BY JACK BRUMMET, PARANORMAL AND UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA EDITORIN 1969, THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE CLOSED DOWN its research into unidentified flying objects (Code named Project Bluebook). The National Archives now handles the Freedom of Information Act requests that come from UFOlogists. The National Archives has a standard line for the many requests they receive for information related to the Roswell UFO crash: "The National Archives has been unable to locate any documentation among the Project BLUE BOOK records which discuss the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico."THE OFFICIAL LINE IS THAT THE AIR FORCE RESEARCH did not locate or at least disclose any information that the "Roswell Incident," as they like to call it, was a UFO event nor was there any indication of a "cover-up" by the Government. Information obtained through exhaustive records searches and interviews indicated that the materials recovered near Roswell was consistent with a balloon devise of the type used in a then classified project. No records indicated or even hinted that the recovery of "alien" bodies or extraterrestrial materials. THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES HAS LITTLE TO OFFER UFO researchers other than official reports, a few documents, and the studies by the University of Colorado that led to the abandonment of the Bluebook project. Since the FOIA became law, researchers have prodded and poked, and come up with bupkus. The following documents show a researcher trying to get William S. Sessions, director of the FBI, to dig a little deeper. The researchers well-realized--as the letters show--that they surmise that anything of real substance about Roswell, UFOs, or Aliens probably never actually got to Project Bluebook, and instead went to other government agencies that have managed to keep any substantial information out of the public eye.THE FOLLOWING US AIR FORCE FACT SHEET was distributed by Wright-Patterson AFB in January 1985.UNITED STATES AIR FORCEPUBLIC AFFAIRS DIVISION,WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB,OHIO 45433"UFOS " a review of the University of Colorado's report by the National Academy of Sciences; past UFO studies and Air Force experience investigating UFO reports during the 40s, '50s, and '60s.""As a result of these investigations and studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project BLUE BOOK are:(1) no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security;(2) there has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge; and(3) there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" are extraterrestrial vehicles.""With the termination of Project BLUE BOOK, the Air Force regulations establishing and controlling the program for investigating and analyzing UFOs were rescinded. Documentation regarding the former BLUE BOOK investigation has been permanently transferred to the Military Reference Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408, and is available for public review and analysis.""Since Project BLUE BOOK was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOS. Because of the considerable cost to the Air Force in the past, and the tight funding of Air Force needs today, there is no likelihood the Air Force will become involved with UFO investigation again.""There are a number of universities and professional scientific organizations, such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which have considered UFO phenomena during periodic meetings and seminars. In addition, a list of private organizations interested in aerial phenomena my be found in Gayle's Encyclopedia of Associations (edition 8, vol-. 1, pp. 432-433). Such timely review of the situation by private groups ensures that sound evidence will not be overlooked by the scientific community.""A person calling the base to report a UFO is advised to contact a private or professional organization (as mentioned above) or to contact a local law enforcement agency if the caller feels his or public safety is endangered.""Periodically, it is erroneously stated that the remains of extraterrestrial visitors are or have been stored at Wright-Patterson AFB. There are not now nor ever have been, any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base."
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Atit Reheated Freedom Of Information Act Requests On Aliens And Ufos From The Air Forcproject Bluebook
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