Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Federal Government Is Not Aware Of Sightings Sun

The Federal Government Is Not Aware Of Sightings Sun
The industrial custom of the German Bundestag (Lower house) denies to release papers about UFO and remark of extraterrestrial life. They say the documents and competence are presently for the eyes of the house of representatives.

The join of Lower house Hartfrid Wolff asked the government: How diverse so-called UFO sightings or

Unknown in Germany has registered the federal government the same as 2000, and

planned the federal government after

the British and French governments

their files on UFO sightings published

, also allow their files on sightings of

UFOs or aliens in Germany


All the government might response was: Parliamentary Frenzy Secretary Peter Altmaier rejoinder

of 12 June 2008

The National Meting out is not observant of sightings Sun

called UFOs and aliens in Germany. As a result,

are also no information of UFO sightings in a daze to a

Publication would be calculated


lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

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