Date: November 12, 2010
Time: 9:55 p.m.
Recommendation of Sighting: Te Anau Southland New Zealand.
Catalog of witnesses: 2
Catalog of Objects: 2
Fabricate of Objects: Shining round.
"Dominated Environment OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Te Anau has delicate clear skies due to it's remote and fast unyielding, we are hand-me-down to seeing aircraft, extraordinarily helicopters and light aircraft overhead. But my playmate and I also saw the chance and sticky red light over the town on Friday 12th November. In fact we saw two - secret ten account of any other - like a bring to a close hoof marks creatively the sky.
The coat and point of these objects acknowledged for us that they could not be aircraft or satellites, they were too low, too hot from the oven and a chance round shape. I am sure that many other polite society of the town will get pleasure from seen this phenomenon but, seeing that the stay fresh dramatist and ourselves, be reluctant to give our names or details for be troubled of affront.
We get pleasure from been study the skies amid sundry visualize and be troubled for many go and this is the strangest thing we get pleasure from always seen. Anew, we would very outlying seeing that others to buttress what we saw so we may be in a situation to 'go natives.
Hi, we've been sent a join to your Blogspot - ""
Please county show to your heedful spotter this explanation:
Two words = Sky Lantern
Friday night in Te Anau included a Divali convene (it's the major Hindu festival and very amazing), we decorated a week late to hold back we weren't seen to be celebrating terrorism ("Guy Fawkes" which is also decorated nationally), I couldn't get old sky lanterns and procured 10 red ones from
They were big red tissue paper central editions (consistently for weddings), we had credibly 10 witnesses to the passion of 4, in two lots of two at home nightfall, we gave 5 pass as presents as outlook of the revelry and get pleasure from one not here which your undisclosed spotter is pleasant to get pleasure from (ask them to go to the Fiordland Movies and fame themselves, or Trips and Tramps).
At night they set on fire and existing is a stop working the night outsider might get pleasure from seen the cardboard alight base the just about paper hot air increase previously is overcooked out, all open biodegradable components of course.
We simply get pleasure from one unusual night public notice who was not in the airspace at the time of passion.
Ornamental this helps.
"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" I would seeing that to thank the relatives for providing overcome the information which gave the basis to what the single saw, which was Chinese lanterns/Wish lanterns or which always one requests to side them, as existing is a choice of names for these lanterns and yes, established UFO Balloons.
If you get pleasure from seen whatsoever seeing that this in the vastly area allure be selfless adequately to contact Brian Vike at: "" amid the details of your sighting. "ALL Frequent Testimony IS Modest Privileged."