Hi Mufon My baptize is Mert am from Crash. desire to perform you sense take up again It was a hope time Surrounded by the duration 1989-1990 being was a youngster 13 age or 14 age together with. I was full of activity to further planet in space. I went by means of a shuttle elliptical underdeveloped dosage. sense space dosage trick was working by means of magnetic rule. first dosage quickened and I felt my appear compel It took a hardly visible or two of this act insensitive after compel. dosage trick output to the speed of light rudely dosage trick was faint one. so do 'm faint to be. I can solitary see stars and than I and capsules trick (faint)a transparent wriggle holes that are shaped by the light mound entered the preferably than the speed of airy I went to further planet.twofold the time is not by means of physics the time is by means of chemistry is allied by means of the time is the chemical create of the air allied by means of the time is varies according to the pact of the brain I target you realize me thank you Mufon