The Watchers gave prediction regarding the signs in the fields that would be appearing shortly around the largest man-made pyramid Silbury Hill in Europe also known as the hill of the Shining Beings. According to the prophesy, these signs would give humanity an awareness of its greater responsibility in the Universe, would carry codes of energy for imprinting the Earth and would cleanse the ancient sites which can be found in an invisible electromagnetic grid all over the world. After 20 years, those prophesy manifested into crop circles and its electromagnetic fingerprints have been believed to create the energy grid of ancient nearby sites with biophysical rhythm interactions of individuals who enter them.
Consciousness is thought as a form of electromagnetic energy and extraordinary things can be achieved through focused thought with intent. Authors David Myers and David Percy began to examine the technological information encoded in crop circles and the way it interacts with consciousness. Their book "Two Thirds - A History of Our Galaxy" provided strong evidence of a number of crop glyphs encoding technology way beyond the recent accepted boundaries of physics.
There is an ongoing study about energy machine surrounding crop circles in Oklahoma. A televised image of the Barbury Castle tetrahedron never goes away in the mind of Chris Hardeman. He learned during his study in modern physics at the University of Central Oklahoma that electromagnetic radiation and gravitation are correlated. That was the time that he remembered the Barbury design and understood the cavities of the Barbury crop circle could be microwave resonators and the design was in fact a machine which was an electromagnetic device with the capability to collect a big resonating standing wave (c) 2012