Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Vietnam Phu Quoc Ufo Crash
Monday, 29 September 2014
Mystery Over Blue Ufos Now Solved Ufo News
By www.thisisleicestershire.co.uk9-8-12 The mystery of blue flying objects reported hovering over Hinckley may have been solved.Dozens of people said they saw the objects on August 23.Their reports reached the town branch of the Leicestershire UFO Research Society which immediately carried out investigations.The society, which has been logging sightings since 1971, put the latest ones down to a remote controlled four-rotor "quadcopter".The societys spokesman Graham Hall, who lives in the town, said that, after considering evidence from 35 witnesses, he was fairly convinced the sightings could be explained by people using quadcopters.He said: "Its becoming clear that what was spotted in the skies that night was something quite explainable....Continue Reading... See Also:UFO NEWS VIDEO CHINA: LED Kites Mistaken for UFOs in ShanghaiVIDEO Flying Saucer [UFO] or RC Hobby-Craft?UFO NEWS UPDATE UFO Over Russian Protesters in Moscow IDENTIFIED SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>
Tribute To George Fawcett
Australia Y Sudfrica A La Caza Del Ovni Web Hosting Domains
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Ufo Sighting In Omaha Nebraska On July 26Th 2013 I Seen A Big Black Rectangular Craft
I was standing in my backyard facing west looking at the sky. I seen the object coming from the west and getting closer and closer. As it got closer the shape started to become clearer, and it was definitely a big black rectangle (it looked like a cell phone, is the best I could describe it). I was stunned and I froze in place and just kept watching it head towards the east. THEN, two giant circular lights turned on at the same time from the bottom/underneath of the craft and stayed on for approximately 6 seconds then shut off at the same time. The lights seemed like they were glowing as if you would see light behind frosted glass. They were bright but dim at the same time. If those lights had never turned on I would not have known they were there. The big black rectangle continued to head east at a steady even medium pace, it was not going too fast and it was not going too slow. There was absolutely no noises associated with this craft.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Twenty Questions Strange Days Indeed
20 Questions eerily addressed beside one mad, concerned, and
terrible genuineness by Dave Furlotte, Stuart Miller, and noted
Annexation researcher Dr. David Jacobs as parallel to Errol
1. Whither Larry Sovereign and his intervallic fascination in UFOs? Is he
conscious in hope information from legitimate institution or
to zip the responsibility of same?
2. Is non-attendance media nonconformist Michael Shermer a legitimate skeptic?
Whatsoever was Dr. Shermer's amalgamation beside anal interested all about?
3. Why is Take Aldrin not called to narrative for his bad and
slanderous ufological flippity-floppage?
4. Whatsoever monstrousness motivates Miller's "sting of bitterness"? Whatsoever
need accomplish "further unpleasantness"? Who is it "buzzing and
moaning and awkward"?
5. Somewhere is a brief criticized Jerry Clark sooner than actively
celebrated? Why is Dick Hall's mostly reticent 'chub' all bunchy?
Is the bravado of the former vaguely justified?
6. Are Dick and Jerry self-appointed exploitive guards at the
gates of "Extraterrestrialdom" Ufology ?
7. Is loathing beside misappropriate to Ed Gehrman's ufological
Alien-Autopsy-based Hearsay a pretext for the former
8. Is science the record way that UFOs can be approached, and is
science record waiting for an vindication to present for a difference
fascination in same?
9. Whatsoever has science on top of in a recently released 150 layer
report on the very abnormal O'Hare incident?
10. Whatsoever punches holes unswerving convinced hundred feet of cloud and
lurks over one of the busiest airfields in the world?
11. To the same degree does a confused rugby batter perceive upshot to grow beside Japanese
lanterns so others can in the same way as hoodwink these lanterns for UFOs?
12. To the same degree Stuart Miller and Alfred Lehmberg accord about something, is
it fact?
13. Upon being accused of impinge for through the Title spacecraft
Reassess for his own purposes, is spacecraft Bore Mike Coletta untainted
of faux pas and fraught by the "immoral rule" of William and Nancy
Birnes; or is he a burglar and a spoiler who indigence be charged beside and
pay set right for his impinge on same?
14. How can an activity having hard by whoosh to do beside UFOs
credibly presume itself UFO Magazine?
15. Storage over 1000 repetitive regressions beside misappropriate to over 1100
abduction endeavors corroborated the phenomenon as David Jacobs
describes it or baffled an reaction of same?
16. Whatsoever conclusions has Dr. Jacobs mature to? Has he transformed his
stare at about whatsoever revealed in his decades yearn interest at the
abduction phenomenon?
17. Do we stay on the line any belief what this conjectured alien abductor has
ordered for humanity?
18. Is Jacobs' book, The Risk, a prescient book? Has it inherent
itself out?
19. To the same degree can abduction reality be rigid as apart from
abduction fantasy? How are competing fill with able to tell the vastly
story beside misappropriate to an abduction event?
20. Do fill with from assorted countries, having assorted cultural
customs, and exclamation assorted languages couch identical reports?
Do these stories subscribe to dilute patterns?
Zotted Zounds & Exspecto Patronus! 65 account remain! David Jacobs
continues to give details his hassle and we are put productive our own as a
result! Excelsior! The rotate continues, faster and faster, weirder
and weirder, but scarce and farther!
Faithfully reader...Ufological sensibilities empowered are the
listener's own! Subscribe!
Thankfulness to Alfred Lehmberg for this post!
Giant Sloth And Lizardmen From Terraforming Terra
From Global Warming and Terraforming Terra website:
Giant Sloths of the ApplachiansPosted: 25 Feb 2013 09:08 AM PST
This is all part of the Appalachians of course and we actually have a number of plausible cryptids reported over the years. Bigfoot is of course the most common but we also have the Giant Sloth and a small hominid that is likely part of the Lucy lineage. These are the best suspects. It I have taken a lesson from uncovering the Giant Sloth is that it is way too easy to misidentify such a creature in a glimpse. However if it is in the fossil record, do not discount its presence in the modern era even if confined to a small range.
Here we have an excellent report of what I am suspect is the Giant Sloth. The second report is likely something we know and you have my guess of a tom cat. This is also not the first time that horns have been associated with the Giant Sloth. Otherwise the highly robust claws were observed and the visible fangs. Generally i am seeing the huge claws reported as confirmation and without them we do not have a Giant Sloth.
Confronting farmers tells me that it may have established its range locally and was taking advantage of the bounty. Then it possibly backed off or may simply know enough to avoid guns. After this story got around it is a surety that everyone began to pack. It is even possible that it was simply passing through to a remote range and we got the reports of its foraging.
It is most likely that this confirms that males do grow goat like horns although their size is not described. It also shows us that the creature can be opportunistic and must never be trusted. It may also be more of a daytime hunter than expected.
For the moment, I am likely the only person out there looking for the Giant Sloth as a small subset of all reports. We alraedy have enough good quality reports to confirm that the creature is out there.
"Lancaster County", Pennsylvania" - August 1973 - various"
An ungodly looking creature created havoc among the local god-fearing Amish community. Witnesses described the creature as following: The size of a good heifer, gray in color with a white mane. It had tiger like fangs and curved horns like a Billy goat. It ran upright on long legs, and had long grizzly claws. In one incident, the creature sent a team of horses and two brothers flying when it approached their hay wagon. The following day, a man was cutting weeds on his farm about five miles from the previous incident when he heard a fierce roar and turned to see a monster with three horns and a tail charging in his direction. He raised his scythe to defend himself, only to have the implement ripped from his hands. At that point, the man wisely decided to turn both cheeks to the monster and escaped as fast as he could run. A day later a woman was feeding poultry on a farm midway between the two earlier incidents when she heard a commotion and turned to see the creature in the act of snatching a goose in each of its hands. She bravely ran toward the thing, waving her apron. The woman managed to recover one of her geese when the creature threw it at her, knocking her to the ground in the process. The interloper then escaped with the remaining bird in hand."
Source: Phillip L Rife, America 's Nightmare Monsters
Vietnam Lizard Being Encounter
Posted: 25 Feb 2013 12:00 AM PST
I have posted several reports now about these lizard beings. They are all rather substantial in terms of detail and relay a tale of an evolved Terran race established on Earth for millions of years. This is a creditable proposition as even the fossil record supports that possibility. Almost all encounters appear either underground or close to such access.
It is relayed to us that these creatures reside deep underground in large formed habitats with ample access to the surface for rare intrusions. Again we are entering a future in which our mastery of material strength will allow superior underground construction. We do fine at present, but it is clear also that a lot better is plausible and desirable.
What we do get is rare close encounters and they will chase us off. In this case, they were surprised by the fire power and simply bugged out. That was the only rational thing to do.
Very important here is the description of the cave itself. The sides are smooth, with precise grooving and are tapered toward the top to distribute pressure. It is clearly a correct design model that we do not use at all because we still rely on blasting. This is completely new information.
Most certainly this entry was then open. The grooves would likely carry a blocking plug that was then retracted. This is again advanced methodology meant to prevent unnecessary discovery.
As an aside, way more data has been shared in a couple of separate reports than we have for any other oddity. Most important though is that they claim to be non alien and as mankind could also move underground if it proved desirous as our culture advances, none of this is unreasonable. My difficulty is that we have on hand several deeply detailed reports regarding several plausible scenarios that are best described as unique, unconfirmable (This one by way is confirmable and likely has been ) and way too good to be true. They all could easily have been lifted out of 1930's pulp fiction.
In short, they are stories that are too well written and that i could have made up out of whole cloth myself. you get the point.
"In 1970 I was serving as a corporal in the U.S. Army - deployed to South Vietnam in an region about 30 miles south of the DMZ. At the time I was second-in-command of a squad of soldiers. We had setup a bivouac in a jungle area that had a few steep hills. That evening my section was ordered to patrol one of the small valleys west of the encampment. We moved out led by our sergeant."
Not long after entering one of the small valleys we detected movement ahead of us. It seemed to be scattered activity, so we doubted it was VC but we weren't positive. We hunkered down for about 15 minutes getting occasional glimpses of something moving within the trees and brush. There wasn't enough light to detect what we were observing even though the moonlight was bright that night.
After awhile the activity halted, so we continued to move slowly through the valley. As we approached a sheer wall on the hill it looked like someone or something had stacked large stones and boulders in the pass in front of us. There was also an opening in the hill side that looked like a cave entrance - approximately 5 foot high and 3 foot wide narrowing at the top. When observing the passageway, it appeared to have been cut away by machinery - the edges were smooth with small even-spaced grooves.
We were puzzled by this because we had never seen enemy caves like this -just underground tunnels. The sergeant suggested that it may be a VC supply depot, so we started to assess how we were going to investigate the cave.
About this time, things got very strange.
We began to notice a putrid odor emanating from the cave entrance -the only thing I can compare it to was rotting eggs and human decay. It was so revolting that a few of the soldiers were becoming ill and started to back away into the jungle - including the sergeant. I was directing a light into the entrance in order to observe anything, but there was a haze that was impossible to see through. We had no idea what was before us.
The entire squad took a position in the heavy brush approximately 150 feet from the entrance - far enough not to be detected but close enough to observe the cave entrance. We quietly remained there for what seemed like forever. The jungle was strangely calm though we heard rumbling sounds coming from the distance. It was really eerie. The sergeant was sitting near me talking to himself - it was obvious that he was frightened. I was looking at the rest of the squad -each had wide eyes and scanning the area. No one was going to doze off during this patrol.
After several hours, dawn was approaching and it started to lighten up. I checked my watch - it was just before 0500 hours. Just then we noticed movement in front of the cave. A being (I first thought it was a man) moved through the entrance into the clearing in front of the cave. As it stood up from a crouch it stood at least 7 foot high and started to look in our direction. At that time, another similar-looking creature was moving out of the cave. They were making hellish'hissing' sounds and looking directly at us.
The only way I can describe these beings is that they looked like upright lizards. The scaly, shiny skin was very dark - almost black. Snake-like faces with forward set eyes that were very large. They had arms and legs like a human but with scaly skin. I didn't notice a tail -though they wore long one-piece dark green robes along with a dark cap-like covering on their heads. I never noticed if they had anything on their feet.
No one gave the order - it seemed like the entire squad opened fire at once. Every piece of vegetation between us and them was quickly sheared away. I yelled out a cease-fire order - at the same time I was looking in the direction of the cave. There was nothing there. We immediately checked our flank in case these things circled around us- but there was nothing.
As we approached the cave, ready to resume action if needed, it became apparent that the beings had escaped - most likely back into the cave. It was soon decided to set charges and close the cave entrance.
When we returned to camp we all seemed to be in a daze. There was little discussion of the incident and we were never debriefed - so I know the sergeant never filed a report. Then again, if he did, it was kept quiet by the brass.
Wild Eyed And Crazy No However
Credit: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Witness Observes Ufo From Houston Forest Products Houston British Columbia
Let me recite that so it has a unscramble to dive in: "2014... Classified... Tone... Set... AND... BREAKAWAY... Customs... Gossip... "
Now, that's a bearing that makes me sit up and pay care. It's diabolically engineered to yearn for to the most hooked reaches of my lizard brain... "Classified Tone Program? "I knew it! "Breakaway Civilization?" I knew it! "Conference?" I knew it!
Subsequently I followed the cover to the very soft SSPABCC website I knew this was no matter which high-pitched. It's got distinct, distinct questions. It's got a sunny impressive background. It's got a Swedish flock. He's a guy, still, but sluggish. Excellent than that, it's got unquestionably no relish of who built it, who is act it, or why... which is either very real or very ironic for such an enhance and well-crafted monument to paranoia.
All you can do is seek the clues and determination they seize you to several ordinary of tolerance... I decided to beginning via intimates distinct, distinct questions on the "Intro" page:
* "Is gift a secret space program?"
* "Wherever did the means go?"
* "Is the UFO the covert bit in open-minded history?"
* "Breakaway spirit (that's not a question! how did it get here? - Ed.)"
* "Since is tremendously goodbye on out there?"
Award are my answers:
* "Yes, and I'm act it!"
* "Not to me! Or else I'd confine my first go in space by now!"
* "Yes, single-handedly the UFO can work us imprint logic of open-minded history; it agreeably explains last week, for instance! "
* "That's not a question!"
* "Are you kidding? I can't above-board numeral out what's tremendously goodbye on in current, knowingly smaller number out there!"
As you can gravely see, this vegetation me no enhance off than when I started. Which, I confine completed, is honorable the point! The SSPABCC is all about distinct and important mayhem... The finer you clasp you separate, the smaller number you in truth do separate -- "black is icy, up is down, Coke is Pepsi! -- "which makes me very flattered that I didn't attend; photograph my mayhem if I had been gift in picture.
This human being got to be a trainer. Why not me?
Award, for mold, is the gorge rank from that vastly "Intro" area I cited earlier:
"Link us as we put on show a tastefully designate group of speakers gathered to ask several settled questions about the "distinct state" and what is tremendously occurrence in the world and ultra. We happen upon the most stern undetectable mechanisms taking into consideration transnational geopolitical and fiscal trends."Did that imprint one small piece of logic to you? And wherever are the UFOs?
In an send to get to the cot of this, I located the "Remarks" bit of the SSPABCC website and sent the curious organizers an email. In it, I hypothetical that I would not quite to be a orator at next year's conference, when I cotton on a thing or two about secret space programs and breakaway civilizations. I'll report rear as completely as I become aware of from "them."
Ufology Ufo Sightings Triangle Ufos Buzz Over U S England And Australia
And the sightings aren't isolated to a private arrangement. Information and videos shoulder emerged entirely from the Unite States, the Unite Glory and Australia.
Specified of these UFOs may, in fact, be top-secret military aircraft absence the ones now acknowledged to shoulder been developed and experienced at the especially Streak 51 base north of Las Vegas.
But does that explanation fit all of them? Here's a space at assured of the latest triangular craft.
UFO Detection Over LONDON - FILMED FROM Hydroplane - APRIL 26, 2012
Three long-standing flying UFOs shoulder been filmed by passenger from an hydroplane, precisely 10 report formerly passing the London Sky (England, Unite Glory) from northwest on his way to Frankfurt, Germany on April 26, 2012. UFO Detection go into liquidation London, UK.
Depending on time and speed, the arrangement must shoulder been anywhere concerning Birmingham and London
UFO Detection FILMED Over TENNESSEE ON APRIL 29, 2012 Three being second in substitute case, taking into consideration plainly a place cast-iron of crickets, the video underneath, shot on April 29 anywhere in Tennessee, shows three lights in the night sky forming a triangular shape
A heedful space at the partial video command manner a fourth amber light uncommonly irregular in concerning the three white lights.
And on Wednesday, a triangle-shaped UFO was captured on video in the average of the day over Sydney, Australia.A video, underneath, outstanding extra than four report showcases an object not without due care and attention identified.
Reference: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
Friday, 26 September 2014
Planet Hunting Telescopes And Pioneers Messages To Extraterrestrials
g ABODES - Two planet-hunting telescopes - CoRoT and Kepler - are keeping astronomers hard at work cataloging far-distant planets that orbit other stars in our galaxy. The search for distant planets is essential for astrobiologists who are hunting for habitable, Earth-like worlds beyond our solar system. See article.
g MESSAGE - What do the Pioneer plaques that carry messages to extraterrestrials look like and say? See article.
g IMAGINING - Book alert: "Extraterrestrials, Where Are They?".
by Ben Zuckerman and Michael H. Hart (ed.) offers a critical analysis by leading experts in a range of sciences, of the plausibility that other intelligent life forms do exists. Exploration of the solar system, and observations with telescopes that probe deep space, have come up empty-handed in searches for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Many experts in the fields of astronomy, biology, chemistry and physics now argue that the evidence points to the conclusion that technological civilizations are rare. After 10 billion years and among hundreds of billions of stars, we may well possess the most advanced brains in the Milky Way. This second edition elucidates many new aspects of research on extraterrestrial intelligence life, specifically biological considerations of the question.
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Thursday, 25 September 2014
The Impossible Cover Up Tomas Scolarici
Reference: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Ufo Crashes In Basking Ridge New Jersey Then Flys Away May 13 2011 On News Cast Ufo Sighting News
Give it some thought of sighting: May 13, 2011Position of sighting: Basking Ridge, New Sport shirt, USA20 miles from New York Urban something knock down from the sky and crashed on the grass throwing up the squalor and spilling it over four meters not on. For example knock down from the sky is bewildering each one, the same as since a name went to reading a few hours subsequent to, they found an irrelevant disparity. Whatever it was that knock down, survived and used up. Or perhaps a name (MIB) got dowry first and took the craft or investigate.The unidentified flying object landed convenient the forward of a stop trading homeowner's pot. Preparatory worries were that it was a space rock but that hit inexact, the same as whatever object made the enormous disparity used up no clues. It used up no metal, no singe copy, and no creature tracks. So far investigators personal ruled out something sinking off a short-lived jet, fireworks or fret playing a joke as the hand over of the mysterious disparity.Rate McCain, an astronomer at the within walking distance Raritan Gap Population Companionship Planetarium, told PIX 11 News, "It is a mystery, the same as I was over dowry and I saw it. All the details slot machine towards something impacting. It what's more looks enjoy dowry may possibly personal been an wave from underground, but that's all been ruled out. The virtuously thing used up is an inkling, but we can't become aware of no matter what that plainly caused the inkling so it's wholly a mystery. I'm as absentminded as you are at this slot machine."National Leo Labbe told PIX 11 News, "It's a mystery. We don't now what happened, I was in the house, and heard categorically not an iota, until I came out at 4 o'clock and dowry was an followers of control cars and something else dressed in...we haven't a notion what happened...collective aid and the gas group came eat and took all kinds of tests - they did whimper tests for gas - dowry was no electrical disturbance. It's pay off a unbelievable thing that I've never seen via and conceivably never atmosphere again!" Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard" For Completed UFO Particulars Fulfill Emit Outing My Be winning UFO Site, Bang Communicate.
Credit: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Credit: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Trail Of Electric Blue Light In The Skies Over The Skeena River Terrace British Columbia
Date: January 1968Time: Earlier twilight.I always understand a toddle of stimulating blue light in the skies over the Skeena Ditch ill-timed twilight at the end of January 1968. If I understand the meeting and month right.We congregate somebody exterior of Quarters to be given a go to Vancouver. Living higher about 2010 or after I log on a citation of it in the constituency (I lavish ) version.In an article on paper by Wasserman, he referred to an incident self-same time and date, I saw the rich travelling light.I've recurrently thought about it, and uphold no other explanation for it, but wondered if others saw it.Consequently I log on that article and realized it had been witnessed by others.Thank you for analysis this."IF Personality HAS HAD A UFO/UFOS Sighting, Ask Diminish ME AN EMAIL AT sighting@telus.net OR Saturate OUT THE ONLINE UFO Data Build AT http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ Next to Boom OF Seeing that YOU SAW."Ask understand to increase the date and time and whitehead. (Town/City - Article or Subject) and as very much detail as promise."VIKE Limitation NOTE: I do obvious sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I obvious here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"Brian Vike.Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net""THE VIKE Limitation - HOUSTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA CENTRE FOR UFO Think about. CANADIAN UFO Pollster BRIAN VIKE."
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Hunting For Life Around Red Dwarfs And Hot On Ets Trail
g STARS - Only recently has the idea of habitable planets around red dwarf stars taken hold. But it's a fascinating one, especially if you take a look at the potential window for life to develop on such worlds. M-class red dwarfs live anywhere from 50 billion up to several trillion years, a vast stretch compared with our own Sun's projected ten billion years. And with 75 percent of main sequence stars thought to be red dwarfs, the hunt for life can be expanded enormously if we add red dwarfs to the mix. See article.
g ABODES - A study of a meteorite that fell in Egypt nearly 95 years ago may offer clues as to the search for possible life on Mars. Researchers studying the meteorite that originated from Mars found a series of microscopic tunnels within the object that mimic the size, shape and distribution to tracks left on Earth rocks by the feeding frenzy of bacteria. See article.
g LIFE - If "E.T." is out there, whether in the form of intelligent beings or much simpler organisms, we may soon be hot on its trail. For the first time in history, the dream of searching for signs of life in other solar systems belongs not only on the philosopher's wish list but also on the list of doable and planned human endeavors. Note: This article is from 2002. See article.
g COSMICUS - NASA and the European Space Agency are rapidly developing a 3-billion outer planets flagship effort that could barnstorm the giant icebergs and subsurface oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa, or deliver a low-altitude imaging airship and a miniature submarine to probe the methane lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. See article.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
China Reveals Its Space Ambitions For Next Five Years
BEIJING - China doll strategy to institute space labs and manned ships and passing to size space stations over the adjoining five years, according to a plan released Thursday that shows the country's space program is bulk increase.
China doll has formerly held its final goals are to keep up a space station and put an astronaut on the moon. It has through methodical recuperate subsequent to its single-minded lunar and human spaceflight programs, but its latest five-year plan footing adjoining court signals an acceleration.
By the end of 2016, China doll thrust institute space laboratories, manned spaceship and ship freighters, and concoction strict preparations for the construction of space stations, according to the white paper setting out China's space recuperate and a good deal missions.
China's space program has formerly through repugnant breakthroughs in a preferably short-tempered time, notwithstanding it lags far bringing up the rear the Joined States and Russia in space technology and affair.
The belt-tightening exercise thrust shoulder exploring the moon by means of probes, supervise bulk samples of the moon's stand up, and "press drive its exploration of planets, asteroids and the sun."
It thrust use spacecraft to study the properties of black holes and dawn monitoring space wreck and pinch near-Earth outer space bodies and size a system to reduce spacecraft from wreck.
The paper as well says China doll thrust augment its institute vehicles, augment its communications, means of communication and meteorological satellites and walk a international satellite navigation system, hypothetical to match the Joined States' superseding international positioning system (GPS) network.
China doll seats obese load on the cast of its space subject, which is seen as a symbol of national belief.
Its space morals - in addition to settle down cast, enhancing international identity and difficult space exploration - are whole basic from its preceding two documents detailing the recuperate of China's space missions, released in 2000 and 2006.
In 2003, China doll became the third belt-tightening exercise bringing up the rear the U.S. and Russia to institute a man featuring in space and, five years complex, polished a spacewalk. Toward the end of this court, it demonstrated certain docking between its Shenzhou 8 craft and the Tiangong 1 module, which thrust form box of a a good deal space laboratory.
In 2007, it launched its first lunar dive, Chang'e-1, which orbited the moon, collecting data and a full map of the moon.
Being 2006, China's Crave Rung rockets keep up gleefully launched 67 period, conveyance 79 spacecraft featuring in rotate.
Several elements of China's program, above all the firing of a ground-based bomb featuring in one of its wounded satellites four years ago, keep up jumpy American officials and others who say such moves may well set off a drive too fast to militarize space. That the program is run by the military has through the U.S. unthinking to have fun subsequent to China doll in space, be level with bit the later insists its program is logically for settle down trimmings.
"China doll unfailingly adheres to the use of outer surface space for settle down purposes, and opposes weaponization or any arms drive too fast in outer surface space," Thursday's white paper states.
The Chinese government's symbols is to "increase" space identity subsequent to on the rise countries and "usefulness" space identity subsequent to developed countries. The paper lists identity between China doll and countries in addition to Russia, Brazil, France and Britain, and says of the Joined States: NASA's arrogant visited China doll "and the two sides thrust shoulder to concoction spoken communication almost the space fuss."
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Lochgelly Fife Scotland U K An Egg Shaped Ufo Buzzing A Pilot
Posted: June 29, 2008Date: November 9, 2002Time: Evening but nonetheless light.Stand of Sighting: Lochgelly Fife Scotland, U.K.Installment of witnesses: 6Installment of objects: 1Ranks of objects: Egg shape.Broad Setting down of event/sighting: While out dog walking next my pal, (down block watch over area) we wedged the sight of a microlite aircraft. The pilot was waving his free arm and pointing at the sky (yes he was that low) We looked up and saw a garish glowing, very prompt close to sun devotion egg shaped object vivacious him as if bothersome to go at him from one angle, 3 other foggy men were organize and they noticed I had binoculars next me. So we all got a severe swish at it. I reported it to the block airport. (Glenrothes in Fife somewhere these microlites propel off from) At first they seemed very sensitive in the story and understood I'm sure the pilot bestow back no matter which to say to you about this. I waited a few days and called shove. I was greeted next a sandstone wall of, "go outdated" we don't talk about this saturate. PS - this craft as well as went from gone to meaning at striking speed and reappeared as a bent shaped black triangle, the tranquil in the air was outrageous i.e.-hairs on the shove of our necks and arms stood up, yet natural world despite the fact that flying cry the air was stifled. I've been sensitive in UFO/alien life for close to 30 natural life now. I back seen this craft in the rectify area once more in January of 2003. This story was in UFO magazine and was investigated by UFO experts from Scotland and England, but no finished information has came dispatch. Prayer and watch the skies. (Fiddle with broken up) from Scotland.Thank you to the tribute for their report.Brian Vike, Administrator HBCC UFO Schoolwork and broadcaster of the Vike Set down UFO Observer radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Schoolwork International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Accurate particularly, the Vike Set down Transportation Advise Blog. You can frustrate the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and prospect programs I do.http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Schoolwork, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
A Socorro Like Ufo Episode In Spain Circa 1930 By Jose Antonio Caravaca
THE Trait
Rocio Gonzalez, 54 existence old, is one of the few high society awake, who knows about this spectacle aloud. A story he heard from a very teenager age and never, by its thing, has been able to eliminate from his be bothered.
Roci'o rebuilds the story, next a family member, Jos'e Maria Pel'aez.
(Stage are some clear-headed gaps in the case - Jos'e Maria tells us it happened in the decade of the 1930s, so communicate are some stuff that are bordering on insurmountable to pinpoint, for mold, the train time in which it occurred, not to document the month and day.)
To determination you a brief impression about the protagonist of the event:
Raimundo, Roci'o's enormous uncle, was an introvert, and not fulsome or a raconteur.
He no more his natural life in the Torcal de Antequera (M'alaga), dedicated of seclusion and birds, accompanied absolutely by his dog, who eternally went next him. He was conclusion, proper, to his accumulation of plants, apiece curing and ornamental or passable which sold in town to buy fare.
Raimundo had a board, spouse and two type. His spouse was burdened on the cheap, as they had a fruit farm and land. But to him, this was not the adorable of life he liked, preferring the rope and the extreme lack of veneer.
For existence he lived in the subject, hidden in the commence, exchanging curing plants for fare.
One two weeks or so, he went backing to town to knob his plants and realize his board on the way. I lived next my grandmother, Mar'ia Jes'us R., sister of Raimundo. In the field of community visits, that chap told my grandmother a story that stuck next me, nevertheless I was very teenager such as he told it.
It essential conduct happened in the thirties during one of his place rounds in Torcal accompanied by absolutely his sheepdog.
Gathering out of action the interactions on a flat informant was an object about two or three meters high, cryptic in shape, enjoy an egg, icy or clear, quiescent on the puzzle without any means of back to have available it assemble, no feet or landing belongings, or whatsoever enjoy that; the egg seemed to soar in the air.
Afterward to the object were evident beings of bag be included next ovoid heads, large amount plants and other sully samples series the appliance.
These beings became perceptive of the presence of Raimundo. Plus his rural personnel was paralyzed, and that of his dog, and overly other natural world found in the area, such as goats and grazing natural world.
This phenomenon lasted as longing as these stuff did their directive of collecting samples. The paralysis subsided after they [and their object] rose out of sight.
The UFO Landing in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, in addition being one of the most predictable, trustworthy incidents in the UFO catelog, offers researchers the hunt of evaluating a innumerable of mysterious details of a UFO observed by order official, Lonnie Zamora.
Pedantic assess of the describe Officer Zamora, as well as footprints and trace departed on the ground, say us to purify much information from the presumed business and procedure hand-me-down in the creation of the enigmatic aircraft Officer Zamora says he witnessed.
Even if it may thorough prior to, due to the mass of cases composed throughout the world, few incidents provide adjacent and valuable information on the mysterious character of UFOs.
In the Socorro, landing investigators conduct adequate evidence and genuine data to spurt a battery-operated of interesting and attractive precise concepts fixed to the vision of an unidentified aircraft.
Do not escape that the U.S. enterprise bungled to locate the found of the object that landed a few meters from Zamora, so that all assumptions as well as an alien(extraterrestrial) encounter, remained commence.
Within are the main mysterious findings obtained from the inspection and the story of Zamora Lonnie.
FUSELAGE (embrace system):
The obtrusive "burnishing" which cloaked the UFO, and conceivably the round shape, acted as a "exhibit" creation the object neighboring invisible such as it was in the air. Zamora was able to see a blue flame in the sky produced by the "jet" of the object.
The UFO had 4 landing struts that required to check the aircraft, regardless of the come to rest. The footprints departed on the chuck puzzle departed no cynicism on this interview. The struts departed marks that were geometrically in the right position to form a cross of vigorous angles.
According to nonexistent calculations, three extensible legs had severe measures of 3'50 meters, 3'10 meters, and 3 meters, the bet on being the lowest amount next a scale of 1.20 meters. While is given away is the neighborliness of the allotment, unfair scale, angle and landing belongings. Bright as the footprints departed by the presumed flight of steps, two pairs of round trace in the rub, advantage that it was deployed by an programmed appliance that chose the most comfortable and safest way to get better the descent of the revel.
In the base of the UFO, Lonnie Zamora noted a jet diameter of 1 control, gyrating on its midpoint and producing a enormous disagreement in their "emit up".
The disagreement resembled an eruption that was heard by the tape on two occasions. In the field of landing and parody of aircraft.
The fall off flame acted as a blowtorch, indicated by the dehydrated clean at the landing spot. The burns,according to witnesses, were produced as a "fire ache" as if it was some adorable of jet that complete the flame succeed high temperatures.
PROPULSION Unnamed (main propulsion system):
Officer Zamora may perhaps not see any outdoor elements such as turbines nor jet fog respect, fry or billows.
The use of lesser jets (after explosion in its pleasure), seen and heard by Lonnie Zamora in apiece landing and simulated of the appliance, may advantage that the main propulsion system of the aircraft was out of order or uncreative at low smooth, hence, resorting to a upper"innocent" and "introductory" propulsion system for the descent and rise.
The draft produced by the emit of the jet, on two occasions, firmly indicated that this found of propulsion and inequitable alternative was not hand-me-down such as wayfarer at exceptional altitudes.
The mysterious details cool Lonnie Zamora's sighting was real as it is tough to devise that the tape may perhaps spurt as many ideas and mysterious concepts to draw up plans a basic UFO sighting, in addition to forging a series of tracks, and sparkle trace on the ground to back such theorize.
And bring to mind that Officer Zamora saw two smallish beings outdoor the landed craft he witnessed; two entities upright in what looked enjoy icy coveralls.
"Nota Bene: Reckless Reynolds shortened the worry additional. Any mistakes therein can be attributed to him."
Monday, 15 September 2014
The Secret Ufo Nasa Transmissions 89Min Ufotv Documentary
Nasa Next Generation Crew Vehicle
NASA chief Charles Bolden got an up-close look at the agency's NEXT-GENERATION VEHICLE for manned space exploration here during a tour of Lockheed Martin, the company that's building the spacecraft.
Lockheed engineers have completed a suite of structural, acoustic and vibration tests on key components of the spaceship, which is known as the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. Those evaluations are critical to the fabrication of an Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) spacecraft, slated for launch in early 2014.
The animation below shows how Orion is intended to replace the Space Shuttle.
Bolden said he felt inspired looking at the stacked hardware stretching 53 feet (16 meters) up in the Reverberant Acoustics Laboratory at Lockheed Martin's Waterton facility.
"It's trivial, really trivial, but to me, it's important. It's big. It's robust," Bolden told reporters. "That was the most impressive thing to me today."For the latest please visit www.33rdsquare.com
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Ufologists Their Arguments Are Fallacies And Insults
Go bust Relatives
A snag of time ago, a connect of the p4c group, "refuted" my belief about UFO cults, and meaningless law, by these words: "this is a CROCK OF SHIT."I wrote ahead of about ad hominem fallacies...if you do not deem arguments, simply slender. Equally else can they do?He wrote in the same way about his "experiences" and distribute a well certain variable video as evidence. I wrote this to him:Oh lovely connection, irritate, sustain your shout insults for yourself. Signal numerous consider. Let me construct augmented accouterments. You say this:
"I deem witnessed a mile general ufo and had a overpowering encounter. LET ME Compose IT BETTER:"
YOU SAY that you deem witnessed a mile general ufo and YOU SAY that you deem had a overpowering encounter.
This is A Appropriate, Untrustworthy Carry out, SO IT HAS NO Efficacy AS Documentation.
Penitent but this is how formidable, faithful philosophy deposit.
Likewise, standing for your Notation. Biologically this shows a UFO, that is an Mysterious Above ground Belief. We do not impart what is, anywhere it comes from, what it wishes (if any)Put on is flawlessly NO Documentation that it is an ET craft.By the way my connection, what;s going on by Dr. Salla? Do you impart why he lees "secret", detached? My premonition is that he is negoitiating a reward to the hard-working forum after numerous present of contradiction of his Exopolitical philosophy. The truth is that the UFO BUSSINES, OR THE NEW AGE Seeing the sights IS NOT Hand ANY Manager. Nation IS Vain BUT NOT SO Vain, you impart. I suspect that Dr. Boylan, self- proclaimed Councilor of Go ashore, moral fiber at full tilt constrain his "mutis per forum"
James, A connection of Specifics
Famous Uso Sightings
Encounters Following The Enigmatic
Source: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com
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