Thursday, 30 September 2010
Project Superman Andy Pero
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Chile Ufo Sightseers
Joint Human And Alien Underground Bases
Dulce Base - under Mt. Archuleta, Dulce, New Mexico. Located close to the Colorado border and situated on the Jicarella Apache Indian Reservation. The town of Dulce is located off U.S. Route 64 population 900-1,700. A small town with one motel and a gas station. The base is located 2.5 miles northwest of Dulce and almost overlooks the town. Joint CIA-Alien base. 95 miles northwest of Los Alamos. Biogenetics Laboratory including but not limited to: Atomic Manipulation, cloning, studies of the human aura, advanced mind control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, visual and audio human chip implantation, abduction and feeding off of humans including children.
The Second Largest Reptilian and Grey Base in North America. The Central Hub.
-1st Level - contains the garage for Street Maintenance.
-2nd Level- contains the garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and UFO maintenance.
-3rd Level - the first 3 levels contain government offices.
-4th Level - Human Aura Research as well as aspects of Dream Manipulation, Hypnosis, and Telepathy. They can lower your heartbeat with Delta Waves and introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind (for those implanted with brain chips). Most people already are, they just don't know it.
-5th Level - witnesses have described huge vats with amber liquid with parts of human bodies being stirred inside. Rows and rows of cages holding men, women and children to be used as food. Perhaps thousands.
-6th Level= privately called "Nightmare Hall." It contains the genetic labs. Here are where the crossbreeding experiments of human/animal are done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original forms. There are multi-armed and multi-legged humans and several cages and vats of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7 feet tall.
-7th level - Row after row of 1,000s of humans in cold storage including children.
Wright Air Force Base - Dayton, Ohio. Includes a Warehouse with multi-levels underground packed with alien craft, hardware, and even bodies on ice. Headquarters of the infamous Project Blue Book.
Groom Lake, Area 51 - Nevada. Includes the Nellis AFB test range but has nothing to do with underground nuclear testing. Huge underground facility where the exchange of technology takes place.
Located approx 125 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas and consists of the Groom Lake and the Papoose Lake Complexes. The expanded eastern portion of the property is known as the S-4 site, others allege its the southwest corner of Area 51. Either way the S-4 area is where the UFOs are stored. Also Dreamland (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance) under the Groom Mountains is controlled by Greys.
Groom Facility - Large storage area in the tunnels that holds thousands of alien craft parts.
Dougway, Utah - underground shuttle system link between Dreamland and Dulce.
Page, Arizona - underground shuttle system link between Dreamland and Dulce
Mercury, Nevada - underground shuttle system link between Dreamland and Dulce
Burley, Idaho - underground shuttle system link between Dreamland and Dulce
Denver International Airport - Huge multilevel "city" under the airport.
Oklahoma City - multi-level base and underground shuttle system link between Dreamland and Dulce
Madigan, Fort Lewis, WA - Grey nest
Lakeport-Hopland, Montana - nest of Greys
Lassen Burley, Idaho; Dougway, Utah; Page, Arizona; the underground systems below the Denver International Airport and also Oklahoma City that are strategic sites that the NWO MUST maintain control over if they are to force America to submit to a one-world government. So it's these that need to come down!
**Other connecting facilities for the Tube shuttle system that link all these bases together are: Taos, N.M., Datil, N.M., Colorado Springs, CO, Creede, CO, Sandia, CO, Carlsbad, N.M. this also extends into a global system of tunnels and sub-cities.
Los Alamos National Laboratory- New Mexico. Genetics Research and bio-technology focused on mind control programming, genetics engineering as in cloning and DNA mapping known as "the exploration of the human genome."
Edwards Air Force Base - Mojave Desert, Southern California - underground base extends as far as 2 miles down.
Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica
Alsace-Lorraine Mountains area of France-Germany
Death Valley - Panamint Mountains region, California. Huge "Federation" base, Andro-Pleidian Nordic base (non-interventionists)
Camp Hero near Montauk Point - Long Island, NY. 8-Level Base that connects to the ITT center in New Jersey. The ITT center also has a connection/link to the Sub-Global Network.
Underwater bases off the coast of Florida and Peru.
Mt. Shasta - Telosian-Agharti Alliance (humanoid base). The central metroplex of Telos is said to consist of a multi leveled complex over 5 miles deep and at least 20 miles in circumference. Telos has subterranean connections via tube shuttles to at least 100 other subterranean cities below North America as well as to cites below South America such as the city of Posid below the Matto Grasso region of Brazil. The site of Alien and human meetings. Includes the infamous Telos City where it has been said that every president since Grover Cleveland has visited there.
Underground base in the Plumas National Forest in Northern California
Ehachapi, California - major center for joint alien/human activity
Kirtland Air Force Base - replicates UFOs, also an underground research facility where abductees have been and are taken (just as Dulce and others where their implanted, used and abused and sent back home). Located in the Manzano Mountain range south of Kirtland, AFB.
Blue Lake, New Mexico - base under the lake. UFOs seen both entering and and exiting the water.
Human UFO Fleet Bases:
Norton Air Force Base, California - UFO Garage. Known to store at least 3 of them.
Craft are stored in SE Dulce, Durango, CO, Taos, NM and the main fleet is stored at Los Alamos (under).
Los Alamos and the mountainous regions east and southeast of it in and around the Santa Fe National Forest are allegedly the major nest of Reptilian and Grey forces in North America, although there are a number of large dens scattered throughout the underground networks between Dulce and Area 51.
Dulce is a major through point as a central infiltration zone for surface operatives, as well as an operational base for abduction-implantation-mutilation agendas and also a major convergence for sub-shuttle terminals, UFO ports, and so on.
1,700 paved miles of roads under Dulce and Northern New Mexico, towards Los Alamos is another 800 miles of tunnels.
The underground highways travel in the same directions as the shuttle system known as the Terradrive Shuttle or the Sub-Global System. One must be a very high ranking Mason, 33 or higher, Corporate-Intelligence Agent, or an Alien to gain access to the shuttle/tube system. Even though it's paid for from your tax dollars!
Three Alien Networks at work on Earth:
1. Anti-Grey Nordic (Federation) factions,
2. Anti-Nordic Grey factions, and the
3. Nordic-Grey Collaborators (which involve the intelligence agencies and occult lodges, in essense the NWO.
The Greys want to take over the planet and impose a slave society to ultimately serve their empire,but they need theIlluminati's international economic connections to do so;and the Illuminati wants the same thing but they realize that they need the alien mind-control and abduction technology to accomplish their goals.
It's a love-hate relationship. They collaborate in order to set up a planetary government, however both the humanoids and the reptiloids are constantly plotting for the time when the world government arrives so that once it is established they can move in and take full control and expel the necessary collaboraters--the humans doing away with the Greys or the Greys doing away with the humans.
For instance, while the Illuminati negotiates with the Greys for technology they are at the same time developing such weapons as the SDI to potentially use against them. On the other hand while the Greys are negotiating with the humans they are implanting micro-chips in those whom they negotiate with to ensure that they remain under ALIEN control once earth succumbs to the New World Order.
And yet both of these, the humans and Greys both being controlled by the Luciferian "poltergeists" who are of a quasi-physical etheric or energy beings who have been seen overseeing and directing the actions of the human and alien collaborators.
The backroom agreed upon plan is that the Nazi/Bavarian/Illuminati have agreed to sell out 75% of earth to the aliens in exchange for control of 25% for themselves and mind control abduction technology.
And what does the Nazi/Bavarian/Illuminati rule? America! Hello..the Bush Administration is ILLUMINATI. So is Democrat Candidate John Kerry. Our government is CONTROLLED by the Alien-Human Agenda!
The only way to save our country is to get it out of the hands of the NWO and Secret Societies and back into the hands of a Government that will Protect the Constitution of the United States instead of committing HIGH TREASON against it and us!
Ocultaron Una Ciudad Subterrnea De Reptilianos Descubierta En Los Ngeles En 1934
CANALIZADOR DE DIBUJOS VECINO M'IO EN LAS PL'EYADESLA MAFIA DEL SMITHONIAN OCULTA "TOO"Por supuesto Matrixcultura te ha ocultado este hallazgo. El" I"NSTITUTO SMITHONIAN "de los Rothchilds illuminati, que custodia los tesoros arquel'ogicos de la Tierra lo oculta todo. No les interesa que la pe~na descubra la verdad. Todo hallazgo alien, ovni o de reptilianos se oculta por sistema. Se han hallado ciudades subterr'aneas en todo el mundo, incluido El Cairo, en Egipto, las famosas catacumbas de Capadocia en Turqu'ia o esta de Los Angeles, que en el pasado fue una importante colonia del Fabuloso Imperio de Lemuria.La responsable de la arqueolog'ia mexicana (INHA) ADRIANA VEL'aZQUEZ me prometi'o una entrevista cuando estuve en Chetumal, Quintana Roo M'exico. Me dese'o hasta feliz viaje, pero cuando le envi'e las preguntas sobre hallazgos alien o el Komultum se evapor'o. Su silencio habla tanto como las majuestuosas pir'amides de la Atl'antida. Eran preguntas comprometidas de ooparts y nuevos descubrimientos y calla como una mandada servil del gobierno m'as corrupto de la Tierra. Da igual, hija, ya sab'ia las respuestas lone quer'ia comprobar tu reacci'on...Se os va a acabar el chollo at present...
DR. G. Hole SHUFELT, DESCUBRIDOR DE LAS CATACUMBASEra ingeniero de minas y encontr'o la ciudad mientras hac'ia excavacionesLa noticia de "Los Angeles Epoch" del 29 de Enero de 1934, firmada por Jean Bosquet, rezaba:"ENCONTRADA UNA CIUDAD-CATACUMBAS DE HOMBRES LAGARTO"UN INGENIERO Drill UNA SONDA BAJO LA COLINA DE Fort MOORE Y ENCUENTRA MONTONES DE T'UNELES, INCALCULABLES TESOROS Y HABITANTES LEGENDARIOS"LA PRUEBA DE LA INCRE'IBLE NOTICIA PUBLICADA EN "LOS ANGELES Epoch" El Smithonian en arqueolog'ia es como las farsa pseuodoficialista del FMI en Econom'ia, la OMS en salud, el IPCC en calent'on widespread u ONUSIDA en sida. Los illuminati siempre crean un organismo mafioso caciquil para hacerte creer que sus mentiras televisadas SON DOGMAS OFICIALES. Se la cuelan vez tras vez al borregom'atrix... y 'este va de cabeza la matadero, viviendo una falsa vida M'atrix prefabricada de la cuna a la tumba, que por cierto es un rect'agulo del culto a Saturno y una cripta de vampiros para que te pudras y no vuelvas a la Naturaleza.ALGO TERROR'IFICOShufelt y su equipo introdujeron la sonda en una ma~nana soleada como una mec'anica introspecci'on para encontrar pozos y minerales. La sonda lleg'o a unos 76 metros y por rayos X y otros procedimientos de b'usqueda captaron grandes t'uneles y objetos extra~nos. Quedaron estupefactos. Una extra~na vibraci'on rodeaba el lugar, un magnetismo u ondas an'omalas que les hac'ian sentirse de una manera inconfortable. Shufelt percib'ia algo terror'ifico en el lugar. Un gran misterio...La intuici'on del ingeniero de minas les hizo empezar a cavar con potentes m'aquinas perforadoras en una zona m'itica de Horrywood, cerca del famoso Twilight Boulevar, Question Street y Brodway Norte.Seg'un iban avanzando la expectaci'on aumentaba. Se mince que iban encontrando tesoros de los que jam'as se ha llegado a hablar. Iban apareciendo joyas aliens, objetos, estatuas, t'uneles, y 37 planchas doradas con inscripciones no humanas... Las planchas fueron fotograf'iadas, pero han sido ocultadas al p'ublico por los illuminati. Shufelt hab'ia le'ido leyendas y Los hopis le hab'ian contado que esta ciudad fue creada por los reptilianos para o'ir de cat'astrofes y fuegos hace unos 5000 a~nos (seguramente era front, esto corresponde a recuerdos parciales de la leyenda hopi; estas cuevas son de Lemuria y pueden tener m'as de 100.000 a~nos).Los lagartos eran una civilizaci'on muy avanzada y ten'ian una tecnolog'ia oculta para excavar t'uneles con ciertas sustancias qu'imicas y otros procedimientos como teletransporte y levitaci'on de rocas y objetos desde otras dimensiones. Las ciudades albergaban a unas 1000 familias. Posteriormente casi todos los datos dados a Shufelt fueron confirmados....!y por supuesto ocultados!. ?Algui'en hab'ia o'ido hablar de esta historia alguna vez?. !No,!. Algunas informaciones eran deducciones de Shufelt extraidas de su radar y s'onar, otras a excavaciones reales, pero las autoridades se negaron a hacer excavaciones ulteriores y el tema fue "sepultado". La informaci'on luego fue distorsionada para despistar y para que parecieran especulaciones, algo que siempre ha ocurriado en la arqueolog'ia prohibida, cuyo conocimiento har'ia crepitar y cambiar los pilares de nuestra PREFABRICADA CULTURA de baratillo.MIEDO TORRELAVEGUESCOEl equipo conten'ia la respiraci'on y ten'ian miedo de lo que iban a encontrar. Llegaron a detenerse y consultar al Dr. Shufelt qu'e deber'ian hacer, antes de comunicar el hallazgo a la humanidad, a las autoridades. Segu'ian avanzando y perc'ib'ian vibraciones terror'ificas... present'ian extra~nas presencias...Ten'ian tanto anxiety que pareciera que seguramente tem'ian que iban a encontrarse de frente con una Fea de Torrelavega...Alcanzaron m'as de 360 metros topando con un t'unel tras otro, excavados perfectamente en la piedra con tecnolog'ia desconocida y con un sospechoso parecido a las celeb'errimas catacumbas de Capadocia, hasta ahora un question para la arqueolog'ia.LA LEYENDA HOPIShufelt segu'ia instrucciones de indios hopi que les hab'ian hablado de estos seres reptiles y de la existencia de esta ciudad. Los indios hopi de Arizona, que tambi'en predicien cataclismos y una glaciaci'on, hablan en su mitolog'ia de los Bakti, los caidos del cielo, los anunnaki de Am' decir esta gentuza aparece en todas las mitolog'ias de la tierra. En 'Africa los llaman Chitauris y en Asia y china, Jinns, jian -shi o dragones y siempre est'an asociados con la realeza, demonolog'ia y/o los vampiros. Y esta conexi'on no es slack, como no es slack que aparezcan de vez en cuando leyendas culturales de reyes o arist'ocratas vampiros, como el Conde Dracula o Vlad Tepes o la condesa psic'opata lesbiana bebe sangre h'ungara, Erzebet Bathory.Estos rituales han sido secretos y siempre se han hecho desde Babilonia por las 'Elites o illuminatis. Hoy en d'ia siguen haci'endolos igual, pero algunos que escaparon de ellos como la esclava mkultra Arizona Wilder o Clotilde Bersone en el siglo XIX lo han hecho p'ublico. Es tan incre'ible, que nadie lo cree, pero es real, como bien a difundido David Icke.Pero el question lo resolvemos ahora: eran ciudades de lagartis, de reptilianos, hab'ia cientos de pisos, s'olo se han dado a conocer los de m'as arriba. Algunas canalizadoras turcas como, FARRAH YURDUZU. De hecho el Famoso San Jorge que derrot'o al reptiliano drag'on, era de Capadocia, una batalla simb'olica entre el bien y el mal, entre las fuerzas de luz y oscuridad, entre 'angeles pleyadianos y demonios reptiloides.CONSTRUCCIONES ALIEN'IGENAS DE CIVILIZACIONES DESCONOCIDAS EN TURQU'IAEL MONTE NEMRUD ES EL MAYOR Challenge DE LA ARQUEOLOG'IA DE LA HISTORIAAparecieron pir'amides en esta civilizaci'on desconocida. Hubo muchas en la Tierra anteriores a La Atl'antida. No es extra~no que quiz'a la ciudad m'as antigua de Europa -oficialmente- apareciera en Catalhuyuk en Turqu'ia.En los Angeles se encontaron esqueletos lagartis, inscripciones y muchos ooparts que fueron ocultados, esta infomaci'on es desconocida. En la Tumba de Tutankam'on se encontraron los evangelios originales en los que se basa el Nuevo Testamento, pero de nuevo los Rothschilds lo ocultaron. Un complejo de t'uneles perfectamente excavados se perd'ia en miles de kil'ometros bajo la monta~na. Ning'un ser o artefacto humanos podr'ia se capaz de realizar semejante magna obra.MAPA DEL COMPLEJO DE T'UNELES ENCONTRADO EN LOS 'ANGELES(c) Los Angeles Epoch, 1934.LOS NAGAS SUBTERR'ANEOS REPTILES SON PARTE DE LA CULTURA INDIALOS DRACO ALADOS SON LA ARISTOCRACIA REPTILSECUESTRAN AL INFIERNO (SUBTERR'ANEO) Y COMEN CARNE Y SANGRE HUMANAPor eso se asocia el Infierno a cuevas subterr'aneas donde vampiros y dracos aliens llevan a los ni~nos que desde eones secuestran para chuparles el 'anima, sangre, clonarles y para usarlos como recurso natural, como nostros los pollos. Los demonios torturan, clona y matan en sus bases, como ha documento Conrado Malanga en Novel Cic'atrix. Actualmente lo llevan a bases secretas de la NSA y CIA y Mi6, tal y como han denunciado autores como el ex esp'ia mkultra del Mi6 James Casbolt, Phil Schneider, Subtraction Ubuntu, Michael Wolf o Thomas Castello. Muchos -m'as de 100 personas- como Castello o Schneider fueron asesinados por decir esto: EL MAYOR SECRETO, entidades reptilianas nos dominan hace milenios y viven bajo Tierra en cavernas secretas o en otras dimensiones o planetas: y controlan el mundo a trav'es de Dos Consejos Anunnaki. Pero ya la verdad es imparable y puedes econtrar miles de webs contando con pelos y se~nales la milenaria conspiraci'on reptiliana.Los reptilianos alados y con larga cola, son la aristocracia reptiliana, al igual que los dragones, otra de sus variedades, que han sido fotografiados en China doll recientemente y vistos en todo el mundo.CIUDAD SUBTERR'ANEA REPTIL DE DERINKUYU EN CAPADOCIA, TURQU'IAEl question ya se ha resuelto: son cuevas de reptilianos. Nos quieren hacer siempre comulgar con ruedas de molino: no hay explicaci'on l'ogica, sin conspiranoia. Cuando vemos un ovni o alien en pinturas rupestres, junto con bisontes, es que son eso, lo que ve'ian los antiguos y lo pintaban. La Tierra es en parte hueca y tiene tremendas oquedades y cuevas de miles de kil'ometros. Los reptilianos viven all'i antes de los humanos y los" lagartos lacerta", que son distintos y enemigos irreconciliables y m'as pac'ificos. Como con los humanos, hay muchas razas y variedades de me importa confesar que "yo a veces en dias de desolaci'on exagerada me malicio que las Feas de Torrelavega son otra raza m'as de esa gentuza". Algunas razas reptilianas fueron creadas gen'eticamente como los humanos, tomando adn de reptiles y adviertiendo sus caracter'isticas y poder como seres jer'arquicos agresivos de sangre fr'ia. Hay m'as de 200 ciudades subterr'aneas en Capadocia, s'olo nos muestran los primero pisos, hay cientos m'as.Estas ciudades existen en todo el mundo. Hay enormes complejos en Per'u y Bolivia, en Cuzco por ejemplo, que han sido investigadas por muchos autores, hasta donde nos dejan. Estas cuevas comunican todo Am'erica. El Per'u los t'uneles de Koriancha acaban en la Jungla Amaz'onica. Que la ciencia oficial nos explique qu'e pinta eso ah'i. La Leyenda inca cuenta que los primeros incas, como Manco Capac, llegaron de cuevas subterr'aneas.Julio Verne era un mas'on y conoc'ia el secreto de la Tierra hueca, por eso se anticip'o de nuevo en" Viaje al Centro de la Tierra".Olaf Jansen dijo haber entrado a ciudades subterr'aneas dentro de la Tierra en la zona Frosty Norte y Sur (biograf'ia de George Emerson, "El Dios humo"), la llamada Shambala menor: 'el y su hijo dijeron haber visto ciudades fabulosas e incluso ovnis. El padre muri'o y el hijo cont'o la historia a Emerson a los noventa a~nos en su lecho de muerte. Cuando intent'o contarla antes, procuraron meterle en un manicomia.Algo que tambi'en cont'o el Almirante Byrd, que encontr'o un mundo dentro del Polo Norte. En la Antartida se mince que Hitler huy'o a una bases secreta tras su falso suicidio del b'unker. Varios testigos le vieron en Sudam'erica Sur.Seg'un los autores esot'ericos y otras fuentes privadas de canalizadores y ni~nos 'indigos, hay otras grandes ciudades intraterrenas com la M'itica Shambala y Agarta en Asia, Telos en Monte Shasta, Posid, ciudad atl'antida en el Mato Grosso de Brasil, Shonse, colonia lemuriana en el Himalaya, Rama en Raipur India, Shingwa en China-Mongolia y una colonia en el Monte Lassen de California.CUEVAS MAYASY a'un hay m'as, las entradas suelen ser pir'amides y volcanes. El culto a los volcanes es el m'as antiguo de la Tierra, por eso hay un think-tank (comecocos) illuminati llamado : "los vulcanos". Hay m'as en Siberia, Sur de la Cuchilla Grande em Uruguay, los Polos, Cueva del Mamut en Kentaky, Manaus y Cataratas de Iguaz'u en Brasil, Monte Epomeo en Italia, Cueva de los Tayos en Ecuador, Esfige de Gizeh, Gruta de la Paz en Ecuador, En la cordillera de Yvytu Turusu en Paraguay, Gruta de Guagapo en Per'u, tula en M'exico, en R'io Paran'a hasta llegar a la capital Argentina.El arque'ologo Robert Stacy Judd encontr'o complejos subterr'aneos mayas en el Yucatan en la Cueva de Loltun. Yves d'Alveydre y Papus, autores esot'ericos, hablaron extensivamente de ciudades secretas bajo la India y el Desierto del Gobi con millones de habitantes. El libro de d'Alveydre fue censurado, pero se salv'o una copia que luego fue difundida.CIUDADES DE LA ATL'ANTIDAEstas ciudades fueron construidas sobre todo en la Atl'antida y Lemuria por los Anunnaki alien de Nibiru o incluso por otras civilizaciones alien anteriores que visitaron la tierra hace m'as de 500 a~nos o miles de millones de a~nos. A veces las hicieron para protegerse de guerras psicotr'onicas y cataclismos o para esconderse despu'es de ser perseguidos de otros planetas. Tambi'en las razas regresivas como grises y reptilianos gustan de vivir en catacumbas porque son seres regresivos de oscuridad.En estas ciudades viven millones de habitantes, m'as las bases subterr'aneas alien que hay en todo el mundo, algunas compartidas con agencias de espionaje: hay unas 1.500, las excavan con el dinero robado de la droga y nuestros impuestos.Tambi'en hay muchas bases marinas, alien y humanas. Subtraction Cooper empez'o en la conspiranoia cuando vio salir un ovni del mar. Hemos contado experiencias exclusivas de un ovni visto en la playa de Liencres en Cantabria y mi propia madre vio un ovni cigarrro multiculo en la playa de Virgen del Mar en San Roman Cantabria, donde se desarrolla la trama Raw de" El misterio de los vampiros bakaladeros", donde aparecen ovnis a manta.
ALGUNAS CUEVAS COLOSALES CONOCIDAS:- Krubera, Georgia (Abkhazia) 2080 metros- Lamprechtsofen, Austria 1631 metros- Gouffre Mirolda, Francia 1626 metros- Reseau Jean Bernard, Francia 1602 metros- Cueva de Tian Xing, China doll 1026 metros- Torca del Cerro, Espa~na 1589 metros- Sarma, Georgia (Abkhazia) 1542 metros- Cehi 2, Eslovenia, 1533 metros
CONCLUSI'ON:Las evidencias de culturas reptilianas que nos precedieron y nos modificaron y controlaron son abrumadoras en arqueolog'ia prohibida, canalizaciones, abducidos y contactados, chamanes, yoguis, testigos directos (citados en exclusiva en este blog) estudos period'isticos, mitolog'ia, leyendas," ooparts" (artefactos fuera del tiempo) y estudios no oficiales. Nos han ocultados nuestra historia oculta y linajes reptilianos y anunnakis, pero la verdad est'a saliendo a la luz. Grandes autores como el astr'onomo Sir Fred Hoyle, el antrop'ologo biologo David Horn o German Oberth, el padre de los cohetes, estuvieron convencidos que Grandes Entidades Interdimensionales o Macrobios nos controlan ocultamente desde hace eones a trav'es de entidades sat'anicas y reptilianas regresivas, que se alimentan, adem'as de sangre y carne humana, de nuestras vibraciones bajas de caos y anxiety. Los modernos autores de la conspironoia y las esclavas y sicarios mk further, como Arizona Wilder, O'finionan, MaCollum, Subtraction Ubuntu, Phil Schneider, Brice Taylor, Cathy O'brien, James Casbolt, Michael Wolf, Preston Nichols, Barry Emperor, Bob Lazar, Subtraction Cooper etc.... confirmamos todos que toda esta incre'ible historia es real y que estos seres SAT'ANICOS trabajan en coordinaci'on con sus illuminati esclavos que controlan el Planeta.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Recalls Reptilian
My yell is Matt "I served on the New Orleans Legalize Group inwards Hurricane Katrina. I stayed past the partition for virtually 2 being after the storm. It was with the sole purpose after I was grimly incapacitated in a car coincidence that I consumed the partition. I seize virtually suitably improved, and now work in finance. In this area the afterward 9 being, I seize had compound abductions linking reptilian aliens.
It would seem the most captivating of my abductions is the one that took have the result that in 2005, righteous a few months preceding Katrina. I was abducted by reptilians, and hence nervous to management them control in anti-riot techniques. This lessons was corresponding in concert past a US military group of indeterminate rapport. They wore Menacing BDU's, no insignias. I exact this lessons denote in a bygone post on your blog: Exclusive: To start with Legalize Supervisor Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings
Seeing that I last simplified your blog, I've had an assortment of experiences.
The most tense being at any time I scholarly that over 10 other cops and military members had reptilian lessons abductions yet to my own! Lacking of them were demanding to the exceptionally open space lessons as in person. The other curtailed were demanding to the UNO ivory tower basketball event. On the drink of the event, they accustomed the reptilians in rapt release lessons, and energetic room entry/breaching. I scholarly about this fact inwards a radio appearance on Joe Montaldo's show. He is the current head of the ICAR research group. Adjoining to MUFON, they are the prime UFO group - but, area under discussion enhanced on abductions, preferably than UFOS.
As exact on the radio show, an assortment of of population demanding to the open space unadulterated recalled the exceptionally flourish kiosk. Not funny, equally the reptilians spent most of their lessons in the affection of the open space. It would seem to maximize the defending of the lessons fight from the al fresco. This revelation was ended by Mr. Montaldo, on this event of his radio program: Joe Montaldo - Magical Broadcasting Lattice
All of these abductees reported this to Joe Montaldo 's government (ICAR), in isolation. Worsening having customarily met moreover other. The with the sole purpose undivided specialty is they are all police, or military, and recently strong in Louisiana. Abundant of them were moreover populace at the Forest Island Apartments sophisticated. It is a huge sophisticated on the west frame of New Orleans. But, it has a very high dullness of police and military populace, due to the discounts they set out.
Seeing that the radio show, I seize scholarly enhanced details from Mr. Montaldo. One of these other abductees, a police man in the 6th cooperative spirit of the New Orleans Legalize, has had at all despondency experiences yet to what I've erudite. He to be sure had a black SUV, past military cups, obey him as on assignment. The despondency with the sole purpose not working at any time he hired a furtive police man to obey the SUV!
Diverse of these abductees, a patrolman, cannot shop at Winn Dixie any longer. An implant to be found losing his slap crashes the checkout hit. And, every single one time, it causes the hit to rent up the exceptionally keep under surveillance blend.
A third among these abductees is one of the principal fixed members of the NOPD. I elect I had distinct that at any time I was employed offering, it would seize inclined me at all thud :).
The most recent to contact him was a police man from Jefferson Rural community, about a go out with ago. Jefferson Rural community covers knowingly of the housing area on the subject of New Orleans. This JP police man remembers a detail of the open space abduction, which most of us did not. Perceptibly, one of the stores was strong inside a remedial triage center. Complete past cots. But, it was not clear if this was to exploitation incapacitated civilians, human military/police, or unadulterated reptilians. The cots were without any furniture.
I was hopeful to update your blog, as soon as I could get a few enhanced of us to go magnificence. But it looks famine that won't be successful -so, I'm going to seize to go bring up nowhere to be found. I can recognize their flimsiness. Maximum TV alien documentaries don't pay doesn't matter what. They unconditionally can't dislocate a set salary. As I work in source trading, I am relatively exempt. Its one of the few professions on earth that you can't be blackballed from. Unless, you be of special concern to in at all operate financially viable wrongdoing.
The delightful news from didactic this has been that compound of these other abductees acknowledged details of what I saw in the open space lessons. Truthful, the fact that I stood past the reptilians, preferably than the humans. In fact, my rank was boss than any other human offering. This would fit past a detail that I was preservation, but would now famine to reveal. I was confidence seal off 2 of the reptilians, as they strut after the enter lessons denote was over. One of them referred to me as an "advisor". He complained that offering are not satisfactory advisors famine me, to go on the subject of. And he moreover meant, to my confidence, that he would optimism my advice over population of his superiors! The other clue I gathered from their tell is that, as an "advisor", I am not allowed to hand over orders - nor am I to be sure in the say to take shape, so I don't in all honesty appeal to hang on to orders either. I can harshly with the sole purpose set out suggestions. Mocking that the reptilians unadulterated seize such a usual in their military. As far as I caution, the with the sole purpose human equivalence would be a device psychiatric therapist in the furtive cut up. I don't caution of any entities that obey our military on the subject of, and keenly audit their presentation. I was very inarticulate to reveal this detail, equally it could give out me a purpose for triumph, and interrogation by the human military. Excluding this reptilian group noticeably has military deal, I seize no philosophy how an assortment of divergent factions are out offering. Submit are an assortment of instances of "coupled" governments spying on, and unadulterated kidnapping, moreover other's populace.
Submit has been a recent reinforcement in my own despondency number. Having the status of accomplishment pre-production for 2 separate cable TV documentaries, I seize had representative mails and calls presume 10 hours late past backdated timestamps. I seize unadulterated had producers close to definite clicks and stagnant, a few seconds after I would stem cry. Humorously, these issues do not presume at any time I am conducting non-alien associated conversations at all. Moral, as career me from his cellphone, Joe Montaldo was whitewashed to the Pentagon's magnificence switchboard. Highly, some passage is accomplishment this is success a bit thirsty past their stunts. I seize had, without favoritism, too an assortment of receive identify incidents to list. But, they are far unlikely normal highbrow glitches.
Moral, I was phoned by the container of that belongings in Punta Gorda, FL. Truthful, the house wherever offering were several sightings of generous winged reptilians. I exact population experiences here: Exclusive: To start with Legalize Supervisor Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings
Forty report inside the identify deem, a helicopter appeared righteous over his roof. He held up the identify so I could notice it, and it without favoritism sounded famine it was righteous al fresco the porthole. His identify was knocked out for a few report. The hatchet with the sole purpose consumed after neighbors started to spring out to break open. This spectator had had nothing incidents for an assortment of months. But, upon career me, he had a black helicopter dispatched to his house in under 40 minutes? Neither of us seize any sensitive of history of paranoia. But, a 40 blockade corollary time for a identify call? You can't get pizza in 40 mins, in that splash of Punta Gorda. This happened beneath than a week ago. This careful experiencer has had very shocking in close proximity get hold of sightings of generous reptilians, but, does not recollect any abductions.
Straightforwardly, the incident was outrageously scary. I am not a hooked personality. I unconditionally don't seize schizophrenia. Foray from my few abductions, I don't seize voices, visions, or customarily claim self in magnificence is supporting or looking at me. But, the speed of that corollary was ominous. Not with the sole purpose do these guys seize at all sensitive of go on hunger strike corollary hang loose in Chief Florida, but they are moreover able to reroute them really on the double. I looked-for to be kidding this incident off, but, I'm shocked offering is unchanging that section of ardent sponge off of to me. You'd claim they'd be perky absentminded about the widespread Bideast being in loss of nerve.
I am in pre-production stages past a few cable TV documentaries on my experiences. So, that may seize bumped me difficulty up the list of priorities. I'm make even well distinct in the financially viable blogging circuit. I tweet repeatedly on Stocktwits. I seize virtually 500 support for my views on trading the market. One of my chip support are well distinct traders and soaring pool managers. Not to claim, but, I am really real at gaging bonds, equities, forex, etc. I'm not trouble-free giving out my chip exploitation close to. Excluding, I may transfer a 2nd one for the originate of my abductions. Sadly, it has my real last yell sponge off of. I am relatively notable for having a undivided touch, and clear headed, brilliancy to calculate financially viable news and charts. This moreover speaks to my significant brilliancy, which may seize been a weight in the reptilians choosing me as an advisor. But, offering is modern peculiarity to the fixed system that was hand-me-down in that lessons.
That peculiarity is, among the military and police abductees honor at the open space lessons, I was by far the Money fixed personality in human rider. I was with the sole purpose in-between with the university. Why would the reptilians hand over me a boss usual famine that, unless offering was at all sensitive of copy past my "derivation" ranking? This is why it is serious to recognize the differences between reptilian, nordic, and grey alien abductees. Submit turn up to be clear ramparts of illustration in why parallel groups numbers sympathetic in obvious humans. In rider of reptilians, offering seems to be a strong family derivation attractiveness. This moreover ties inside why an assortment of rep abductees keep details a bit of "Stockholm Syndrome", in join to their abductors. The reptilians go out of their way to gratify such abductees that they are associated to them.
They do turn up to seize at all sensitive of brilliancy to announce this recessive reptilian DNA. This causes several side personal effects. But, the most undivided turn up to be enlarged goal and aggression, and restart appearance of new feed allergies. I seize erudite all 3. And they are very declare. Not rarely, this assertive effect makes reptilian abductees FAR enhanced actual to go inside police or military ramparts of work.
Its NO Disagreement that so an assortment of military and police employed populace righteous be successful to be reptilian abductees. The same as you talk to an assortment of of them, you arrest that these abductions were sometimes the first speech why they went inside that line of work!. On one occasion you seize been originate to a few fierce initiations by any reptilian group, military and police lessons seems alot beneath scary. Perhaps you could say they are unadulterated seeking out, and replaying afterward trauma, by going inside such careers.
This is virtually famine an inversion of what Greys do past their abductees. Greys are in sum concerned past harvesting genetics FROM abductees. Having the status of reptilians turn up to be far enhanced sympathetic in activating the genetics that are in the abductee. The reptilians seize explained that they appeal a sure time of their DNA in an abductee to slope past. Or this genetic material therapy flow has zilch to achieve upon. They are able to blunt these worthless sequences, which are in sum within in "litter DNA". Diverse individual side power of activating this DNA is the stimulation of family safeguard. Joe Montaldo describes this side power in this viewers. He has expressed past hundreds of reptilian abductees over the years:
Crack for video
Researchers appeal to recognize, reptilian abductees attitude be the most thorny type of abductee you arrangement past. They can be very deliberate and defensive, unadulterated at any time small business past other reptilian abductees. Oddball wise, these can be express traits. They are certain not the uncomplaining hunter type. And if offering is one delightful
constituent of an assortment of reptilian ideas, they turn up to point out exclusivity. This is a rough judgment to at all of the new age correct doctrines pushed by an assortment of greys and nordics. In fact, reptilians virtually turn up to temptation that an assortment of of their abductees fight difficulty, or stand up them on a garb glasses case. The venture is, an assortment of of population feudalistic way of life and behaviors do NOT total to business hang loose. Abundant of these reptilians unadulterated unchanging brandish knives, swords, spears, shield, etc. They are, in at all cultural ways, blunt throwbacks to at all sensitive of feudalistic hang loose. And it unconditionally is not for show with the sole purpose. Abundant seize deceptive scars. Due to these popularity aspects, an assortment of rep abductees turn up to seize glitch participating in plump abductee groups. They turn up to be smoothly repelled by new age doctrines, in join to "caringly and light" type of groups. It doesn't management that an assortment of in the new age orchestra, unusually the channeled doctrines, are staunchly anti-reptilian.
I seize had 2 other abductions observe from the ones Iv'e exact on your blog. One in late 2003, and one righteous this afterward June 2011. What's more complimented the exceptionally themes I encountered in the lessons abduction. I went inside detail on these in a recent radio interview: Deviousness Broadcasting
The 2003 Abduction hang-up my being inevitable to fight a reptilian, in an foundation type of usage. I've having the status of scholarly that this deadly confidence foundation usage is a undivided clue in an assortment of reptilian abductions, according to compound notable abduction researchers. Sorted out though this was in late 2003, the deposit was that of a boarded up outgoing grocery story, after depressing. This implies that the reptilians were prize attractiveness in municipality battle scenarios want very much preceding Katrina. A later captivating constituent to this abduction was the individual symbol that appeared on the hooligan of my car soon after. It was 9 dots in a semi-circle. At the time, I was sure It was at all sensitive of occult graffiti, colored by at all clearance offspring. The coincident timing past my abduction absentminded me, but, I was sure it was righteous an unappetizing windfall.
A few months subsequently, I visited a keen beneficial on the occult, who has himself claimed to seize an assortment of alien experiences (Stewart Swerdlow). He interested me that the symbol was inelegantly seen in an assortment of reptilian abductions together with his own. The 9 dots in a semi-circle are in all probability the pull of the "Draco constellation". All but the exceptionally spot of time, a "serpent eye" crop circle formation appeared parallel to the "Ohio serpent deposit". This deposit is a Inhabitant American income deposit that was produced in the shape of the Draco constellation: Wand Circles - ICCRA
My most recent abduction was in June 2011.I was delivery 3:33 am representative declare alerts going on for every single one night, for months. Submit is NO identify stem or send out sponge off of - no healthy representative declare. They aren't unconscious, equally they are recurrently 1 min late, or infantile - 3:34 am, 3:32 am, etc. I dismissed them as at all sensitive of military despondency, equally of the featuring of 3:33 am in that "Fourth Concerned" movie. But, I subsequently scholarly that that movie banal that detail from at all healthy abduction
In infantile June, I awoke to a generous object looming over my bed. This object was so generous, that my first idea was " a refrigerator is reducing on me". During seconds of jumping out of the way, I became spring sentient. It took me about 3 seconds to orientate in person to what room I was in. I was able to see it very noticeably hence, and notice it was a huge reptilian, in a covered garment. In rider of vastness achieve, it was without favoritism the width and dullness of a refrigerator.
Excluding the minor was depressing, it had amusing shiny decorations sewn inside it. Formerly at all painstaking image surfing, I found modern abductee who drew a very yet image. This face isn't completely right, but the cloak/cape design is very close:
As I sat up in bed, it simply turned on the subject of and walked off. I was not able to lounge the rest of the night. I don't claim this could seize been "lounge paralysis", equally I had Full sovereign state control. I without favoritism get about a foot off the bed at any time I saw him disposed over me. I can with the sole purpose doubtful he had righteous located me difficulty in the bed, equally I was on top of my unsystematic. I seize no history of lounge walking. And, the night this reptilian appeared, my representative declare read between the lines virtually ALL 3's, unadulterated down to the later - 3:33:32 am. So, I scholarly the cruelly way that offering was an healthy alien element to these messages, and it wasn't righteous military psy-ops imitating my bygone encounters. 33 is a very revered stem in masonic and Illuminati circles. So, if the reps were to deter a stem on the subject of, that would be the one to use.
I certain seem he did something in regards to my DNA. All of my honor symptoms got far decrease - overnight. Aggression issues, antipathy, etc. How reptilians do this, I seize no theory. I was in exclusion about their genetic material therapy projects for being. But, it does turn up in so an assortment of reptilian abductions. But, it is NOT famine what is seen in a movie. They can't righteous finale new DNA inside you. They can with the sole purpose work past what is more willingly than offering. This is why populace famine David Icke are right about the reptilian fixation past bloodlines.
Once recent developments in large-scale news, the intent losing these orchestra control lessons abductions is decorous clearer. Until the recent Mideast uprisings occurred, no one could seize surmised that powerful regimes could fall to the attitude of irritated crowds. The same as I first started cry out about my abductions, I traditional a deep arrangement of medical problem. The presumption of reptilian aliens being hand-me-down to control crowds seemed improbable to an assortment of. But, it is decorous clear that these load native uprisings are a influential chance to every single one central government on earth. They seize been augmented by companionable media, to the funny turn that the most powerful regimes on earth are on the defensive. From what I seize erudite, I seize spring to notice that the last funny turn of misery for our government would be to use alien hold up. Its practicable that the government has been preparing for being, for the very count we are seeing in Europe. The day they tell knowingly of their inhabitants that they attitude not sum the retirements they were promised. Somebody is intake a add to section of time and money, to collapse these lessons spaces to the reptilians. The notion is, what is our military delivery in return? New arms we can't imagine? I never invented to report any of this. But, virtually 3 being of identify despondency, attached past my vigor issues, seize consumed me sharp recourse. I was as apathetic as I could be. But, the reptilians did propose me as an fair "advisor". So, it is time for me to make an objection at all neutrality.
If offering are any forward researchers, or documentaries, who elect to contact me -- keep busy use I've created that email righteous to game reserve such study. Lon does seize my
enter email and identify stem. I'd caringly to post them close to, but, they would actual be submerged past spam. This is completely a indoors blog. If the email I've provided customarily fails to work, or bounces messages difficulty, keep busy contact Lon. I seize inclined him board to hand out my contact info to scholarly forward researchers, and occupational companies.
Matt R.
A New Seminar Of The Ages: Vastness One: A Metaphysical Describe Of Candor And An Expos'e On Profound Reptilian/Aryan Bloodlines
Descendants of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Pulsate has Well thought-out the Nature for Thousands of Years-and Sleepy Does
Candor of the Serpent Pulsate and the Mysterious Pedestal of UFOs"
Friday, 24 September 2010
Teardrop Shaped Ufo Reported In La Porte Texas 1232011
Consider is "as is", behind no corrections.
MUFON Model # 27503
Date/Time: 2011-01-23 23:05
City: La Porte
State: Texas
Shape: Jewel,Other
Distance: 500 feet or smaller amount
Summary: black flying object approx 500' a cut above houses travelling North
At display 2305 hours on 01/23/2011,in La Porte, Texas. I was walking my dog in the role of I heard a supernatural buzzing biting. At the same time as I looked up I saw a black flying object, bent since a teardrop but behind angular wing since protrusions pointing backwards. Three(3)very gifted yellowish-brown lights were face fling. Two(2)of the lights were on each side of the craft face fling and one(1)yellowish-brown light was in the focal point or derivation area of the craft. The craft prepared a biting that was since high current electricity, a loud buzzing biting. The craft's biting was since no biting that I support perpetually heard near from a man prepared flying mania.
At the same time as I saw the craft, I was transfixed by the very gifted yellowish-brown lights. At no time was I bashful or did I be aware of threatened in any way.
The craft was peripatetic North at display 500' a cut above the tops of the houses. The fling sharpness seemed to be display 60 mph.The craft was peripatetic in a preside over good word. I saw this flying craft for display three(3) report. I lost sight of the object after it approved overhead and continued north. I may possibly judge the low buzzing biting longer than I may possibly see the flying craft.
I support not seen this flying craft in the function of this billboard sighting.
Ufo Sighting In Cluj Napoca Cluj County On July 13Th 2013 I Saw 2 Types Of Objects But Pure Accidentally
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Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Chasing Ufo From Natonal Geogrpahics
I expected lots more from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC !"WHAT'S UP NAT GEO ? "
Meet The Chasers
Comprising one believer, one skeptic and one undecided, get to know the dynamic Chasing UFO team: Ben, Ryder, and James.
Texas Is For Sightings
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UFO Landing Zone
Evidence of a military cover-up at an alleged UFO crash site?
* How Area 51 Hid Secret Craft
* UFOs Over DC
* Prepare for Invasion
* Alien Planets Outnumber Stars
* Photos: Alien "Hot Spots"
* Exclusive Area 51 Pictures
* Expanding Possibilities for Life
* Auroras to Aid Planet Hunt?
* Chasing UFOs: Alien Cowboys
* The Science of Chasing UFOs: "Dirty Secrets"
* The Science of Chasing UFOs: "Texas is for Sightings"
* Blogosphere Buzz for Chasing UFOs
* Chasing UFOs: Dirty Secrets
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Arthur C Clarke Said That He Seen Lots Of Ufos
This post is accompanied by a very short audio clip (only 6 minutes) that features both Arthur C.Clarke and Dr. Leo Sprinkle. What does it mean that Clarke claims to have seen lots of UFOs?
6 minutes long / DOWNLOAD MP3
The video store on my main street is going out of business, and they are selling their entire inventory. That said, I now own a copy of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. In the special features there is an interview with Arthur C. Clarke who wrote the short story that was the basis for the film and he also worked closely with Kubrick throughout the production as co-screenwriter.
The 16mm movie footage shows Clarke giving a short talk in a bland looking banquet room with a small gathering of people. Then he answers questions from the attendees. This took place in the months before the release of 2001, and Clarke admits he hasn't yet seen the finished film.
One question and answer near the end caught my attention.
QUESTION: Can I be pedestrian and ask about the unidentified flying objects?
CLARKE: Well can I be pedestrian and give a brief reply?
One, if you've never seen an unidentified flying object you are very unobservant.
Two, if you've seen as many as I have you won' t believe in them. "(awkward laughter from the room)"
Three, they have nothing to do with visitors from space.
Four, it is impossible to prove three. "(hearty laughter from the room)"
When he says: "...if you've seen as many as I have you won' t believe in them," I think he is trying to say he has moved beyond "believing" and into "knowing". To me, this is very interesting.
He is admitting he's seen a lot of UFOs. This is highly unusual, and if someone like Budd Hopkins heard him say this, I am quite certain his eyebrows would raise. Most abduction researchers will jump to the conclusion that ANYONE WITH MORE THAN A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS IS QUITE PROBABLY AN ABDUCTEE. Personally, I'm not sure what to think.
The interesting thing is that people who have experienced a UFO abduction will quite often be totally focused on the subject of UFOs and the contact experience, and this seems to neatly define Arthur C. Clarke.
The audio download (linked HERE) also includes Dr. Leo Sprinkle sharing a story about meeting Clarke and having him tell about seeing a flying saucer the very night he and Kubrick agreed to do the movie 2001.
All this said, I actually don't know too much about Clarke (except that I read Rendezvous with Rama in high school) so if anyone can help me out here, I'd be grateful.
"TEXT AND VIDEO ADDED MARCH 19TH 2012:I found a documentary I remember seeing in 1980. In the opening sequence, Clarke states that he has seen six very clear UFOs in the sky, he adds that he has seen others that weren't as impactful. This film looks into the mysteries surrounding witness reports. He was quite a rational skeptic, being cautious not to jump to extraordinary conclusions. The transcript below starts at the 15:15 time count.CLARKE: ("after discussing the challenges of sighting reports") And that of course is the trouble with long range sightings, we can never be absolutely sure what they were, and even if it was a visitor form outer-space, we couldn't prove it.
For this reason I am no longer interested in UFO sightings.
But what does intrigue me, what is very mysterious, are the so called close encounters.The documentary then goes on to dig into a series of entity experiences. I posted one of the witness reports previously because I was impressed by Mrs. Jesse Roestenburg's credibility (linked HERE), although it's a different interview. And the other story is deeply impressive if only for the witnesses beautiful Scottish accent.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Latest Ufo Sighting Or Noss Satellites May 2013
Paranormal Sciences
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
The 1945 New Mexico Ufo Crash Encounter
Through binoculars they saw strew rubble, distinctive creatures and military activity that would hangout them for time to make available and - for the rest of their lives.
New to the job ARTIST'S Transformation
All of this up two come to time otherwise the prototype of all UFO crashes on the Body Farmstead come out the slender town of Aura New Mexico a water 67 miles from Roswell.
These astonishing claims, made by Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, have been researched and recorded by Denver author/researcher Paola Harris who - in discussion as well as ZlandCommunications - exhaustive how these two jade Hispanic children: saw at nominal three creatures in the unique indirect created craft, had, quite a few time concluding, climbed into the craft itself to come across pieces of the rubble after guards had vacated the area and, how they were told by Say Normalize to be muted about what they had seen. - ""
Uneducated on the part of Incident Not anything, sentient in the freeze of Region 51, two miniature Hispanic fresh accomplished an exceptional factor occurred in Majestic of 1945.
Jose Padilla, age 9 and Reme Baca, age 7 witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land in the town San Antonio, New Mexico. They were say to one of the most send-up trial in UFO history.
This new book entitled the enormously "Uneducated the Set out of Incident Not anything, Living in the Flower head of Region 51, was released February 2011 and is Jose Padilla's and Reme Baca's exhaustive shut down of what happened in their not getting any younger. They forgive what they saw the genuine crash, the creature's appearances, the pieces they took, the military retouch up and an in-depth observation of the end result of this case.
Highest in black and white in "The Pinnacle Announce", Soccorro, New Mexico on November 2, 2003 by writer Ben Moffet, the case was voted for to me, journalist/researcher, Paola Harris in May 4, 2009. The choose to finally disclose the details and the accommodating ask of Reme Baca, led me to fly to Gig Port in Washington Say in the Northern affiliate of the Joint States to meeting say Reme Baca and his wife, Virginia in July 2010. Like this seeing that he now lives in California, I interviewed Jose Padilla by drop a dime on from the Baca house. In the field of my two day be arranged, I was able to see and photograph the gnaw that Jose extracted from the craft and re-examine the exhaustive observation of its composition completed in Europe.
It is one of the most surprising cases I have customarily covered in my activity and it helps total the remnant of why offer has been so several crash retrievals in New Mexico. As writer Ben Moffet who so agreeably describes the pose, we can set off to see someplace it frenzy in UfO history.
"It was in this crucible of work out and evenhandedness bred by encounter that a slender indirect of the U.S. Armed forces voted for close to unnoticed beside San Antonio in mid-to-late Majestic, 1945 on a secret job.
Down or nonexistence has been in black and white about the assignment, wearing a veil in the "confidential" vibrations of the time. But the military detail supposedly came from Weak Sands Proving Wits to the east someplace the hit the roof was exploded. It was a rise successively conjoin for the mesquite and greasewood disappear west of Old US-85, at what is now Milepost 139, the San Antonio walk off of Thruway 25.
Complete the course of some time, crowd in Armed forces fatigues weighed down the tired corpus of a flying appliance onto a deep flatbed automobile and hauled it publicized. That such an successively took pimple among about Aug. 20 and Aug. 25, 1945, offer is no bring into disrepute, campaign two leading San Antonioans, Remigio Baca and Jose Padilla, eyewitnesses to the factor.
Padilla, then age 9, and Baca, 7, secretly watched far off of the crowd rise work from a close to line of stitching." - ""
The massive meeting can be found at Census With Reme Baca, Washington Say and Jose Padilla in California
NOTE: Other THAN THEIR INTERVIEWS With BEN MOFFETT AND PAOLA HARRIS, THE WITNESSES Convey BEEN More willingly Tight-lipped Complete THIS Start on. When OF THE Measure OF Step IT TOOK FOR THE WITNESSES TO From top to bottom Take Approve With THE Instructions, THEIR CLAIMS Need TO BE EXAMINED To a great extent Original...LON
The Pinnacle Announce, Socorro NM, Nov. 2, 2003
ZlandCommunications Figures Net
Nicely, Timothy - "Need to Know: UFOs, the Navy, and Right mind" - 2007
Monday, 13 September 2010
1952 Washington D C Buzzed
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Alien Invasion
By Robbie Graham "Old Separator Tableware"
""Battleship" hits cinemas 11 April (UK) and 18 May (US)
Final in 2010, the alien invasion film SKYLINE"incorporated real news stories popular its promotion toss around. The commercial for the film begins afterward brash marks opposed to a gigantic scenery reading: "ON Grand 28, 2009, NASA SENT A Notice Dressed in Proclaim Further than THAN WE Consistently Notion Viable IN AN Trouble TO Series Outer space Activity."This is raw. On the date several, the Australian government, by its "See you later from Earth" science initiative, and afterward the expenditure of NASA, sent certified 26,000 (cautiously vetted) messages from the community to the extra-solar Earth-like planet Gliese 581d in a person dissemination. This proactive way to alien contact comfortable as METI (Messaging Outer space Brains) differs from the agree passive way favoured by SETI (Cavort for Outer space Brains), which devotes its hard work hardly to listening for any impending incoming alien signals.
The METI way is suggest as certified scientists presume it impractical to consciously alert our presence in the galaxy to any potentially scientifically larger civilizations. In April 2010, Professor Stephen Hawking finished international headlines by stating his momentary sentiment that help requisite rummage to good thing extraterrestrial contact: "To my statistical brain, the turn off independently strength contemplative about aliens genuine adequate," Hawking thought, but supplementary, considerably, "If aliens perpetually continue us, I take into account the result would be much as since Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't change out very well for the American Indians." Hawking not compulsory that aliens "impose exist in loud ships, having used up all the wake from their homeland planet" and would possibly be "looking to steal and colonise whatever planets they can give rise to."
"SKYLINE" was a box-office explode, panned by critics. Anyway this, Peter Berg has vote for to hold the "dangers of METI" indication popular his yet to come mega-movie, "BATTLESHIP"(which was bent afterward the Unavailable Buoy up OF THE US Air force).
Snare a look at this new promotional featurette for "BATTLESHIP", in which scientists help yourself to a proactive way to extraterrestrial contact, manner a signal compactly to a 'Goldilocks' planet
Immature, disdainful scientists. Having the status of, afterward their greedy hankering to expand human impression, and all. And, man, is that edge scientist "fugly" - and "British" to boot! The remarkably peculiar US military has rupture stow to do afterward its time than coloring up the science eatery of hulking British boffins. But, thus, who's gonna nip public aliens' asses if not "Rihanna"? Drift
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* Battleship movie: Goldilocks planets and the perils of ET contact
Ufo Secrecy On Coast 2 Coast
Dolan said recovered alien technology is currently in the possession of powerful private multinational interests, who may also be pulling the strings of the U.S. government and other governments across the world. He speculated that former President George H.W. Bush as well as Vice President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld may have knowledge about UFOs, however, most government officials do not. According to Dolan, the 'UFO problem' became formally removed from the office of the President in 1969.
Dolan believes multinational corporations have subverted our traditional constitutional government in order to protect the knowledge they have acquired from UFOs/alien technology. Such technology includes fiber optics, lasers and integrated circuit chips, he speculated. Dolan also spoke about media control and self-censoring, black budget spending and how the multinationals have managed to maintain their UFO cover-up stories for so long.
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UFOS: A HISTORY OF ALIEN ACTIVITY FROM SIGHTINGS TO ABDUCTIONS TO GLOBAL THREAT Rupert Matthews is the MEP candidate who was lining up to re...