By Ed Komarek
On a plane and Bypass Joyfully
My blog:
The Canadian Place of birth Pamphlet
American Note down
Unknown Huntsman Communication
I would being to detail the case of a personage rigorous contact that I had years ago. The contact was Sam Standland who was the spontaneous begin of a contactee frequent of mine. ET contact runs in the home-produced. My contactee frequent put me in scrape amongst Sam years ago and had me go try out him at his tail where he lived east of Cairo Georgia about 30 miles. He had contacted the Pentagon to see if it was not bad to talk but they did not get advance amongst him permit unconscious so I went over to try out him down in the dumps amongst my contactee frequent. It would appear that Sam had fallen aim the cracks for example his military records had been scalded up in a mail in the 1970's. Last he talked amongst me, the Pentagon got advance amongst him and gone they found out that he had talked to me they way in him the rebellion act and slick threatened a frequent of his that I had not had contact amongst. His tail was burglarized and all his papers besotted and were later replaced amongst new stand-in ones. He and his frequent went out and got inebriated fixed after all this went down. Silent he cautiously told boss of his story to his spontaneous teenager over a era of undeniable years.
I appear to handle lost my report on this case but what I speed up from the try out was that he had been in the Air Madness and flew in the western Multiparty States amongst a group of pilots disk-shaped 60 I appear to speed up, that took gun camera photos of UFOs. This was in the 1950's and I estimate he alleged the Air Madness had 9 saucers in 1959. He was transferred to the Pentagon where he believed a top secret happen. When he worked at the Pentagon he had opening to files where he saw photos of what's more recent and live aliens. One was where undeniable stand-in types of live ET's were streaked up adjoining a underground stick wall. The pictures were besotted by Jimmy Doolittle. I in addition speed up him telling me about seeing pictures of a crashed saucer middle a measure. The indispensable of the saucer was on a flatbed car and the saucer itself lay on the stratum amongst a big rout in its side amongst pipes and stow locket out. He alleged the craft had hit the ground very obscure and the indispensable of the craft punched aim the wall of the craft conception the rout. He alleged the indispensable was time-consuming but the craft itself was light and can openly be picked up by two men. I had not heard from my contactee frequent for profusion awhile and yesterday I depression I require to observe up this case for my blog as I handle been arrange up one cases so that others can see a brood of the evidence upon which I base my attitude. Now I got a enticement from this frequent and ended up tongue amongst this frequent for a duo of hours this twilight.
My frequent alleged that Sam in addition told her about performance a black and pale movie of the assembly between Person in charge Eisenhower and human ET's which I take the liberty was one of undeniable held assembly that took standpoint in the 1950s. See My frequent says that it showed three craft outlook down over the skywalk bill one flight demonstrations and one craft landed and human ET's came out. They alleged that they were on the verge of to act and be the source of mankind technology to psychoanalysis melanoma and inferior non polluting force technology if they would voters concessions in regards to bad blood and other stow but Eisenhower alleged the government was not ready for that and that inferior force technology would appallingly disturb the penny-pinching.
The ET's were be in charge of arrived a measure where the men pulled armaments on them and alleged they would be labored to be the source of out the information. The ET's walked out aim the wall of the measure and went advance to their ship and did one boss demonstrations being becoming extinct and reappearing and next vanished. This allegedly contributed to Eisenhower's gist attack Sam told his teenager.It is not clear between my frequent and I if Sam was vigorous in ephemeral other persons being airmen or was briefed for one other explanation. My frequent in addition says that Sam told her that he was in North Africa and he watched as two jets tried to shot down a craft and the jets were disintegrated. He saw this amongst his own eyes. My frequent in addition alleged that Sam told her about the military meeting up transceivers dotted about the home by the ET's that gone dropped on the ground would camouflage arrived the ground so as to be obscure to see.This story seems standardized amongst other persons account from the 1950's. I depression Sam told me he retired for example of a disability in the late 1950's but my frequent thinks that he principled might handle been motivated to the Pentagon for work in the 1960's. Sam died a magnitude of years ago so I can declare his reveal. I speed up writing up a report on this at the time but handle not been able to notice it. Contemporary was outlying boss detail but my tribute of the try out has faded. I did not necessitate to voters this case state-run for example of harm to Sam and the home-produced.
I do speed up that this was the first time I had heard of the reveal of Jimmy Doolittle co-conspirator amongst extraterrestrials. I slick talked to John Lear about this over the yell and he factual that Jimmy Doolittle was vigorous. He alleged that gone he first got vigorous amongst UFOs his mother was tense and called the home-produced frequent, Jimmy Doolittle about UFOs and he alleged yes they are real but I can't talk about it. This is a great faraway detail but its new information being this that to be sure strengthens a story in my intelligence. I in addition had never heard of a crash where the time-consuming indispensable punched a rout aim the isolated of the saucer either. He in addition alleged that put on were crashes former 1947, unusual thing that I had not heard at the time. I appear to speed up the date of a pre 1947 crash as 1942. I estimate Sam's story poverty be besotted disobediently. Contemporary is nothing being personally assembly and tongue to people and board their stories as it should be, individually ancestors who do not necessitate to go state-run for example of the repercussions.