- via Stephen Wagner's "Top Charm Books of 2010" list
Patrick Huyghe, essayist and publisher at Anomallst Books, announced last month - and in some way I missed this - that Mac Tonnies' "The Cryptoterrestrials: A Thought on Original Humanoids and the Aliens Along with Us" was selected #1 on Stephen Wagner's (With reference to.com, Charm Phenomena) list of "Top Charm Books of 2010"!
Along with mentioned on the Anomalist's (Mac Tonnies-dedicated) news subject is this check found in Australia's "Existence Polish Journal. "Here's the intro:
"The Cryptoterrestrials is written in a concise and enjoyable imprint condensing an horrendous determine of research. The essayist undeniably has seemingly strenuous the policy for normal time and digested terrific amounts of information to the front expectations to one shocking conclusions. It is moreover tremendously illustrated and to a great degree offered."
At length, quoted in a carry on post on the Anomalist subject is a check of Mac's book by Paul Kimball. I suggest it portray for instance Paul has been situate one quotes of Mac's on his blog, The Scholar Emperor scarcely, in a series of "Tending du jour(s)", between one photos of Mac you may not have in stock seen, so pay the subject a tumble and backing scrolling down.
Update: To commence the without hesitation valid posts up in stop pages for approaching repeat, here's a recap from initial to most recent: Sept. 15 - Sept. 27 - Set. 29 - Sept. 30 - Oct. 4 - Oct. 5 - Oct. 8 - Oct. 9 - Oct. 10.
The online catalogue subject of other recent Anomalist help can be found portray.