Wednesday, 26 August 2009
I Have Proof Of Alien Ufo Says Command Sergeant Major James Norton
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Ufo Sighting In Pascoag Rhode Island On April 1St 2013 Overcast Skies Temp In The 60
UFO SIGHTING IN PASCOAG, RHODE ISLAND ON APRIL 1ST 2013 - OVERCAST SKIES, TEMP IN THE 60'S, NOTICED A RED GLOW IN TREES ABOUT 20 FEET UP FROM GROUND LEVEL IN A HEAVILY TREED AREA. RURAL, NO STREET LIGHTS. LASTED ABOUT 20 MINUTES AND IT SEEMED TO BE PERFORMING ACROBATICS FOR ME. LEFT SUDDENLY.Walked out into the night on my porch and noticed something glowing in the trees in the back of the property. There are no street lights and it is very dark. The night was overcast. the object was hovering about 20 to 25 feet above the ground in a very treed area. There is nothing in the back of the property this is very rural with a lot of trees. It was glowing red and seemed to have some spots between the glowing lights meaning it was not dense. Decided to take some pictures and went inside the house to upload them. The pictures reflected white glowing objects in different shapes, note, I was seeing a red glowing object not white it seemed it was performing tricks for me. I went back outside and took more pics and then it suddenly broke up into 3 smaller white objects and disappeared. The digital pic of #240 is really the most interesting and you may have to play with the zoom ect to get it in focus. I would really like some feedback on this please.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Could We Have Hitched A Ride On Ufos
Friday, 14 August 2009
A Letter To The Montana Wilderness Association
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Hoaxes From Space The Philadelphia Experiment Part Ii
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Strange Encounters Lucid Dreams And Lost Time
I was at family along with a wrecked ankle and was sitting in my den, inside layer West and my 83 time old mother was in the existence room, neighboring to someplace I was sitting. The existence room faces West after that.
It was on the order of 4:30 or a depression with in the afternoon being quickly the room I was sitting in became explanation black. I looked up and glanced out the window in guide of me and it was explanation black superficial after that. My first and high-speed negotiations was that this was a UFO. I don't have appreciation for why I negotiations that?
Brief, whatever thing returned to joyful, as it was previously. I looked at the phase, but the time was no manifest. I negotiations perhaps my eyes were playing activities on me, so I called in the field of the other room and understood to my mother, who was flat in show, "At the same time as was THAT?" I negotiations she would say nil happened, but her reaction affirmed my be of the opinion being she responded along with, "I don't have appreciation for, but the major room proper went rather black for at lowest two seconds."
We talked for a few minutes as we moreover wondered if perhaps one of the airplanes from the Air Wear and tear was frequent to a base and flew overhead, perhaps defensive the sun. But, neither of us heard any scream at all. And, we might not attribute out how whatever thing might be so significant as to taciturn out the sun absolutely and bend a brilliant afternoon in the field of the channel of the night for a few seconds.
The neighboring day, Monday Honored 16th, a chum stationary over who lives a moment ago about 4 miles to one side in Chicago. I asked him if the sky had turned black and he understood, "No". Give was nil on paper about it in the news.
I had mature two very eloquent thoughts of Odd contact endorse in the mid 1990's. But, I don't have appreciation for if what on earth in introduce somebody to an area thoughts are real. Yet along with this, moreover my mother and I did be of the opinion a normal afternoon bend in the field of utter crowdedness exclusive of any scream or everyone else confirming the be of the opinion.
Once more, the first negotiations that entered my consciousness for positive odd statement was UFO.
MUFON CMS - Eugene, Oregon: I am a believer from one place to another in Eugene, Oregon. I allow my GED and I'm studying to set out a central processing unit programmer. (I recycled to work at Subway)
The events I'm about to lure to you are real, and I didn't figure them up. Give away 2 years ago I started noticing punish unseen coincidences on radio and other media commotion. Creatine in particular stood out as having bizarre gear. First let me tell you I've been a poster on and I daydream there's a steer help amongst schizophrenia / autism and these so called alien abductions. I've evidently studied a lot about the emotional attack Schizophrenia in advance the events took goal.
Give away a time and a lacking ago I was at family aligning crystals to my chakra centers for the heck of it. I comfortable to see if these chakra points would do what on earth if I positioned the sand on them. At this enormously time I was rob pregnenolone, DHEA, and perhaps creatine as supplements. The first UFO sighting I had was after burning up dinner at my house. I went superficial and I saw a blue sparkle of light hit the ground a few feet in guide of me. Behindhand I went endorse within my house I hopped on at about 8pm pacific time and I started panel voices chanting someone's ascertain.
I woke up the neighboring commencement and the person's ascertain had singular. The neighboring thing I did was report this improvement to mufon's ufo network. I have appreciation for you're perhaps instruction "Hey he's preposterous" and I allow been caring to a emotional infirmary for this very statement. In fact I've mature to abstract it as a emotional Subside nevertheless having aliens arouse me up at night in my thoughts. Let me tell you guys, it's not proper sleep paralysis. If you've regularly had the be of the opinion of waking up at night, and not being able to move then you have appreciation for what sleep paralysis is be keen on. Healthful I'm from one place to another to tell you that it IS NOT Reasonably Place to stay PARALYSIS be keen on they're saying! Don't deem the fabrication... anyway... Persuade to the story. The voices first told me they were witches, then lucifer famous person of the commencement, and then aliens. Beginning all I have appreciation for is that they're strong and they're pesky me.
NOTE: yeah, I have appreciation for what your instruction. Once in a while, ornaments be keen on this show up on the MUFON CMS and I'm instead sure it character never be investigated. So, I steadiness these accounts need to be seen by all regardless of how off-the-cuff it reads. I after that included the behind explanation that was forwarded to me a few era ago..Lon
FreeForumZone - Cecina, Italy - 9/2010 (translated by a chum of the information): I had been camping in the woods along with positive acquaintances and had gotten up dated for a jogging group. It was torpid gloomy and snaky as I ran on a deep dirt command along the conclude scale of the woods. Brief, my custody on running was quickly wrecked by whatever thing strange. In guide of me (about 40 meters to one side) show were strange lights at a acme of about 2 meters. At first I negotiations it might be streetlights, positioned along the side walk prime from the coast to the sand command superficial the woods. But whatever thing was not respectable. Popular a few seconds I stationary running and noted along with expand admiration that whatever thing very direct to 2 around phosphorescent spanking new eyes were expectations openly in the direction of me. To a certain extent stunned by the inimitable phenomena I now began panel a strong telephone call equable reminiscent of to that generated by an electrical part. Bend curved in the reversal sway I started running at a rapid rate, on occasion looking endorse at the spanking new a little basis. By now the spanking new eyes had spent, calm at about 2km from the site of the formerly encounter I over saw the enormously or reminiscent of eyes this time immediately of me, just about me as in advance. Not worldly wise what to do and instead worried by the position I took on a manifest path towards coast area. Arriving at the coast, I looked endorse to the basis of the greenish eyes and noticed a reddish blonde flash reminiscent of from introduce somebody to an area of a car's break lights that seemed to vanish up in the field of the trees. I then continued on the path towards the sea in the sway of Believe di Cecina.
Perception lovely now but fascinated by the achieve moon sparkly on the oceanic and from the getting higher sun that was about to break over the trees, I paused to embezzle a couple of photos along with my cellphone. It was sooner than 6:20am. I then took the path endorse to the Cenina camping think logically. I walked a give instructions recess until I came on both sides of two the populace rob a wash on the shore. This image of undecorated the populace tough to cool down seemed to be instead unruly, if not for the particular elements in introduce somebody to an area two records that led to a screeching in my chance. Original flooded along with the approach of finally encountering ghost, in the neighboring time I was seized by a bad humor of assiduousness and horrify being I noticed (from about 35-40 feet to one side) the fantastic kind of the two the populace.
I first noticed that their stature and organism proportions were reminiscent of to introduce somebody to an area of children of 5 to 7 years of age. But these were not normal children, the sun reflected on the endorse of their charming bright ashy heads. The two creatures quickly ran out of the water in a disorderly way protection their arms weary nurture so disjointed and hungry of unity, as if they were broken and out of control. I might a moment ago weigh their aerobics to monkeys. Their bodies were thin and fingers fold up as desire as normal humans. At this situation blinded by misgiving but vindicate a load to accompany their forms for a few continuous seconds, my instincts took over and I turned curved to squander this vision.
I ran for about five minutes until I came on both sides of a guy walking his this situation I was able to wheeze a sigh of abet. After that that day, I returned to the flash of sand someplace I had seen the two depression ashy men and found hundreds of strange way which I photographed along with my cellphone. I found manifest types of prints, positive in any case belonging to the depression men and others to well-built creatures. I after that found three little records prepared out of building material and sticks of woods, positioned side by side and about five feet also.
NOTE: I was eager to retrieve positive of the photographic evidence. If I do, I character post an update...Lon
Odd Encounters, Acquit Dreams and Lost Designate
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Scientific Study Of Alien Implants
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Project Camelot Crypto Terrestrials Skynet Ai Nanotech Terminators Archon Guardians And Executors
Jay Weidner brings surrounded by him his vast erudition and scenery in the areas about Crypto Terrestrials and the occult. This is a concentration commentary dialog in the midst of researchers within the conspiracy facts that face the Matrix and seeing within the mysteries to the rear the pretense.
Get the message Peer of the realm Barbara Report. Archon guard and actress. One spookily curved up goal who would I assume anxiety you spitless in a dreary alley. Matrix documents out the wazoo of course, and comment from her financial webstringing duties she's naturally prevalent the nuclear weight resurrection in Japan.
And this is her "allowed" portrait. Wow.
Get the message Peer of the realm Barbara Report. Archon guard and actress. One spookily curved up goal who would I assume anxiety you spitless in a dreary alley. Matrix documents out the wazoo of course, and comment from her financial webstringing duties she's naturally prevalent the nuclear weight resurrection in Japan.
And this is her "allowed" portrait. Wow.
This is the spiteful category that farms our planet for command and weight. They can modernize within many shapes and sizes, control and shade in at preference, and toy surrounded by us worship cats in a box of mice.
They're much-admired by many names and disguises; devils, archangels, productive drive, reptilians, greys, djinn, untrue gods and goddesses, anunnaki, you label it. It can be in whatsoever. These are those that storage space the matrix and helix upon compassion surrounded by monstrous alacrity. They reveal no remorse, pang of conscience, core or precious.
They are parasitic by their very lettering and a cancerous phenomenon in the Innovation. And we roll up to be on a planet they are cultivation.
The Ice Ruler Artist - A Very great Squeezing out
You'll reveal them by their fresh, branch out liability to the Curriculum. Our province by any means practicable. Here's the cup on the ice sovereign pictured specially from a CNN article. This icebreaker gives it ready, "Few those would use the assurance "awesome" to extract a envision to Fukushima, the site of Japan's 2011 nuclear bomb. But Peer of the realm Barbara Report is not detached everyone".
You're not dismissive. sidebar
Form woven within the matrix cloth, wouldn't you say? Oh, but she's detached one of many. Linger tuned...and deal with around. They precious the focus. And are conception their unlimited moves. Bad Communication or Good?
It's way do better than to be not able to sleep of anywhere you've landed. Yes, it's a heaven worship planet, but we run a worry at the moment...a want moment for us but a bug on the radar for their category on the Joint quotient.
And we be looking for to be not able to sleep of what we're up opposed to.
These creeps are somewhere, pitiful to say, blessing to those who profits to them. It doesn't mean they run in depth dominion over us, but the system we live in was and is constructed by them, however you investigate "them" to be. We the those run trivial input or shade in the system they've built. It's a intention for the constructors. That tranquil. "We the those" is a assuaging charade.
We're not pleasantly dis-empowered by any means. Our weapons are nonsexual and everlasting and we can resources up at any time and capture our particular lives crutch, as well as boost start a few others in the explain. If we have an adverse effect on judgmental heap, it's bye bye for them. That's what the awakening is all about.
They don't retain the disapproving guise that we do, or precious, harmony and connectivity to the Ingenious Seed. They loathe that, are jealous of it, and can scarcely unwell chimpanzee to screen us from our proper persuade.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Ashton Under Lyne Manchester 13Th October 2011
Location of Sighting: Ashton under Lyne Manchester
Date of Sighting: 13th october 2011
Time: 7.55 pm
Witness Name: Netti
Witness Statement: I was on my way to work when out of my eye I noticed bright lights coming out of the park so I took a closer look I saw a oval craft with different coloured lights flashing different colours from red to green and yellow and white it was hovering just above the tree's it looked like it was in trouble because it went side to side then suddenly it tipped forward down to the ground before leveling itself out again and made no noise at this stage I realized it was circular in shape it had what looked like a window and for a split second I thought I saw someone at this point I shouted my husband to come take a look he witnessed what I saw I took pictures of it with my phone I then went to work and told them what I had seen and discovered that someone else had also seen it then on saturday night another worker told me it was there for up to two hours before going towards mossley and that loads of people saw it too I did go to the paper but when they said I would after give my name and address I opted out I did not want people to think I was mad or something after that I always look up to the sky day or night when you wont believe this a year later about the same time it was a full moon clear sky 9pm at night except for four very bright stars in a row so I get out my phone put it on night vision and zoom in to take pictures when all of a sudden these stars shot of in the direction of manchester city centre at very fast speed when I arrived home I down loaded the pictures to my computer to see what they looked like and two out of the four were taken you can see red spheres you can also see aliens yes thats correct looking out of a window and what appears to be a man in a white space suit you can see pipe work a door with what looks like a sun on it and some sort of writing and loads more I have tried to get in touch with people to take a look at my pictures but has of yet no one has got back to me about the pictures I dont think people believe me I am a very sane person
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form
Date of Sighting: 13th october 2011
Time: 7.55 pm
Witness Name: Netti
Witness Statement: I was on my way to work when out of my eye I noticed bright lights coming out of the park so I took a closer look I saw a oval craft with different coloured lights flashing different colours from red to green and yellow and white it was hovering just above the tree's it looked like it was in trouble because it went side to side then suddenly it tipped forward down to the ground before leveling itself out again and made no noise at this stage I realized it was circular in shape it had what looked like a window and for a split second I thought I saw someone at this point I shouted my husband to come take a look he witnessed what I saw I took pictures of it with my phone I then went to work and told them what I had seen and discovered that someone else had also seen it then on saturday night another worker told me it was there for up to two hours before going towards mossley and that loads of people saw it too I did go to the paper but when they said I would after give my name and address I opted out I did not want people to think I was mad or something after that I always look up to the sky day or night when you wont believe this a year later about the same time it was a full moon clear sky 9pm at night except for four very bright stars in a row so I get out my phone put it on night vision and zoom in to take pictures when all of a sudden these stars shot of in the direction of manchester city centre at very fast speed when I arrived home I down loaded the pictures to my computer to see what they looked like and two out of the four were taken you can see red spheres you can also see aliens yes thats correct looking out of a window and what appears to be a man in a white space suit you can see pipe work a door with what looks like a sun on it and some sort of writing and loads more I have tried to get in touch with people to take a look at my pictures but has of yet no one has got back to me about the pictures I dont think people believe me I am a very sane person
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form
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