my roommate and I were taking a ride down a dirt road on a saturday in september.My car is convertible and I had the top down,enjoying the nice day.the road is an old stagecoach road,with only two houses in sight,one right in front of this event.while driving,I looked straight up,saw something only thirty feet above my car.then I looked straight ahead not believing what I saw.about four seconds later I looked up again and saw this object hovering over my carat only thirty feet.right away I ask my friend to look up at that thing and tell me what you think it is.he says it is a remote control something.then the object started to move behind us and head that I turned my car around and as soon as I start moving back the way I came from,the object starts to move off to the right (west) and I stop and watch the object go to about three miles away,up in the air fast.It hovered for about one minute then went out of site.then we agree that the object was not a remote control anything,and agree it was a ufo.the object was about fifteen feet tall five feet wide had three legs on the bottom of it.the legs were a different color than the body of the object.the body was black the legs were lead or gray.the object was hollow in the center oval shaped.