The Fifth Annual X Discussion group took stand, 17th to 19th April 2009: Very well precise of the Speakers present- George Noory, Edgar Mitchell, Col John Alexander, Graham Hancock, Colin Andrews, Richard Dolan, Milton Torres and Decline Pope. For natives sensitive in seeing the videos from you tube, into they are below: Position A Position B Position C Position D Position E Does this assist Ufology? are these people credible? do you cartel in them? and yes Decline Pope is one of the speakers! Coupled LINKS: CNN " Past Astronaut: Man not desolate in universe " (posted 2oth April, 2009) " Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon fee, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being hidden by the U.S. and other governments.He delivered his interpretation during an band at the Territory Endorse Hit adherent the bar of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the module of alien life forms " (extract from article). Curator " Past Apollo Astronaut calls on US government to to be had up' about aliens " (posted 22nd April) " Mitchell's objective in the existence of aliens is well established. In an grilling near the Era in 1998, he alleged he is "90% sure that manifold of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to troupe from other planets (extract from article). " X conference 2009 Hilton Gaithersburg, MD "Posted in are we alone?, extraterrestials, IFO, news, ufo, ufo balloons, ufo cover up, ufo Organisations, ufo photographs, ufo updates, ufo video, ufo's, world UFO sightings Tagged: fifth annual X conference, national press league
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