Please read announcements at bottom of post:
The abduction of Travis Walton by alien beings seems in all intents and purposes to be an accident. The entities were not ready for a human to come aboard their craft. Could the way these beings acted and reacted in this unique abduction case gives us clues into the emotional nature of these beings? *
Seven guys who contract to clear trees for the government start home after a day's work. They see a UFO craft in a clearing just hovering close to the ground. Travis Walton without thinking exits the truck they are in and runs toward the object. As he approaches, the object shoots out a beam of light and knocks him back and unconscious. The rest of the group takes off, finally come to their senses, and when they return to the clearing the ship and Travis are gone. The experience has a hell of a lot of evidence to back it up including tons of polygraph tests. Travis was gone for five days, the authorities thought he may have been murdered, when he reappeared. Travis claimed he was taken aboard the craft.
The movie which was based on his experience, "Fire in the Sky", depicts Travis's encounters aboard the ship completely wrong. The real experience is quite different and telling. For instance; why, in Travis' account did he have problems breathing aboard the ship? What insights can we gain into the zombie like human entities that escorted him off the craft? I usually put a clip at the bottom of the post but I would like the reader to take a look and listen now to what happened in Travis' own words.
In most abduction cases the beings seem to be well prepared to handle the humans brought aboard. In this case the gray entities seemed ill equipped, both mentally, and in every other way. Travis wakes up and is able to move and grab a potential weapon. The beings never used any method to communicate with Travis. In many abduction reports the beings are able to immobilize through nothing more than a touch. In Walton's case they backed away and allowed him to be alone. He seemed to be more of a nuisance than anything else. In many esoteric explanations of alien beings mindsets we can get immersed into abstraction as far as alien intentions. Here we see a practical being with down to earth motives(excuse the pun).
After thrashing out at the beings with a rod made of a clear material, the beings exit and Travis is left alone. Mr. Walton notes several times in his recollection of his inability to breathe properly. His first impression is it was the atmosphere on the ship and that impression may be proven right by the accouterments of the human like beings he meets later on. Walton, looking to escape, ends up in another room and a human-like being appears at the doorway. The being escorts him out of the ship and Travis describes him as wearing a helmet. For me this is interesting. If the atmosphere is the same, why the helmets? Some might say they are for biological protection from human contamination. The problem with that is, at no time does Travis mention any gloves. Considering these "Nordic types" allowed Travis to once again thrash about he could have easily scratched the Nordics who held him.
The description of the humanoids is troubling. These beings were not right and Travis knew it. To this day he says he can't explain their eyes. Were these beings subservient to the grays? If these are the Nordics in their natural emotional state something is very wrong. Seemingly devoid of compassion, empathy, and character, these automatons leave me with a very uncomfortable feeling.
However, on the other side of this experience, Travis lived, and was not physically hurt. We find in this instance they seemed concerned enough about him to take him on board the ship to check his condition. The way they reacted to Travis and what happened seemed sensible. The beings ushered him out of the cramped space of the ship without hurting anyone and they sedated him.
Why they didn't communicate with Travis either mentally or verbally is a mystery. But there is one thing that is clear: whatever alien/humanoid clique was aboard that ship, they didn't want anything to do with Travis. The ETs never visited him again and I think that was because he wasn't supposed to be taken in the first place.
Travis Walton's case may be the only accidental ET abduction in modern times. The curtain that he opened is interesting and a little different than one would expect. Were aliens caught off guard to reveal their true selves...is what Travis recalls aboard their ship a peek behind the alien curtain?
Please Note: PA MUFON: National UFO Day is June 24. Here's one suggestion on how to organize a UFO Watch party on that day - which commemorates the Kenneth Arnold sighting of June 24, 1947.
New York UFO Meeting Group will organized a UFO watch party on this day
Also PA MUFON is having a fall tree day conference. I will be going and the price is 25 a day or 20 if you pay before.
Here are the dates and if your interested keep the dates open.
Thanks to our good friend John Ventre PA MUFON: