Thursday, 16 October 2014

Man Escapes Alien Abduction Has Pictures To Prove It

Man Escapes Alien Abduction Has Pictures To Prove It
Texas Oilfield Worker Escapes Alien Abduction Captures Photo Of Alien And Alien Crafts.

Crude Oil Transport Driver Ronny Dawson Of Ranger,Texas Has A Close Encounter With Alien visitors and explains the details of the encounter in rural Coleman County,Tx.

He captures alien image looking from a port opening of a alien craft.He also captures passover of huge mothership and the images of surface structures,piping,storage tanks,flares,and antennas on a 1/2 mile craft.

This huge craft was spotted 60 miles from Dyess Airforce Base.Our airspace is no longer ours alone...

There is no shortage of sightings in Texas.

This object was spotted in Wells Branch to Leander, TX, on March 26. The witness says this is the third time the object has been spotted..

Here is another photo taken by the same witness.

These pulsating orbs were seen in Georgetown, Texas. The witness says the pulsating orbs that changed altitude and direction separate from each other. There were 8 of them in 2 lines when the top line of 4 went out there remained 4 and then disappeared.


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