The HUFFINGTON POST discovered a referrence to UFOS in a 2008 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE document - and wrote about it. Now, this week, that USAF document has been "updated" and there is no mention of UFOS again.
The doc in question is AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 10-206. It advises pilots, radar operators, and other Air Force personnel on what they should do if they encounter any unknown strange objects, i.e. UFOS. Now in the 2011 version, the reference to UFOS has been dropped.
Just for the record. PROJECT BLUE BOOK was stopped in 1969.
As early as September 2011, USAF personnel were advised to note the following information about any UFO... quote: "altitude, direction of travel, speed, description of flight path and maneuvers, what first called attention to the object, how long was the object visible and how did the object disappear?"
Eyes in the sky and on the ground were commanded to treat a UFO as they would if they had seen a missile, hostile aircraft or unidentified submarine. end quote.
For more information, please read the entire article on HUFFINGTON POST. "Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After Huffington Post Inquiry" by LEE SPEIGEL. OCtober 19, 2011".1. Huffington Post. "Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After Huffington Post Inquiry" by Lee Speigel. OCtober 19, 2011. ( n 982128.html#s283323&title=UFO Over Holloman).
Sunday, 18 May 2014
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