Sunday, 9 March 2008

Gary Heseltin

Gary Heseltin
A British policeman has won an international award for his database of UFO sightings by UK police officers.Gary Heseltine's fascination with the unexplained in British skies began at the age of 15, when he spotted a mysterious bright light while walking his first girlfriend.Gary has been researching this subject since 2002. He has now amassed over 350 sightings between 1901 and 2008 involving over 700 British police officers. Gary's presentation will comprise of a brief history of how his research began before giving a selection of the types of cases contained on his PRUFOS Police Database website i.e. radar/visual, close encounters. He will also comment on recent UFO/ET developments in the UK. The Rendlesham 2012 ConferenceSunday June 17 at: 10am - 11.30pm. Tickets are lb20 each. Entry is strictly ticket only, tickets will be available on the door.Buy your tickets

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