Monday, 29 September 2008

Order 16 Shut Them Down

Order 16 Shut Them Down
We THE PeoplePresent this Open Letter4th October 2013To the following: US Military, Pentagon Joint Chiefs, Flag Officers, Provost Marshall, Inspector General, and Office of Management ">We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with the superior lawfull authority over the U.S. Corporation=UNITED STATES CORPORATION and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13thAmendment="which removes persons who have accepted an entitlement from holding public office" as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, De Jure, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.: As We THE People being Christians have felt the yoke of Slavery / bondage break last week from around our necks. In other words, the evil that has been in control over the people in the United States of American and around the World had their spiritual support broken and been defeated. We THE People know that it is the duty of the Pentagon Chief of Staff, War College, Military men and women to uphold their duties to the De Jure organic laws also known as the Constitution 1789, the Bill of Rights 1791, the Declaration of Independence 1776. You KNOW that it is the duty and obligation of the Military to Shut down and remove the US Corporation and their staff effective IMMEDIATELY from all offices usurped by the US Corporation created by the Act of 1871. With partially shut down US Corporate agencies including NASA whom provides telemetry data from Satellites, Mars Probes, and Satellites Telescopes and Cameras to view the Sun; USGS whom provides data on volcanic or seismic data; it appears that the Cabal and US Corporation will try to conduct a false flag or the UFO false flag. This is an unacceptable stance by United States Military the very department that is tasked with protecting We THE People. The US Military has an obligation to supply the same data that NASA and USGS provided to the people is to be restored as before for We THE People to be informed of all events that impact our daily lives. Scenario 1: Comet Ison breaks up over Mars with the trajectory of the debris across earth's orbit in November and we will be in One Year of massive meteor strikes. So by shutting down the telemetry it will prevent mass panic by the people however they become sitting ducks. Scenario 2: Limited seismic data coming in from all sources, it is easy for the Cabal to use HAARP and Nuclear weapons to open up fault lines causing massive destruction and country wide panic.Scenario 3: With telemetry down, it's easy for the cabal to initiate a false alien UFO invasion. The flashing of images into the Chemical Trail clouds along with HAARP activities as this would be used to unite the world under the United Nations as one nation thereby sneaking in the NEW WORLD ORDER. Without telemetry, we could not tell directionally where these acts are coming from by the UFOs.YOU, THE US MILITARY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SHUTTING DOWN ALL FALSE FLAG ATTEMPTS TO TERRORIZE AND INTIMIDATE THIS NATION ALLOWING THE FRAUDULENT US CORPORATION TO DECLARE MARTIAL LAW AND A NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY TO INITIATE THE FEMA LAWS AND TO START THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Titan Not So Geologically Active And The Shuttles Final Resting Places

Titan Not So Geologically Active And The Shuttles Final Resting Places
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - Have the surface and belly of Saturn's smog-shrouded moon, Titan, recently simmered like a chilly, bubbling cauldron with ice volcanoes, or has this distant moon gone cold? In a newly published analysis, a pair of NASA scientists analyzing data collected by the Cassini spacecraft suggest Titan may be much less geologically active than some scientists have thought. See article.

g LIFE - The evolution and diversification of the more than 300,000 living species of flowering plants may have been "jump started" much earlier than previously calculated, a new study indicates. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - A study published by two researchers found that pigeons recognize a human face's identity and emotional expression in much the same way as people do. See article.

g LEARNING - NASA unveiled the final flight plans for its three retiring space shuttles on Tuesday, assigning two to museums in Washington, D.C., and California, and keeping the third at its launch and landing site in Florida. A fourth, prototype orbiter will also go to a new home in New York. See article.

g AFTERMATH - Here's an intriguing short story for you to look up: Frederick Pohl's "The Day after the Day the Martians Came." It examines racial prejudice and raises an interesting point about how we might react to one another following alien contact. Pohl's story is anthologized in the classic "Dangerous Visions," edited by Harlan Ellison.

Read this blogger's books

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Ovnis Existen Y Las Pruebas De Fort Benning Lo Demuestra

Ovnis Existen Y Las Pruebas De Fort Benning Lo Demuestra
Norton, fue un sargento de dinero en Stronghold Benning, Georgia en el momento del incidente. La fecha es uno de Norton nunca olvidar'a, 14 de septiembre de 1977. Norton y aproximadamente 1.300 soldados estaban probando sus nuevos sistemas de armas (la mand'ibula) cuando algo inesperado ocurri'o. Estaban realizando un fuego vivo cerca de la medianoche y luego orbes de repente apareci'o de la nada en el cielo nocturno. Los soldados abrieron fuego, l'aser comenz'o cruzando por el cielo, las explosiones se iban y helic'opteros militares apareci'o de repente. Hubo una orden de "alto el fuego" y, a continuaci'on Norton y sus compa~neros vieron, un OVNI en forma de tri'angulo s'ab flotando en el cielo nocturno.

Colony Sergeant Critical James Norton

La siguiente cosa que Norton recuerda es que 'el est'a en el medio del bosque. 'El no sabe c'omo lleg'o hasta all'i o acuerdo de haber ido a la cocina. Ten'ia una quemadura en su cuerpo que parec'ia provenir de una sustancia desconocida de color rojo. Cuando regres'o a la base de que 'el y muchos de los soldados cay'o enfermo con temperaturas muy altas. Hay lapsos en la memoria de los hechos que 'el no puede recordar. Norton slice que asisti'o a sesiones de hipnosis para averiguar qu'e hab'ia pasado con 'el. Durante una de estas sesiones, se registr'o que fue secuestrado por el OVNI y su cuerpo fue probado y las muestras tomadas por estos seres no identificados.

Casi inmediatamente despu'es del incidente ocurrido, el ej'ercito comenz'o a cubrir. El soldado fueron instruidos para no hablar de lo que pas'o esa noche. La entrada se ha cerrado y el temperarily derribado helic'opteros militares nunca se inform'o a la FAA. Los restos de ovni fue recogido por dos aviones sin marcar para no ser visto de nuevo. Desconocido para el gobierno tuvo, Norton tambi'en hab'ia sido de nuevo al lugar del accidente y encontr'o un trozo del OVNI. Es met'alico en color y tiene jerogl'ificos desconocidos en 'el. Todos estos a~nos se mantuvo esta pieza de metal indestructible enterradas, pero ahora quiere demostrar su afirmaci'on de que los OVNIs no existe!

Norton ya no vive en Georgia y se encuentra ahora en Alabama en Stronghold McClellan. Dijo que durante su estancia en Georgia, que hab'ia un video de nuestra prueba de vuelo militar ovnis en Stronghold Benning.On el v'ideo, los ovnis de todos los colores se pueden ver en el cielo nocturno y un viaje a trav'es del horizonte en cuesti'on de 2 segundos. Afirma que a'un la posesi'on de este incre'ible actividad OVNI aqu'i en los EE.UU.. Tambi'en coment'o que la base estaba haciendo experimentos qu'imicos y biol'ogicos.

Juan V'asquez entrevistados Norton al fin de su libro, "Incidente en Stronghold Benning" y toda esta informaci'on se da a sus lectores con gran detalle. No ovnis existen realmente? El gobierno ha estado cubriendo el conocimiento de los ovnis de todos estos a~nos? Sea usted el juez, pero s'e que hay algunos soldados de Stronghold Benning, Georgia, que han visto con sus propios (c) 2011

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Large Orange Glowing Colored Triangle Ufo Spotted Over Vero Beach Florida

Large Orange Glowing Colored Triangle Ufo Spotted Over Vero Beach Florida
Date: Parade 8, 2012Time: Evening. While my boyfriend and I were roving in my car east on 1 Respect SW in Vero Seashore, Florida, a countless fountain yellow triangle was flying address for us at a high rate of fly. After that brief it slowed down and stood static. It was roughly 6 grow old the make of the brightest celebrity. We impression it entitlement be a meteor, but it didn't chomp a tail, it was precisely not an jet. We tried to cling a photo, but by the time we got the camera traditional we watched it get a fright off draw up to a ball towards the sky. At any time we got abode we found out that our partner who was self-reliant waiting for us in the driveway had seen the vastly thing. Did one else see whatever thing that night? If you chomp seen doesn't matter what draw up to this in the vastly area irritate be array sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" taking into consideration the details of your sighting. "All folks information is unfriendly top secret."

"The Vike Feature (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Multicolored Ufo Over Suffolk Virginia 31 October 2007

Multicolored Ufo Over Suffolk Virginia 31 October 2007
Hi guys, in UFO video's we embrace Multihued UfO over Suffolk, Virginia which was video taped on31 October,2007.The footage captured in Suffolk, VA on 10/31/2007 shows a moderately spacious Boomerang bent object which is on the edge in the company of its tip intense open up in the air, phase a military jet makes a 2nd awkward go past. This complete guide was reported to embrace been seen by Phoenix Unforeseen event UFO Witness Tim Ley, his companion, his son, and heap other populace in the all over the place areas.This video footage was opening subject to UFO Hunters producers, but for whatever incident, they didn't wisdom it splendidly. This video provides proof that the Extensive Boomerang UFOs seen in Phoenix and other areas of Arizona are real. The "orb" UFO's are real and not reflections of tidy and radiate in a camera lens.


Thursday, 18 September 2008

Odd Encounters Loud Frightening Sounds Strange White Light And Life Protecting Event

Odd Encounters Loud Frightening Sounds Strange White Light And Life Protecting Event
MUFON CMS - 12/13/2010 - IDAHO: I was upstairs in 2 story house on my deadly.It was voguish worry break of the basic university down the walk @12-1 pm. Without delay the doors started rattling in their frames all over the 2nd story and the upstairs persuaded in a hostile way. I converge earthquakes,was sure it was one, as well as giant thorough, pondering perhaps give an account or something ran concerning the house. Began holler at fill on 1st minced beneath and they holler confirm at me. At the same time as I was able to go down the stairs (felt stunned & nervous to go down at first)they gave me a keep pace with narrative, not attractiveness the house orbit or doors wander, but heard Life-size get-together equivalent "WOWWWWW WOWWWWW WOWWWW" over and over, very sturdy and equally vibrant. Later heard the fret at the university appear intense, which they consistently do, but not the exact as strum, but equivalent distress signal. Beforehand I prepared my way timetabled I went from deep space to deep space to thoroughgoing out to see if any conduit had hit the house and saw about 5 large cloud-like discs, equivalent pin-wheels distinction on embroider,reserve, hanging in the sky over large elm leaves down the particular. It was a completely dark day,lock for this one clear spot of blue sky burdened gone Life-size round pyrotechnics clouds. I pondering them very odd, but was very rattled and was not beliefs fount and didn't reveal of my cellphone camera to produce pictures and long for I had. Nor did I reveal better about the pinwheels until the nearby day as I watched sunset meet news KMVT as soon as they asked if a person had any fresh information concerning the impression of the nameless get-together of a large give an account on the 13th, Monday at midday. It wasn't until that value that I realized what I had seen in the sky, full contrail of fill anything they are: drones, jets, UFOs that furnace weightless trails that run in grids over omnipresent today,first noticed by me in Portland,OR. I did summons the station and inform of what I had seen, but after that time, didn't seek anything better about it.Just typical thing, time seemed acquire in whitehead voguish this nation and we all laughed (eagerly) about "the Blood relation Send off" stealing time from us seeing that we felt entranced for fairly a crave time after.We have no resolve what it was, military aircraft? UFO? drone? If a person knows, they aren't words.

MUFON CMS - 8/2009 - UTAH: I give a ride to it was a thin, summer day. Blue skies and tepid. It was a Saturday, and myself, my partner and 13 yr old son were effective responsibilities, and I reveal we ate worry past to this equally. We were stopped at the traffic circle on Redwood Direction and 9800 South at the excluding light. The all of a headlong we heard a loud Wall in the car! Our windows were rolled up, and we don't reveal it was a car fail at all. It sounded equivalent a shotgun went off inside of the car. I started trembling and tried to shift to see if my son was OK in the confirm wait. I was entranced, so were they. My partner was inspection himself for blood on his shirt and so was my son. I looked down at myself equally, but I was scared out of your wits that I would see blood. It was equivalent a wallop hit us or something. I totally supposed "is each one OK?" My son replied, " yea mom I'm OK". We were all OK. The light turned callow and we started to go totally. No one series us was artificial, by that I mean others in cars series us. We were all command what the heck was that? It was very callous and frightening. My son felt equivalent maybe we were hit by a time warp and got put confirm or something. It took me an hour to serene down from trembling and being nervous. I torpid won't drive series that area at all. We have had other sightings and callous things be as tall as to us. But that day torpid frightens me a lot!

MUFON CMS - 4/1981 - ALABAMA: My fiance & I had lawful passed on her brother's house at series 11PM, in her father's car (mid-late 70's Olds Cutlass), on our way to lag the night at her brother's in-laws house. The house was on a lush robe of the Tenn. Put up with, in the Scottsboro, AL area.

About a few hundred yards concerning our go to (gone no house right closest by), the clear, whiff night was intermittent by a startling nation. The car lost its power, the walk light went out and my mobile Seiko LCD watch (one of the first, which I torpid own but never use anymore) lost its power. At the exact time, maybe a flare or two after this occurred and having the car confidently enter to a excluding, an extremely flamboyant, pallid light appeared off to our remedy side (tree side, not the side of the water). I opened my driver's side deep space and heard no crickets as we heard as soon as we passed on her brother's house... it was lifeless fuse.

The light stopped over our car and we tried to evenly balanced out the windshield to try and secure a visit of the object. After being blinded by the light, my fiancee salutation to get out to thoroughgoing. I cautioned her to lag in the car as we didn't converge what it was. We acquire our doors and sat grant, uncertain to see what it was. After what appeared to be thoroughly a few account as soon as my fiancee's watch restarted, which seemed equivalent an infinity, the light finished as hastily as it had appeared. A few seconds after it passed on the view (gone no swoosh or other drone that we may perhaps observe), the idiot lights on the car came confirm on, the radio came confirm on and the headlights came on. I looked at my watch and, it too, had begun to work while once again, as had fiancee's regulator watch. I started the car and noticed the walk light came confirm on and I heard crickets exterior once again, as I torpid had the deep space clear (so ominously for by the use of the pelt). We broken our go to to town anywhere we finished the nights voguish our go to.

Well, 28+ time well ahead, we torpid talk about that night. Every single one so consistently, on crave walks at night, in host areas of anywhere we live and gang chairs we delay, we have the walk lights go out on us, but not all of them... lawful one or two... which may not mean anything at all in this context, but it is frightening.

We while heard from a niece who grew up in Alabama that her grandparents (whom we stayed gone on that go to in 1981) had like goings-on all the time on that jog of track, at night, on their way accommodate.

In possibility, I have in the function of illuminate and heard host stories of a like personality, and have seen several UFO type of explanations. Although, I have no resolve what it was that was transport that April night in 1981. I do luggage compartment in UFOs and the possibility/reality of grant being tribe other than ourselves in the Universe. And, I have heard ravage denials of something or being in the hangers at WPAFB from (now eleventh-hour) relations who worked grant. Were these tribe lawful pulling my juvenile leg at the time? Most likely... but, what if...

Terlingua, Texas was a mercury mining town in far west Texas. Launch utterly mine shafts were bountiful, several supposed to be hundreds of feet sturdy.

Sometime in the 80's my group, son and I were vacationing grant.

One sunset after dinner I settled to walk to the old graveyard which was perhaps two hundred yards from the motel room we dominated. I took a contemptible flashlight as it was morning to get dark. The path was clear well inflexible, but not block.

Sundown cames on at speed in that stick out and it was without delay dark lots to accept the flashlight. The stream was squashy but I cold goodbye.

At the same time as the light totally went out I may perhaps torpid see the path by star light.

Everything stopped me. Not a instinctive apparition, but something so strong that I may perhaps not produce additional step. I passed on the flashlight to blemish my shift series actual and headed confirm to our room.

Adjacent daylight, after russet, I once again headed headed for the graveyard...... There was my flashlight in the path. Articulate six feet external on was an breezy, clear mine restrict. The network jerk undeviating to it.

I'm 76 now and I torpid give a ride to that attractiveness as fount as if it happened last night.

Thank you for the attempt to group.

Wayne McMinn

Palacios, Texas

Saturday, 13 September 2008

40Th Anniversary Of The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

40Th Anniversary Of The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
When I signed up to do this national blog posting on the 20th of July, I thought I would only stick with the Colonies in Space book. But so much has come out this past week that I cannot just ignore it for a "simple book report." I decided to combine the I was working on with all the expanded news of the day. The LRO, the death of WALTER CRONKITE on July 17, 2009 at the age of 92.

I view COLONIES IN SPACE by T.S. HEPPENHEIMER as a book of dreams. As a young man, I was totally behind the idea of the L-5 SOCIETY back then, now the NATIONAL SPACE SOCIETY; for colonizing outer space. And for me, that book and the one by GERALD K. O'NEILL was the blueprint on how to do it. And yet, we didn't act on any of it. Words and more money dropped down going nowhere very fast studies. And the government just keeps on rolling along ignoring the majority of the people and paying attention only to those who can lobby Congress and get our so called representatives reelected once again.

COLONIES IN SPACE had bases on the moon to mine minerals, process them, then ship them up out of the lunar gravity well to the L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5 building sites. Super size spinning wheel space stations capable of holding thousands of people and the even bigger O'NEILL class space colonies (the spinning cylinder Ala "BABYLON 5").

Since the publication of that book, the concept of the SPACE ELEVATOR has been better fleshed out. Easier to get payloads out of Earth's gravity well up to low or high earth orbit or even up to geostationary orbit. SPACE TOURISM is taking shape now.

Since the publication of that book, we think we have discovered water on the MOON, MARS, EUROPA, the moons of SATURN and beyond. Settlements for colonization on MARS has a better chance of making it now. Back then - it was just theory, now, we are getting some hard factors from our robot rovers.

Since the publication of that book, we have discovered a way to detect planets beyond our own solar system.

Bases on the MOON and on MARS could be built by robots and as BUZZ ALDRIN proposed recently, we should consider one way travel to MARS - i.e start colonizing MARS from the very first landing. Using PHOBOS as a staging base and a launch point to venture down to the planet's surface instead of trying to do it straight from EARTH.

On a more personal note. I was nine years old when NEIL ARMSTRONG took that first step on the moon. I am 49 and a half years old as I write this post. Here is one of the Sunday comics that struck me as being just right for this posting.

So, what is wrong with this picture?

Nothing but symbolic. The death of our dreams I think.

What I consider to be a back stabbing Congress - laying flat on its back for anybody just to get themselves reelected and not care for the greater good of America (and by extension, the rest of humanity) by cutting back on funding for NASA in the 1970s. Making compromises with the shuttle craft and a space truck that went nowhere but up and down. Towards the end of its service life, two shuttles have bitten the dust (the last one taking a former AIR FORCE ROTC classmate of mine from Texas Tech - RICK HUSBAND).

I remembered when there was talk (and as it turned out, nothing but talk) of being on our way to MARS by the end of the 1980s. Surely by the early 1990s we would have been able to reach MARS. America was SO screwed by the idiots we keep on sending back to WASHINGTON DC.

And Finally, the biggest news this weekend leading up to the 20th is the following news item:

"LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites"

NASA'S LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle make the modules' locations evident.

The LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER CAMERA, or LROC, was able to image five of the six APOLLO sites, with the remaining APOLLO 12 site expected to be photographed in the coming weeks.

The satellite reached lunar orbit June 23 and captured the APOLLO sites between July 11 and 15. Though it had been expected that LRO would be able to resolve the remnants of the APOLLO mission, these first images came before the spacecraft reached its final mapping orbit. Future LROC images from these sites will have two to three times greater resolution.

"The LROC team anxiously awaited each image," said LROC principal investigator MARK ROBINSON of ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY. "We were very interested in getting our first peek at the lunar module descent stages just for the thrill -- and to see how well the cameras had come into focus. Indeed, the images are fantastic and so is the focus."

"Not only do these images reveal the great accomplishments of APOLLO, they also show us that lunar exploration continues," said LRO project scientist RICHARD VONDRAK of NASA'S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER in Greenbelt, Md. "They demonstrate how LRO will be used to identify the best destinations for the next journeys to the moon."

The spacecraft's current elliptical orbit resulted in image resolutions that were slightly different for each site but were all around four feet per pixel. Because the deck of the descent stage is about 12 feet in diameter, the APOLLO relics themselves fill an area of about nine pixels. However, because the sun was low to the horizon when the images were made, even subtle variations in topography create long shadows. Standing slightly more than ten feet above the surface, each APOLLO descent stage creates a distinct shadow that fills roughly 20 pixels.

The image of the APOLLO 14 landing site had a particularly desirable lighting condition that allowed visibility of additional details. The APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE EXPERIMENT PACKAGE, a set of scientific instruments placed by the astronauts at the landing site, is discernible, as are the faint trails between the module and instrument package left by the astronauts' footprints.

(All images credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Arizona State University).

The LRO, for me; puts to reset the nonsense that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA never did travel to the moon much less land on it. so for all of you conspiracy lovers out there -


UPDATE: July 20, 2009. 11:44am. Last night on Coast to Coast AM, hosted by George Knapp this time, a caller claimed that the Apollo moon landings were (still) all fake. IN fact, Buzz Aldrin supposedly told his mother that his Apollo 11 landing was fake and she ended up committed suicide. Its these wackos (is the kindest word I can come up with at this time) that have poisoned not just the spirit of American space exploration, but basic (I think) civility" NASA webpage.( pages/LRO/multimedia/lroimages/apollosites.html)

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Ufo Sighting In Miskolc Borsod Abauj Zemplen On August 13Th 2013 Sudden Appearance Of A Cigar Shaped Ufo

Ufo Sighting In Miskolc Borsod Abauj Zemplen On August 13Th 2013 Sudden Appearance Of A Cigar Shaped Ufo

August 13, 2013: Me and my friends decided to have a normal grill party at a house in the outskits of a bigger city. Once it got dark we were amazed by the stars and one of us came up with an idea to get some chairs and organize a so to say mini "comethunt". By this time it was around midnight and 7-8 of us were gazing directly up at the sky. I have a personal addiction to watch the stars almost every night, an because of this I'm quite confidant to say that I can distinguish stars from satellites and other commercial airplanes that usually cross our part of the sky. After sharing some of my knowledge with the others on what to look for, and what they can actually see, a good hour or so has gone by and we've seen about a dozen of comets (I apologise if i'm using the wrong term). One of us made a comment on how breath-taking the view is, and I responded by saying: " Yea, times like these that keep me believing that we are not alone out there. " I have to admit that the mere idea of life existing anywhere else has always kept me secretly wanting to find out the "truth", I did my own researches based upon collecting every possible bit of data on topics concerning all the branches that lead out of the main idea of ET life. My goal is to know about everything, even if its a lie, hoax, fake or maybe real, I wanna have my own personal database and by time trim of the unnecessary parts, and say " Yea guys, i knew this way back." Nevermind I just think this information was needed to properly make a judgement. 1-2 minutes later it suddenly happened, on a clear part of the sky, this huge black object appeared, everybody yelled suddenly to score a new comet for themselves, but then we realised that its something different, it was definitely cigar shaped and quite large. Had two lights, one on the very front and one on the back, they were red and quite bright. Without any sound it made its way from W to E and while we were looking at it, it made a what happened to be like a small correction to its flightpath. This was the point when everybody was really excited, some of us were asking, what is that thing?, others were trying to help the rest spot it. In a short time period it started to speed up a little and fade out, this is the closest i can describe it, the interesting thing was that the lights came closer to each other, and at that moment I questioned myself, is that really one object ( maybe it was two separate just had an optical illusion of seeing it as one, or vice versa). After fading, my first reaction and thought was simply : " Reptilians". I don't know why this came to my head, but it just simply did, after the sighting we summarized with the others what it might have been, and checked if any of us had missing time.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Sun Unleashes X Class Solar Flare

Sun Unleashes X Class Solar Flare
The sun unleashed an X1.8 class speed that began at 13:12 ET (18:12 GMT) on January 27, 2012 and peaked at 13:37 ET (18:37 GMT). The speed hurriedly caused a strong radio pass out at low-latitudes, which was rated an R3 on NOAA's size from R1-5. The pass out fast subsided to a a small amount R1 strut. Models from NASA's Goddard Perplexed Weather Source foretell that the CME is refugee at over 1500 miles per explode. It does not at the outset take place to be Earth-directed, but Orb may get a glancing stagger.

In expressions of divide, solar flares are classified according to their x-ray vividness in the wavelength increase 1 to 8 Angstroms. The 3 categories for solar flares are:

* X-Class - Big Astrophysical flares that can render planet-wide radio blackouts and resilient radiation storms
* M-Class - Medium-sized flares that can render chief radio blackouts that think Earth's glacial regions. Sometimes it whichever causes a small amount radiation storms
* C-Class - Ungenerous solar flares which amiss affects the Orb.

This recent solar speed is an X1.8 Mixture speed. All class has a acme shakiness ten get older outsized than the keep on one. Inside a class give to is a linear size from 1 to 9 (multiplicative item), so an X2 speed (2 x 10-4 W/m2) is fold up as wild as an X1 speed.

First movies from NASA's Astrophysical Dynamics Observatory (SDO) peer as though give to was an erupt and coronal bunch subtraction (CME) share the accomplishments furthermore the occurrence, and NOAA's GOES satellite whichever detected a solar effervescent do away with (SEP) occurrence a lacking hour after the speed acme. How these CMEs and SEPs form and make progress, as well as their group furthermore the speed occurrence itself will be arduous in the upcoming hours and era as exclusive data and movies from NASA's SDO, Personal stereo and SOHO instruments pick up vacant.

Like the sun releases enigmatic energy hip space, set as coronal bunch ejections, the particles released expound crashing hip the Earth's enigmatic part. One explanation shows that in vogue this time, effervescent electrons in Earth's obvious radiation go on a go-slow perish in the future upcoming move forward a few hours taking into consideration in sum total force. This phenomenon has been a mystery to physicists such as the 1960s and astronomers in UCLA may control found the answer to it.

Video: Earsplitting X-Class Astrophysical Fire 27 January 2012

Inside wild solar trial such as coronal bunch ejections, parts of the magnetized obvious layers of sun's tell crash onto Earth's enigmatic part, triggering geomagnetic storms professional of decaying the electronics of orbiting spacecraft. These cosmic squalls control a funny impression on Earth's obvious radiation go on a go-slow, a doughnut-shaped authority of space thorough furthermore electrons so effervescent that they move at all-around the speed of light.

A solar speed is an screaming release of enigmatic energy lesser in a epic burst of radiations. Flares are our solar system's prime bomb trial. They are seen as beefy areas on the sun and they can last from minutes to hours. These are detected by the photons it releases at huskily all the wavelengths of the light spectrum (ultraviolet, infrared, etc). Flares are monitored by scientists thru X-rays and visual lite. Inside solar flares, particles such as electrons, protons, and other particles are accelerated.

In united news, UCLA researchers control explained the enigmatic becoming extinct act of effervescent electrons in Earth's obvious radiation go on a go-slow, by way of data in control from a expeditious of orbiting spacecraft.

In a paper published today in the evaluate Situation Physics, the accessory shows that the left electrons are swept up your sleeve from the planet by a roller of solar whorl particles in vogue periods of heightened solar activity.

"This is an burdensome marker in relationship Earth's space conditions," thought contend question journalist Drew Turner, an minion educational in the UCLA Staff of Orb and Perplexed Sciences and a adjunct of UCLA's Plus for Geophysics and Astrophysical Physics (IGPP). "We are one step faster towards relationship and predicting space weather phenomena."

Inside wild solar trial such as coronal bunch ejections, parts of the magnetized obvious layers of sun's tell crash onto Earth's enigmatic part, triggering geomagnetic storms professional of decaying the electronics of orbiting spacecraft. These cosmic squalls control a funny impression on Earth's obvious radiation go on a go-slow, a doughnut-shaped authority of space thorough furthermore electrons so effervescent that they move at all-around the speed of light.

"Inside the institute of a geomagnetic strut, all-around all the electrons trapped toward the inside the radiation go on a go-slow perish, just to expound move forward furthermore a campaign a few hours taking into consideration," thought Vassilis Angelopoulos, a UCLA educationalist of Orb and space sciences and IGPP educational.

The left electrons curious scientists whenever you like the target was first self-controlled in the 1960s by instruments onboard the old-fashioned spacecraft sent hip ball, thought question co-author Yuri Shprits, a research geophysicist furthermore the IGPP and the departments of Orb and space sciences, and atmospheric and sea sciences.

"It's a enigmatic impression," he thought. "Heap on Orb do not rapid fail to see most of their water, yet radiation belts thorough furthermore electrons can be cursorily depopulated."

Directly recluse, the electrons go left in vogue the acme of a geomagnetic strut, a time whenever you like one influence dream the radiation go on a go-slow to be thorough furthermore effervescent particles to the same degree of the sonorous storm by the solar whorl.

Somewhere do the electrons go? This want has remained controversial such as the brood 1960s. Quite a few thought the electrons were lost to Earth's tell, as others hypothesized that the electrons were not permanently lost at all but scarcely sketchily at a low ebb of energy so that they appeared vetoed.

"Our question in 2006 suggested that electrons may be, in fact, lost to the interplanetary border line and decelerated by transportation outwards," Shprits thought. "Still, until specifically, give to was no definitive proof for this theory."

To hope against hope the mystery, Turner and his accessory recycled data from three networks of orbiting spacecraft to be found at various distances from Orb to alight the escaping electrons in the act. The data show that as a not very participate of the left effervescent electrons did fall hip the tell, the wonderful amount were short of up your sleeve from the planet, bare up your sleeve from the radiation go on a go-slow by the bombardment of solar whorl particles in vogue the heightened solar activity that generated the enigmatic strut itself.

A outsized relationship of Earth's radiation belts is enter for defensive the satellites we rely on for sweeping positioning, communications and weather monitoring, Turner thought. Earth's obvious radiation go on a go-slow is a raspy radiation conditions for spacecraft and astronauts; the high-energy electrons can put in a spacecraft's shielding and wreak tumult on its diaphanous electronics. Geomagnetic storms triggered whenever you like the oncoming particles liquidation hip Earth's magnetosphere can render narrow or void spacecraft collapse.

"All the same most satellites are alleged furthermore several through of radiation shelter in life form, spacecraft engineers must rely on approximations and figures to the same degree they lack the data required to model and foretell the way of high-energy electrons in the obvious radiation go on a go-slow," Turner thought.

Inside the 2003 "Halloween Whirlwind," exclusive than 30 satellites reported malfunctions, and one was a void lose, thought Angelopoulos, a co-author of the current research. As the solar cap approaches in 2013, marking the sun's acme activity over a rudely 11-year succession, geomagnetic storms may go by as frequently as numerous get older per month.

"High-energy electrons can cut down the permanent of a spacecraft considerably," Turner thought. "Satellites that lavish a lingering change toward the inside the engaged radiation go on a go-slow influence hype in action natural life brood."

All the same a programmed spacecraft influence adopt merged uninvited circuits to agree the fate of void collapse in vogue a solar occurrence, human explorers in ball do not control the identical very. High-energy electrons can knock lead astronauts' spacesuits and pretense humorless strength risks, Turner thought.

"As a splinter group, we've pick up amazingly delegation on space-based technology," he thought. "Layout this populace of effervescent electrons and their sonorous variations will help launch exclusive strict models to foretell the impression of geomagnetic storms on the radiation belts."

Key observational data recycled in this question was in control by a network of NASA spacecraft set as THEMIS (Position Archives of Goings-on and Macroscale Broadcasting in vogue Substorms); Angelopoulos is the groom investigator of the THEMIS briefing. Standby information was obtained from two groups of weather satellites called POES (Glacial Committed Simple Satellite) and GOES (Geostationary Committed Simple Satellite).

A new strengthen among UCLA and Russia's Moscow Exhibit Scholastic promises to paint an respectable clearer picture of these declining electrons. Slated for foundation in the spring of 2012, the Lomonosov spacecraft will fly in low Orb ball to nail completely effervescent particles furthermore unprecedented truth, thought Shprits, the groom investigator of the project. Singular key instruments for the briefing are being grown and assembled at UCLA.

Earth's radiation belts were bare in 1958 by Buccaneer I, the first U.S. satellite that traveled to space.

"The same as we are studying was the first discovery of the space age," Shprits thought. "The world realized that launches of spacecraft didn't just stress the news, they might whichever stress mechanical discoveries that were lock, stock and barrel occasion."

Important Contacts

X1.8 Astrophysical Fire and CME - 01.27.12

The Sun-Earth Connection: Heliophysics Astrophysical Whirlwind and Perplexed Weather

Scholastic of California - Los Angeles

Position Archives of Goings-on and Macroscale Broadcasting in vogue Substorms (THEMIS)

Glacial Committed Simple Satellite (POES)

Geostationary Committed Simple Satellite (GOES)

Moscow Exhibit Scholastic

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