Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Starship Invasions 1978 Tv Guide Ad

Starship Invasions 1978 Tv Guide Ad
"People seem to dig these vintage TV Guide" ads - and why not? They're powerful memory triggers, especially for those of us who grew up in the pre-cable, pre-Internet Stone Age of the 1970s. This advertisement for the U.S. network television premiere of ED HUNT's "Starship Invasions" is a great example. I was always the first one in my house to grab the new "TV Guide" when it showed up in the mail, and immediately pored over its pages, looking for cool stuff to watch, so I could plan my schedule accordingly. I remember being pretty damned excited when I came across this particular ad in my weekly review of the magazine.I had already read a couple of articles about Hunt's UFO movie in "Starlog", and its plot, with warring alien races, extraterrestrial abductions, undersea pyramids (in the Bermuda Triangle, no less!), and flying saucer space battles, pushed all the right buttons in my Star Kid brain.Terrific descriptive copy, too, worthy of an Ace sci-fi paperback blurb: "Forced to seek a new home, the Legion Of The Winged Serpent has selected Planet Earth." Wow.

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