I was at work and happened to be outside durning my break.I just happened to look up at the night sky looking at the stars. When something caught my eye. I wasnt sure what I saw in the sky. I thuoght it was an airplane at first.The object in question was flying from left to right. I thought it was a plane. Then Inoticed it didnt have a flashing light like a plane would have. I watched it go across the the sky, all of a sudden it stopped in mid flight. It hovered for about a minute or two. Then the object it flew towards my direction, stopped then flew right to left. I didnt know what to think. I was not sure what I had just seen.I was pretty sure that it wasnt a plane. I lost sight of it because it was flying behind trees. Also I was limited to one area.I could only go so far. I am pretty sure it wasnt a plane,because when the object was going in the other direction a plane happened to be flying in the oppisite direction of the object in question.