Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Allagash Incident And The Artist Memories

The Allagash Incident And The Artist Memories
I briefly met Chuck Foltz and Jim Weiner while at the 2008 Laughlin UFO conference.These are two out of the four men involved with the Allagash Abduction event from August of 1976. I sat with them at the Starbucks within the casino that hosted the 8-day congress, they were both completely sincere and they seemed uncomfortable within the circus atmosphere of the conference.

I won't try to re-tell their overall experience, it's far too complex. Like any story of this kind, its a tangle of divergent threads that creates an extremely intricate narrative. Raymond Fowler's book is an excellent documentation of what seems to have happened.

I missed their presentation, but I purchased a DVD copy of their talk and watched it when I got back home. I was quite impressed with their presentation, but one thing struck me as extremely odd.

Chuck (left) told of one event that took place in 1993 while visiting a Jack Weiner (Jim's twin brother) in Vermont. He was sleeping on a mattress in the living room when he sat bolt upright, and had no idea why he was awake. He saw a bright light streaming in through one of the windows. Then he saw (approximately) eight gray aliens standing outside the window looking in at him. His reaction was to lay down in bed an put the covers over his head.

To better understand my reaction requires that I share a series of visuals. The first two illustrations are from Chuck, the following two are my own.

"Encounter in 1993. Why is there light from the south?"

"The group looks in my direction."

"My initial sketch of my menory, "

"this seems to recreate my waking to the bright light."

"A sketch made in the summer of 2007, "

"as a way for me to define the memory."My experience from 1993 is described in detail HERE. There is a follow up post where I try to articulate the compulsive feelings of actually drawing the memory, it's posted HERE.


* Like me, Chuck is also a skilled illustrator, and he drew two pictures of his memories.
* Watching this presentation alone at my house was chilling. These two drawing, along with his re-telling, are quite close to my experience from the winter of 1993.
* Both events took place in 1993.
* Both our illustrations (a pair of them) seem very much the same. Even the way we did self portraits of our bald heads seems similar.
* Both Chuck and myself woke for no reason, saw a bright light first, then saw a group of gray aliens out a window.
* Both Chuck and myself had an odd reaction, to simply go back to sleep..
* My event took place in Maine, his took place in Vermont.

The above video is from an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. This is rare bit of television. The re-telling is surprisingly faithful to the story and it doens't feel in anyway exploitative"

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