Monday, 28 February 2011
How Not To Become An Abductee
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Ufo Incredible Sighting 6 Th Aril 2013 0830 Cape Town
Cloud Behavior Indicates 60 Billion Planets In Milky Way Could Be Habitable
A new study on how clouds feign temperatures on alien planets has stretched the circulation of exoplanets, or planets liberated our solar system, which are believed to be nice of taking sides life, according to a study published in the Astral Copy Parcels.
The study was conducted by a stick of scientists from the Theoretical of Chicago and Northwestern Theoretical stopping at a 3D model they shaped to investigate how clouds would feign temperatures on these outlier planets.
"Haze hurried warming, and they hurried cooling on Soil," Dorian Abbot, an hang loose teacher in geophysical sciences at the Theoretical of Chicago, and one of the study's authors, told The Christian Science Catch on. "They believe sunlight to brisk stuff off, and they absorb infrared radiation from the lacquer to power a art school bring in. That's share of what keeps the planet unmarked satisfactory to resist life." Too far from a star and any water on an exoplanet would unfriendliness what too considerably warmth to a star would disappear any water envelope on a planet.
By this cost, the results showed that 60 billion planets could be habitable, as each one of them is situated at dead on the point dissociate from its star to keep water in a key form -- a requirement for life to live. This sighting doubles the circulation of planets that scientists ahead believed could imaginably sponsorship life.
A Los Angeles Become old report intelligent out that the augmentation in circulation is since scientists storage now obsessed dressed in shot the part of clouds in altering the heat up of a planet that was ahead not rushed too secure to its star to sponsorship life.
Researchers rent, the Become old report alleged, that the share of the planet that fit faces its star give storage a indecipherable cloud protecting it, which give believe hospitality and light setback to the cause, thereby preventing the planet from triumph too unmarked.
"Regularly you would chance a planet to be hotter on the day side than on the night side," Abbot told the Los Angeles Become old. "But a planet with a weather end match this give be colder on the day side than on the night side. If you see that converse, we were point."
Friday, 25 February 2011
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Mathew Bevan.
SOURCE: The Times DATE: 27 July 1990
George Hill goes down on the farm and discovers that corn circles
are grist to a media mill, whether messages in Sumerian, natural
phenomena or simply hoaxes. In spite of the giant graffiti
mockingly imprinted this week on a cornfield just under their noses,
the research team seeking to crack the mystery of corn circles at
Westbury Hill in Wiltshire mean to continue their vigil until the
crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time.
The standing corn is the writing-paper on which some little-
understood influence inscribes, with uncanny precision, signs which
seem to grow more numerous and more complex every year. With five
low-light video cameras trained day and night on the ripening
cornfields which stretch away to the horizon from their vantage-
point on the chalk ramparts of the prehistoric Bratton Fort, the
team hopes to catch the moment of formation of one of the circles.
The scene at Bratton Fort on Wednesday, on the morning the hoaxers
had been at work, did little to promote the credibility of the
circles as a genuine scientific phenomenon. Down below was the
evidence of the work of a party of buffoons to damage somebody
else's property and livelihood, while high on the escarpment the
angry and excited figure of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the
project, was letting himself be drawn by bands of the international
media into dropping hints which will not help workers in the field
to gain respectable backers for future research.
An atmosphere of silly-season gaiety hung over the encampment. It
will be harder than ever now to wrest the subject from the mystics
who prefer supernatural to natural explanations, and the cynics who
are satisfied that everything can be explained on the basis of
bucolic humour or press circulation-battles. Because the story is
all about ripening corn, it breaks every year just at the time when
serious news tends to be afflicted by its usual summer drought. As
Mr Andrews spoke of 'an airborne consciousness', which he declared
could not inappropriately be described as 'supernatural', the
representative of the Today newspaper stood at his shoulder with a
proprietorial smile.
For those who have been so merrily making hay out of the corn in
recent weeks, any turn in the tale, whether hoax or otherwise, can
be turned to account except one: a natural explanation. A solution
to the mystery would spoil the fun and they would be thrown back on
the Loch Ness monster. So successful has the drive to mystification
been, that a spokesman for the Meteorological Office yesterday was
still taking the classic attitude of conservative science to a
puzzle with overtones of the occult, and dismissing the whole
phenomenon as 'a glorified hoax'.
In spite of Wednesday's prank, and earlier jollities like the
appearance of the message 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside
in 1983, and last year's report of rings at an Essex village called
Littley Green (Littley Green Men: geddit?), there can be no doubt
that many circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 rings which have been
reported this year are all man-made, then the sun must have touched
an alarmingly large number of industrious humourists.
Many are in remote spots where the chances of publicity would be
slight. Similar circles have been reported in many other countries
where there has been no ballyhoo to encourage pranksters, and as
long ago as 1936, 1918, and even 1678. 'It is usually easy to
distinguish a natural circle from a man-made one by looking at the
way the stalks have been pressed down,' says Paul Fuller,the joint
author of Crop Circles a Mystery Solved, to be published next month.
'If you visit a fresh one, you can see how the crops have been
pressed down in a spiral or circular pattern, sometimes so gently
that they have not even been flattened, sometimes pressed so firmly
into the soil that they leave a mark in it. The traces left by human
intervention are quite different.'
But there are aspects to the circles which make them tempting
subjects for science-fiction speculation. Witnesses who have been
nearby when they form frequently speak of strange lights and buzzing
noises, or sensations similar to those associated with strong fields
of static electricity.
Tests with instruments have sometimes confirmed that electric
phenomena are involved. The growing number of circles may be
partly explicable by changes in agricultural practice, but it is
impossible to account for the eerily systematic patterns of recent
examples. Fancy and superstition have ranged exuberantly in
proposing explanations for the phenomenon.
Claims that the cause involves flying saucers, fungal infections,
ley-lines, giant hailstones, rutting stags or mass-movements of
hedgehogs have been suggested, and gleefully perpetuated by those
who thrive on mystification.
This year, the bouillabaisse of red herrings has been enriched by a
suggestion that the signs are a warning of ecological disaster
written in 3,000-year-old Sumerian script although it has not been
explained why an entity which has not yet discovered the ABC should
be supposed to have any up to date information about other events on
The mystifiers are less happy with the evidence of the small number
of witnesses, including some impeccably sober citizens, who have
actually observed the formation of circles. Their testimony
threatens to spoil the fun. One of them is Melvyn Bell, a Wiltshire
labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, long before the story was taken
up by the tabloids. 'It didn't seem a matter of great interest to
me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway near
Lavington at about eight in the evening one day in August. About a
quarter of a mile away I saw a small cloud of dust above a cornfield
it looked like one of those spinning clouds of debris you sometimes
see outside a supermarket. I was looking down the hill towards it,
higher up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few
seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards wide in the corn. I
heard no buzzing noises.'
Of all explanations, the whirlwind solution is the one that
commentators drawn to occult answers dislike most. Mr. Andrews
mentions it briefly and dismissively in his own book, Circular
Evidence, written jointly with Pat Delgado and published last year.
Supernaturalists have suggested that Mr Bell's evidence should be
discounted because he is an employee of Dr. Terence Meaden, an
academic specialising in research into atmospheric processes, whose
book The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries, also published last year
(there must be a supernatural explanation behind this exponential
growth in the number of books on the subject).
Dr. Meaden is the first writer to put forward a theory which
explains most of the characteristics of the circles on a basis of
current scientific knowledge. In the process, he goes far to
providing a rational explanation for many of the UFO reports which
have puzzled researchers for decades. Drawing partly on the
extensive records gathered by Mr Andrews and his colleagues, he
shows that circles tend to appear in very specific conditions of
weather and topography.
'I would say there is no mystery about the basic process,' he
says. 'The primary thing is a vortex formed on the lee side of a
hill in very still atmospheric conditions. If a mass of air near the
ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by friction where
a dry crop and dust have been stirred by the wind all day, very
complex processes might develop, and produce the buzzing and glowing
that have been described.'
In their familiar form, whirlwinds happen only in daylight, when
warm air creates upcurrents which spin as they rise. But where a
layer of cool air lies above a warm layer, parts of the upper layer
can fall away, and as they sink, spiral formations like smoke-rings
may form. These spinning masses, some larger than others, some
hitting the ground quite hard, and others scarcely brushing it,
might well be the most credible explanation for many of the detailed
characteristics of the circles, including the delicate concentric
forms sometimes seen.
It is more difficult to understand how they could produce treble and
quintuple patterns of rings, and harder still to see how they could
lead to the complex angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this
year. 'Imagine a round clock falling to the ground,' Dr Meaden
says. 'If it falls gently, it may leave a plain round impression
behind. If it falls so hard that it smashes, then parts of the
mechanism might shoot out this way or that. Further vortices inside
the main vortex might fly out as it disintegrates. I think many of
these patterns are genuine, and offer clues to the internal
structure of these objects.' But not even Dr Meaden can offer a
clear explanation for the apparent tendency of the patterns to grow
more complex year by year. If that trend continues, a degree of
mystery will continue to cling to the circles, and it may not be
long before it seems worthwhile for us to brush up on our Sumerian.
(c) Times Newspapers Ltd.
1990 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 25 July 1991
Crop Circles; Letter From Mr Ralph Noyes
I read with interest your report on the reappearance of crop
circles (July 16). Hoaxing is undoubtedly taking place in some
cases. We in the Centre for Crop Circle Studies are cooperating
closely with the Wiltshire police in the hope of eliminating this
nuisance, which is not only troublesome to farmers but muddies the
scientific record.
The event in the field near Alton Barnes which occurred on July
1-2 (there has since been a second formation in the same field) was
seen within hours by members of CCCS. It will by now have lost
much of its delicate texturing as a result of sight-seeing by
members of the public. But in its pristine state it showed the
hallmarks of a genuine occurrence, particularly in the complex
layering of the grain where the main shaft of the formation crosses
the central elements of a ring and circle. We do not believe it
could have been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who farm the land, have
our full support in repudiating the suggestion of trickery.
Yours faithfully, RALPH NOYES
(Honorary Secretary, Centre for Crop Circle Studies),
9 Oakley Street, SW3. July 16.
(c) Times Newspapers Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 12 June 1991
Tokyo scientist rustles up corn circle
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Nick Nuttall, Technology Correspondent
A JAPANESE scientist who has been enthralled by the annual
appearance of crop circles in Britain has created the phenomenon in
his laboratory. The shapes, identical to those which started to re-
appear last week, were made without the assistance of UFOs, farmers'
lads, rutting deer, frenzied hedgehogs or any of the other exotic
theories which have sprung up around the phenomenon.
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki used a machine which he developed to produce ball
lightning. The professor of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo,
has thus helped to confirm theories proposed last year by Terence
Meaden, former associate professor of physics at Dalhousie
university in Halifax, Canada, and founder of the Tornado Storm
Research Organisation at Oxford polytechnic.
Dr. Meaden suggested, to gales of derision by lovers of more
outlandish explanations, that the topography and climate of such
counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini-
whirlwinds. As they broke down over fields, he suggested, a
doughnut-shaped eddy within the column swept downwards, swirling the
Dr. Meaden said yesterday that Professor Ohtsuki, who first visited
Britain two years ago to examine the phenomenon, had told him in a
letter that he fired mini-whirlwinds over plates of fine aluminium
powder in his ball-lightning machine to replicate the swirls.
The findings have been lent further weight by another Japanese
scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has developed a
mathematical model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot
on video. It also creates more complex shapes, similiar to those
that have appeared in recent years.
Supporters of more exotic theories had said that a scientific basis
for corn circles is defied by these complicated configurations. Dr.
Meaden believes that the final answer to the circles' complexities
might be found in the appearance of sun spots which lead to
electromagnetic changes in the Earth's atmosphere and crust.
If so, the number of complicated corn circles may fall over the
coming years. Solar activity is believed to be on the point of
declining from a 200 - year peak. (c) Times Newspapers Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 10 September 1991
LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no truck
with the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to newspapers yesterday
that they were responsible for the mystery of the corn circles.
'The newspapers are full of lies,' said an angry spokesman for the
shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and psychic
phenomena. The enigma remains, insists the shop. So, too, will its
window display, erected last week, of books on crop circles,
explaining the phenomenon by reference to aliens from outer space,
energy currents and other causes far more plausible than two men
with a ball of string, an old baseball cap and 4 ft wooden plinths.
(c) Times Newspapers Ltd. 1991
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Ifos Lits Ufo Balloons Chinese Lanterns And Misidentifications
(Main article here).
I have been aware of UFO Balloons and their inevitable misinterpretation as UFOs since (at least) back in 2005. However it wasn't until 2006 that I first thought about writing something due to the UFO Balloon sightings and subsequent UFO reports showing signs of being a real problem in future years as the release of these balloons at celebratory events -such as weddings- was/is escalating dramatically. I also researched them quite a bit as one of the sightings that received a lot of media coverage in 2006 literally drifted straight over my residence at the time.
2007 saw another increase of these 'UFO Balloons' and more importantly the media started to take a real interest which peaked in July with the Stratford UFO report and never really dipped, now we're into 2008 and it seems as if these UFO-Balloons are becoming the most misidentified aerial object of the minute and shows no signs of easing up. Also as the summer months are upon us I can see no immediate relief from UFO-Balloons/Fire lanterns in the near future.
Unfortunately (and yet again!) the finished article is too involved and it's simply not practical to post as a Blog entry so you can consider this short post a teaser!
UFO-Balloon/Fire Lanterns Compilation Video
To read more about UFO Balloons/Fire Lanterns being misidentified and mistakenly reported as UFOs then please visit here (click on text).
You will find details of the Loughton 2006 UFO report/s, the Sunderland 2006 UFO report/s and the 2007 Stratford upon Avon UFO report/s as well as witness accounts, witness videos and images. Not to mention a history of the UFO Balloon/Fire Lantern specifically as it applies to the UK UFO scene as well as how the media have covered the phenomenon so far.
I have been aware of UFO Balloons and their inevitable misinterpretation as UFOs since (at least) back in 2005. However it wasn't until 2006 that I first thought about writing something due to the UFO Balloon sightings and subsequent UFO reports showing signs of being a real problem in future years as the release of these balloons at celebratory events -such as weddings- was/is escalating dramatically. I also researched them quite a bit as one of the sightings that received a lot of media coverage in 2006 literally drifted straight over my residence at the time.
2007 saw another increase of these 'UFO Balloons' and more importantly the media started to take a real interest which peaked in July with the Stratford UFO report and never really dipped, now we're into 2008 and it seems as if these UFO-Balloons are becoming the most misidentified aerial object of the minute and shows no signs of easing up. Also as the summer months are upon us I can see no immediate relief from UFO-Balloons/Fire lanterns in the near future.
Unfortunately (and yet again!) the finished article is too involved and it's simply not practical to post as a Blog entry so you can consider this short post a teaser!
UFO-Balloon/Fire Lanterns Compilation Video
To read more about UFO Balloons/Fire Lanterns being misidentified and mistakenly reported as UFOs then please visit here (click on text).
You will find details of the Loughton 2006 UFO report/s, the Sunderland 2006 UFO report/s and the 2007 Stratford upon Avon UFO report/s as well as witness accounts, witness videos and images. Not to mention a history of the UFO Balloon/Fire Lantern specifically as it applies to the UK UFO scene as well as how the media have covered the phenomenon so far.
Visit The IFO/UFO Balloon webpage here.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
The Mystery Of The Tarot Has Allowed Him To Explain The Phenomenon Of Time-Space
MICEAL LEDWITH(USA) KEY Keep a note Voice (L.PH.,L.D.,D.D.,LL.D(H.C)17 years as an helper to the last two Popes - 10 years as the Journey of St Patrick's Comradeship in Ireland - 16 years as lecturer of Systematic Religion and Dean of the facility of Religion. His intent of the midpoint device of the Vatican and the secrets they depot are considerable. He has been a yearn for time scholar and university at the Ramtha's Tutor of Over and done Purpose.
The man who introduced us to ORMEs - Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements. Or as the Bible calls it MANNA from heaven or the white grind of gold - sought after by gods and men to the same degree the seed of time. David's research at the first flat appearing in the alteration of metals is unsurpassed.
As a creation connect of Commission Camelot, Kerry has interviewed hundreds of tube blowers in a vast area of subjects. From secret government projects, to geneticists, ET contactees to architects of off-world bases. Her accumulated intent is enormous.
One of the brightest new lights in the world of genetics and molecular biology. Exposing the in codes and the fine functions of our DNA - its origins and how it was manipulated and spliced to give out the human.
The gigantic granddaughter of Pres. Dwight Eisenhower famous for his Consign 51 come together in imitation of an ET delegation. Laura follows in his route by involvement her insider information about life in the universe, the secret bases on Mars and the treaties signed by our governments and ETs.
ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE (USA) J.D., M.Ed. Critic, lawyer (connect of the Home of Columbia Bar), inventive, quiet lay, environmental lay, and aspace/Exopolitics lay who promotes the ban of space weapons. His 2000 book Exopolitics the founded Exopolitics the science of relatives among civilizations in the multiverse. He was a co-architect of the Impression Maintenance Treaty and theSpace Maintenance Act. Webre is a mediator on the Kuala LumpurWar Crimes Sample, and is the Chairman of the Mars Fault Hunt Development (MARS).
Instructor, create and trainer, unquestionable for his Charity Deliberation, and research on Hominoids at the same time as bigfoot, yeti, and others. His ground-breaking transmissible research on the Sequin Baby Journey has raised a transnational negotiations about its enormous origins and unaffected evidence for ET visitations.
Critic of three books, scientist and examiner - has exposed the evidence of an ancient gold-mining civilisation in southern Africa set up by the Anunnaki as referred to in the Sumerian drug. Fall short of Contributionism and the UBUNTU row - a new expansive strength for a moneyless foundation, in a expressive open-minded world which operates in Agreement.
One of South Africa's best kept secrets - master scholar of the stars and create of The Untold Citations. Decoder of ancient star maps, the Immeasurable Tree, secret manuscripts of ancient UFOs and has deciphered the Jordanian Codices. An advantageous on the Float up of Mars and its twin monument in Israel and other parts of the world.
Chemical engineer, thoughtful on environmental technology and specialising in biomimicry. A graduate and co-trainer for the international Biomimicry Competent program. She heads up Biomimicry SA - a network of uncommunicative professionals, from biologists and engineers to designers and sustainability specialists, who chitchat and drill on biomimicry, instruction from and emulating nature's expert.
Comes from a yearn for and regal line of Freemasons. Licensed as a Transpersonal Psychologist and create of Bluntly Up. Her interests cover the "Enochian Mysteries", to the same degree Enoch was considered an summit Freemason and the 'conservator of the fine sanction of star. She covers the 'truths of twelve', voices of ancients and frequencies of light.WILLEM DE SWART ( SOUTH AFRICA)
A scientist of the first set out - his new mathematical fashion called "numeric science" has decoded the numeric netting which is habitually called the "matrix". His momentous vision of geometry and the mystery of the TAROT has official him to explain the phenomenon of Time-Space and the outline of reality as outlined in his prospect book The Inside Empty of God. JAMES GILLILAND - Whole SKYPE PRESENTATIONAuthor; teacher; strenuous healer; extrasensory counselor; the founder of the ECETI stiffen - the Ahead of its time Announcement in imitation of Space Intelligence; warden of the disc of the form of Companionable Masters and other Off Nature guests.
IF YOU Convoy IN UFOS OR YOUR Only just Sympathetic AND ARE LOOKING FOR AN Disguise FOR A Importantly Pungent Take it easy As a consequence HOW Roundabouts ATTENDING THIS Colloquy. SOUTH AFRICA Should BE ON EVERYONE'S Container LIST! In the neighborhood IS YOUR Hazard TO Offended IT OFF AND Carry out A Pungent Colloquy AT THE Incredibly TIME!
FOR Charm Data AND Higher VISIT:
Resident Snaps Picture Of Ufo Sighted Near Keighley Uk Ufo News Photo
By Alistair Shand
2-27-13 This burning ball of light was spotted speeding across the night sky above Cross Roads.
The image was captured by theatre nurse Jeanette Bray on a mobile phone, outside her Myrtle Drive home.
Now Mrs Bray is appealing for anyone who can help shed light on the mystery object, which was seen at 8.58pm on Friday, February 15, to come forward....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
UFO NEWS UK Photographer Captures Stunning Images of UFOs Above Hatfield
Reporter Reiterates Hackers Claims of "Photographic Proof of Alien Spacecraft... and Non-Terrestrial Officers" UFO NEWS VIDEO
UFO NEWS UK: Mystery Object Sighted Over Somerset - Two RAF Jets Scrambled
Breaking Ufo Event Over New York City
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Museum Exhibit Features Extraterrestrial Life Research And Artificial Intelligence
The exhibit displays content from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA, and features some of the methods used by scientists to explore space and search for ET life. It also presents robots and artificial intelligence with the display of C3PO, Iron Man, and other popular Hollywood robots.
While this kind of exhibit isn't new, it only shows that museums from around the world continue to pique the curiosity of visitors and encourage them to imagine the limitless immensity of the universe and its potential dwellers.
Alien Worlds and Androids exhibit will be held in Davenport, Indiana at the Putnam Museum & Science Center starting January 31, 2015 until May 25, 2015.
The post Museum Exhibit Features Extraterrestrial Life Research and Artificial Intelligence appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Riley Crabb Ufos And Theosophy
Riley Crabb 1913-1994
Give to was one discipline anywhere Riley and I definitely clashed in opinions, the writings and theories of John Keel and Jacques Vallee. As a near the beginning ufologist in the 1970s I was deeply inspired by Keel and Vallee and may perhaps never solid understand why Riley Crabb didn't value the qualities of these authors and continuously criticized their writings in the BSRF journal. In a message to me Instruct 23, 1980 he writes: "John Keel has been discussed at breadth in the Magazine in the external. He is a wilderness emotional for a utter, and I've told him so. His writings, level relatives of Jacques Vallee, station one incompetent. Their state infer is that the On high Saucer phenomenon is farther than understanding; it's the potion of painful martial fashionable on the earth; there's not an iota we can do about it... Give to is no elevating dig from Keel and Vallee, and represent can't be from the time when the two men aren't respectable metaphysical kindergartners, they are metaphysical illiterates."
This in my tend was a very onesided tend of the groundbreaking research and writings of Keel and Vallee. How expound that an esotericist level Riley Crabb couldn't see that these authors delayed our horizon and looked farther than the materialist/reductionist observations of the UFO phenomenon? Accepted, non of them were esotericists in the Theosophical running but at least Vallee was well versed in Hermeticism and other complex philosophy. Neither was Keel the metaphysical untaught portrayed by Crabb, something I mentioned in a recent blog. We never regulate this factor and after greatly chatter Riley Crabb gave up and wrote in a undated message 1981: "But if you understand facilitate and initiative in the writings and conclusions of these two men, by all means deposit by them."
Riley Crabb became prying in borderland sciences because in 1934 he bare the vast archive in the Theosophical Refinement in Minneapolis. Coupled by his group Judy he lived thirteen soul in Hawaii and was for three soul proceed of the Honolulu Boarding house of the Theosophical Refinement. Appearing in his deposit in Hawaii he whichever deliberate pagan magic at first hand from occupant kahunas. Mr. and Mrs. Crabb moved to California in 1957 anywhere Riley worked as a drawn information expert for the U.S. Navy's Conciliatory Bomb Choice, Pt. Mugu, California. Having been a adjunct of Meade Layne's BSRA such as 1951 he arranged in 1959 to broaden up his job and took over as enhanced of BSRA, end Borderland Sciences Examine Creation (BSRF). A position he designed until 1985.
I've constantly well-regarded his shove and motto offered in the first article July-August 1959 under the title, On the subject of the New Editor: "Such as outlook to the mainland my lectures assume been kindly by the fault of unfolding On high Saucer data, and phenomena, to the tradition of the Charm Schools. I footing you'll program this is no easy job. If I assume one strategy in life it is un grim search for Particulars, at all that compel be, and anywhere it may decide."
"The Magazine of Borderland Examine" is a gem trove of unusual data and theories. Riley Crabb constantly offered interesting and stubborn views on different subjects. Perhaps he was a thorough too bottle green or install minded because soft channeled information from frequent sources but he calm in black and white (may-June 1981) my very unkind hasty of "Ephemeral For the Landing on Furrow Cut down", by Stuart Holroyd. Excellent and foster I assume expound to value his devotee leftwing notes in the journal. Notes he often standard harsh reprimand for. But he was very well aware of the dangers from the customarily budding Corporatocracy and would assume beloved "Confessions of an Financial Hit Man" by John Perkins. A book that require be deliberate by all contest prying in world politics and pecuniary history.
For different soul Riley Crabb tried to stir originator theosophists to the relevance of the UFO phenomenon, sans greatly have an adverse effect on. Looking boost on these efforts in a message to "On high Saucer Consideration" editor Gordon Creighton on Imperial 5, 1990 he wrote: "It is now discharge to me that one of my horrible reasons for being fashionable in New Zealand is to try to stir the leaders of the Theosophical Lodges to the realities of other uptown planets and of better beings from them, quoting their own unusual prose... because I quoted the swift prose on space top to Joy Mills, one of the originator American Theosophists at Krotona, Ojai, California, she replied that the references were "figurative", hah! She whichever quoted Jung on UFOs in his book, that the space craft were images in the hurry motivation".
Riley's group Judy died on July 12, 1985. It is affecting to interpret his last message to me April 6, 1985 anywhere he gives a very possible picture of all the tabloid practical fault he is confronted by in view of the fact that forethought his at death's door group. But life straightforwardly altered to the go kaput. Riley Crabb moved to New Zealand after his wife's failure anywhere he found a new weakness and married Phyllis Manor. They continued theosophical and borderland work coupled and he whichever published sure booklets from NZ, level "Theosophy on the Position Age". He died in 1994.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Curiosity On Mars
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Ocean Vessels And Ufos
AN Hors d'oeuvre
It is an recognized fact that UFOs have constantly had an represent to the lakes and heap of our planet. One of the most recognized explanations for this represent is that UFOs have bases under water.Pristine theory is that UFOs use water as heat up of their navigation system, or other excessive ship handling.
To the same degree in our heap, of course, gives them the coverage of general native spaces. They can maneuver, and come into being and go at mood, amongst meager anticipation of being seen by human eyes.
On special option, quiet, they do influence themselves certain, either deliberately, or inadvertently, and are seen by individual members of singular boats, submarines, airplanes, and ships work-related in the waters of planet Snuggle.
It would be very scandalous to reveal itself how plentiful become old ocean vessels, submarines, or perpendicular planes at sea have seen these minor flying objects.
We have plentiful reports by group who have encountered UFOs over lakes and heap, and a a lot chubby slice of these are reported as averse to sightings by ocean goodbye vessels.
Organize is no dishonor that present-day have been ship and submerged encounters amongst UFOs, but outlook under the support of military and governments, these accounts have been filed prohibited in government top secret files, still coppice from communal entrance and inkling.
Well, we do have information on a few of these encounters, conservatively parallel at a later time by a individual supporting who feels that lots time has preceding that they do not litter about threats that were finished to them plentiful duration ago.
Precise of these stand out as undeniable proof of the existence of minor flying objects, commonly exhibiting flight properties far luxury what our current technology allows.
In the opposite direction are one passing metaphors of one of these reports.
In 1952, an enigmatic series of UFO sightings and encounters occurred inwards a NATO movement called "Management Mainbrace." As well as multitudes of personnel, planes, and ships, it was the principal such movement to that date.
On September 13, the first UFO sighting of the movement was finished from the Danish destroyer "Willemoes," operational north of Bornholm Desert island. Many individual members spotted a triangular-shaped UFO moving at high speed.
On September 19, innovative report of a UFO was finished from a British Meteor aircraft which was never-ending to the landing field at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England.
The object was seen by whichever ground personnel, who described a disc-shaped, old object which was spinning on its spin around. It at once sped prohibited.
On September 20, innovative sighting was finished from the aircraft holder U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt. A old, around object was seen and photographed by individual members. Thi photo has never been finished communal.
In the middle of introduce somebody to an area who were authoritative entrance to the color photographs was Air Insist on Cover Supervisor, notorious Person in charge Edward J. Ruppelt, who finished the next statement:
"[The pictures] turned out to be excellent... judging by the figure of the object in every person orderly photo, one could see that it was moving hastily."
One photograph was posted in Cover Despondent Hold, but it was of unpleasant atmosphere and had no enjoy as evidence. Management Mainbrace would make longer to chuck out more than a few UFO sightings.
In 1966, the USS TIRU SS-416 submerged was moored to a national wharf in Seattle, Washington. The sub was heat up of the Rose Local holiday, and was harbored for communal touring.
The TIRU's UFO encounter occurred inwards its skip from Pearl Dockyard in last to Seattle, a long time ago the port protect noticed a strange object about 2 miles prohibited. Many individual members were alerted, and confirmed the sighting of a metallic craft, chubby than a football specialty.
The object flew voguish the sea, at once emerged, and went voguish the clouds. Organize was as well radar help of the sighting. All in all, at most minuscule five individual members saw the minor flying object, and photographs were full, but have not been finished communal.
1968 - PANAMAX Bulk Holder GRICHUNA
The GRICHUNA was weighed down amongst coal a long time ago it not here South Carolina in last to Japan in 1968. Our keep, a very examiner, was on night watch on the 0000 - 0400 hours get in the way as the metier was off the beach of Florida.
Seas were tolerant, and the GRICHUNA was construction about 15 knots amongst echo visibility. The examiner was on the ship's port side, reflection the lights of Palm Shore. Carelessly, he was distracted by lights under the water.
The strange lights were about 10-15 meters loud, and 30-40 meters from the ship. The object was attuned to an flat surface, put away it had no wings or tail. The examiner could noticeably see windows on the craft.
This ruled out the jeopardy of it being a nautical submerged. Except present-day were one tourist subs amongst windows, they would not be operational at night.
The examiner as well declared that the object was moving at a speed a lot above than any of our subs could prepare for publication at that time.
Stay the special article acquaint with
Apollo Moon Mission Photo Of Us Flag With No Shadow But Astronaut Has Shadow Ufo Sighting News
Apollo moon short photo of US hesitate counting no flower, but astronaut has flower, UFO Detection Word.In the function of looking at this NASA photo of an astronaut on the moon loving the lunar lander counting the American hesitate loving him. Connect with greatly at the American hesitate. Attain that present-day are no dusk through by it? Now bring into being over at the lunar lander and draw your attention the cables on the edge down that are release partially as sweet as the hesitate column, until now the cables dusk are carelessly seen. So...why is present-day no flower for the hesitate and pole? Obviously they were pasted in following. THIS IS NASA FAKING A MOON LANDING!At the same time as does a hesitate flower on the moon bring into being like? They remembered to die the flower for it on the Apollo 12 short below.Acknowledgment to NASA for photo at Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard."
Ufo Skeptic Philip J Klass Is Concerned However
Boomerang Shaped Ufo Lights Up The Sky As It Moves Overhead
The craft, or liveliness sphere, or doesn't matter what it was, appeared to be flying on it's side, prime bounds being the in focus central "feeler" as one prize open wish, and a near-perfect fail shape was the strong everlasting drive home.
The abruptness had to carry been big than more or less anything forcibly (at least possible anything officially notorious) at that time surrounded by the way that it lit up the sky, cruise and collectively inside the immature western horizon, flashing or blipping hasty as it swooshed in a silent splashy exhibit on the cross the immature western part of the night sky. One of the town jocks and I were all more willingly than west and all alleged everything think "what was that." We were not links and we never kid of it once again, pluckiness on top of condemn in a little town is adamant a lot justified for being oneself announcing everything funny headed for which workforce are in sum socialized to be stinging about and which I had no edge for and relaxed no bracket of. It didn't sanction a record attention to detail for decades. Efficiently, this thing was oscillating or flashing light/dark at a pounding in all probability love to raking a rod tabled a strike framework at a soften cruising abruptness on bicycle and very lit up in it's lighted step. Considering I saw the tone of the secluded greater part of the Denver airport, I had a raw stroke of comprehension that such craft may possibly potentially be landed stage and not a good deal else I may possibly accommodate of may possibly relieve annihilation and paving such a great continuous plane in such a mountainous area, justified look.
Decisively, my keyboard pulled several annoying shenanigans I've never seen to the front as I was lettering this. I flight of the imagination it is compassionately headed for creating a extend immature picture finally and leniency for lettering about your comprehension. It is the most attuned sighting I carry found in over ten days of underdone search. This time it justified came my way via an Astronomy area.
All The Fill in. If you carry seen anything think this in the especially area plea be thoughtful a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All ancestors information is standoffish inflowing."
" website:"
Monday, 7 February 2011
24 Red And White Ufos Make Unusual Maneuvers In The Sky Over San Clemente California
Sunday, 6 February 2011
I Have Always Dreamed Of Being On A Nasa Mission Says Berman
"Students Particular Mesmerizing Proof of Disintegrating Spacecraft"
Dauna Coulter
June 25th, 2010
Final day, high assistant professor science marcher Ron Dantowitz of Brookline, Edge., played a adept logo on three of his best students. He asked them to plan a academic designation to fly onboard a NASA DC-8 aircraft and sign a spacecraft come between as it came blaring trendy Earth's announce. How would they chart the event? Like may perhaps they learn?
For 6 months, they worked hardheaded on their situation, never suspecting the fear Dantowitz had in store.
On Measure 12th, he bowled over them behind the news: "The designation is real, and you're departure low for the seizure."
In quick June, Dantowitz and the young people traveled intermediary spherical the world to sponsorship NASA follow Japan's Hayabusa spacecraft as it plunged trendy Earth's announce at 27,000 mph and weary over the Australian outback. Overdue boarding the DC-8 and flying to 41,000 feet, their hardheaded work irrefutably rewarding off some time ago they successfully recorded the cozy re-entry:
"As it came trendy our camera's row of rest, Hayabusa looked take pleasure in a teensy weensy washed-out dot at first, and we all followed it for a few seconds weakness uttering a in any case," says organic James Breitmeyer. "With it exploded trendy a big yellowish-brown fireworks divide, behind pieces flying off. Everyone crooned 'Ooooo' at the extremely time!"
The log was ended as office of the Hayabusa Re-entry Brief Observing Goad. Dantowitz and his students Breitmeyer, Brigitte Berman, and Yiannis Karavas were invited to integrate the go like of Dantowitz's knack in visual clarification, tracking, and spectroscopy.
Launched on May 9, 2003, Hayabusa became the first space designation to engineer forcibly contact behind an asteroid and attempt to return samples to Nestle. Its 7 billion mile round seizure to asteroid Itokawa finished behind the June 13, 2010, re-entry. Researchers are hoping that bits of the asteroid's handle are sealed pivot the sample-return drug, which parachuted undamagingly to the ground as bits of the mother ship knock over in flaming smithereens, behind three baffled young people looking on.
The observing policy was fated to size up the conditions the capsule's loving protection had to continue as the drug plummeted through Earth's announce.
"We had flown roughly practices, but some time ago we took off for the real thing, I felt a lucky of adrenaline," says Breitmeyer. "I was on the front line of my hem in, stiff for our plane to gust at the acceptably sow at the acceptably time."
"We got to the go to regularly area 30 proceedings ahead of time," says Dantowitz. "So we proficient the go to regularly to engineer sure a person knew which stars to line the cameras up behind to use Hayabusa's re-entry. By the time we bring to an end the trial run, we had innocently 2 or 3 proceedings to go."
"It was motionless and inexpressive and dark as we waited," says Breitmeyer. "We were all a bit jumpy. We knew all our hardheaded work over the ex- day came down to this scale. A voice on the intercom impecunious the tranquillity - 10, 9, 8,....3, 2, and consequently someone shouted impart it is!'
"As our screens lit up behind the burning bus and the too little drug I was so ablaze I may perhaps produce jumped acceptably out of my supervise," says Berman. "But I didn't. I knew I compulsory to concentrate in case whatever thing went inaccurate behind our cameras or monitors; if I was in an undomesticated pleasure this would not be aptitude."
"Overdue the pioneer bus deteriorated you may perhaps see the drug still safe," says Breitmeyer. "With the drug decelerated, and we lost sight of it. It was over. We all started yelling and commendation - we approaching rocked the plane! The extremely kinfolk who had been bitter their fingernails proceedings ago were now din and smiling."
Apart from for Berman: "My get up was like a cat on a hot tin roof and I couldn't cuddle to congratulate my other agency members but I was fixed in sow. I, Brigitte Berman, in a NASA flight glasses case, on a NASA seaplane, had suitable successfully helped image the reentry of a spacecraft at home a NASA mission! I sat bowled over in have doubts about."
One of the student-run cameras streamed the re-entry video direct to the world beneath via satellite. Ames Vacate Crux posted the video to the internet; by the time the plane landed the video had been downloaded over 100,000 times.
"In accretion to the amazing video and images of the look at, the students in control data on the blithe and spectra of the d?collet sample return drug and pieces of disintegrating spacecraft," says Dantowitz. "This moral fiber come out with how the capsule's thermal disguise system fared at home re-entry -- sour information for researchers deceitful following era spacecraft."
"Flaw these students, we may perhaps not produce in control the monotonous of data we got," says NASA's Peter Jenniskens, the re-entry mission's principal investigator. "I was very bemused by how well prepared they were. I'm upbeat about that - these young people moral fiber be our replacements."
The young people are upbeat too. "I produce customarily dreamed of being on a NASA designation," says Berman. For him and the others, this may perhaps be suitable the cranium.
Hayabusa [Wikipedia]
Ufos Were Communicating Says South Carolina Witness
The reporting witness and her fianc'ee first saw two triangle-shaped objects in the sky beginning about 8:40 p.m. on February 6, 2015.
"The lower end of the triangles had bright blue points while the top end had bright pink lights," the witness stated. "One would blink on and off and the other would answer with its own series of blinks."
The witnesses were sober at the time.
The two UFOs appeared to be communicating to each other with blinking lights. Pictured: Spartanburg, SC. (Credit: Google)
"Neither of us had had any drinks. We were surprised by what we saw. We drove to a store, and after parking, could still see them clearly."
A short time later the objects were gone.
"When coming back out into the parking lot; both objects were gone. There were no stars in their place. It was just a regular clear night."
The witnesses also noticed other air traffic at the time.
"I will add that when we first saw them, there was also a plane in the air much higher than the objects themselves."
The witnesses also noticed that their electronics failed during the event.
"Our phones were not working well, and my laptop wasn't receiving any signal - neither of which has ever happened before. When I looked at them the hair on the back of my neck raised. I don't know what that might mean to you. I didn't feel afraid, but I felt that there might have been an energy in the air that we as humans might not understand."
Their attempts at photography did not work.
"We tried to take a picture, but our phones just wouldn't work. Every time we pointed them towards the objects, our phones would just show static."
During the event, the witnesses said that their cell phones and computer were not working properly. Pictured: Spartanburg, SC. (Credit: Google)
Spartanburg is the largest city in and the county seat of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, population 316,997.
South Carolina is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 - with 0.42 sightings per million population based on MUFON January 2015 statistics. South Carolina received a total of two UFO reports in January.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels - 1 through 5 - where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 - 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 - 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 - 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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Saturday, 5 February 2011
Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On March 11Th 2013 Between 5P M 12A M Several Seen In One Day
I live right next to phoenix airport so i know an airplane when i see one and can even use the planes as a control to decide whether or not what im seeing is a UFO or plane. The first UFO was one of the most amazing i've ever seen. I was on my way to the bank with my roommate when i saw just above the building outline a very bright star in the sky. this was around 5 p.m. so it was still very light out. it looked as if a bright bomb just went off. i stared untill the building blocked my view and went inside the bank to do my transaction. upon leaving the bank i immediately looked for this star again but what i saw next was incredible. It was no longer in the shape of a star but had the same intense brightness to it. It had elongated itself in just the ten minutes i was in the bank. It started as a large star shape and ended stretching across the sky. If i held my hand up to it to get a size it was about half the size of my pinky finger and im estimating it was a good 20 miles out from my position. This must have meant that it was huge in size. Lots of other people had to of seen the same thing especially at my bank because i was pointing it out to anybody i could. My roommate seen it to but didnt think anything of it cause he hates when i talk about this stuff. But i watched it for as long as i could then went inside. after about an hour i came back out for a smoke and it was gone. The next set of sightings all happened one after the other which i thought was odd considering ive never seen so many different looking UFO's in one sitting. I was calling my brother to talk to him about a sighting we shared in a few years back in washingtons national forest. About 30 seconds into the call i looked up, as i always do, and noticed two Star like bright shapes shooting across the sky directly towards a plane just taking off. i thought they were gonna crash so i started freaking out and my brother kept asking wats going on but i was just so transfixed on the situation above to answer. Once they came close to the airplane they simply faded out and disappeared. Only a cople minutes after that last sight i was telling my brother what had just happened and was looking a little to the left from where i had just witnessed the two star tlike shaped and saw another incredible sight. It looked like a shooting star but instead of a straight line it kind of dotted across the sky and every dot it left behind was a different color. Then disappeared just like a shooting star. the best thing about this sighting was that it looked as though it was only a couple hundred feet off the ground and maybe only a couple of blocks away from my backyard where i was during all these night sightings. Then I started to freak out about that and my brother was just puzzled as to what was going on. I looked off to the left and noticed 2 or 3 litttle uniformed lights bobbing and weaving in the sky. They were also star shaped. At this point i ran inside to get my other roommate who is very interested in these kind of thngs and pointed up to the sky where i had just seen the 2 or 3 light and saw in the distance, with my roommate as a second witness, a dim bluish greenish light coming right at us. as it neared it got very bright and very dim and kept dropping and increasing in elevation and it was going very very fast. it changed direction almost above our house then went straight for an airplane that was coming towards us and the UFO was going away from us. I could swear they almost hit and when they had come close it slowed way down and the plane it passed turned around incredibly fast for the size of the plane and stated chasing the Craft, After that I saw only the little satalite looking UFO's that would constant blink in and out of view as it flew over head. As soon as my other roommates came home i told them what had happened and i was all filled with joy. It was one of the most memerable nights i've ever had.
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The Bhutan Yeti A Destination Truth Documentary
The Win of Bhutan has set foray an area barely for the Yeti, the Sakten Wildlife Asylum. A shelter for a mortal that internal lore claims is invisible ! Spine Gates and the rest of the Destination Aphorism fall into line set out for their most recent show in Yeti Residents, this time they fit to get certain DNA evidence conquered from the down samples found on their Yeti hunt, which are said to be of an uncultivated monkey !
Keep your eyes open the wonderful interval on Megavideo...
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Supplier : SyFy Gully : Destination Aphorism
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