I just got finished reading an article, "Goodbye Ufology, Hello Truth" by James Carrion. In this article James compares(to the millionth degree) his courage of pursuing the truth in UFO land to Jesus' courage...yea right. So how does James Carrion, Ex- MUFON International Director do this Jesus courage thing?... Well... in one giant swoop, without the courtesy of presenting the specific evidence, James Carrion, trashes all of Ufology, NICAP, MUFON, and NIDS. His accusations include dishonest Ufologists, sloppy UFO investigations. He goes on with even more sensational accusations like intentional deceptions, outright frauds. But James doesn't stop there on his courage quest he attacks that naive group inside the UFO community, you know the ones, the ones who believe fervently ETs are the source of some UFOs.
James basically says he came into MUFON to pursue the truth. The article reads like a love story, a love story about James loving himself. This article was written by a man who could have changed MUFON but decided to walk away.
His pronouncements are neither unique nor original; just the same old clich'es repeated till they are eventually believed:
"No, I am not talking about some grandiose cover-up of alien visitation, but instead the documented manipulation of people and information for purposes that I can only speculate on. How do I unequivocally know this to be true? Well let me lay it out for you in laymen's terms. People are easily manipulated because we are all subject to the psychological pressures of ego, biased beliefs and tunnel vision. For example, those that KNOW that earth is being visited by aliens have blinders on and no amount of alternative explanation will convince them otherwise. They are the die hard in the wool believers for whom Ufology serves as a religion to confirm their beliefs that they take on faith. On the other end of the spectrum are the debunkers who must counter every claim with a reason why it can't be so, without bothering to examine the data or lift a finger in conducting original research of their own".
Below is the sentence in the quote that really got my blood burning:
"They are the die hard in the wool believers for whom Ufology serves as a religion to confirm their beliefs that they take on faith."
James see no nuances in the UFO community; just right, left and middle. To him there doesn't seem to be a human part of it. The above statement is completely devoid of sympathy or compassion for the large majority of people who are now a part of the UFO community, who've had close encounters with UFO crafts themselves.
Yes, what these people experienced shocked them to the core.
Yes, most honest UFO witnesses would like to make some sense of what happened, but no...
...no other alternate explanation put out there by you, or any of your counterparts, organizations or you name it, explains what so many of us have experienced. Many of us did not just see lights in the sky or mistaken aircraft.
Former US Air Force fighter pilot Milton Torres is convinced he had an encounter with an alien spaceship in the skies over England in the 1950s.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1078970/U-S-fighter-pilot-I-ordered-24-rockets-UFO-flying-East-Anglia.html#ixzz0kzjCdC3k
You and many others just don't seem to get that. No matter how many photos or videos or anything else is presented and then discounted we know there are strange craft. Many times we see photos and video that look strangely what we have witnessed. We meet people, who seem as honest as we are, that have claim to witnessed creatures or been through the trauma of abduction. We don't discount them we tend to believe at least some of them.
I know we need skeptics but how you convey the data is as important as getting the data out there. People who have had close encounters need to know that this earth shattering experience can be validated in some way external way. They tend not to believe skeptics because when your that close to something so truly phenomenal skeptics' explanations just don't ever seem cut it.
James, I am sad to say, portrays himself as a victim in all of this. Here he laments the sad story of his supposed Roswell find and the mistreatment of him by everyone else:
"Interestingly I also observed how my original research fell on deaf ears in the UFO community. When I suggested that the holy grail of Ufology, Roswell, could be part of an elaborate intelligence deception operation, not only did I encounter a wave of hostility from the "believers" but a backlash of silence, debunking and dismissal by even those "unbiased" researchers who claim to not stoop to such tactics."
James, do you honestly believe that the UFO community should have "stop the presses" on that hypothesis of yours? You write about everyone else's ego; how about yours? Be honest with yourself. I listen to your presentation on your pet theory that Roswell and Ted Arnold were disinformation campaigns by the government to send the Soviet Union on a wild goose chase. I thought Stanton's response to your contentions were handled well in a rebuttal article in the January 2010 MUFON Journal. Stanton made a good case countering your presentation at the symposium. An obvious point that Mr. Friedman made was, except for the newspaper articles about a new super secret weapon in 1947 there was nothing else of note to link it to Roswell or anything else. Roswell was a dead story and remained that way for decades; some ruse. Stanton also showed how, to make some brownie point,s you used the same old arguments and mistakes about the way Mogul was kept secret. "The Mogul balloons equipment was never classified and even the name "MOGUL" was well known, only the program's mission was classified."
James uses the same ploy used by debunkers. It's what I call " why didn't they do this" questions, which proves nothing, unless you can read minds in such a unique situation. But the bottom line James... your evidence wasn't persuasive enough. Even so,I don't think everyone was negative about what James presented. I seem to remember positive comments by some in the UFO community on James' blog and at the MUFON symposium. Of course, I could describe that group of people inside the UFO community as just a naive group of believers that will latch onto any explanation of Roswell as long as it's not involved Extra-Terrestrials or spaceships. A good argument can be made that some of those people who abhor the ET hypothesis have an obsession bordering on dogmatic religious belief.
After the victim bit, James lined up some UFO cases that had divided the UFO community, and that he proved "personally" to be hoaxes... really, just you James?...no one else helped you on these investigations?
James, you're a funny guy, the way you handled debunking the Stan Romenek case, what a great example of your humor. You did that whole public cloak and dagger number in your post...that could be funny bit. It was real cool with a kind of dark humor the way you had received the documents through some source that must remain anonymous. The problem is you must have known that handling the debunking of Stan in that way would hit some buttons in the UFO community. Is that the "poking of the phenomena" you write about in your article? I can't believe you never thought, that maybe some people were harassed by real cloak and dagger life UFO experiences? James did bring up some very valid points in his skeptical piece on Stan case. It was his arrogant tone and insensitivity that I believe turned so many people away. Was that what you wanted James to play martyr?
After listing some other hoaxes that he uncovered he mentions this:
2009 -" Unsettling information I discovered with Dr. Frank Salisbury about the Skinwalker Ranch that calls into question the validity of experiences de
scribed in the book "Hunt for the Skinwalker".
If Carrion had found damming evidence of Skinwalker affair, the first person he should have gone to discuss this with is Robert Bigelow. Or does James courage only allow him to go after the common UFO witness? Mr. Bigelow funded millions to purchase the "Skinwalker Ranch" to try a long term investigating of this and other phenomena. He had formed an organization the "National Institute Of Discovery Science"( NIDS). NIDS was a well funded team of open minded scientific investigators. Any data that was collected was suppose to be subjected to rigorous scientific analysis (no sloppy UFO researchers need apply).
What James forgot to mention was the Skinwalker affair was not handled or investigated by any UFO researcher linked to any old, tried and true UFO research organization. In fact, Bigelow didn't want any UFO investigators, including MUFON, on this case and on any other NIDS cases. The ranch was off limits to all UFO investigators and they were serious about it. Several activist " UFO researchers" were escorted off the property by NIDS guards when they got a little too close. So the "Skinwalker" research, sloppy as it had been, was carried out by NIDS scientists. In the end I do think some gook MUFON researchers could have done a better job.
The "Hunt for the Skinwalker" book had a strange relationship with NIDS in the first place. NIDS never put anything up on their web site about the ranch or the book. The book was put out with claims that NIDS hadn't supplied them with the evidence they collected at the ranch in time for printing, so they had to go to press without it.
As I reported a year ago, I questioned George Knapp about this and he promised a book would come out with all the evidence...I'm still waiting. The real question that comes up with James' accusation is motive? Is James Carrion suggesting that the owners of the ranch hoaxed James Bigelow? Does James suggest that the owner and the writers of "Hunt For Skinwalker" had lied or hoaxed the experiences to sell a book, the ranch or both? If this is what James is implying and has evidence these are career destroying accusations. We don't know at this time know what the damming evidence James has because James isn't telling us...but I am sure there will be a book published soon where James will let us all in on it
James criticizes the UFO community for coming to the defense of Roswell and other UFO witnesses, but isn't that the way it should be? Many of thesee witnesses deserve to be defended and where else will anyone come to their defense? There are hoaxers but we seem to weed them out eventually.
If you want to compare yourself to Jesus remember Jesus' legacy. He was into explaining the truth in loving terms. Jesus especially used loved and compassion toward the people with the least power. So who has the least power in our community James?
James, if you have this sensational evidence I am sure the UFO community wants to see it... so let the games begin.
Thank You
Joe Capp