Tuesday, 25 February 2014

3 Ufo Stories In 3 Days

3 Ufo Stories In 3 Days
SEE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12613690 We've had another wave of UFO stories in the media; this is simliar to the one in mid 2008 when "The Sun" ran a whole series of articles (If you can call a story in "The Sun" that!) about the phenomenon that were acceptably sensible. They called in Nick Pope to write them rather than one of their own "journalists".This new wave began with the BBC's story about Rendlesham Forest which I link to above; it includes an interview with Dr David Clarke. Also "The Sun" sent a reporter to the new UFO Congress in Arizona (Sadly the old Laughlin, Nevada conference has shut down). Then two days later a story appeared in the ex-Mirror Group, Robert Maxwell's "Oxford Mail". It was about the Garsington crop circle incidents. There's a field there that has had 6 in the last 5 years and experts say they're genuine, not Planker-made. It inteviews Mike Soper, a local UFOlogist whom I spoke to myself when I had my sighting in 2008, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/12/my-ufo-sighting-281208.html Why the new rush of UFO's in the press and on TV? Are these stories connected? We'll see. However, I've said many times and still maintain, that this is "not" a step to Disclosure; something else is afoot.

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