Saturday, 24 January 2009

Ufo Sighted Over Toll Plaza In Tampa Florida Usa

Ufo Sighted Over Toll Plaza In Tampa Florida Usa
According to eyewitness and video Filmer, on July 5th, 2013 in Tampa, Florida I observed an unidentified flying object above the Veterans Expressway toll plaza.

After the video ends I had pulled over my car. I looked out my window and back at the toll plaza but the UFO had already moved again. I took a few more looks and notice it was flying low over the trees across the expressway heading back in the opposite direction.

My chase ended here but I wanted to know if anyone knows anything about this or has seen something like this themselves.

The best view I witnessed myself was when I came out the other side of the toll plaza and looked up as I drove underneath it. The UFO was dark and had three lights I could make out that if connected would create a triangle. The UFO didn't make a sound and I could clears see that it wasn't a helicopter. As always, you decide.


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