Saturday, 27 July 2013

Ufo Sighting In Nashville Tennessee On November 29Th 2013 Nd Bright Star Like Flashing

Ufo Sighting In Nashville Tennessee On November 29Th 2013 Nd Bright Star Like Flashing
We were at home which sits on the top of a high hill just SW of Nashville about 20 miles. We noticed a curiously bright planet like star near SIRIUS location or Venus. It was there about an hour and a half. Put the video camera on it to see it closer up. It was like a squared off diamond shape. The top was a pretty blue. there were moving patterns on it. Sometimes white bands from bottom of the diamond slowly moved up in bands. then there was an X. There were changes in colors. subtle changes. From the naked eye it was beautifully sparkling six pointed star bigger than other planets. Red and yellow flashes. At one point we watched it rotate. It is predominately grey. When it rotated, it looked like a thin card. four of us were watching this. Not sure if it is Sirius or Venus but how do you explain the things we were seeing? Then we left the camera on it and went inside to get warm. When I went out a few minutes later, that particular star or UFO was gone. The other stars were still there. Im feeling a sense of AWE. Excited. Curious and open and searching for answers. Just enjoyed the entire event. Sorry we didnt see it disappear. Maybe we captured it on video. After dinner we will put the video online to see if we can determine how it disappeared. Let me know how to add a video to this...I cant do it at the moment.UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You


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