Postmodernism "no longer recognizes the recognition relating high and predominant culture".
This phenomenon becomes perceptible in the Era of the Mass Media, amid the Internet.
One UFO experts tell us that the absurdities of the UFO tirade avoid the best minds far from the essential research, but this is not so, in the same way as UFO tirade IS Pop Refinement by it's own position.
That is why, the idea that "redeeming" the UFO-ET-Aliens public speaking gather Science, is absurd.
The UFO galaxy of memes is pop culture and can never be other thing.
Pedantic and old-fashioned institutions subsequently the inventive State, confer on never smudge the UFO phenomenon, in the same way as if they do that, they quantity Middle-of-the-road Refinement as In seventh heaven Refinement, and this is ashamed for the State. It is a self-subversive act. It is Perform of the Outlandish. Posted by Guido at 5:06 PM