Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Can You Believe All Paranormal Testimonies

Can You Believe All Paranormal Testimonies
AN AMAZING ATTRIBUTE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN IS THINKING WE KNOW WHAT IS REAL OR NOT, DON'T YOU THINK..? "I recently got asked the question - "CAN YOU BELIEVE ALL PEOPLES TESTIMONIES WHEN IT COMES TO PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE?" Such a good question, that I believe everyone should ask themselves this one as well.. My first response was no, but with due care.. Here are my reasons..

Let's face the unfortunate answer to this question has to be no, we all know some people lie and unfortunately take people for a ride. Its working out what is real and what is not, that is important. In another way of putting it should I not believe all testimonies I hear as well.. "THE ANSWER IS NO HERE ALSO.." It really is up to the person in question that helps the evaluation..

(ABOVE - "PHOTO BY WILLIAM HOPE (1863-1933) - Paranormal Spirit Photography labeled - Man with the Spirit of his second wife.")


FIRST OF ALL LETS LOOK AT REASONS WHY PEOPLE LIE..? Fame, wealth, controversy, enjoyment to name a few.. Now lets look at why not to lie - Credibility, Status Quo, Respect, Ridicule and lastly honesty..

When hearing a testimony, if someone has nothing to gain then chances are they are telling the truth. In particular if there own credibility is at stake by telling the experience and an emotional response occurs during telling. In the opposite sense a good way of telling if someone is lying can be by looking at there eyes and emotional response. One thing people who tell the truth have in common is mindset of belief. People who do not tell the truth divert there eyes when describing the incident.

This is not to say all people cannot hide these traits, only that it is a hard one to hide.. A lot of people even slightly smirk when fibbing as well, even when they try to hide it, this is not a good sign also..

With that all said, we cannot 100% tell, but we can detect better by looking at these flaws. The truth is, we all know there is so much amazing paranormal stuff going on and an experience to one person does not make less weight to another. We have to use due care when its another persons experience. To them no matter how unbelievable it seems to you," to them it is reality.."


And lastly remember if it is a real experience to them, then there is no denying of what they believe. No one likes a skeptic when it is there experience or belief they are conflicting..

Overall with that all said, we really have no right to even question there belief negatively of this experience, even if we do think they are wrong.. I mean we do not even know how far the universe is? Or what a black hole is? What a crop circle is? Or even what life after death is? "So how can we fully judge onto others what we believe is fully real or not..?"

Tags: william cooper triangle world center top nasa images sightings aliens new pictures ufo flying roswell area undefined objects testimony account


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