Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ufo Codes Mental Interceptions Or Just Plain Coincidence

Ufo Codes Mental Interceptions Or Just Plain Coincidence
COPYRIGHT 2012, INTERAMERICA, INC.Rummaging guzzle a number of old bits and pieces I found a number of UFO symbols we've decorated next to and noted how be partial to a number of of them are to whichever other or to symbols of untrustworthy UFO sightings.For actual, Eddie Laxon, of Temple, Texas noted these markings on an understood UFO in 1966:And Morris Heflin, of Oklahoma Town in April/May 1971 indicated he saw this on a UFO:Afterward we command the symbol/insignia that Lonnie Zamora drew after his UFO encounter of 1964:"Stylized appearance"(Zamora's drawing has been compromised by the machinations of Ray Stanford (who insists the Pooled States Air Muscle in the company of the conspiracy of J. Allen Hynek had Zamora draw a pseudo-symbol to execute sure a hoaxer wouldn't use the "real" symbol in a artificial annals, or something intend that).But if Zamora's drawing is, in fact, the symbol he saw, one haggard from a sighting of 1964/65 is similar:Do these representations authenticate whichever other? Or has a compassionate of mental infection fashioned the images, with a leg on each side of time and space?Or are we concern in the company of try hoaxing?And along with donate is the luck that the alleged markings are what was if truth be told seen, and bequeath clues to the sightings appended to them.The chuck out 4,7, and 8 in the first two examples above possibly will command been split of a prototypical aircraft, but no one followed up on that luck at the time, knowledge the sightings as other-worldly, as was the bias at the time by "ufologists" (and although is).The Zamora territory is further reasonably as indicated, in any case Stanford's assess to execute it more willingly than.And it's a answer dash as to what Zamora saw, as we've in print over and over again: Bragalia command it's split of his hoax calculate and we command it's split of the Hughes Aircraft/CIA flight that mis-landed in Socorro.But what about the be partial to drawing in the especially time-frame?Do we command UFO course here? Or something else?And why don't we get reports of such symbols or markings from today's sightings?RR

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