Thursday, 28 February 2008
Ufo Sighting In Isleton California On August 4Th 2013 Saw Extremely Fast Moving Lights
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Why Did The Vatican Announce It Ok To Believe In Aliens
Fortean Alternative News Hunt For Siberian Yeti Strange Deaths And American Idol Ghost
VIDEO: JAPANESE Seashore Tour of duty Trip Polished TSUNAMI SideA Japanese Seashore Tour of duty video engaged as the ship crosses at all tsunami surf shows genuine how disingenuous these surf can be in the same way as riding them out in the sea. The front line of the fanfare appears as a wall of water. It's ghastly to regard on two levels. The first is the bodily importance of anxiety at seeing such a wall of water not far off from.We see that sea undiluted itself has risen up on the other side of the tsunami fanfare and the ship gently settles at home the what is now a new, but very quick norm. That's where the advanced ghastly of the realizations comes - that this new sea undiluted set is what was about to rub over the coastline of Japan. Bang for video Anonymous DEATHS Connected Later THAI Taverncalgarysun - A 59-year-old Edmontonian is now seventh on the list of mysterious deaths that particular hit tourists passing down in the dumps a Thailand chalet the same as January.Advertisement Mah died Jan. 26 in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand of "suspected mechanized evil" after vacationing in the inner-city for two weeks preceding.Buddy and lead husband Ken Fraser told freelance critic Andrew Drummond that at the same time as Mah was staying at the Contest Palace Tavern, he had hand-me-down facilities, including the swimming turn, at the Downtown Inn - a broad-spectrum opportunity together with six other dash who particular died in the quarter the same as January."His deficit is a perform mystery. He seemed fit prosperity in imitation of no history of place harms. We particular not been told his lead to of deficit. We a short time ago particular an signal report," Fraser told Drummond.Fraser supposed Mah has had no history of place harms and in the seven weeks the same as his deficit, no toxicology reports particular been returned."We particular pressed the Canadian consul to try and get answers for us," supposed Fraser. "I spill the beans Advertisement hand-me-down the facilities at the Downtown Inn to the same extent he asked me to go bestow in imitation of him but I had other luggage to do."On Jan. 24, Mah began to likes and dislikes straitlaced, irritable of lack of snooze due to chest hard work. He was engaged to the weird medical wing where Fraser says he was snobbish for 24 hours and tested for system of a place attack."The tests all came bet pessimistic. On the emergence of the 26th, the chest hard work were underneath and the doctor diagnosed him in imitation of in focus reflux and sent him loft," Fraser told Drummond."That dusk, in the same way as I checked on him, he was in bed sweating and clich that he was not perception well once again. Superior in the same way as I called on him, he came to the door but yet to be he can vacant it. I can experiment with him go bankrupt on the other side. We had to sparkle the door in."We tried to rekindle him in overweening. At the medical wing he was dense lifeless 15 proceedings after send back."Drummond reported that the Thailand Department for Infection Creation supposed so far bestow are no connections together with the deaths of cases examined of dash visiting Chiang Mai in January and February and no affiliation to the Downtown Inn.Chiang Mai Commissioner Pannada Disakul reportedly supposed the deaths were hazard.The Canadian Department of Curious Affairs told QMI Expenses on Sunday that it is easily upset of the Canadian deficit.
'AMERICAN IDOL' TOP 11 CONTESTANTS FREAKED OUT BY GHOSTS IN THEIR BuildingTMZ is reporting the "American Conqueror" Top 11 contestants particular gone the mansion!And it's to the same extent of "paranormal activity that sent the contestants over the procession." Apparently, at all of the "American Conqueror" contestants fight they "watched a bed folio brisk put up with on a life of its own and go down an empty hall."Several in the same way reported lights glistening in the Beverly Hills house. And bestow was a spider infestation. And a porous roof!TMZ in the same way reports the contestants motivated out Monday and are now staying in an surreptitious opportunity.This is not the first time "Conqueror" contestants particular complained of ghosts subsequent them encircling. In 2009, "Conqueror" competitor Allison Iraheta supposed she heard growls.Anoop Desai told Acumen Hollywood that the "Idols" particular named the soul Phyllis."(She) is genuine a melodious troublemaker. She bangs encircling and keeps dash disturbed. Allison hears whatever thing in her room altogether night. I don't spill the beans if someone's genuine creeping encircling in bestow or what."
Substitute TSUNAMI AttitudeConcerning is how the surf looked in the port of Oirase Village, Aomori Territory, in a video engaged from "wngad869," who immediately manages to escape at the end:Clcik for video
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Bud Hopkins Interview Ufo Abductions Aliens Author Researcher
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Stanley A Fulham
Stanley A. Fulham, un capit'an retirado de la Imperial Canadian Air Maneuver, muri'o el 19 de diciembre de 2010, tras una batalla con el c'ancer. Fulham atrajo la atenci'on sobre los ovnis y comunidad exopol'itica, con la reciente publicaci'on de su libro, "Desaf'ios del Cambio", donde hizo una serie de predicciones sobre la aparici'on de ovnis y vida extraterrestre. Stanley Arthur Fulham (Capt, ret. RCAF)
SU PREDICCI'oN ACERCA DE OVNIS SOBRE NUEVA YORK EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2010, ATRAJO LA ATENCI'oN DE LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACI'oN INTERNACIONALES CUANDO LOS OBJETOS NO IDENTIFICADOS SE PRESENTARON Y FUERON PRESENCIADOS POR MILES DE PERSONAS. El cierre de los tres principales aeropuertos de Nueva York en el mismo d'ia ha sido reclamado para ser vinculado con el avistamiento de ovnis.
Su siguiente conjunto de predicciones concerniente a los ovnis aparecidos en Mosc'uUFOs appearing over Moscow a principios de enero de 2011, est'an conectados con la aparici'on una semana m'as tarde de los ovnis aparecidos sobre Londres.
COMO LOS OVNIS APARECIERON EN MOSC'u Y LONDRES COMO FULHAM HAB'iA PREVISTO, ENTONCES TODAS LAS PREDICCIONES DE SU LIBRO HAN GANADO M'aS ATENCI'oN Y UN EXAMEN M'aS DETENIDO. ENTRE ELLAS SE ENCUENTRA SU PREDICCI'oN DE QUE LOS OVNIS SE APARECER'aN CON MAYOR INTENSIDAD Y FRECUENCIA EN EL A~nO 2011 Y QUE CULMINAR'a EN UN ENCUENTRO CARA A CARA ENTRE LOS EXTRATERRESTRES Y LOS L'iDERES M'aS IMPORTANTES DEL MUNDO DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS. Lo dijo en su declaraci'on p'ublica m'as reciente,most recent intimates publication El 3 de diciembre: Las intervenciones continuar'an y se acelerar'an, no tanto en nuestras ciudades, pero dispersas en nuestros continentes, con aumento de los avistamientos y de la duraci'on de los mismos.
"La intenci'on de estas intervenciones es aumentar la aceptaci'on de la humanidad de los fen'omenos extraterrestres, por lo que esperamos y estaremos dispuestos a aceptar UN ENCUENTRO CARA A CARA CON ESTRECHA COMUNICACI'oN, QUIZ'aS TAN Pronto COMO EL PR'oXIMO A~nO (2011)....OBJETIVO: UNA INTRODUCCI'oN DRAM'aTICA DE LA REALIDAD ALIENIGENA, EN APARIENCIA Bet LAS NACIONES UNIDAS. "
La noticia del fallecimiento del capit'an Fulham, fue divulgada por su familia despu'es de su entombment el 23 de Diciembre de 2010. Un obituario de la vida del capit'an Fulham se encuentran aqu'i. into.sitio web de Stanley Fulham con art'iculos, entrevistas e informaci'on sobre su libro que est'a disponible aqu'i. away into.
Algunos art'iculos sobre Stanley Fulham:
* OVNIs previstos en Mosc'u y Londres para Enero de 2011
* ?Est'a la FAA encubriendo que los retrasos en los vuelos es debido al avistamiento OVNI en Nueva York?
* Oficial retirado del NORAD predice con exactitud apariciones de ovnis en las principales ciudades
* UFOs predicted over Moscow and London in January 2011
* Is FAA film up flight delays due to New York UFO sighting?
* Retired NORAD supervisor smoothly predicts UFO appearances over foul cities
A~nadir leyenda
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Surprising Finding Evidence Of Water Ice On Mercury
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Ufo Sighting In Maryland On August 1St 2013 Observed A Bright Yellow Light Behind Two Seperate Clouds On Opposite Sides Of The Sky
UFO Figures
UFO Figures on Facebook
Figures In simple terms For You
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
The Ufo Cover Up Part 3
Monday, 4 February 2008
Nasa Has Known About Ufos
Popular are dependable quotes from the NASA Scheme Broadcasts from the astronauts.
"At no time, because the astronauts were in space were they alone: here was a steadfast surveillance by UFOs."
--NASA's Scott Carpenter
"I belief that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which unavoidably are a undeveloped trimming technically erudite than we are present on View." --Colonel L. Gordon Cooper (Mercury 9, Gemini-5 Astronaut)
"Scheme control, We hold a UFO pacing our column, want instructions!"
-- Astronaut Cady Coleman NASAtransmission shuttle vacancy STS-73
"In my official ceremony, I cannot denigration on ET contact. However, instinctively, I can steady you, we are not alone!
--Charles J. Camarda (Ph.D.) NASA Astronaut
"All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, any at a separate from and sometimes equally comparatively precisely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial rummage - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you hardship to pay a quick visit them by that yell. One time it occurred, the astronauts informed Scheme Convene, who with sensible plane mute."
--Maurice Chatelain, preceding fundamental of NASA Communications Systems.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Ovnis Sobre Madrid Espaa 4 Jun 2011
Testigo del presente informe: "Yo soy de Espa~na y voy a tratar de explicar mi experiencia en Ingl'es. Yo estaba en Madrid con unos amigos cuando vimos dos luces. Al principio pens'abamos que eran aviones, pero luego nos dimos cuenta que est'abamos equivocados. Las luces eran brillantes y los objetos se encontraban en la misma posici'on todo el tiempo. Vimos a unos diez objetos. Les observ'o con prism'aticos y wow! eran esf'ericas y con una luz brillante. Y que aparecen y desaparecen como por encanto. Pude observar con los prism'aticos que cuando los objetos parecen, no era como una puerta en el aire muy cerca de ellos."Pude grabar uno de estos objetos con mi m'ovil. Es real! Lo m'as sorprendente es que al worst de la grabaci'on, el objeto desaparece. ?Podr'ia alguien explicarme esto?"Autor: Ignaciofuente: sometido a
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