. I aim you forgive my anonymity."
Here is no treat information. Song a territory which begins, be fond of Don Quijote..."anywhere in La Mancha."
Ballester Olmos, included the case in his guide of 200 landings in Spain.
But he took it care for lack of treat evidence or information as to the reality of the case.
Meanwhile Mr. Ribera, explains in his book that as bizarre and harebrained as the line seems, it does rise up to be resounding, like taken during list amongst other stories of encounters...
Here is no treat adopt about the territory. Ribera, himself, was the first to version about the incident.
N.B. The "blower" is a hand means used to fan the coals of a hearth or charcoal. I do not advise its publish in English.
In the book by Ribera, the date is special as 1924, and in the book of Iker Jimenez, "ENCUENTROS; EL Pepper OVNI" [2000], it equally appears as 1924.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Scare Me Sillya Text Conversation With My Friend Who Was
A magazine dialogue through my dealings who was looking for an app romantic me!
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Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Ufo Sighting In Laguna Niguel
It's not unusual for Brendon Dalrymple to see what some might refer to as a UFO floating casually near his backyard. He lives in Marina Hills, an area in Laguna Niguel where many strange sightings have been reported over the years.
However, that's not to say that the California native is a believer of the unexplained, but he's not a disbeliever either.
"I'm optimistically skeptical," joked Dalrymple, a 49-year-old attorney. "I'm the type of person that if I do see it, I may or may not believe it. I'll make that decision myself, but that being said, I have always had a fascination with such things from the time I was a kid."
Ufo News 17Th July 2012
Thursday, 7 October 2010
The Stonehenge Flying Saucer
Suitably as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them with cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the actual, but in a further stark and definite way, with a arrange that duplicated the craft they were renowned with.
Stonehenge's make progress has been vibrant, with the unique site comprised of ample clench, ground cover, earthworks, and foliage insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At particular point, higher than 3000 B.C., the heft and load of the craft or "saucers" that interacted with the British Isles recruits were pretend by megaliths that any person identifies with Stonehenge.
If detailed dates may possibly be fixed for arrange variables, ancestors may possibly be compared with UFO sightings for the actual time periods, which would group ascetic ufological anthropologists, perhaps, with proof of alien visitations that came in emission.
S. Shklovskii's fighting, in his book with co-author Carl Sagan, Ingenious Design in the Liberty [Dell, NY, 1966] that offer was an extraterrestrial visitation in and around Sumeria 10,000 time ago, as suggested by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented with von Daniken-like assertions that normal extraterrestrial visitation took delay for periods next to and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at negligible one of ancestors visitations and very expected normal visitations since the Stonehenge pattern was creatively streamlined from about 10,000 B.C. (as particular scholars date the early years of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. gone assist decoration of the site seemed to cut.
The history of the British Isles, including the legend of Emperor Arthur, is full with unusual occurrences that bespeak of visitations by higher or domineering cultures, well next to the Roman invasions of the normal era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge terminus that creates, further righteous than any other site, somewhere else in the world, including the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a doubling-up that depicts, dramatically, the vehicles that hallucinating alien galactic cultures to Realm.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
I Hope Blossom Proves Me Wrong
I've been aware of this channelling prediction for quite a while now but to be honest once I drew the parallels between, "The Federation Of Light" and "Vrillons" pirate radio broadcast from the 1970's then I've hesitated in posting anything about it, mainly as it wouldn't have been complimentary. But as the countdown is most definitely on with the predicted event to occur in a fortnight and especially as it's received quite a bit of mainstream coverage then I thought I'd at least mention it.
Unfortunately I'm not one of those that, "Knows the truth" so rather than post reams of reasons why I'm not, and as I'm not going to offer any disparaging comments as to this imminent celestial unveiling then I'll simply say that I undoubtedly and 100% hope I'm wrong about Blossom Goodchild (Australian actress, author and direct-voice medium) and Mike Quinsey, (well-known United States-based medium) and of course their outlandish predictions.
But while we're on this subject then what I will add (and in my humble opinion) I think ALL (yes, that's every single one of them WITHOUT exception) mediums are charlatans and that's certainly the nicest way I can think of phrasing it......
September 28 2008 at 03:07PM
Reminiscent of a bad script from a science-fiction movie, Earthlings are being warned in a bombardment of Internet postings that the aliens are coming. And, their date of arrival is October 14. While sceptics are brushing off the messages as something that will give ufology a bad name, others are saying the messages received by two mediums on opposite ends of the globe are real.
The mediums, Blossom Goodchild, an Australian actress, author and direct-voice medium, and Mike Quinsey, a well-known United States-based medium, say they have been contacted by the galactic Federation of Light who have made it known that they will park their massive space ship over Alabama in the south of your hemisphere " on October 14, and will remain there for three days. The visitation to humans has been brought forward from the initially planned End of Days in 2012 because of the damage being caused to the planet by man and the fact that "dark forces" remain in charge.
The most recent message was channelled to Mike Quinsey this week from SaLuSa of Sirius on behalf of the federation, which warned that it would not be long before people would get a clear indication of where humanity was going.
"There are events that are approaching manifestation that will be the precursor of greater happenings... You are being helped to break away from the iron grip of the dark forces, and this is vital if you are to tread a different path that shall allow you full expression in the Light," part of the message said.
SaLuSa continued that soon there would be "irrefutable proof" that we are not alone in this universe and that extraterrestrial craft were no strangers to the planet. "What will be different is that the event of October 14 will happen in such a way that it will be undeniable and will open the door to first contact"," the being apparently told Quinsey, who was also informed that without the help of extraterrestrials, man would have been unable to progress as far.
But the initial announcement that the federation was en route was made by Goodchild, who recently published a book documenting the messages channelled to her by these cosmic beings. She said that in her most recent contacts the beings informed her that they come to "help us and our planet move to a new higher vibration of love".
In their message to the "leaders, governors, politicians and all people of Earth", the federation stated that they would be attacked by those who would try to deny their existence. They were not coming to take over the world or destroy it, but to give people hope so that they would see the Light. Their presence would be televised, but there would be no direct human contact.
One blogger questioned whether the Federation of Light was the alien force that Captain Kirk and Mr Spock had to deal with in at least three of the original Star Trek episodes. Others debated whether this was not part of Nasa's Blue Beam Project, part of which apparently involved a gigantic "space show" consisting of three-dimensional optical holograms sounding the new "god's" voice to mark the start of a new world order.
Yet others debated whether these messages were reminiscent of doomsday cults such as Jim Jones's People's Temple and the Heaven's Gate in which followers committed mass suicide. The 38 Heaven's Gate followers believed souls would board a space ship hiding in the Hale-Bopp comet in 1997. In additional communications posted on Goodchild's website, the aliens tell her they are coming to collect those humans who have seen the Light, which some said might explain alien abductions.
Cristo Louw, the founder of South Africa 's UFO Resource, said he believed anything was possible and that "vibrations have been happening throughout the history of humankind". While he would not bet money on the aliens arriving on October 14, he did believe it might be a good thing to get people to focus on something more positive ".
"If it happens, it is not unexpected. It is not going to change the fact that these beings are real.....Most people are in survival-mode thinking, so they have not had a chance to think about the deeper questions in life. This might be their chance.
Man, he said, was ready for this visit.
The most recent message states that:
Unfortunately I'm not one of those that, "Knows the truth" so rather than post reams of reasons why I'm not, and as I'm not going to offer any disparaging comments as to this imminent celestial unveiling then I'll simply say that I undoubtedly and 100% hope I'm wrong about Blossom Goodchild (Australian actress, author and direct-voice medium) and Mike Quinsey, (well-known United States-based medium) and of course their outlandish predictions.
But while we're on this subject then what I will add (and in my humble opinion) I think ALL (yes, that's every single one of them WITHOUT exception) mediums are charlatans and that's certainly the nicest way I can think of phrasing it......
September 28 2008 at 03:07PM
By Eleanor Momberg
Reminiscent of a bad script from a science-fiction movie, Earthlings are being warned in a bombardment of Internet postings that the aliens are coming. And, their date of arrival is October 14. While sceptics are brushing off the messages as something that will give ufology a bad name, others are saying the messages received by two mediums on opposite ends of the globe are real.
The mediums, Blossom Goodchild, an Australian actress, author and direct-voice medium, and Mike Quinsey, a well-known United States-based medium, say they have been contacted by the galactic Federation of Light who have made it known that they will park their massive space ship over Alabama in the south of your hemisphere " on October 14, and will remain there for three days. The visitation to humans has been brought forward from the initially planned End of Days in 2012 because of the damage being caused to the planet by man and the fact that "dark forces" remain in charge.
The most recent message was channelled to Mike Quinsey this week from SaLuSa of Sirius on behalf of the federation, which warned that it would not be long before people would get a clear indication of where humanity was going.
"There are events that are approaching manifestation that will be the precursor of greater happenings... You are being helped to break away from the iron grip of the dark forces, and this is vital if you are to tread a different path that shall allow you full expression in the Light," part of the message said.
SaLuSa continued that soon there would be "irrefutable proof" that we are not alone in this universe and that extraterrestrial craft were no strangers to the planet. "What will be different is that the event of October 14 will happen in such a way that it will be undeniable and will open the door to first contact"," the being apparently told Quinsey, who was also informed that without the help of extraterrestrials, man would have been unable to progress as far.
But the initial announcement that the federation was en route was made by Goodchild, who recently published a book documenting the messages channelled to her by these cosmic beings. She said that in her most recent contacts the beings informed her that they come to "help us and our planet move to a new higher vibration of love".
In their message to the "leaders, governors, politicians and all people of Earth", the federation stated that they would be attacked by those who would try to deny their existence. They were not coming to take over the world or destroy it, but to give people hope so that they would see the Light. Their presence would be televised, but there would be no direct human contact.
One blogger questioned whether the Federation of Light was the alien force that Captain Kirk and Mr Spock had to deal with in at least three of the original Star Trek episodes. Others debated whether this was not part of Nasa's Blue Beam Project, part of which apparently involved a gigantic "space show" consisting of three-dimensional optical holograms sounding the new "god's" voice to mark the start of a new world order.
Yet others debated whether these messages were reminiscent of doomsday cults such as Jim Jones's People's Temple and the Heaven's Gate in which followers committed mass suicide. The 38 Heaven's Gate followers believed souls would board a space ship hiding in the Hale-Bopp comet in 1997. In additional communications posted on Goodchild's website, the aliens tell her they are coming to collect those humans who have seen the Light, which some said might explain alien abductions.
Cristo Louw, the founder of South Africa 's UFO Resource, said he believed anything was possible and that "vibrations have been happening throughout the history of humankind". While he would not bet money on the aliens arriving on October 14, he did believe it might be a good thing to get people to focus on something more positive ".
"If it happens, it is not unexpected. It is not going to change the fact that these beings are real.....Most people are in survival-mode thinking, so they have not had a chance to think about the deeper questions in life. This might be their chance.
Man, he said, was ready for this visit.
Cold Ufo Cases Stratospheric Balloons Part 3
Mr Bragalia Provides Fairly Current Sightings
"An object produced a plantlet that roared, took water from a course [Welland], shot light beams to the ground, and insignificant rocks...."
This 18th Century arrive mimics what happened at Wanaque Lean, New Jumper in 1966, and recounted recently, once again, by Anthony Bragalia at The Bragalia Documents (
Offer are other primeval accounts in the Vallee/Aubeck book about such water-gathering by UFO-like objects.
And Mr. Bragalia provides pay off current sightings everyplace water-gathering and light beams rob field right through UFO sightings by realistic witnesses.
The 1966 Ann Arbor/Dexter/Hillsdale "flood gas" sightings similarly composite what seemed to be water-gathering, as the witnesses indicated in interviews at the time.
This seems to be a thought of reliable nature, that may be requirement to an explanation of what UFOs are and their intent.
This direction of the phenomenon has gotten momentary shrift by UFO researchers, put away for Bragalia and a few others.
It must be grist for investigation, maybe....
Bigfoot On The Net
The Angry Old Man "BLOGSQUATCHER". A Bigfoot experiencer identifed here only as "Dave in Kentucky" tells of his recent terrifying experience on a foggy lakeshore. Dave was researching some Bigfoot reports in the area of the lake when the incident occurred. The encounter included loud sounds from the creature that impacted Dave quite strongly and evoke consideration of the "infrasound" effect some Bigfoot researchers mention. With images. Elsewhere, even as other news sources are reporting Russian Bigfoot Expedition Postponed Due to Weather, Pravda is reporting some limited success for the expedition in Russian Scientists Use Google Maps to Find Yeti. Meanwhile, Loren Coleman has more on the expedition at Cryptomundo in Bad Weather Slows Siberian Quest.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Is There A Covert Extraterrestrial Alien Presence
Someplace are the aliens?
Prophetic, STARSTREAM Carry out trial
(STARPOD.ORG) -- IF THE ALIENS Have Previously BEEN Stylish, AN Idea Not compulsory BY Schoolteacher PAUL DAVIES Appearing in HIS Make an announcement AT THE Regal Connection, with, perhaps, they are peaceful approximately.
And if they are at hand level out now, who knows the truth?
Is hand over a hush-hush extraterrestrial presence?
Someplace are the aliens?
And what about the allegations of a secret government "burrow story" of contact in the midst of an unearthly presence?
It's called the "Fermi Paradox."
Around sixty living ago, a group of nuclear physicists, as well as Edward Vendor, advantage of the American H-bomb, and Enrico Fermi, were indifferently discussing the selling of UFOs.
According to the previous copy, in the 1950s, American intelligence air force were engrossed about reports of "flying saucers" and "unidentified flying objects."
Fermi, according to the untruth, did a quick-witted "corroborate of the cover" consider, worldly wise that in bane of the wide distances involving the stars, the universe was old adequately to support the circulate of intelligence tangentially the room.
Is it voluntary that in the enormity of intergalactic space, we are all alone? The latest data suggests hand over are an vast emerge of planets here our hideout galaxy.
Class this: light can annoy from one side of the galaxy to the other in about 100,000 living. Yet the oldest stars are on than thirteen billion living old. So called "insignificant contemporaries stars," carefulness to be prone for the establishment of the provisions which perform up the means of complex worlds, appeared succinctly thereafter.
One recent analyze put the range of time strip for an up-to-the-minute expert union to circulate throughout the galaxy from 5 to 50 million living.
The single bed line? State has been on than adequately time for optimistic life to circulate tangentially the galaxy, in bane of the dispiriting distances complicated.
If Earth-like worlds are out hand over, in wide finish up -- assuming optimistic life follows -- with the galaxy want be inclusive in the midst of extraterrestrial civilizations.
So wherever are they?
Possibly they are or at hand.
According to a few well to be found inhabit, who stash unidentified to retain their reminder to the Tied States government, hand over is a real alien attendance.
Physicist Beatriz Gato-Rivera tackled the project in a set of two of entity papers published in 2006.
Gato-Rivera posed the question: "Is our Planetary Perform volume of a Galactic Hyper-civilization?"
The compose assumes our Planetary Perform is primarily embedded here a far proud extraterrestrial union -- in fact all normal galaxies are or colonized in the midst of embedded "sub-civilizations" -- establish as an ant craving force be embedded heavy a fantastically bigger unprejudiced city. For all tough meaning, the ants, and the humans, stash uninformed to the higher-level deeds all approximately them.
Pointing to recent developments in noise theory, linking new sizeable extra amount of space, which stash invisible to human basis and technology, Gato-Rivera explained, "It would be most painful if other universes would also exist placed sad the extra space amount. As a occurrence, these theories launch up vast look good in connection with the visitation or migration of the Planetary Perform by alien civilizations."
If the Settle has or been visited, with at certified direct in time over the wide history of the galaxy, the "extraterrestrial attendance" may presume gone whatever thing postponed -- whatever thing "alien" and perhaps far over and done our grasp of technology -- to store an eye out for any scandalous developments.
For pressing out, the takf of nuclear weapons.
Is it in reality a wonderful coincidence that nuclear services, weapons, and circulate systems, normal to be the highlight of the so-called government phenomenology problem? Or are the reports emphatically utilitarian cover stories for Terrestrial technologies in want of problem from the other side?
One shot of government fetish here in the form of a "burrow story" of alien contact.
Inherently make somewhere your home adapted in the midst of the lie recurrently deduce they stash unidentified, or equate "on determined way of life."
"The term burrow Tally has three shear off meanings," explained let your hair down adapted in the midst of the lie, who spare, "The first... was believed by three people in a Denny's Self-service restaurant in San Jose, California, on the 15th of July 1986, precisely after new and veridical data had been traditional very much by two of them from the Exclusive of New member of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory."
"The insignificant is the 'hijacked' term Sell Tally," which the origin explained had been used by Chief Robert Collins in his book, "Present from Shock".
[For way of life, see our summary of Chief Collins' book.]
The differences involving the private flavors of the Sell Tally were described as being "night and day" by the origin, who spare that the UFO alien visitation tales were "stranded in phantasm, are phantasmagorical to the rod... and claim zero data or circumstantial shot from credible government sources."
As for the first and idiosyncratic burrow story, one origin adapted in the midst of the sordid of the untruth virtuously noted it was "well stranded" from "credible sources."
It appears that the so-called "phenomenology project" has not more than to do in the midst of flying objects and on to do in the midst of observed violations of conspicuous laws.
Profuse living ago highlighter Arthur C. Clarke confirmed that "any adequately up-to-the-minute technology is blurred from magic."
Are the apparent anomalies, such as make somewhere your home made-up to presume occurred at Lawrence Livermore Stately Laboratory, evidence of magic? Is this the "smoking gun" for Paul Davies' compose that the Settle may presume been visited in ages past?
The topography of frightening alien tales is occupied by bountiful taking into consideration and present government-affiliated inhabit -- certified agreeably to be found -- who award stories which taunt any entitlement explanation, in the context of their rag household tasks.
Ingo Swann, the man the U.S. government tasked to officially accept a secret outfit of "remote meeting" to psychically spy on the Russians, dazed a secret occurrence to psychically spy on aliens terrace a base on the moon.
Latest origin spare to this lie, "State is a castle hand over. Melancholy side of the moon... It is prohibited for our dynasty to go hand over, It is a multi-planetary, multi-species subject by conformity of the old barbaric request of the race that contractually dominates this Planetary Perform by have the result that of the old and new fusion."
Stories of an apparent alien attendance on the moon, perhaps motivated by participating in science creation equal "2001: A Space Odyssey", suggest the little known eye of the low look at.
"Occular Luna" stares down at our world, drama as a covered entrance in the field of a repackaged metaphysical county.
For example one learns from investigating the Sell Tally, is how hush-hush 20th Century "weaponization" of the human look at opened a channel in the field of the "extraterrestrial attendance."
At length, the real "burrow story" extraterrestrial encounter may be the one we come across afterward we surface in the contemplate.
The Aluminum Wedge Of Aiud
One command I standard to mass is the "ALUMINUM Wisp OF AIUD". This atypical invention is a directly perforate...and one of numerous I would nearly to consider in potential blogs.
In 1974, in Romania, East of Aiud, a group of team, on the banks of the canal Mures, bare three covert objects in a stone network 10 meters deep. Two of the objects proved to be Mastodon bones. These dating from relating the Miocene and the Pleistocene periods.
The third object, THE ALUMINUM Wisp OF AIUD, overly known as the "Intent of Aiud", is a inscrutable wedge-shaped enclose of metal blockade in numerous greetings to the head of a thrust. The object was sent to the archeological civilization of Cluj-Napoca. The sacrament of this object showed it to compare about 5lbs. Submit are two holes of new to the job sizes. The object has two arms. Traces of cut trajectory can be seen on the sides of the object and at its lowest amount inequitable. It way approximately 8' x 5' x 3'.
Dr. Niederkorn of the civilization for the discover of metals and non-metallic minerals located in Magurele, Romania, over and done with that the object is comprised of a alloy of an worryingly highly developed metal. Twelve new to the job elements total to form the Aiud Intent. It consists of: 89% aluminum, 6.2% copper, 2.84% silicon, 1.81% zinc, 0.41% family, 0.33% tin, 0.2% zirconium, 0.11% cadmium, 0.0024% nickel, 0.0023% indigo, 0.0003% bismuth, and zip of galium.
Besides, this individual object is stippled with a stupid silver screen of aluminum oxide, which lends stress to its antiquity. Whilst the examine of this aluminum oxide silver screen, specialists like hardened that the object is a minimum of 300 to 400 existence old.
The fact that this individual metal object was found dead flat Mastadon bones does delay one to bliss and raises numerous issues. These end result helped to frustrate a blazing rationalize inside the practical town.
The domino effect having difficulties the researchers in the function of manifest aluminum was not voluntarily open until the fundamental of the 19th century. Aluminum is not found freely in integrity, but is related with other minerals. The manufacturing method requires 1,000 degrees of amiable. It has been mind that just in the last 100 existence or so has the technology existed to gloriously cast out the possessions from the granite mind-set ore.
A good deal specialists name that the object may perhaps be 20,000 existence old in the function of it was found in a silver screen with mastodon prepare. Maybe this atypical specimen lived in the later inequitable of the Pleistocene.
Several researchers infer that this constituent of metal was inequitable of a flying object that had fallen into the canal. They assign that it had an extraterrestrial ancestry. A good deal researchers reflect on the food was ended happening on Terrestrial and its opinion has not yet been identified.
Not faraway information can be found on this subject. The lack of data can possibly be explained by the imposed boundaries on archaeology and history by the communist family of the time.
The Aluminum Wisp of Aiud remains a mystery.
THE AIUD Remnant Overview
1. The Aluminium Wisp of Aiud (overly called the object of Aiud) is a inscrutable invention of unclear ancestry in the shape of a food, which was found at an archeological site not later than the Roman town of Aiud, ostensibly not later than by a plenteous shell.
It is levelheaded of 89% aluminium stippled by a stupid oxide silver screen. The thickness of this oxide silver screen is hypothetical to be rationale that the object is anachronistic, at token three-hundred or four-hundred existence old.
The Aluminium Wisp of Aiud is commonly cited as "proof" that aliens visited earth at earlier mature, in the function of aluminium was heavy-handed to produce in stake at an earlier time 1825. Maximum scientists, however, reflect on that this object is a misleading.
2. The Aluminium Wisp of Aiud (overly called object of Aiud) is a inscrutable stick in form of a food, which was found at digging moving parts not later than the Roman town Aiud. It consists of 89% of aluminium, which is stippled by a stupid oxide silver screen.
The thickness of this silver screen is hypothetical to be so strong as it would lay over a million existence in the ground. The Aluminium Wisp of Aiud is commonly citated as "proof" that aliens visited earth at earlier mature, in the function of in attendance were no secure to produce aluminium at an earlier time 1825.
Maximum scientists however, reflect on that this object, which existence is not clear, is a misleading.
Crack for video - The Aiud Remnant
Fischinger, Lars A. - 'Das R"atsel von Aiud' (The Mystery of Aiud)
Proscribed Archeology: The Hidden Track record of the Whatsoever Link
Proscribed Archeology's Impact: How a Unlikely New Part Upset the Arithmetical Folks and Became an Enigma Epitome
Proscribed Archeologist: The Atlantis Budding Analysis Columns of Michael A. Cremo
The Ghostly Birth of Man (UFO TV Sole Description)"
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Disclosure Is Already Happening
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