. Many Thanks, Saskia Rusher Researcher Renegade Pictures " Feeling snarky for whatever reason, maybe just because it was Monday morning, I responded: "From: Regan Lee: The OrangeOrb [mailto:rlee@orangeorb.net] Sent: 16 April 2012 16:51 To: Saskia Rusher Subject: Re: BBC3 Documentary I appreciate the information. As someone who is in her fifties, I take exception to the "no old people" stance. I can still type, read, drive, walk and feed myself. That aside, I'm afraid I don't know anyone in the UK. My UFO contacts are still happening, and my search has been a life long search for what is behind such experiences as missing time. Which, I suspect, are in part manipulated by the government. We all have valuable things to share in this journey, and age should not be used to shut people out. Regan Lee" Saskia's response was pleasant, but restated the obvious and ignored my point: "I appreciate that Regan. However, the channel is keen to get people within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience: Thanks anyway for getting back to me. Saskia Renegade Pictures ( UK ) Limited" Well, big duh on "...keen to get peope within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience."
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Getting Snarky With Producers
. Many Thanks, Saskia Rusher Researcher Renegade Pictures " Feeling snarky for whatever reason, maybe just because it was Monday morning, I responded: "From: Regan Lee: The OrangeOrb [mailto:rlee@orangeorb.net] Sent: 16 April 2012 16:51 To: Saskia Rusher Subject: Re: BBC3 Documentary I appreciate the information. As someone who is in her fifties, I take exception to the "no old people" stance. I can still type, read, drive, walk and feed myself. That aside, I'm afraid I don't know anyone in the UK. My UFO contacts are still happening, and my search has been a life long search for what is behind such experiences as missing time. Which, I suspect, are in part manipulated by the government. We all have valuable things to share in this journey, and age should not be used to shut people out. Regan Lee" Saskia's response was pleasant, but restated the obvious and ignored my point: "I appreciate that Regan. However, the channel is keen to get people within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience: Thanks anyway for getting back to me. Saskia Renegade Pictures ( UK ) Limited" Well, big duh on "...keen to get peope within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience."
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