Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Technique Could Help Scientists Find Extrasolar Planets

Technique Could Help Scientists Find Extrasolar Planets
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g ABODES - When Venus passed between the Earth and the Sun on June 6, 2012, astronomers used the opportunity to watch how the sunlight reflected off the Moon changed during the transit. The technique could help scientists to find planets in orbit around other stars. See article.g INTELLIGENCE - A University of Oklahoma-led study has demonstrated that ancient DNA can be used to understand ancient human microbiomes. The microbiomes from ancient people have broad reaching implications for understanding recent changes to human health, such as what good bacteria might have been lost as a result of our current abundant use of antibiotics and aseptic practices. See article.g MESSAGE - Interstellar transmissions via energy-markers (photons) or matter-markers (probes) appear to be energetically indistinguishable alternatives for advanced technical societies. Since only Type II and Type III civilizations realistically can afford beacons or star probe technology, alternative distinguishability criteria suggest the possible superiority of intelligent artifacts for contact and communication missions among extraterrestrial cultures. A balanced, more cost-effective Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence strategy is needed. See article.Get your SF book manuscript edited Amazon.com Widgets

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