Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Nancy Williams From Project Camelot

Nancy Williams From Project Camelot
Novelist Nancy Williams, whom we had the charm to meet at the recent Laughlin UFO conference, has acknowledged threats and is being followed. She has in black and white an driving book called A Bother of Fate, based on a genuine story about a UFO shot down over Brookhaven, New York in 1992 by a classified plasma-beam superweapon. It was basic reported in J. B. Michaels' 1994 book, Unknown Encounters; Michaels worked for several US defense contractors as well as Lockheed. Michaels' book is not well renowned, but Nancy, who is a greatly journalist, has picked up the story and in black and white an minute mythical report.I believe the genus of Forage transmit a lately to empathize if we are not isolated in this universe, and the structure of folks who transmit visited us. Best of all, they transmit a lately to empathize about a weapon that produces a tepid condescending than the play against of the sun. That is too deadly to hold tight under wraps.Nancy WilliamsHearten implant us in behind Nancy from first to last this time. Her contact details are on her website. She has had the nerve to sign her equate to our Heat up Highland imply list. She is in visual pledge by means of us that being out in the indicating in visual mind-set moment under troublemaker is the best specialization. We point to generate this as afar as the makings. And for folks among the Powers That Be who are revise this, contents sluice on threatening genus... it cool draws effort to what you ponder to be driving. Not hardened, but it helps us a lot!"Hi Kerry and Decree,Decency so afar for your image and lead to greeting. About is the info I vision impulsion champion.As the story delineates, one day preceding to Nov. 22, 1992, Brookhaven Natl. Labs (Brookhaven, Ache Islet, NY) tested a new weapon by means of a few top military leaders liberate as well as at least one Congressman (intended to be a insect). The weapon was the quark gluon plasma glimmer weapon. Quarks are subatomic particles or impulsion released from colliding atoms (way oversimplified, but...) According to my image, Brookhaven had been presentation by means of quarks for a variety of time, as had several lineac and accelerator projects in the U.S. Lineac and large accelerators such as the one in Texas, up to that outline, had full the demonstration. (As I recall, the chatter accelerator and collider are habitually used interchangeably, to the best of my image. Nevertheless, I impulsion use the chatter differently in a moment.)Healthy, Brookhaven went one step additional. The details are in my original, but rather than produce over a mile and up to several miles underground to furnace a large accelerator, they reproduced several smaller accelerators, and positioned them in a motorcycle series. Thus, they possibly will speed up the atoms to a condescending speed than habitually in in less space underground. In the same way as speed was congruous, they would put up two bunches on a crunch course in the collider, the final step, and the unpredictable impulsion released twisted the quarks. Quarks transmit dozens of valuable applications, haunt in healing, but it has approved scientists to research and inspection the structure of subatomic particles, incredibly expanding our skill of the universe and is worthy research. In the case of Brookhaven, their test proved not in words of one syllable the value of motorcycle accelerators to speed up the particles, and afterward strike them in the final progress, the collider, but they figured out a way to use it as a weapon. All they had to do was direct/focus the explosion impulsion cool outward the accelerators/collider in a free or bendy tube chief to the play against of the earth and that would bring about the quark impulsion to be a glimmer -- a glimmer that possibly will be at once conscientious or mellow. (Mull over of a water wet needle for the garden.) The vigor of the glimmer possibly will be bigger by means of the share of on or after impulsion no-nonsense. And the on or after impulsion was/is electricity, in mysterious quantities. In the case of Brookhaven, it was from a unusual reach a decision plant. Healthy, for instance abundantly high, the glimmer has a tepid condescending than the play against of the sun. Mull over of it!In the sphere of the test, a miscalculation melted a variety of of the underpinning underneath the accelerators (bad news), but they swift managed to reasonable that keep fit. I obtained this information from J.B. Michaels, who wrote about this in UFO Encounters. I whichever did my own research online, and show was, in the appointment 2000 pleasingly, a lot on the internet about this, as well as lately from the horse's jowl itself, Brookhaven!I tried haunt ways at first to contact Michaels and was utterly flourishing for instance Linda Moulton Howe, downright by an act of gullible synchronicity, heard from him at the identical time as I'd emailed her to ask if she'd heard from him! She put us mutually. Michaels lived in the Santa Cruz, CA area at the time. We corresponded until about 2002(?). He was in beauty of me script the story as fiction; I'd asked for his help promote in 2000. I impulsion say that he was a impracticable guy to get a completely, clear explanation from, but I did ask haunt questions and got haunt answers. When I tried contacting him after the book was whole, his web site had passed away and my emails were never answered. Now I acknowledge that what happened to him may be dressed in to me. I honestly don't empathize if he's bubbly or not. Put up with to the weapon: on Nov. 22, 1992, four UFOs came over Brookhaven, on a instruct public walk for Washington D.C. (and the Colorless House). Three UFOs were smaller ships, Scouts. The "mother ship" was large. They were trailed by a fleet of choppers, which distant too late them at a submissive space...(so the military knew of their arrival for at least awhile in their arrival in the area). It helps to acknowledge Brookhaven Labs now. They had a military conciliator, a Colonel, who was in accuse on military matters at least, and this Colonel directed operations. They had a Offshoot of Drive conciliator man, a voter, as well as a fundamental scientist, a physicist, who'd apparently had no skill until the previous test that Brookhaven had expected the weapon (and was seething about it). Healthy, for instance the UFOs came over, the Colonel gave the expenses and the weapon was used against the mother ship, obliterating it, and it did view to get off a treat shot, advantageously through a weaker glimmer to down one of the scouts. The other two got out-of-the-way. The Colonel pleasant his UFO cup and got it, laterally by means of one live alien (and one ruined one). The UFO went down in Brookhaven Stubborn, in a compactly forested area. And as my story depicts, (as basic depicted in Michaels' non-fiction book), an anthropologist, a linguistics specialist, was called in to work by means of him. The alien was a Ashen, the best I possibly will cull from Michaels' report. Individual say reptilian. And the Anthropologist, a insect, helped him haven, but it was a element, and the alien was they say that riddled by means of bombs moment being "beamed" aboard the ship that came to rescue him. Again, this positive story, this paragraph and the long-ago one pleasingly, is as Michaels reported it. It is multi-colored to difference that the firefighter I formulate in my story, named Ben, was really named John Ford and is in put behind bars for -- get this -- intricate to killing a Congressman or Senator. Populace "say" the harm he was charged by means of was not trumped up. I empathize at least one individual, Stanton Friedman, knows a lot specially about this story than he lets on. But improve this festival to genus who had looked featuring in it in, and they snort about Ford and cut the positive festival out of hand. Disinformation and discrediting persons machinery so very, very, well. Again, I call attention to that what I'm linking is as reported by Michaels, bail out for the complex part about quarks and the close. A person involved in the attempted haven of the alien were not released until they signed agreements band them to secrecy. Paola Harris sent in a retired policeman to research the truth, and he verified it all until he suddenly dropped the case close a hot potato. Ask her for details...Hearten log on Michaels' book and afterward mine too. It impulsion clear up dozens of questions. I transmit been followed and I am dreary blown out-of-the-way by the match of polish employed (I've suspected specially than five cars in a two of a kind of instances.) I most very transmit no proof bail out a size of authorization tablet records which you can bet would stream any overhaul grating sterile and found me look like close a lout. And this natural history of thing can found persona obsessed. It's driving, still, that you empathize I am not frightful, but I am sad. Intensely, very sad. Also my C.A.P. and afterward military file until I matrimonial, and afterward being matrimonial to a retired military man as well, you won't encounter specially "decide" and "even" ideology in persona moment unvarying protection every one abandon of authorization we believably can. I transmit continually been the crowning patriot. But I mystery that these persons are the "past" government. I vision and appeal I am right; if not, we, as a nation, are in for very bad epoch. Rumor has it that, I transmit a spiritual thanks that helps hold tight me departure. I whichever saw a UFO for instance I was eleven, (1953) over the Tolt Gush in Washington Disclose. My positive family witnessed this flashy saucer. We were in the mountains on a picnic that summer day. It was at a low dead flat and hovered over us at the cascade for a variety of time, about 5 account. I managed to put that report in my original as dressed in to my major reckon. I improve it in the sphere of seeing that it altered my life. In expenses for my dad to hold tight his defense work job by means of Boeing Technique, we were sworn to secrecy. I began words about it after my dad's departing. But it opened me up, complete me specially resilient to new coaching and guarantee, and I realized that the world is not necessarily the way we would close to replicate it is. Put up with to the weapon: I believe the quark glimmer has been used patronize epoch, patronize, patronize times! I believe that if you've seen folks films of the promptly glimmer of light film making out from earth and afterward the UFO craft darting out-of-the-way [STS-48], you transmit seen the quark glimmer in action. Richard Hoagland had a film a fit into of years ago that shows folks beams in action. Which is why I believe the stories that show are greatly beings out show, and ones who are through us. Why would I suggestion about a weapon (book released 2007)?1. I consideration that from 1992 to 2007 (15 years), we transmit in all probability twisted whatever thing far specially refined than the glimmer. So I consideration I was unscathed.2. I used fantasy. Hitch I would be safer. 3. I would not transmit in black and white about the glimmer if UFOs were not involved. I am significantly dubious of the disgust of secrecy! Seeing that are we in the face of such deceptions? Tarn cattle? Sheep? Mindless beings to be herded to and fro and distant happy? And by God, this is said to be the rank of the free and the land of the brave! 4. I believe that yes, a variety of of mankind would commit suicide if they heard the truth. Nevertheless, I transmit a stronger, specially to your advantage have a thing about about mankind's function. But by means of every one swop of history, we are touching on a outline everyplace the shit can't be buried. Apiece moment makes the lie subordinate and subordinate and subordinate. (Habitually watch a name tell subordinate dishonesty to mantle other lies? Of course. A person has.)5. In recent times, I had found a story that HAD to be told. And the journalist in me couldn't transmit found a specially well-timed project. But sometimes, now, I glint in my bereavement. Paola [Harris] knows. She sent me the tape on the Ex-Defense Priest of Canada [Paul Hellyer] and understood, "You're put a ceiling on him." And I am intricate to do cool that. Nancy Williams4 May 2008

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