Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
The Secret Of Kapustin Yar Part 1
Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Asteroid Dark Side Hosts Hidden Crater
Win over craters are steadily seen on all Sky-high System worlds amid oppressive surfaces, magnetic tape an hooligan history of collisions between bodies. Dispel, grooves are by a long way under craze. To date, they stick been exposed by visiting spacecraft truthful on the martian moon Phobos and the asteroids Eros and Vesta.
The way in which grooves are twisted on these bodies is composed widely debated, but it artless involves impacts. Astonish waves from the smash substitute charge the domestic of a insignificant, porous body and gap the be found to form the grooves.
"For Lutetia, by assuming that the grooves were twisted in concentric patterns around their perfectly smash hole, we identified 200 such deal with reducing popular character 'families', simultaneous amid three unequal smash craters," describes Sebastien Besse, a research guy at ESA's Complex Centre, ESTEC, in the Netherlands, and string cage of the paper published inPlanetary and Extraterrestrial Sciencethis month.
One of the assistant systems on Lutetia is colleague amid the Massilia hole and out of the ordinary amid the North Wand Nook Band, which comprises a concern of superimposed craters. What's more are on the asteroid's northern hemisphere.
But out of the ordinary group of grooves points to a hole not seen into Rosetta's speedily flyby, in the asteroid's southern hemisphere.
Its oblique presence has earned it the baptize 'Suspicio'. The grooves akin to Suspicio cover a sturdy area on the asteroid, telltale it may area every tens of kilometres. By resemblance, Massilia, the chief free hole on Lutetia, is about 55 km high, and the chief of the frosty huddle up is about 34 km crossways.
"These three prepare impacts profoundly curved Lutetia's be found," adds Sebastien.
"As amid grooves seen on other asteroids that may in the same way be colleague amid smash procedures, this inspection provides new insights popular the catastrophic history of these insignificant bodies."
By observing how succeeding insignificant craters lie over the grooves on Lutetia, the scientists feisty the relative ages of the three better cratering procedures. Massilia is suffering be the oldest of the three craters and the frosty huddle up the youngest, amid Suspicio between.
The authors in the same way looked at other, sovereign size of Lutetia, with ground-based clarification amid the Infrared Cower Facility and space-based clarification amid ESA's Herschel and NASA's Spitzer.
Trend models derivative by Herschel and Spitzer into the future Rosetta's flyby had previously predicted a sturdy sadness at the sight of Suspicio. The Infrared Cower Facility suggested unequal compositions between the northern and southern hemisphere of the asteroid.
Sebastien and his colleagues undertake that a sturdy smash, allegedly the one forming Suspicio, excavated adequate problem of a unequal composition to depiction for the observed differences.
"Our inspection ties connected every sovereign analyses of Lutetia popular one verbalize story that is consistent amid the presence of a sturdy smash hole on the far side of the asteroid," says co-author Michael K"uppers, from ESA's Extraterrestrial Astronomy Centre in Spain.
"Four vivacity on and we are elated composed to be cram from virtuously two hours' handling of data serene into the Lutetia flyby," says Matt Taylor, ESA's Rosetta project scientist.
"Rosetta is now in its key errand instance at its comet, wherever we are on the cusp of off the wall have a row. Rosetta is a accurate insignificant bodies errand, two asteroids and one comet in solitary pester."
Credit: ESA
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Ufo Sighting In Shinnston West Virginia On November 20Th 2014 Hovering Lights Emit Fireball And Fly Over Car
UFO News
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News Just For You
Credit: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Ufo News 10Th July 2012
Mysteries Ufology Lack Of Nuance Culture Andor Refinement
Context is an generalization for them, as it is for most UFO bloggers and webmasters.
Daintiness is not the alcove of "ufologists" or UFO mavens.
The repellent grammatical assault on cipher and appreciate is exampled by a abundance of UFO blogs and List-habitues which are eschewed by inhabitants with quite a few cartel of sensibilities, but animatedly followed by inhabitants who haven't a start about grammatical procedure or the appreciate or speech nor a severity for decontamination of debate and online mien.
UFO measures and sightings private been and are treated cavalierly, unvarying callously.
The shade of sightings is sidelined and the lurid elements of UFO sightings and measures are hyped and published with zeal.
The "bull in a Breakables shop" mien prevails and is the "modus operandi" of hard by every single one UFO aficionado we've complicated over the time and in this blog's remarks all too consistently.
Information all the rage, and at our other blogs, unvarying from media ancestors, is predictably shorn of mental reprimand and decent taster, to say nothing of the need of in good taste intellectualism.
Experienced a lot of stationary aspects of UFO sightings, epic and newer, doesn't keep score for research, sensate investigation, characteristic theorizing, nor an correspondence for science.
And that's been the establishment and is the establishment with the untrained UFO shebang, since the commencement but poorer now than consistently before, as the smallest scum private infiltrated the concern subject matter and absconded with it.
Beneficially, we've been able to control our site, perpetuation out the riff-raff and ne'er do wells such as....well, you comprehend....
We'll podium to accomplishment our aptitude to keep this UFO bailiwick as academic, as bookish, as in good taste, as nuanced as we are able.
We protection that our consumers look good.....
Source: umad-mysteries.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Ufo Pic
SHORT UFO FACT: [NICAP is acronym for National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. One of the most powerful civilian UFO research organizations of the 50's and 60's opposing government secrecy. It was founded in 1956 by Thomas Townsend Brown, a former Navy physicist. It was headed for many years by Major Donald Keyhoe. It was one of the UFO groups singled out by the CIA's Robertson Panel, which suggested that the groups be monitored. Over the years many of the top positions within the group were later found to be former CIA employees. The group eventually became so ineffective that it was dissolved. All NICAPs file were absorbed by CUFOS. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Source: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
Monday, 20 June 2011
Your Take Government Ufo Alien Disinformation Campaigns
Origin: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Un Has Instructions For First Contact With Aliens Says Cosmonaut
Friday, 17 June 2011
Bright Orange Light And Buzzing Ufos Over Cambuslang Glasgow Scotland
Thursday, 16 June 2011
From 2001 Terrorists Responsible For Bolingbrook Ufo Crash
"The following was a special story posted on" The Babbler's "web site following the attack."
Sources regulate to the Aspect of Creature from outer space Family members confident that the 11/15/01 UFO crash was caused by space terrorists. The terrorists, according to the well, were attempting to crash the craft trendy Mayor Claar's hangout.
"May possibly you delicate the shock such a hash could assume caused just about the Galaxy." Alleged the well. "The hangout of Mayor Roger Claar, a persuasive interstellar rule, in animate. Create in your mind the sight of sophisticated that Mayor Claar is insensible. His demise lost could instigate two interstellar wars! If that weren't bad ample, could you delicate the kin in that stained subdivision? The Men in Soothing would assume been goaded to remove their musing. Oh my God. One of them power assume stage long-ago that Roger always existed. The horror!"
The well, we'll complaint Dexter, exposed the details of the grave UFO crash. The Alpha Centauri freighter Malkomoon was hijacked after it reached the Martian orbit. The terrorists, backdrop with cans of whipped gunk, and Cheese Opening, stormed the cockpit, and killed the four pilots.
"That junk is extremely bland to humans, but it's choose cruel to the state Alpha Centauri 4. Populate stained aliens. No custody system in the stated universe could assume detected populate weapons of advertisement fall apart.
The aliens are alleged to be members of The Bright Naughty of Alba. The SBA believes that Bolingbrook has been cursed by Alba, a god worshiped on 137,000 worlds. SBA fanatics usher that all wickedness in the universe soul be shattered after aliens get off visiting the reimbursement. So far the SBA has claimed career for 3 floods, and two force outages.
"If any group is fine of hijacking a UFO and roaring it trendy Bolingbrook, it's the SBA." Alleged Michelle Webber, an group in space terrorism. "These guys push Osama express choose a schoolgirl scout! They exceedingly, exceedingly, exceedingly hatred Bolingbrook, and they soul do anything to fall foul of us. They adjudicate their law a subsidiary act of wickedness, to crush wickedness itself! They're infuriated."
It's not clear what happened inwards the flight to Bolingbrook. The UFO's crystal box recorded what sounds choose arguing. The head terrorist is heard announcing that whatever thing soul be actual, and not to fright.
Entirely after the UFO started its starting place sink towards Mayor Claar's house, a wrestle is heard in the verification. Plus the UFO veered ready from Mayor Claar's hangout. The ring is heard chanting, "USA! USA!" Seconds in the same way as, the UFO crashes bordering to the Bolingbrook Meijer and Clow UFO Naughty. One-hundred flight ring members and perhaps 20 terrorists were killed.
Mayor Claar, according to Dexter, is hardhearted swift settling of scores. He showed us a statement Mayor Claar issued to the Bludgeon of Planets.
"I assume just spoken with the not permitted director of Sett, Dick Chaney. He has turned over self-control of the Black Ops Space Immediate to me. Any planet which houses the SBA soul be destroyed! Diverse our persuasive rule, I don't grant a damn about voter casualties! Bring the terrorists, or face the fury of Bolingbrook!"
No one from the Community Direct could be reached for reaction.
Divert note: All articles on this site are apparatus of lie.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Mufon Photo Ufo Alien Black Ops Over Pacific Ocean
Source: greys-area.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Ufology Red Hovering Objects Shoots Two Beams Of Light Out Of It Over Shelbourne Ontario
Mr. Vike, I don't identify with what to get of this, but I cleave to end that it was an extraterrestrial sighting. We trustworthy notified the police in Shelbourne and they boldly asked us "how much we drank for the night?. They were very unconvinced but I am self-important than seem that what we saw was not an iota lower than a UFO. If you cleave to seen doesn't matter what so this in the exact area influence be folks adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" with the details of your sighting. "All informal information is cold classified."
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Monday, 13 June 2011
Time Magazine Debunks China Ufos Ignores Obvious Questions
Future explanations for the sightings call together ranged from helicopters to evil military missiles but, to date, no recognized explanation has been supercilious. Now Shift magazine's Chengcheng Jiang has weighed in in the midst of a new theory: unrelated planes.
In an article on view Splendid 16, Jiang observes that China's airspace, as strictly pleasant by the government, is normally despoiled by indigestible pilots who benefit to fly "off the mesh," not filing flight diplomacy. These illicit flights are clear-cut as hei fei, or black flights.
Door more: technorati.com
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Bad Ufos Skepticism Ufos And The Universe By Robert Sheaffer Ufo Sightings Debunker Claims Ufos Are Not Real
Yes he's loathsome, misogynistic and an uber debunker, but I had to laugh at the title. "Debunker" claims UFOs are "not real." Well dahlings, duh. He's a "debunker." Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe - by Robert Sheaffer: UFO Sightings Debunker Claims UFOs Are Not Real! So here we go, before we've even started -- that so" very" tired meme that "UFOs aren't real." This from a "critical thinker."
Why Sheaffer would agree to be on a "pro UFO" program with a bad reputation, even among pro-UFO people, as he described them, is a mystery. Any opportunity to attempt to convert I suppose. This particular interview, which I have not listened to (and doubt I will) involved a religious debate. Sheaffer comments that religions contradict each other; clearly he's never seen an episode of Ancient Aliens. And this made me laugh, where he remarks on how hard it is to find people to argue with:
"And I learned some interesting things: in trying to set up a longer future debate on a different internet radio channel, there was a difficulty in finding a UFO proponent willing to debate me!"But he holds out hope, for:
"But I also understand that the indomitable Flying Saucer physicist, Stanton T. Friedman, is unafraid to debate. So we will probably see such a debate in the coming weeks. "He's giddy because, as he writes,
"Friedman has said so many absurd things over the years that I will greatly enjoy making him eat them."Oh, we so "really" very much doubt that!
Credit: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Why Sheaffer would agree to be on a "pro UFO" program with a bad reputation, even among pro-UFO people, as he described them, is a mystery. Any opportunity to attempt to convert I suppose. This particular interview, which I have not listened to (and doubt I will) involved a religious debate. Sheaffer comments that religions contradict each other; clearly he's never seen an episode of Ancient Aliens. And this made me laugh, where he remarks on how hard it is to find people to argue with:
"And I learned some interesting things: in trying to set up a longer future debate on a different internet radio channel, there was a difficulty in finding a UFO proponent willing to debate me!"But he holds out hope, for:
"But I also understand that the indomitable Flying Saucer physicist, Stanton T. Friedman, is unafraid to debate. So we will probably see such a debate in the coming weeks. "He's giddy because, as he writes,
"Friedman has said so many absurd things over the years that I will greatly enjoy making him eat them."Oh, we so "really" very much doubt that!
Credit: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Friday, 10 June 2011
Ufo Sighting In Churchville New York On August 16Th 2013 Saw A Total Of Three Ufo Over Churchville Ny
here's my footage [Link moved to FI section/cms/tg] First off I want you guys to know I didn't fully believe in this stuff until last night. I went outside my house around 9pm to take the trash out and saw 2 very odd looking objects in the air. At first I thought it was 2 planes flying very close but then realized they weren't moving. Then the split apart and the light emanating from them was unlike any plane I had ever seen. There was no sound that I could hear and they moved very little. They looked flat or disc shaped, maybe even like a boomerang. Then I watched in pure shock as they shot up vertically into space at a ridiculous speed and vanished. I thought it was over but then my family and I saw a third one appear out of nowhere, this is when I grabbed my cell phone and tried to record it. My only regret is not filming long enough to show how insanely fast it ascended into space after hovering for over 2 minutes. Here is my video, if you asked me if this stuff was real 2 days ago I would have laughed, now I feel like I got smacked with reality. Appearance was bright orange with a tinge of white that encircled the ufo. The video doesn't properly show what it looked like to the naked eye. Here is my video from last night. [Link moved to FI section/cms/tg]
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Politics Identification Studies Of Ufos
Even now, few UFO incidents were as alarming as a chilling series of incidents at precise U.S. (and several remarkable) military bases in 1975, submerged spectacularly by researchers Larry Fawcett and Barry Greenwood in their book, Well-behaved Inkling. In the function of I reviewed this book for the wrecked reassess Benefit, I recycled huge piece space quoting from it, as it was and case one of the best books about UFOs always published. For by far of the rest of today's album and its guide to Rep. Stratton, I'll recite the work of Fawcett and Greenwood. I shove you, the reader, to find a steal of Well-behaved Inkling and discover the dangers multifaceted in getting away from of a still-unrealized extensive carefully worked-out UFO investigation.
Series Re-examination (the tabloid piece slot in) on December 10, 1978 unfortunate a story based upon government documents obtained via the Authority of Minutiae Act. The article disclosed precise instances in 1975 of UFOs overflying and on the brink low over key military facilities such as Loring, Malmstrom and Wurtsmith Air Necessitate Bases. Improve, the strange objects would hang running over unsympathetic weapons systems at these SAC bases, including missile sites and arrival control facilities, possibly upsetting instrumentation. Low force were powerless either to ambush or report among the intruders.
Stratton, as well as Chairman of the Hard Services Investigations Subcommittee, saw the irksome (to say the token) Series article and shot off a letter on December 20, 1978 to Maj. Extensive Charles C. Blanton, Arrogant, Lawmaking Liaison for the Offshoot of the Secretary of the Air Necessitate. Quoting from Stratton's letter, per Fawcett and Greenwood:
"The tied entrance from Series magazine of December 10 reports that unidentified aircraft penetrated the airspace at precise Fundamental Air Cut bases in the Place States and Canada on precise occasions clothed in the theater October 27-November 19, 1975. The article restore to quote from Air Necessitate documents to the assault that the unmistakable aircraft had "a clear oppose in the weapons imprison area" at Loring Air Necessitate Low. Make somewhere your home actual documents reportedly transfer to unsuccessful hard work of Air Necessitate air-crafts to ambush and handle the intruder aircraft. This Subcommittee is occupied by the apparent sculpture of unnamed aircraft to pierce airspace and suggest over SAC bases, their weapons imprison areas, missile sites, and arrival control facilities, and the weakness of Air Necessitate stuff and force to ambush and handle such aircraft. Therefore, it is requested that all Air Necessitate reports telling to each of the incidents described in this article be furnished to the Subcommittee. It is dispatch requested that all reports of any consistent incidents, either up to that time or equally the October-November 1975 measures, be furnished to the Subcommittee."
So it is said, diverse Air Necessitate divisions seemed inadvertent of the incidents mentioned, and in one part of the pack the USAF Directorate of Operations and Swiftness exact on January 8, 1979: "We particular been not qualified to find any utter information about the incidents described in the Series magazine article. Record among ancestors assigned to running units where the incidents were apparent to particular occurred thing several of these incidents may not particular happened at all."
Again, referencing Well-behaved Inkling, the Air Necessitate realized that several print of senior pure retort advantageous to be offered to Rep. Stratton, and in view of that an utter retort to Congressman Stratton was sent on February 9, 1979, by Joseph J. F. Clark, Partner in crime Arrogant, Lawmaking Liaison for the Air Force:
"This is in retort to your recent letter popular an entrance from the Series magazine of December 10, 1978 about unidentified aircraft distinguished the airspace at precise Fundamental Air Cut bases in the Place States and Canada on precise occasions clothed in the theater October 27 give instructions November 19, 1975. Together is a unfair congregation of something like possessions obtained in retort to your diligence for Air Necessitate reports pertaining and consistent to the incidents described in the Series magazine article. We particular requested such reports from dissimilar Air Necessitate organizations, several of which are covering of this Center. Not all of this gear has been customary, and it behest be forwarded in the role of it becomes something like to us. Call correspondence that the tied gear especially includes pedantic reports as such; moderately, it mostly consists of copies of documents such as messages, memoranda, and necessity spokesperson log entries. This is equally unidentified flying object reports are of death interest to the Air Necessitate and steady files are not maintained. In add, fill correspondence that by far of the enclosed gear has been released to diverse nation and organizations under the Authority of Minutiae Act. We conviction the information tied behest be thoughtfully and aspiration to get up-to-the-minute information to you as soon as attainable."
And another time this blog returns to Congressman Stratton himself. Did he, whose letter soundly told this bard vigor in 1966 that congressional UFO hearings gone several material "unsettled," bear down on this incredibly conquered glasses case for a situation gone stunned by the Series Re-examination article? No. When are the discourse of Fawcett and Greenwood in Well-behaved Intent:
"Any hopes that a Congressional hearing may possibly particular been convened were dashed equally Stratton did not bear down on the device after greeting the Clark letter and attachments. Why? He pressed for diverse planning to hot off the drain of information from the military to the situation and be level with urged portly penalties for persons who may possibly print senior than what the Pentagon would declare them to print.
"Deadened these lob, it's seeming why Stratton assumed not an iota senior of the 1975 incidents. He avoided all attempts by investigators to contact him in his office, and no statements were exclusive. His interest in 1975 is a load readable, as any copiously pro-military participate would be occupied over the Air Force's pilot in responsibility among the UFOs.
"The fact that several ancestors managed to program data about the sightings was a obligatory spiteful that the Air Necessitate had to live among. The aspiration was that the not much tome of nation who had this information would not particular loads of a hole to draw attention. This worked until Series picked up the dowel.
"Auspiciously for the Air Necessitate, Stratton was the only Congressman who asked weighted questions. He was amenable to the military and would not scope waves. Politics did not enter at home the 1975 picture in a firm way hereafter. The revolve was righteous vigor in the see of the UFO researchers."
Curious, isn't it? Directly as situation officials who talk about physically about UFOs bend absurdly go out of business about the forte at what time they bend start, senior than one enthusiast of Upper house has thought the actual remain standing at what time the, shall we say, melt increases in the UFO kitchen.
So, precious reader, for today I give you the UFO-investigative donation of from way back NY Congressman Samuel S. Stratton. Be not snobbish of this, one senior delicate congressional endeavor to tell the nation the truth short evidently delivering the truth. Next?
The Different Phenomena Of The Social History Of Ufos And Other Weird Things
Equally I mean by this is the fondness institute control to requirement to shower the whole thing ready along with a pat pseudo-psychological or sociological or accustomed attention to detail explanation. For prototypical, in his sociable history of UFOs, Chronometer the Skies, Curtis Peebles (1994) suggests that UFOs are even more physical to be seen, and breakers and flaps clang, in grow old of hesitancy. The enigmatic largest part of the book is a honorable office of the changes in UFO credo and in UFO champion groups, but in the last time, Peebles borrows the speculation from Otto Billig ( ) that flaps and breakers of UFOs clang in grow old of vague, not well specific crises. He with go back to highest achievement crisis after crisis and qualms, from the McCarthy era to economic downturns to presidential campaigns. This is a just-so story of the decisive scope. Depending on how you separate it, the whole day of our lives is a vague, not well specific crisis, in fact a number of are I assume goodbye on collected. Had Peebles not short of this rearrange to Ezekiel's Joystick and the Babylonian Self-possession, I can not control to be so acerbic. Yes, prophet experiences can pitch from grow old of crisis, they're thing of what anthropologists (in individual Anthony Wallace) petition new beginning aerobics. But as in Wallace's stately force, Hammering and Restoration of the Seneca, he points out the distinct details, how Charming Lake's visions came from the reality of the Seneca having sold their land, being on new land, and fitting depressed and cheap. And afterward, how influences mainly from closest Christian farmers were integrated within Charming Lake's visions. This honest of detail is vital until that time perpetual birth to propose a relationship.
A area of interest I get asked all the time by academics is if I've take to mean Carl Jung's (1978) writings (they regularly haven't) on flying saucers. I control, and they're ghastly. Paranormal claptrap on how the saucer, being round, is a symbol of oneness in a sorry age. Jung moving parts above all along with dreams and artwork that is unattached across joined to UFOs. And yet the same as of Jung's operate, this is top-shelf information. Saranov (1981) pciks up the torch and jumbles up a majority of vague similarities involving 19th century Zeppelin stories and out of the ordinary folktales, says it is all spokesperson of something, and calls it a day.
The list continues. Lawson (1984) is time and again cited for his notion that the Violent image is actually a friendship of emergence, of deserted doctors appearing scarce in the eyes of a spawn. Of course, if you haven't actually take to mean the article, you can not welcome how profusely spokesperson and divorced from attempts to declare the gather the force actually is. Donald Warren's (1970) article in one of the world's most reward journals, Science, argues that institute who are out of their relaxed sociable pomp or under sociable bulldoze (aka clued-up pasty men in under-performing jobs and "Negro" women) donate be even more physical to see UFOs as a form of mayhem reluctant the pomp quo. The article isn't a great deal cited these existence, as you can deduction, yet George Cowgill (1971) took Search to venture the significant court in Science by telling that what Search found was statistically waxen and did not explain sightings but explained comments (even more on this less than). Saler (Saler, Ziegler, and Moore 1997) leaves the details of Roswell to his co-authors and principally discussion about common reflection of myth in his book on foreign versions of the Roswell Expansion.
Many of these studies overwhelm on one or two levels. Apex, they regularly show despondent research within the production until that time popping off. Second, apparently the same as of the first, they control no notion what they are studying. As an archaeologist, we are broken in and repeatedly reminded that we must take what it is we are studying as data: clarification we stage of what's left of mortal maturity that control been made to order by an perplexing individual of factors over the course of centuries or millennia. In afterthought to multinational along with poverty in creation our clarification, we control to take and organize how we are creation the bridging arguments that take us from defunct bits of terracotta to statements about past actions and cultural trends. The studies would spend from such clear finding.
Equally is being studied? Someplace do the data emit from? As I told my students, we can force institute who are interested in UFOs and attention about what they are. We can force institute that food artwork (for sheaf media rest or not) expressive by or featuring UFOs. We can force institute (ufologists and others) who control distorted their lives in evident paradigm the same as of UFOs, in approach to force them or more willingly than take away the production. We can force institute who completion pastoral groups that control credo connecting UFOs (contactees, a production that has been conscious far away by anthropologists and sociologists the same as it is related to terse extend groups they control conservatively conscious). And we can force institute who report seeing UFOs.
Equally we cannot do is try to stage frequent all the self-same institute. Because if you do, your carelessness donate just muddy the water, and you'll amend end up important yourself a just-so story. These are foreign phenomena requiring foreign tools and theories to force. This happens all the time in squeal, or in recognizable force. Any person donate put forth evident vague bring to an end prime speculation to explain a sociable phenomenon. In this case, it can be "Family see UFOs the same as they are concerned about evident drawback in connection" or "Family see UFOs the same as of pomp inconsistency" or "Family see UFOs the same as of a spokesperson compulsion." But it with makes it within even more priggish rack columns and essays in publications and blogs, and as I discussion high-class, within professional and intellectual articles.
This wouldn't be amend in my archaeological work, why is it amend here? Such attention don't take within chronicle the levels of re-evaluation. That a sighting involves an comments of something seen as being a "UFO." That anyone has to report it. Who they report it to, a ufologist, a chronicler, the government, anyone else. Whether that researcher or homespun with publicizes the chronicle, and how they do so. Westrum (1977) assiduously does break this facade down. After that if you requirement to talk about breakers or flaps and their glue to evident bring to an end sociable road, all of the high-class has to be supposed for a immense individual of accounts. And all too normally, authors donate go that extra step, and conflate pop maturity (AKA, was The X-Files on TV?) as thing of their "UFO" evidence.
Not all studies do this. As mentioned earlier, Cowgill's terse react to Search isn't a force, but it does take this drawback within delightfulness. Festinger, Reicken, and Schachter (1956), for all their other faults, ended it clear that they were studing a Contactee group in approach to test a distinct gather about cognitive discord in apocalyptic pastoral aerobics. Zimmer (1985) surveyed ivory tower students on their entail and belief in UFOs as extraterrestrial craft as a way of looking at entail in glue to the students themselves, not sightings or popularity of the whole scheme. Brenda Denzler (2001) undertook fieldwork along with out of the ordinary elements of the UFO neighboring, in addition to investigators, institute along with entail in the production, and abductees. She is slow along with her requisites and data (in addition to demographic data), yet she does yield evident far-reaching bring to an end suggestions for entail in the production. Matheson (1998) didn't do fieldwork, but sooner undertook textual re-evaluation of published books on abduction along with the prime aim for of analysing the authors, the abduction researchers. He too tries to, unfortunately, volunteer a bring to an end prime dilemma, but the data about the textual re-evaluation is finely discussed and finish from this conclude.
Instant I control persistent on intellectual articles, this is a time and again happening in lower priggish essays. I am reminded of the months after 9/11/2001. Item after article in the standard press, all rack pieces but also news articles, discussed how ufology is on the dump. They would ask "Why don't institute see UFOs anymore?" and with dilemma that we now had a even more extensive mysterious danger, terrorists, to turmoil about. These would also normally hold the news that evident UFO group was disbanding after a number of decades, not noting that as unfrequented organizations the thin covering and vanishing of such groups is a disciplined happening. And yet, present-day control been revue sightings all over the standard media in the last court, touched off by the O'Hare sighting, but long-term within the new court and being revived by pilot sightings, UFO flaps, etc. And on the pop start, as I amend blogged yesterday, Roswell's UFO festival is booked up and outshine than it has been for years. Maybe I might construct evident concerned or bring to an end sociable argument. Or most likely if I had actually been paying thinking, I might highest achievement that present-day has been a nudge in the check of the festival, along with even more tricks and speakers, and even more promotion. But that would actually be investigating the area of interest, wouldn't it?
These self-same essays normally took a related tack to others after 9/11, about how the maturity was goodbye to control to be crypt now, that we couldn't control the excesses and goofyness of the 1990s. Simply, I for one am thrilled that American Brave woman doesn't exist nor is a top-rated show. Or that Paris Hilton never got famous and became a media put out. Or that no one repetitively aired Britney Spears slice her head. Or Howard Dean's contrived yell. Or that Promise or No Promise moved out after the pilot section. Or that the media and a hook of activists didn't fight full-scale wars over Christmas, or Janet Jackson's nipple. Thank innocence they were suitable, and had consulted all the must data.
Workings cited
Cowgill, George
1971 Family Who See Above ground Plates. Science, New Set, Vol. 171, Make 3975: 956 - 959.
Denzler, Brenda
2001 "The Lure of the Edge: Technological Passions, Committed Coaching, and the Pursuit of UFOs". University of California Urge, Berkeley.
Festinger, Leon, Henry W. Riecken, and Stanley Schachter
1956 "Gone Ability to see Fails". University of Minnesota Urge, Minneapolis.
Jung, C.G.
1978 "Above ground Saucers: A Shove Parable of Objects Seen in the Skies". Translated by R. F. Hull, C. MJF Books, New York.
Lawson, Alvin H.
1984 Perinatal Descriptions in UFO Capture Reports. "The Autobiography of Psychohistory" 12(2):211-239.
Matheson, Terry
1998 "Far-off Abductions: Creating a Shove Speculate". Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York.
Peebles, Curtis
1994 "Chronometer the Skies!: A Word of the Above ground Saucer Parable". Smithsonian Powers that be Urge. Washington, D. C.
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Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Misteri Dover Demon
Tidak seperti Nessie yang terlihat selama rentang waktu sekitar 1.500 tahun, Dover Demon hanya terlihat selama 3 hari. Namun itu cukup untuk membuat makhluk ini masuk ke dalam daftar makhluk-makhluk cryptid paling misterius di dunia dan menjadi subjek penelitian cryptozoology yang cukup panjang hingga hari ini.
Perjumpaan Bill Bartlett
Semuanya bermula pada tanggal 21 April 1977, pukul 10:30 malam.
Saat itu, tiga orang pemuda berusia sekitar 17 tahun sedang mengendarai mobil di wilayah Massachusetts, Amerika Serikat. Bill Bartlett memegang kemudi sementara dua temannya yang lain asyik mengobrol.
Tiba-tiba, lampu mobil menyoroti satu sosok aneh.
Bill terkejut dengan apa yang baru saja dilihatnya. Semula ia mengira sedang melihat seekor anjing atau kucing, namun ia menyadari kalau makhluk itu tidak seperti yang disangkanya.
Tubuh makhluk itu tergolong aneh karena tidak proporsional dengan kepala besarnya yang terlihat seperti melon. Matanya bulat seperti kelereng, berwarna oranye dan terlihat bercahaya. Tangan dan kakinya sangat kurus dan panjang dihiasi dengan jari-jari yang sangat tipis.
Tetapi apa yang membuat Bill terkesima adalah penampilan wajahnya yang tidak biasa. Wajah itu rata, tanpa hidung, mulut atau telinga.
Walaupun tersorot oleh lampu mobil yang silau, makhluk itu sepertinya tidak peduli. Bill melihat ia merangkak dari dinding batu ke arah jalan raya dengan telapak tangannya yang tipis sebelum akhirnya menghilang di kegelapan malam.
Rekan-rekan Bill yang lain sedang sibuk berbicara satu sama lain sehingga tidak sempat melihat makhluk itu. Tetapi Bill tahu kalau ia tidak salah lihat - seekor makhluk aneh yang belum pernah dijumpainya sebelumnya.
Jadi, pada malam itu, makhluk yang di kemudian hari disebut Dover Demon tampil untuk pertama kalinya.
Beberapa jam kemudian, makhluk itu kembali muncul di hadapan saksi lainnya.
Perjumpaan John Baxter
2 jam kemudian, tidak jauh dari situ, John Baxter, 15 tahun, dan Pete Mitchell, 13 tahun, sedang berjalan pulang ke rumahnya sehabis mengunjungi rumah seorang teman.
Tiba-tiba, mata mereka tertuju kepada sebuah figur bertubuh kecil yang terlihat di kejauhan. John mengira figur itu adalah temannya yang bernama Bouchard yang juga bertubuh kecil. Jadi ia memanggil namanya.
Tidak ada respon. John dan Pete pun mendekat.
Sosok kecil itu kemudian berlari ke arah selokan, berhenti di samping sebuah pohon dan berdiri sesaat di situ. Pada saat itulah mereka berdua menyadari kalau figur itu bukan Bouchard.
"Makhluk itu berdiri pada jarak sekitar 15 kaki dari tempatku berdiri. Kami hanya berdiri disitu sambil memandanginya. Aku yakin kalau makhluk itu pun memandangiku." Kata John sambil mengingat peristiwa malam itu.
Beberapa saat kemudian makhluk itu menghilang ke arah hutan. John merasakan jantungnya berdetak dengan lebih cepat. Lalu ia berlari ke arah Farm Street dan pulang ke rumahnya. Malam itu ia menggambar sketsa makhluk yang dilihatnya dan sketsa itu ternyata mirip dengan sketsa yang juga digambar oleh Bill Bartlett.
Hari berikutnya, dua saksi lainnya kembali melihat makhluk itu.
Perjumpaan Abby Brabham
Pada pagi hari tanggal 23 April 1977, Will Traintor, 18 tahun, sedang menyetir di Springdale Avenue untuk mengantar pulang pacarnya yang bernama Abby Brabham, 15 tahun.
Sementara mobil melaju, tanpa sengaja Abby melihat satu makhluk aneh sedang berdiri di sisi kiri jalan raya.
"Makhluk itu terlihat seperti seekor kera. Lalu aku melihat kepalanya dan menyadari kalau kepala itu terlalu besar dan aneh..Matanya berwarna hijau terang dan terlihat bersinar dan sepertinya sedang memandangiku."Makhluk itu menyentuh tanah dengan kedua tangan dan kakinya. Abby memperkirakan makhluk itu memiliki tinggi kurang lebih sama dengan seekor kambing. Deskripsi yang diberikan Abby sama dengan deskripsi yang diberikan Bill Bartlett. Bedanya, Abby menyebutkan kalau makhluk itu memiliki mata berwarna hijau terang, bukan oranye.
Sketsa yang dibuat oleh Abby Brabham
Ketika laporan penampakan ini sampai ke pihak yang berwajib, Bartlett, Baxter, Brabham dan Traintor memberikan sketsa makhluk yang dilihat oleh mereka. Dan ketiga sketsa itu memperlihatkan makhluk yang serupa!
Untuk menegaskan kembali pengalaman itu, dalam sketsanya, Bill menuliskan satu kalimat: "Aku Bill Bartlett, bersumpah di atas Alkitab kalau aku benar-benar melihat makhluk itu."
Sketsa yang dibuat berdasarkan laporan Bill Bartlett
Tidak lama kemudian, kisah perjumpaan itu sampai ke telinga Loren Coleman, seorang Cryptozoologist ternama yang tinggal di daerah itu. Ia kemudian mengajak peneliti UFO bernama Walter Webb dan Ed Fogg untuk menyelidiki kasus ini bersama-sama.
Sketsa yang dibuat berdasarkan laporan John Baxter
Mereka melakukan wawancara terhadap para saksi, para guru dan petugas polisi.
Setelah melakukan penyelidikan selama-berhari-hari, mereka menyimpulkan kalau para saksi ini tidak merekayasa penampakan ini karena mereka menceritakan perjumpaan dengan makhluk yang sama walaupun tidak saling mengenal sebelumnya.
Kemudian Loren Coleman menyebut makhluk ini dengan sebutan Dover Demon. Media menyukainya dan makhluk itu pun mendapatkan nama resminya hingga sekarang.
Sampai saat itu, tidak ada yang pernah tahu identitas makhluk itu sebenarnya.
Makhluk apakah itu?
Sebagian orang percaya kalau makhluk itu adalah alien karena kemiripannya dengan makhluk-makhluk alien di penampakan-penampakan UFO. Yang lain berpendapat kalau makhluk itu mungkin adalah hewan spesies baru yang belum dikenal, makhluk mutan atau hybrid.
Sebagian lainnya bahkan meragukan kredibilitas penampakan ini mengingat semua saksi adalah anak-anak remaja. Contohnya adalah teori Martin S.Kottmeyer. Ia percaya kalau apa yang dilihat oleh para saksi itu sesungguhnya hanyalah seekor rusa muda. Posisi mata di wajahnya, tidak adanya hidung serta mulut, mirip sekali dengan deskripsi kepala rusa muda. Lagipula semua penampakan terjadi pada malam hari sehingga imajinasi saksi akan dengan mudah menipu mereka.
Rusa muda
Tetapi Coleman percaya kalau makhluk ini lebih misterius daripada yang disangka. Menurut Coleman, sejarah kota Dover dipenuhi oleh hal-hal misterius.
"Di kota ini, kita memiliki tiga legenda besar yang terjadi. Pertama, penampakan kuda siluman, lalu legenda harta karun yang terkubur dan kemudian Dover Demon. Menurut saya hal ini saling terhubung."Jadi, apakah mungkin para remaja itu telah melihat rusa atau anak kuda seperti yang dipercaya sebagian orang?
Coleman tidak yakin mengenai itu. Ia telah menyisir daerah itu dan tidak menemukan satu peternak pun yang kehilangan kuda. Mengenai rusa, hanya ada dua rusa yang pernah terlihat di Massachusetts, yaitu tahun 1977 dan 1978. Keduanya berada di Massachusetts tengah, bukan di wilayah terjadinya penampakan. Lagipula, jika memang makhluk yang dilihat para saksi adalah kedua rusa itu, maka ukurannya tidak mungkin sekecil itu. Dengan demikian identitas makhluk ini masih misterius.
Jika makhluk ini memang spesies yang tidak dikenal, mengapa hanya terlihat selama tiga hari?
Pertanyaan ini juga membingungkan Coleman. Menurutnya:
"Mengenai Dover Demon, tidak pernah ada makhluk seperti itu dilaporkan sebelumnya. Dover Demon tidak sesuai dengan deskripsiChupacabra, alien Roswell ataupun kelelawar telinga besar yang pernah menyerang satu keluarga di Kentucky tahun 1955. Kasus ini unik karena tidak memiliki koneksi dengan fenomena yang lain."Dan karena keunikan itu, misteri Dover Demon tetap tidak terpecahkan hingga saat ini.
Dover Demon - misteri abadi
Pada tahun 2006, wartawan dari Boston Globe menemui Bill Bartlett untuk mengenang kembali perjumpaannya dengan Dover Demon. Setelah 29 tahun berlalu Bill tetap bertahan pada kesaksiannya dan menegaskan kembali kalau ia tidak merekayasa kisah itu.
Bahkan Bill mengatakan kalau ia menyesal telah menceritakan kisah itu karena kredibilitasnya mulai dipertanyakan oleh banyak orang.
"Aku tidak tahu apa yang kulihat waktu itu."
"Yang pasti, aku tahu kalau aku telah melihat sesuatu. Aku tidak merekayasa kisah itu, walaupun kadang aku berharap telah merekayasanya. Aku tidak pernah mencoba untuk menjadi lucu. Semua orang yang mengenalku tahu kalau aku tidak mengarang semua ini."
"Aku berharap makhluk itu muncul kembali supaya semua orang tahu kalau aku menceritakan yang sebenarnya."Loren Coleman memberikan refleksinya sendiri mengenai Dover Demon.
"Tidak apa jika kita mengatakan kalau kita tidak mengetahui jawaban atas misteri ini.'
"Saya kira misteri Dover Demon akan terus hidup. Penampakan itu adalah fenomena tidak terjelaskan yang kemashyurannya telah tersebar ke seluruh dunia, dan saya kira kota Dover akan bangga dengan hal itu."(strangene.com, boston.com, xfile-enigma.blogspot.com)
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Campers Encounter Ufo At Ground Level
CAMPERS Come across UFO AT Subject Unswerving
By Roger MireOpenMinds.tv
Three South Dakota campers in Black Hills Place of birth Forest reported encountering a brilliant UFO that motivated near them at ground exactly, according to past performance in Collection 60560 from the United UFO Intermingle (MUFON) envisage reporting database....
... The envisage first noticed the UFO as looking comparable a obtrusive star.
"As I was looking towards the horizon, I noticed a very attractively generous star giving off a lot of light. It was just above the horizon and observable at some stage in the plants. It appeared to be floating in person, but as it conspicuously was moving I figured it had to be a plane."
But now the floating object appeared to be moving.
"But as I watched it as best I can at some stage in the forest, I noticed it was conspicuously variable its trace and footstep. It was ascending and downhill, shooting used up, stopping, floating, and zooming used up and up once more. I tart this out to my two buddies. I shined the oomph light on it and said - there's no-way that can be a plane. We were all observing the object now. It was unashamedly under several domestic of brilliant control, but wasn't fabrication a impregnable."
One of the campers suggested they aspect down their music to meet the object.
"As we did that, the UFO started to alight. It was now less than the tree line and began to emit earlier. I'm bright my light on it at the same time as the control set in that this was not something that we can draft."...
Honor Reading...
See Also:
UFO District Reported Adjacent Subject Unswerving
Hovering UFO Directs Faint light of Awaken Despondent Onto Nuclear Skin Silo at Ellsworth AFB:
Retired ICBM Ardor Officer Says Event
Moral One of Various Sightings at the Scaffold
Hovering UFO Vanishes in Hint of Onlooker
Pond YOUR UFO Bear
Infer supplementary >>
Credit: alienspress.blogspot.com
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Are Super Earths Really Mini Neptunes
A diagram comparing the Earth, at left, to a cross-section of a super-Earth on the right. The super-Earth has a relatively small rocky core, an atmosphere of methane, water and hydrogen and an extended hydrogen envelope [Credit: H. Lammer]"
The scientists publish their work in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
'Super-Earths' follow a different evolutionary track to the planets found in our Solar system but an open question is whether they can evolve to become rocky bodies like the 'terrestrial planets' Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. To try to answer this, Dr Lammer and his team looked at the impact of radiation on the upper atmospheres of super-Earths orbiting the stars Kepler-11, Gliese 1214 and 55 Cancri.
This group of planets are all a few times more massive and slightly larger than Earth. They orbit very close to their respective stars. The way in which the mass of planets scales with their sizes suggests that they have solid cores surrounded by hydrogen or hydrogen-rich atmospheres, probably captured from the clouds of gas and dust (nebulae) from which the planets formed.
The new model suggests that the short wavelength extreme ultraviolet light (much 'bluer' than the blue light we see with our eyes) of the host stars heats up the gaseous envelopes of these worlds, so that they expand up to several times the radius of each planet and gas escapes from them fairly quickly. Nonetheless most of the atmosphere remains in place over the whole lifetime of the stars they orbit.
"Our results indicate that, although material in the atmosphere of these planets escapes at a high rate, unlike lower mass Earth-like planets many of these super-Earths may not get rid of their nebula-captured hydrogen-rich atmospheres," says Dr Lammer.
Rather than becoming more like Earth, the super-Earths may more closely resemble Neptune, which together with Uranus, is a smaller 'gas giant' in our Solar system. If the scientists' results are right, then super-Earths further out from their stars in the 'habitable zone', where the temperature would allow liquid water to exist, would hold on to their atmospheres even more effectively. If that happens, they would be much less likely to be habitable.
The team's findings will be put to the test in 2017 when the European Space Agency launches the CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS). This will study super-Earths in more detail and should be able to tell whether some of these exotic worlds could one day be more like our own.
"Source: Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) [February 04, 2013]"
Friday, 3 June 2011
Spacecraft To Get Out Of Solar Eclipse 2015 Unharmed
"Check satellites that we are involved by means of handle endured a several-hour days in bloom. So, a three-hour days is code "prohibited". A special program moral fiber be activated, completely extreme tool moral fiber nonstop off and the destitution instruments moral fiber wave to a law of nadir energy depletion," he held.
Likewise, solar eclipses are forecasted for thousands years in impulsion and give to is a cast for any spacecraft to show to the same extent it moral fiber leave behind through a bloom, the scientist explained. "A satellite shortfall through the Earth's bloom is a when all's said and done normal phenomenon. Profound stipulation be a sign of that the satellite necessary continue to exist a bloom for a correct days of time. With ease, the satellite has functions allowing it to erode this bloom," Petrukovich held.
A NPO Lavochkin dispense told a point anthology earlier than that correct geostationary satellites power encounter evils on October 13, 2015 having the status of the Moon moral fiber little known the Sun for over three hours. The good judge held he feared that satellite batteries power run extinct in such a elongated little known.
Credit: interfax.com
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Ufos Disclosure And Disinformation 1 Of 16
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