Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Journal Of Cosmology

Journal Of Cosmology
See what the buzz is all about with the Journal of Cosmology (click here). This publication received 15 million hits alone last month. Finally scientists are starting to come together, being brave to do so and understand astrophysics, astrobiology and looking deeper regarding life "truly" existing elsewhere in the Universe.None other than Massachusetts own, Dr. Rudy Schild of the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA heads up this now exploding popular journal. Rudy is a long time acquaintance and friend of IET Evolve, open minded scientist, well known for his work in MEKO's and has contributed in publishing over 250 scholarly articles.For those involved in understanding life existing elsewhere in the Universe, this site is a must see.The journal is posting it's recent collaboration and release of Richard Hoover's book, The Discovery of Alien Extraterrestrial Life.

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